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We report a tumor that developed at the root of the tail in a male, 2-year-old Shih Tzu dog. Histologically, the tumor consisted of basaloid epithelial cells, with shadow cells and neoplastic melanocyte proliferation. Immunohistochemically, epithelial components were positive for keratin/cytokeratin but basaloid cells were negative. Mononuclear or multinuclear melanocytes were positive for vimentin, S-100 protein, and HMB-45. In conclusion, this dog was diagnosed with canine melanocytic matricoma on the basis of the similarity of the histologic and immunohistochemical features in humans, and it may be the first case in an animal.  相似文献   

A 12-year-old male Boxer dog presented with a 5 x 5 x 7-cm partially encapsulated mass in the right mandibular salivary gland. Histologically, the mass was composed of neoplastic epithelial and mesenchymal cells. The mesenchymal component consisted of two cell populations arranged in different patterns: coalescing nodules of neoplastic mononuclear cells with rare osteoid and numerous osteoclastlike giant cells; and sheets of neoplastic spindle cells intermingled with neoplastic epithelial cells and containing osteoid and well-formed bone trabeculae lined by osteoblasts and few osteoclastlike giant cells. On the basis of these histological features, two malignant salivary tumors were diagnosed: a malignant fibrous histiocytoma (giant cell type) and a malignant mixed tumor. Immunohistochemical studies demonstrated keratin 5 and 8 expression by the neoplastic epithelial cells, indicating a probable salivary ductal origin, and vimentin expression by all mesenchymal elements, suggesting a fibroblastic line of differentiation.  相似文献   

A Domestic Shorthaired cat was presented with coughing and severe respiratory distress. Thoracic radiographs revealed a lobar mass and numerous additional cavitated intrapulmonary masses. The cat was euthanized and submitted for necropsy. Histological examination of the large mass revealed 2 distinct neoplastic components consisting of bronchial adenocarcinoma admixed with neoplastic areas composed of highly atypical undifferentiated spindle cells (sarcomatous component). Simultaneous expression of vimentin and cytokeratin by a subpopulation of neoplastic epithelial cells and by rare neoplastic spindle cells was identified. On the basis of histology and immunohistochemical results, a diagnosis of primary pulmonary carcinosarcoma with intrapulmonary epithelial metastases was made. Pulmonary carcinosarcoma is a well-known pathological entity in humans. It is a rare tumor in animals and has not been previously reported in cat.  相似文献   

A cutaneous melanocytoma-acanthoma was diagnosed in a 7-year-old intact female mixed breed dog. Grossly, this tumor was a solitary and darkly pigmented nodule located in the face. Histologically, the lesions consisted of melanocytic and epithelial tumor cells. The melanocytic component consisted predominantly of large round-to-polygonal and heavily pigmented melanocytic cells arranged in nests and clusters. These melanocytes were positive for S-100 and vimentin. The epithelial component was composed of multiple small horn cysts with concentric keratin within the cyst lumina and was positive for cytokeratin. Atypism was not observed in both components. Since this tumor has previously been reported in only two dogs, this report adds to the data that will help determing predilections of age, breed, sex and site.  相似文献   

A 12-year-old male Shiba dog showed anemia and the swelling of systemic lymph nodes. X-ray and post mortal examinations revealed a anterior mediastinal mass. Histologically, the tumor mass consisted of four different elements; cord-like proliferation of cuboidal epithelial cells, tubular or cystic structures lined with ciliated epithelial cells, proliferation of large round-shaped epithelial cells with PAS-slightly positive granular cytoplasm, and diffuse proliferation of neoplastic lymphocytes. Epithelial cells in cord-like or cystic structures were strongly positive for cytokeratin. Granular or foamy cells were negative for all markers examined and had myelin-like bodies in the cytoplasm by electron microscopy. The neoplastic lymphocytes in the tumor mass were considered being derived from concurrent multicentric lymphoma. Based on these findings, the present case was diagnosed as thymoma with a part of granular cell proliferation and concurrent lymphoma cells.  相似文献   

A 12-year-old male cat with depression and dyspnoea was presented for investigation. Radiography and computed tomography revealed hydrothorax and solid masses involving the sternum, ribs and thoracic vertebrae. The cat died two days after first presentation, and postmortem examination revealed lung masses and proliferative bony lesions. Histologically, a neoplastic proliferation of epithelial cells was seen in the lungs, with a large amount of collagen and deposits of cholesterin. The bone lesions were also composed of neoplastic epithelial cells and abundant calcified osteoid, without atypia. A diagnosis of pulmonary adenocarcinoma with osteoblastic bone metastases was made. This is the first reported case of osteoblastic metastases in the cat.  相似文献   

