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卵泡发育的激素调节研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
卵泡的发育经历了早期的发育、有腔卵泡的生长、优势卵泡的选择以及卵泡成熟排卵等过程。在一个发情周期中,数以万计的原始卵泡发育到排卵阶段时排卵数仅占原始卵泡总数的0.1%-0.2%,绝大数与产仔率有着极大的正相关,要提高产仔率就要防止卵泡闭锁,增加排卵数。而激素调节伴随着卵泡发育的始终,其中垂体促性腺激素和甾体激素可促进卵母细胞的生长、卵母细胞的增殖和卵泡腔的形成,在卵泡发育的过程中起着至关重要的作用。本文主要就促性腺激素、甾体激素和抑制素在卵泡发育中调节作一综述。  相似文献   

一、动物优势卵泡的选择 哺乳动物每个发情周期中有多个卵泡生长发育,腔前卵泡阶段不需要FSH的作用,可进行性地发育到有腔卵泡形成时期,FSH促使其形成腔。排卵前FSH的唯一作用是刺激雌二醇致敏的腔前卵泡~(1-4),同时使上个周期的有腔卵泡迅速发育起来,但并非所有的卵泡都能排卵,这就涉及到哪些卵泡终将成为优势卵泡的问题。 牛在每个发情周期中,有2~3个卵泡发育波,每个波中只有1~2个卵泡变为优势卵泡,其它卵泡则闭锁~(5-9)。目前认为FSH不足以支持所有排卵前卵泡发育,尽管同一时间发育的卵泡受相同血液循环供应,但每个卵泡微环境仍有差异,健康卵泡具有较高雌二醇/雄激素转换比率和较多FSH及LH等受体~(10-,11)。排卵前的  相似文献   

细胞凋亡是细胞程序性死亡过程,在生殖细胞的发生过程中具有重要作用。哺乳动物卵母细胞在生长发育过程中,除排卵受精的成熟卵母细胞外,其他卵母细胞在卵泡发育的不同阶段凋亡。作者综述了卵母细胞的发育与细胞凋亡、细胞凋亡的主要参与分子及凋亡途径等研究进展,旨在为进一步研究哺乳动物卵母细胞的生长、发育和排卵机制提供帮助。  相似文献   

母猪的卵泡发育对其发情、排卵等繁殖性能有重要影响,受自身与外界环境的复杂调控.本文介绍了猪卵泡发育过程,对不同生长阶段母猪卵泡的发育特征以及影响卵泡发育的因素进行了综述,以期为实际生产中提高母猪繁殖力提供借鉴.  相似文献   

促卵泡激素(FSH)能够刺激有腔卵泡的继续生长和发育成熟,在母畜发情前期开始以减量法多次(6-8次)大剂量注射FSH可促进可能退化的卵泡发育成熟,其排卵数量可超过正常排卵数,可为牛、羊胚胎工程研究与生产应用中在有限的母畜获得大量胚胎提供了可能。由于FSH的生物学半衰期较短,  相似文献   

哺乳动物腔前卵泡的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
哺乳动物的卵巢中,含有数万个卵泡.其中绝大部分为原始卵泡、初级卵泡和次级卵泡等腔前卵泡。然而能发育到成熟并排卵的卵泡为数甚少,约99.9%的卵泡在腔前卵泡阶段闭锁、退化,这无疑是动物遗传和育种资源的极大损失。目前,卵母细咆是休外受精胚胎移植、性别控制、胚胎分割、动物克隆和转基凶等胚胎生物技术研究和开发必不可少的材料,卵母细胞来源匮乏成为制约这些技术研究进展的主要因素,因此卵巢腔前卵泡的开发无疑是解决这一难题的有效途径。本文介绍了腔前卵泡研究的历史和现状以及最新的研究情况.目的是为有关的研究工作提供有益的启示和参考。  相似文献   

目前 ,动物腔前卵泡的体外培养正日益受到重视 ,并已取得了较大进展 ,已建立的培养体系可成功地使腔前卵泡发育到有腔阶段 ,猪、山羊等已可实现腔前卵泡卵母细胞体外成熟 ,体外受精并发育至囊胚阶段。但有关腔前卵泡体外成熟的机制仍不明了。本文通过对体内发育与体外培养之卵泡及其卵母细胞超微结构进行比较 ,从微细结构上客观评定体外培养卵泡的形态、活力、代谢状况及功能完整性 ,界定体外生长卵泡所处发育阶段 ,从而为确立和完善腔前卵泡体外培养体系并最终选择高质量的卵母细胞进行体外受精提供可靠的理论依据。1 体内发育卵泡及其卵…  相似文献   

