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热带东太平洋海域拟锥齿鲨的繁殖生物学特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘维  戴小杰 《南方水产》2008,4(2):21-25
研究根据科学观察员在热带东太平洋海域2次调查,调查时间和海域分别为2003年7~11月的03°S~17°S,96°W~146°W范围,2006年2~11月的05°N~10°S,134°W~173°W范围。调查共测定了202尾拟锥齿鲨(Pseudocarcharias kamoharai)的样本,并对其进行分析。结果表明,拟锥齿鲨全长(TL)与全重(W)的关系,雌性是W=9×10^-5TL^2.3116,雄性是W=9×10^-6TL^2.9007。其雌雄性比接近1:1。雌性拟锥齿鲨的总性腺重量随体长增加而增加,增加幅度较大;雌性拟锥齿鲨性成熟的最小TL约为89cm,雄性大约在85~100cm。雌体怀仔数量平均为3.85尾。出生时的TL约为40cm左右。  相似文献   

利用漂流金枪鱼延绳钓作业方式,于2018年6月~2019年3月对热带中西太平洋海域(WCPO,2°03''S~11°17''S,163°14''E~173°35''E)的大眼金枪鱼(Thunnus obesus)进行了取样,对其中886尾进行了繁殖生物学测定。使用广义线性模型(GLM)和有序多元Logistic回归模型,结合圆形统计方法,分析个体叉长等生物因素、渔获水深和月度等时空因素对繁殖生物学参数的影响。结果表明: 雄性和雌性平均叉长分别为132.2(±19.1) cm和125.4(±16.8) cm;取样群体中,雌雄比为0.54(±0.74),且叉长与雌雄比具有负相关关系(r=0.323, P =0.003),叉长大于140 cm后,雄性占主导;GLM模型结果显示,性腺指数(GSI)与叉长之间存在显著的二次方关系(P<0.001),即个体GSI随着叉长增加,当雄性和雌性叉长分别达到130~140 cm和140~150 cm后GSI随叉长下降;基于圆形统计发现,月度对个体GSI具有显著影响,其中雄性GSI上半年较下半年高(正弦显著,P<0.001),而雌性GSI年末和年初高于年中(余弦显著,P=0.021);有序多元Logistic模型结果显示,性腺成熟度随叉长显著增加(P<0.001),雄性性腺成熟度在5~7月较高(余弦显著,P=0.004);此外,栖息水层对雄性个体的性腺成熟度具有显著的影响(正相关,P<0.001);雄性和雌性个体50%性成熟叉长分别为96.13(?1.24) cm和104.93(?2.60) cm。研究结果为更好地了解热带WCPO大眼金枪鱼的繁殖生物学特征、科学养护热带WCPO大眼金枪鱼资源提供参考。  相似文献   

东太平洋热带海域大青鲨繁殖生物学特征   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
戴小杰 《水产学报》2005,29(4):565-569
人青鲨(Prionace glauca)是一种大型中上层鲨鱼,隶属于真鲨目、真鲨科、人青鲨属.广泛分布在全球热带和温带海域,最大全长可达到300cm,在南海和东海亦有记录。该鱼生活在海洋上层和沿岸海域。大青鲨是金枪鱼延绳钓渔业的重要兼捕对象,占兼捕猫鱼总渔获尾数的50%,是大西洋公海金枪鱼延绳钓兼捕渔获物中的优势鱼种,  相似文献   

利用延绳钓作业方式,于2018年5月—2019年2月对热带中西太平洋海域(163°14'E—173°35'E,2°03'S—11°17'S)的黄鳍金枪鱼(Thunnus albacares)进行了取样.对取样的919尾黄鳍金枪鱼叉长进行了组成和性比分析,对其中的551尾进行了摄食生物学研究,并使用方差分析(ANOVA)...  相似文献   

金枪鱼广泛分布于太平洋、印度洋、大西洋三大洋区的热带、亚热带及温带海域,其中太平洋是世界金枪鱼渔业的主要渔场,产量占金枪鱼总产量的65%左右,作业渔场主要在太平洋岛国及其专属经济区,且保持着较明显的增长势头,开发前景良好。  相似文献   

根据2007年12月~2008年3月采集的热带大西洋(05°37′~12°01′N、29°00′~36°51′W)金枪鱼延绳钓渔获物数据,分析了金枪鱼延绳钓兼捕鲨鱼的种类组成、渔获量、渔获率及其与表温的关系。本次调查共捕获鲨鱼8种,隶属3目7科7属,总渔获尾数为633 ind,总渔获量达26 837.4 kg,其中大青鲨为主要兼捕种类。各种鲨鱼渔获率平均值在0.003~1.524 ind/1 000 hooks之间,其中大青鲨最高,其值为1.524 ind/1 000 hooks,大眼砂锥齿鲨最低,其值为0.003 ind/1 000 hooks。各种鲨鱼渔获率月变化不明显(ANOVA,P=0.901)。鲨鱼总渔获率和大青鲨渔获率与表温都呈显著性负相关。大青鲨主要出现渔场的表温范围为24.6~25.8℃。  相似文献   