Corneal squamous cell carcinoma in a dog: a case report   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Purpose:  To report a case of primary corneal squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) in an English Bulldog. In addition, immunohistochemistry of the corneal tissue mass was performed using a panel of antibodies. A prominent feature of the present case was the clinical history of chronic keratitis due to eyelid abnormalities.
Results:  No papillomavirus antigen was detected in section of normal or neoplastic corneal tissue. The corneal epithelial cells were positive for pancytokeratins AE1/AE3 and MNF116, and E-cadherin. The neoplastic cells in close proximity to the normal epithelial lining were positive for both pancytokeratins and E-cadherin with gradual loss of staining toward the center of the neoplastic mass. Rare neoplastic cells demonstrated positive staining for caspase 3 and a large number was strongly positive for GADD45 and p53.
Conclusion and discussion:  The observed loss of the various cytokeratins, the strong p53 expression, and low numbers of caspase 3 positive cells were suggestive that a p53 mutation may have caused this primary corneal SCC. Over-expression of the tumor-suppressor gene p53 is likely to be a consequence of ultraviolet radiation exposure. Two factors, however, may have played a role in the formation of this primary corneal SCC: chronic irritation of the corneal surface (microtrauma) and exposure to UV radiation.  相似文献   

A dermal melanoma with histologic similarities to mammalian melanocytic schwannomas was diagnosed in a wild-caught brown bullhead catfish (Ictalurus nebulosus). The diagnosis was based on cytologic, histopathologic, immunohistochemical, and ultrastructural findings. The neoplasm protruded from the cutaneous surface of the dorsal midline immediately caudal to the dorsal fin, was diffusely black and focally ulcerated, and was attached to the underlying skin by a broad-based stalk. Cytologically, the tumor was composed of a monomorphic population of melanophores, the melanin-producing and storing cells within the dermis and epidermis of fish that are partially responsible for rapid color changes. Histopathologic examination of the neoplasm revealed an unencapsulated, well-circumscribed, moderately cellular neoplasm composed of 2 distinct cell populations: spindle cells arranged in a "herringbone" pattern and numerous melanophores. The spindle cells had scant bipolar eosinophilic cytoplasm, with small centrally located vesicular nuclei; nucleoli were not seen. The histologic appearance was similar to that described for mammalian melanocytic schwannomas. Immunohistochemically, the spindle cells exhibited positive cytoplasmic staining for S-100 protein but were negative for vimentin, neurofilament protein, and glial fibrillary acidic protein. Ultrastructurally, the tumor consisted of neoplastic spindle cells with rudimentary cell junctions, actin bundles, and few melanosomes and melanophores with abundant intracytoplasmic melanosomes.  相似文献   

Cystic thymoma was diagnosed in 14 cats in a period of 6 years. The most common clinical sign was laboured breathing. The tumours were characterized by various-sized cystic spaces with central vessels. The epithelial cells varied from oval to spindle to polygonal cells enclosing cystic spaces or in pure epithelial cell components. The nuclei of the neoplastic cells had scattered chromatin and small nucleoli. The cytoplasm was pale eosinophilic. The concentration of mature lymphocytes varied from area to area with rare germinal centres. Immunohistochemically, the epithelial cells stained only with AE(1)/AE(3). The central vessels were positive for vimentin, smooth muscle actin, and factor VIII antigen. Electron microscopy revealed that the cyst walls were lined by epithelial cells that were joined by desmosomes, and the walls were well separated from the cystic spaces by a well-defined basement membrane. The neoplastic epithelial cells contained scattered tonofilaments. Three of the cats had metastasis to the lymph nodes and lungs. Two novel cases of ectopic cystic thymoma have also been described. Results of this study reveal that cystic thymoma is uncommon in cats, and that the histomorphologic, immunohistochemical, and electron microscopic features are similar to those of cystic thymoma in humans.  相似文献   

A 13-year-old spayed female Labrador Retriever with a 1-year history of progressive exercise intolerance was diagnosed with an interventricular mass in the heart via echocardiogram. The animal's general condition progressively declined over the next 8 months, and it was euthanatized. The intracardiac mass, which protruded into the lumen of the right ventricle, was removed at necropsy and fixed in 10% buffered formalin. Histopathologic diagnosis was an ectopic thyroid carcinosarcoma based on the presence of 3 distinct neoplastic tissue types. Intermixed within the tumor were neoplastic thyroid follicles containing colloid and solid nests of thyroid follicular epithelial cells, vascular channels and clefts filled with blood and lined by neoplastic endothelium, and osteoid surrounded by spindle cells and often rimmed by large multinucleated cells. Immunohistochemical reaction for thyroglobulin was positive in the tumor cells forming the colloid-filled follicles and solid nests of epithelial cells. Neoplastic endothelium was positive for factor VIII-related antigen. The thyroid gland was located in its normal anatomic position and was histologically normal, ruling out the possibility that the intracardiac tumor was a metastatic lesion. To the authors' knowledge this is the first reported case of an intracardiac ectopic thyroid carcinosarcoma, and possibly the first ectopic thyroid carcinosarcoma in any location in any species.  相似文献   