奶牛定时排卵、输精技术试验初报   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
<正>母畜周期性发情的实质是卵泡与黄体的交替发育。奶牛定时排卵、输精技术是根据卵泡发育波理论,在发情周期的初期(第7天),第一批卵泡已发育至排卵前大小时注射GnRH(LRH),既能促进这些卵泡排卵并形成黄体,又可以促进新一波卵泡的发育。  相似文献   

<正>母畜周期性发情的实质是卵泡与黄体的交替发育。奶牛定时排卵、输精技术是根据卵泡发育波理论,在发情周期的初期(第7天),第一批卵泡已发育至排卵前大小时注射GnRH(LRH),既能促进这些卵泡排卵并形成黄体,又可以促进新一波卵泡的发育。  相似文献   

哺乳动物出生时,卵巢中存在大量处于成熟分裂前期的原始卵泡卵母细胞。以牛为例,母牛在出生时,其卵巢上的原始卵泡数有数百万个,随着母牛年龄的增长其数量下降,在原始卵泡中不断有一些卵泡在发育的过程中闭锁退化。在母牛达到初情期以后,周期性地有卵泡发育成熟并排卵。在母牛有效繁殖年限内,卵巢上发育为有腔卵泡的数量(无论是退化的还是排卵的)只占原始卵泡库极少比例,绝大多数卵母细胞均未被利用,造成遗传资源的浪费。  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate dynamics of dominant and subordinate follicles' change of dimensions, vascularity, and angiogenic hormones from deviation to ovulation. Ten cyclic mares were subjected to daily blood sampling and Doppler examination along two estrous cycles. Three diameters were recorded for each follicle to estimate its area and volume. Leptin, insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-1), nitric oxide (NO) and estradiol were measured. Area of color and power Doppler modes with antral area and circumference of all follicles was measured in pixels. Follicles were classified into first large preovulatory follicle (1st F-ov), second large (2nd F-ov), and third large (3rd F-ov) on the ovulating ovary and on the contralateral nonovulating ovary into first (1st F-contra) and second large (2nd F-contra). Days before ovulation significantly (P < .0001) affected all dimensions of preovulatory follicle. With the increase of diameter, area, volume, area in pixel, antrum area, and circumference of 1st F-ov, those of all subordinates were decreasing. The blue flow area, power, and power minus red blood flow area of 1st F-ov increased from day −6 till day of ovulation (day 0), but red blood flow area significantly decreased. First large follicle had the lowest percent of colored pixels and percent of the colored pixels without antrum. Estradiol and leptin increased from day −6 till day 0, but IGF-1 decreased till day −1 and NO achieved a peak on day −3 then decreased till day 0. In conclusion, antrum growth, blood flow, and angiogenic hormones play a role in maturation and ovulation of the dominant follicle in mares.  相似文献   

A conclusion derived from the slaughter of 69 gilts was that no role was played by the time intervals tested between puberty induction, using 500 IU of PMS and 250 IU HCG, and subsequent action to stimulate ovulation. Very good follicle maturation and follicle formation as well as the usual uterus and ovary weights were observed, no matter whether 500 IU of HCG were injected to stimulate ovulation 54, 72 or 78 hours after puberty had been induced. Ovulation was very efficiently synchronised by 500 IU of HCG in all three groups in which the ovulation figures relative to follicle formation 120 hours from puberty induction were 92.6, 94.6 or 92.7 per cent.  相似文献   

一氧化氮与卵母细胞发育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一氧化氮(NO)是一种在生物体内具有多种生物学效应的气体自由基。论文根据国内外研究资料,介绍了NO的发现、生物学特性、作用途径,着重阐述了NO在卵巢组织中的分布以及NO与卵母细胞的发生、成熟、排卵和卵泡细胞凋亡与卵泡闭锁的关系。  相似文献   

一氧化氮(NO)是一种重要的多功能因子,能够介导许多生理功能,其中包括不同的生殖过程,如调节卵泡的发育、排卵、卵母细胞减数分裂的成熟等。虽然近年来科学家对NO在卵巢生理功能方面的影响有了初步的认识,但是NO作用的准确机理尚需深入探讨。今后的研究目标是要证实卵巢机能不良是否与NO合成相关,以及是否能通过NO治疗克服这些缺陷。文章着重介绍了NO对下丘脑垂体水平的影响,以及对卵巢生理功能(类固醇激素合成,卵泡生长,排卵,黄体的功能和衰退等)调控的研究进展。  相似文献   