为了解热带中西太平洋海域大眼金枪鱼(Thunnus obesus)的摄食生态学特性,利用金枪鱼延绳钓作业方式,于2018年5月—2019年2月期间,对该海域(2°03′S~11°17′S、163°14′E~173°35′E)的682尾大眼金枪鱼进行了食性分析,并使用方差分析(ANOVA)和有序多元Logistic回归模型,结合圆形统计方法分析了叉长、性别、性腺指数等生物因素以及渔获水深、月相等时空因素对摄食生态位宽度和摄食强度的影响。结果表明:1)叉长范围在81~195 cm的大眼金枪鱼雌雄个体的性别比例为1∶1.85;2)空胃率为25.4%,而在非空胃的个体胃含物中,枪乌贼属(Loligo sp.)、虾类和沙丁鱼属(Sardina sp.)的出现频率较高,依次为40.3%、39.7%、30.1%;3)个体摄食强度以0~2级为主,空胃率随着叉长的增加而增加,高摄食强度的比例随着渔获水深的增加而增加;4)方差分析(ANOVA)结果显示,性别、叉长、月相等因素对Shannon-Wiener多样性指数H′和Pielou均匀度指数J均没有显著影响,但渔获水深对J具有显著影响(P=0.024);...  相似文献   

利用2012—2019年中国金枪鱼延绳钓渔业观察员计划获取的数据,采用α多样性指标分析了中东太平洋海域鲨鱼的物种多样性,并利用广义加性模型分析了其栖息地偏好。结果表明,中东太平洋金枪鱼延绳钓渔业兼捕鲨鱼共20种,主要种类为大青鲨(Prionace glauca)和镰状真鲨(Carcharhinus falciformis)。中东热带太平洋和东南太平洋海域的鲨鱼物种组成相似,但中东热带太平洋鲨鱼物种均匀度更高,且热带海域的鲨鱼生物多样性高于温带地区。鲨鱼的物种丰富度和Shannon多样性指数受栖息地环境影响,存在较大的时空差异。鲨鱼群落更倾向于栖息在具有较高生产力水平(叶绿素浓度0.10 mg·m~(-3))和海平面距平偏低(海平面距平值0 m)的温水(海表面温度25℃)海域。研究利用α多样性指数识别了以中东太平洋赤道水域(10°N~5°S、110°W~130°W)为主的鲨鱼物种多样性热点区域,有助于了解大洋生态系统鲨鱼物种多样性的时空分布特征,为制定针对鲨鱼的养护管理措施提供科学参考。  相似文献   

运用生产力-易捕率指数对10种热带太平洋鲨鱼种群的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
热带太平洋是全球产量最高的金枪鱼渔场,大洋性鲨鱼种群遭受金枪鱼渔业的影响受到国际社会的高度关注。由于缺少渔业统计资料,一般难以运用标准的资源评估方法对这些兼捕的种类进行评估。笔者运用种群生产力-易捕率分析(productivity-susceptibility analysis,PSA)方法,对热带太平洋10种鲨鱼遭受金枪鱼延绳钓渔业影响的风险程度进行比较分析,并计算风险指数(vulnerability)。风险指数从低到高的种类依次为锤头双髻鲨(Sphyrna zygaena)、路氏双髻鲨(S.lewini)、无沟双髻鲨(S.mokarran)、尖吻鲭鲨(Isurus oxyrinchus)、狐形长尾鲨(Alopias vulpinus)、长鳍真鲨(Carcharhinus longimanus)、大青鲨(Prionace glauca)、镰状真鲨(C.falciformis)、浅海长尾鲨(A.pelagicus)、大眼长尾鲨(A.superciliosus),表明大眼长尾鲨种群受延绳钓渔业影响而遭受过度捕捞的潜在风险最高,垂头双髻鲨的风险最低。该研究结果可以为热带太平洋金枪鱼延绳钓渔业的管理和生态系统保护提供科学参考。  相似文献   

宋利明  惠明明 《海洋渔业》2012,34(2):145-153
利用2006年10月至次年1月在马绍尔群岛海域与2009年10~12月和2010年11月至次年1月在吉尔伯特群岛海域延绳钓探捕所取得的黄鳍金枪鱼(Thunnus albacares)的生物学数据,应用统计学方法对两个海域的黄鳍金枪鱼生物学特性进行分析、比较。结果表明:(1)马绍尔群岛海域和吉尔伯特群岛海域黄鳍金枪鱼的优势叉长分别为120~140 cm和100~140 cm,平均叉长分别为(129±1.08)cm和(119±0.78)cm,差异性显著;(2)性别比例(雄性∶雌性)分别约为1.07∶1和1.40∶1,无显著性差异;(3)马绍尔群岛海域黄鳍金枪鱼的性腺成熟度高于吉尔伯特群岛北部海域,吉尔伯特群岛北部海域黄鳍金枪鱼的性腺成熟度高于南部;(4)摄食等级均以0和1级为主,其中马绍尔群岛海域分别占48.31%和35.96%,吉尔伯特群岛海域分别占27.91%和40.70%,无显著性差异;(5)两海域原条鱼重与叉长的关系无显著性差异;(6)马绍尔群岛海域的黄鳍金枪鱼可能是从吉尔伯特群岛海域洄游过去的。  相似文献   