A case of epibulbar melanoma in a 6-month-old, gelded, chestnut Hanoverian foal is reported. The location and clinical appearance upon initial presentation led to the tentative diagnosis of staphyloma or a congenital mass of unknown origin. An attempt was made to surgically excise the mass under general anesthesia, but due to its infiltrative nature and intraoperative appearance, most, but not all was removed without compromising the integrity of the globe. Histopathological evaluation revealed a multinodular to packeted, poorly demarcated, unencapsulated, infiltrative exophytic melanocytic neoplasm composed of bundles and nests of plump spindloid to polygonal heavily pigmented epithelioid neoplastic cells interspersed with pigment-laden macrophages within a fine fibrovascular stroma. Upon examination after enucleation, neoplastic cells were found to infiltrate into the lateral cornea, sclera and the choroid. This is a unique case of an epibulbar melanoma with choroidal invasion in a foal. Based on the sudden onset and rapid growth as well as the histological evidence of invasion, well-differentiated features, heavy pigmentation, and no apparent mitoses, this neoplasm was considered to be a low-grade malignant melanoma. At 14 months after excision there is no evidence of recurrence.  相似文献   

Melanocytic tumours are important in horses, especially grey horses. Intradermal common melanocytic naevi, cellular blue naevi and combined cellular blue naevi are subgroups of human melanocytic tumours, which have not been reported in horses. In this study, we describe 20 horses with skin tumours similar to these naevi of humans. These tumours represented individual skin masses in male and female horses of different breeds. Tumours resembling human intradermal common melanocytic naevi were noted in 12 horses aged between 2 and 17 years. Seven horses aged between 4 and 15 years developed cutaneous lesions similar to human cellular blue naevi. A combined cellular blue naevus-like tumour was diagnosed in a 20-year-old horse. All tumour types formed expansile, well-demarcated, non-encapsulated, symmetrical masses. Tumours similar to intradermal common melanocytic naevi were composed of nests of round and spindeloid neoplastic cells, often embedded in myxomatous stroma. Lesions resembling cellular blue naevi were formed by intradermal bundles of ovoid to elongated cells separated by collagen fibres. The combined cellular blue naevus-like tumour resembled human cellular blue naevus with in addition, an overlying junctional common melanocytic naevus. Neoplastic cells in all groups contained varying amounts of melanin pigment and were immunopositive for S100. These equine skin tumours differ from the commonly recognized equine melanocytic tumours by their cytomorphological features, random location and the absence of an increased tumour frequency in grey horses. The resemblance of these tumours to three distinct subgroups of human naevi expands the complexity of equine proliferative cutaneous melanocytic lesions.  相似文献   

An anterior mediastinal cystic lesion in an 11-year-old mongrel dog was examined. The dog showed dysbasia and vomiting due to megaoesophagus, and anterior mediastinal round mass lesion, approximately 35 mm in diameter, was found by X ray. Based on clinical examinations, the dog was diagnosed as acquired myasthenia gravis and was successfully controlled by anticholinesterase treatment for approximately 4 months. The dog died of thermic stroke and was necropsied. Grossly, fatty tissues with cysts containing yellowish fluid and white nodules were found in the anterior mediastinal area. Histopathologically, multiple cysts, neoplastic tissues, and atrophic thymus were found within the examined tissues. The cysts were lined by thin wall consisting of ciliated long cuboidal and non-ciliated round cells and were filled with eosinophilic colloidal fluid. Some extended cysts contained neoplastic foci within their lumen and walls. The neoplastic tissues consisted of mixed population of large epithelial cells with abundant clear cytoplasm and large oval nuclei, and lymphocytes. Immunohistochemically, proliferating epithelial cells were intensely positive for keratin and cytokeratin, and more than half number of infiltrating lymphocytes were intensely positive for CD3 suggesting T cells. All these findings indicate the neoplastic lesion is thymoma and multiple cysts are considered as thymic or brachial cleft cysts.  相似文献   

A 20-year-old thoroughbred mare had a mass in the right kidney. The mass was encapsulated with fibrous capsule and composed of variably-sized papillary projections lined by a single layer of flattened to cuboidal neoplastic epithelial cells with no cytological and nuclear atypia. Immunohistochemically, the neoplastic cells were broadly positive for cytokeratin AE1/AE3 and granular staining for alpha-1-antitrypsin was focally detected; this immunohistochemical property was similar to that of the normal distal nephron. From these results, this case was diagnosed as papillary renal adenoma of distal nephron differentiation.  相似文献   