It is important to get mares pregnant as early as possible after vernal transition and thus, identification signs of impending 1st ovulation of the year are warranted. To identify clinical indicators of an approaching first ovulation of the year, mares were teased with a stallion for oestrous detection starting January 3 and subjected to ultrasonographic examination. Day of first appearance of uterus oedema, follicular wall invagination, intrafollicular echogenicity, double contour of the follicle wall, increase in granulosa thickness, follicular wall hyperechogenicity and appearance of pear‐shaped follicles was registered, as well as follicle diameter and number. Seventy per cent of the mares had anovulatory oestrous periods of 4.6 ± 3.6 days, with an interoestroual interval of 12.5 ± 12.2 days. Number of anovulatory oestruses per mare was 2.4 ± 2.3. Uterine oedema occurred in 77% of the mares, 32.4 ± 25.6 days before ovulation. Invagination of the follicular wall appeared in 44.4% of the animals, 24.5 ± 18.4 days before ovulation. Intrafollicular echogenicity was seen in all mares and double contour of the follicle was seen in 77% of the animals. Both last two characteristics appeared 1–72 days before ovulation. Increased thickness of the granulosa occurred in 66% of the mares, 1–19 days before ovulation. Pear‐shaped follicles and follicular wall hyperechogenicity were detected 3 or less days before the first ovulation, in 44.4% and 55.5% of mares, respectively. Mean number of follicles >15 mm decreased at least 16 days before ovulation. We concluded that no isolated characteristic was a reliable indicator. However, increase in granulosa thickness, formation of a pear‐shaped follicle and follicular wall hyperechogenicity, associated with the reduction of the number of follicles >15 mm in diameter to <3, resulted in the first ovulation of the year in 44–67% of the transitional mares, 1–19 days after the characteristics appeared.  相似文献   

We reviewed recent in vivo studies of the real-time changes in the vasculature of the follicle wall during selection of the dominant follicle as well as during ovulation in cows. Changes in follicle diameter and vascularity were determined by transrectal ultrasonography. Blood flow within the walls of the two largest follicles was detected at the time of wave emergence (largest follicle=5 mm in diameter). Before selection of a follicle (largest follicle <8.5 mm in diameter), the degrees of vascularity of the two largest follicles were not significantly different. After the largest follicle reached a diameter of 10 mm, the vascularity of the largest (dominant) follicle was higher than that of the second largest (subordinate) follicle. In the preovulatory follicle, follicular vascularity gradually increased, and as ovulation approached, the LH-surge induced an increase in blood flow within the follicle wall. The above results suggest that maintenance of follicular vasculature and appropriate blood supplies to follicles are essential for establishment of follicular dominance. Consequently, only a dominant follicle with high vascularity may have a chance to reach final maturation and acquire ovulatory capacity.  相似文献   

Ewes from selected lines of sheep from each of two breeds, Finns (high ovulation rate, low ovulation rate and control lines with respective ovulation rates of 5.4, 2.7 and 3.3) and Merinos (T Merinos selected for increased ovulation rate and control Merinos with respective ovulation rates of 1.9 and 1.2) were used to examine how selection to alter ovulation rate had altered follicle development. Ovarian antral follicles were counted, measured, classified as nonatretic or atretic (more than five pyknotic bodies). The growth of ovulatory follicles in vivo, followed by repeated follicle ink marking, also was compared in the three lines of Finns. Regardless of breed, ewes selected for high ovulation rate had a similar number of antral follicles and a similar extent of atresia compared with their controls. Alterations induced by selection were located in the last stages of folliculogenesis. T Merinos exhibited a lower proportion of atretic follicles among follicles greater than 3 mm and a larger diameter of the largest healthy follicle when preovulatory follicles were excluded. High-line Finn ewes recruited more follicles, which produced smaller preovulatory follicles, each containing a smaller number of granulosa cells compared with either the low- or control-line ewes. Hence, physiological selection for high ovulation rate raised it by different methods in Merino than in Finn ewes.  相似文献   