Hypoxia-based habitat compression of tropical pelagic fishes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Large areas of cold hypoxic water occur as distinct strata in the eastern tropical Pacific (ETP) and Atlantic oceans as a result of high productivity initiated by intense nutrient upwelling. We show that this stratum restricts the depth distribution of tropical pelagic marlins, sailfish, and tunas by compressing the acceptable physical habitat into a narrow surface layer. This layer extends downward to a variable boundary defined by a shallow thermocline, often at 25 m, above a barrier of cold hypoxic water. The depth distributions of marlin and sailfish monitored with electronic tags and average dissolved oxygen (DO) and temperature profiles show that this cold hypoxic environment constitutes a lower habitat boundary in the ETP, but not in the western North Atlantic (WNA), where DO is not limiting. Eastern Pacific and eastern Atlantic sailfish are larger than those in WNA, where the hypoxic zone is much deeper or absent. Larger sizes may reflect enhanced foraging opportunities afforded by the closer proximity of predator and prey in compressed habitat, as well as by the higher productivity. The shallow band of acceptable habitat restricts these fishes to a very narrow surface layer and makes them more vulnerable to over‐exploitation by surface gears. Predictably, the long‐term landings of tropical pelagic tunas from areas of habitat compression have been far greater than in surrounding areas. Many tropical pelagic species in the Atlantic Ocean are currently either fully exploited or overfished and their future status could be quite sensitive to increased fishing pressures, particularly in areas of habitat compression.  相似文献   

The blue shark (Prionace glauca) is the most frequently captured shark in pelagic oceanic fisheries, especially pelagic longlines targeting swordfish and/or tunas. As part of cooperative scientific efforts for fisheries and biological data collection, information from fishery observers, scientific projects and surveys, and from recreational fisheries from several nations in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans was compiled. Data sets included information on location, size and sex, in a total of 478,220 blue shark records collected between 1966 and 2014. Sizes ranged from 36 to 394 cm fork length. Considerable variability was observed in the size distribution by region and season in both oceans. Larger blue sharks tend to occur in equatorial and tropical regions, and smaller specimens in higher latitudes in temperate waters. Differences in sex ratios were also detected spatially and seasonally. Nursery areas in the Atlantic seem to occur in the temperate south‐east off South Africa and Namibia, in the south‐west off southern Brazil and Uruguay, and in the north‐east off the Iberian Peninsula and the Azores. Parturition may occur in the tropical north‐east off West Africa. In the Indian Ocean, nursery areas also seem to occur in temperate waters, especially in the south‐west Indian Ocean off South Africa, and in the south‐east off south‐western Australia. The distributional patterns presented in this study provide a better understanding of how blue sharks segregate by size and sex, spatially and temporally, and improve the scientific advice to help adopt more informed and efficient management and conservation measures for this cosmopolitan species.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   The length frequencies of adult Pacific bluefin tuna Thunnus orientalis caught near Japan, near Taiwan, in the tropical western Pacific Ocean, and in the South Pacific Ocean, were compared. The largest catches consisted of medium-sized adults (160–209 cm fork length) taken near Japan and large adults (≥210 cm) taken near Taiwan. Small adults (120–159 cm) were occasionally caught in the Sea of Japan. Small numbers of medium-sized and large adults were caught in the tropical western Pacific and the South Pacific. The length frequencies of the fish greater than 160 cm in length caught in different areas around Japan were similar to each other. As adult bluefin tuna grow older they spawn earlier, and their distribution, movements, and spawning areas change.  相似文献   

We used the average fork length of age‐3 returning coho (Oncorhynchus kisutch) and age‐3 ocean‐type and age‐4 stream‐type Chinook (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) salmon along the northeast Pacific coast to assess the covariability between established oceanic environmental indices and growth. These indices included the Multivariate El Niño‐Southern Oscillation Index (MEI), Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO), Northern Oscillation Index, and Aleutian Low Pressure Index. Washington, Oregon, and California (WOC) salmon sizes were negatively correlated with the MEI values indicating that ultimate fish size was affected negatively by El Niño‐like events. Further, we show that the growth trajectory of WOC salmon was set following the first ocean winter. Returning ocean‐type British Columbia‐Puget Sound Chinook salmon average fork length was positively correlated with the MEI values during the summer and autumn of return year, which was possibly a result of a shallower mixed layer and improved food‐web productivity of subarctic Pacific waters. Size variation of coho salmon stocks south of Alaska was synchronous and negatively correlated with warm conditions (positive PDO) and weak North Pacific high pressure during ocean residence.  相似文献   

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