A dog presenting with weight loss and displacement of the heart to the right was diagnosed as having a thymoma by transthoracic fine-needle aspiration biopsy. The cytological findings are described and correlated with the histological findings. Cytologically the lesion contained numerous large clusters of neoplastic epithelial cells with scant basophilic cytoplasm, and scattered, well-differentiated lymphocytes. Histologically the thymoma was composed of predominantly spindle-shaped epithelial cells arranged in broad sheets or forming sworling and storiform patterns. Some lobules contained lymphoid cells.  相似文献   

Hepatoblastomas are neoplasms that originate from putative pluripotential stem cells of the liver. A hepatic mass from an 8-year-old Abyssinian cat was composed of cords and sheets of neoplastic cells, with scattered rosettes and small ductal structures. Most neoplastic cells had a pale eosinophilic cytoplasm and a round to ovoid nucleus. The tumor also had short spindle cells with an oval nucleus. Immunohistochemically, neoplastic cells were weakly positive for embryonic hepatocellular markers, such as alpha-fetoprotein and cytokeratin (CK) 8/18, but negative for the hepatocellular marker Hepatocyte Paraffin 1. The cells were also positive for CD56/neural cell adhesion molecule and for the biliary epithelial markers CK 7, CK 8/18, CK CAM5.2, and vimentin, but negative for CK 20. Some neoplastic cells expressed neuroectodermal or neuroendocrine markers, such as protein gene product 9.5 and synaptophysin, but were negative for chromogranin A and not argyrophilic by the Grimelius technique. The cat died soon after the biopsy without clinical improvement.  相似文献   

A bilateral testicular neoplasm from an 11-year-old mixed-breed male dog was removed surgically and examined histologically. The neoplasm was nonencapsulated and composed of acinar and tubular structures lined by one or more layers of neoplastic polyhedral epithelial cells with an abundant mucinous secretion. On histochemistry, all neoplastic cells and associated secretions were periodic acid-Schiff positive. Some neoplastic cells and all associated secretions were positive on mucicarmine stain, and some neoplastic cells, all the stroma, and associated secretions were positive on alcian blue stain. On immunohistochemistry, the neoplastic cells had strong diffuse cytoplasmic immunoreactivity for cytokeratin and vimentin, weak scattered cytoplasmic immunoreactivity for carcinoembryonic antigen and neuron-specific enolase, and no immunoreactivity for S-100. On the basis of histopathology, histochemistry, and immunohistochemical findings, a diagnosis of mucinous adenocarcinoma of rete testis was made. Rete testis adenocarcinoma is a well known but very rare neoplasm in humans. To our knowledge, this is the first report of the mucinous variant of adenocarcinoma of the rete testis in a dog.  相似文献   

The immunophenotype of tumor cells and inflammatory infiltrate associated with cutaneous melanocytic lesions (29 melanocytomas, two malignant melanomas, and 23 residual lesions) from 54 adult Iberian and Iberian x Duroc pigs were examined using a panel of nine antibodies. All neoplastic cells were vimentin+, cytokeratin-, and alpha-1-antitrypsin- and the majority were S100+, whereas all pigmented macrophages were vimentin+, cytokeratin-, and S100- and most expressed alpha-1-antitrypsin. Regressing tumors were characterized by zones with low density of neoplastic cells accompanied by heavy infiltration of CD3+ T lymphocytes, whereas zones with high density of neoplastic cells showed very low numbers of CD3+ T lymphocytes. The infiltrate of CD79a+ B cells and IgG, IgM, and IgA plasma cells was low. The majority of lymphocytes of the peri- and intratumoral infiltrate were major histocompatibility complex class II+, but neoplastic cells did not express class II antigen. The 17 residual lesions examined were composed of macrophages containing abundant melanin pigment and low to moderate numbers of CD3+ T lymphocytes. The results of the present study suggest that the local cellular immune response plays a crucial role in the host response that induces regression of cutaneous melanomas and melanocytomas of the Iberian and crossbred Iberian x Duroc pigs.  相似文献   

Sarcomatous proliferation of spindle cells was present in the mammary gland and many metastatic sites in a 10-year-old female domestic cat with tubulopapillary carcinoma in the mammary gland. Transition from neoplastic tubular structures to spindle cells in the primary site and fascicular proliferation of the spindle cells with or without coexistance of tubulopapillary carcinoma in the primary and metastatic sites were observed. Most of spindle cells were positive for cytokeratin CAM5.2 as well as the normal luminal epithelium but not the myoepithelium. From these results, this case was diagnosed as tubulopapillary carcinoma with spindle cell metaplasia and it was clarified that neoplastic luminal epithelial cells can transform to sarcomatous appearence.  相似文献   

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