Synchronization of the oestrous cycle of gilts using altrenogest treatment has been found to increase ovulation rate. The current experiment investigated if the increase in ovulation rate after altrenogest treatment is related to increased follicle size at the end of altrenogest treatment compared with late luteal phase follicles. Crossbred gilts (n = 15) received altrenogest during 18 days [20 mg Regumate (Janssen Animal Health, Beerse, Belgium)], starting 5-7 days after onset of first oestrus. Control gilts (n = 15) did not receive altrenogest. At days 10-12 of the oestrous cycle [i.e. in the presence of corpora lutea (CL)], average follicle development was 2.51 +/- 0.20 mm (assessed with ultrasound) in altrenogest-treated gilts and 2.58 +/- 0.16 mm in control gilts (p > 0.10). During the last days of altrenogest treatment (i.e. when CL had gone into regression), average follicle size had increased to 3.01 +/- 0.31 mm (p < 0.05). Subsequent ovulation rate was 16.6 +/- 1.7 in altrenogest treated gilts and 15.1 +/- 1.2 in control gilts (p < 0.05). Altrenogest treatment resulted in increased follicle size after regression of the CL, showing that suppression of follicle growth by altrenogest alone is less severe than suppression by endogenous progesterone (either with or without altrenogest). Altrenogest treatment also resulted in a higher ovulation rate. However, it is unclear if the increased follicle size and higher ovulation rate after altrenogest treatment are causally related, as the relation between the two on an animal level was not significant.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to determine whether treatment with varying doses of recombinant equine follicle stimulating hormone (reFSH) stimulates the development of multiple follicles and ovulations and increases the number of embryos recovered in the mare. Therefore, because reFSH can be cloned in repeatable, sizeable quantities, it could be used as a tool to enhance superovulation in mares. In experiment 1, the number of preovulatory follicles, ovulations, and embryos recovered per flush was greater in the 0.85 mg reFSH group than in the control group; however, the embryo per ovulation rates were similar. Plasma inhibin and estradiol concentrations were greater in treated mares around the time of ovulation as compared with the control group, whereas concentrations of luteinizing hormone remained low throughout the treatment, ovulation, and postovulation. In treated mares, concentrations of follicle stimulating hormone increased during therapy and before ovulation, but decreased postovulation. In experiment 2, varying doses of reFSH (0.35, 0.50, and 0.65 mg) and 12.5 mg of Bioniche equine follicle stimulating hormone (eFSH) increased the number of preovulatory follicles as compared with control group. The greatest number of ovulations was induced by treatment with 12.5 mg eFSH, 0.5 mg reFSH, and 0.65 mg reFSH. The highest number of embryos recovered per flush was found with treatments of eFSH and 0.65 mg reFSH. However, the embryo per ovulation rates were similar in all treatment groups, including the control group. In experiment 3, reFSH (0.5 and 0.85 mg) and eFSH (12.5 mg) given twice daily showed a similar increase in the number of pre-ovulatory follicles and ovulations. A single daily treatment of reFSH (0.85 mg) as well as the twice daily dose of eFSH was determined to increase follicular activity. In conclusion, reFSH was as effective as eFSH in increasing the number of follicles ≥35 mm, ovulation rates, and embryo recovery rates per flush compared with the control group.  相似文献   

Recent studies (2005–2008) on the interrelationships among the preovulatory follicle and periovulatory circulating hormones are reviewed. Close temporal and mechanistic relationships occur between estradiol/inhibin and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), between estradiol and luteinizing hormone (LH), and between progesterone and LH. Estradiol from the dominant follicle forms a surge that reaches a peak 2 days before ovulation. Estradiol, as well as inhibin, has a negative effect on FSH, and estradiol has a negative effect on LH. When estradiol decreases, the negative effect diminishes and accounts for the beginning of an FSH increase and a transition from a slow to rapid increase in LH on the day of the estradiol peak. The decrease in estradiol and the reduction or cessation in the growth of the preovulatory follicle beginning 2 days before ovulation are attributable to the development of a reciprocal negative effect of LH on follicle estradiol production when LH reaches a critical concentration. The LH decrease after the peak of the LH surge on the day after ovulation is related to a negative effect of a postovulatory increase in progesterone. Measurable repeatability within mares between consecutive estrous cycles occurs during the preovulatory period in diameter of the ovulatory follicle and concentrations of LH and FSH. Hormone-laden follicular fluid passes into the peritoneal cavity at ovulation and transiently alters the circulating concentrations of LH and FSH. Double ovulations are associated with greater estradiol concentrations and reduced concentrations of FSH.  相似文献   

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