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Systolic hypertension was diagnosed in 30 cats. At diagnosis, 16 of those were found to be in chronic renal failure only, while five were azotaemic and either receiving treatment for hyperthyroidism (four cases) or were untreated hyperthyroid cases (one case). Two cases were untreated hyperthyroid cases with no evidence of azotaemia and the remaining seven cases had no definitive diagnosis of the underlying cause of their hypertension. The successful treatment used for the majority of cases was amlodipine, which lowered systolic blood pressure from 202.5+/-16.8 to 153.2+/-21.6 mmHg (mean+/-SD; n=29) within the first 50 days. Each case was followed for at least three months, or to the end of its natural life, and each cat was re-examined every six to eight weeks. Systolic blood pressure was kept below a target value of 165 mmHg in 58 per cent of cases treated for three months or longer. At the time of writing, 19 of the cases had died or been euthanased with a median treatment time of 203 days, one case was lost to follow-up and 10 cases were still alive, nine of which had been treated for six months or more. Amlodipine can be used for long-term control of feline systemic hypertension.  相似文献   

This paper describes the clinical features, and diagnostic findings of a chronic respiratory condition in 29 West Highland white terriers. Typically, the dogs were coughing chronically, had dyspnoea and tachypnoea of varying severity, and had deteriorated progressively over months to years. The mean (sem) survival time in months from the clinical signs being first noted by the owners was 17.9 (2.3). Most cases had a combination of respiratory signs, but coughing was the predominant sign in 18 cases. Inspiratory crackles were audible on chest auscultation in 28 cases, 10 of which were also wheezing. Rhonchi were the predominant sound in the remaining case. The main radiographic changes were mild to severe increased Interstitial markings in all cases, with additional bronchial markings in 14 of the dogs. Right-sided cardiomegaly (cor pulmonale) was recorded in 15. Bronchoscopic findings in 17 of the dogs were either normal or involved a mild airway mucoid reaction in eight. Chronic mucosal changes were observed in eight, but in two this finding was equivocal. Dynamic changes to the lumen of the airway were present in seven cases. No significant haematological or biochemical changes could be detected in 20 cases, but four cases were hypercholestrolaemic. A histopathological assessment of four cases revealed alveolar septal fibrosis to be the predominant change. Prednisolone, with or without bronchodilators, was the most commonly used therapy, and the response was variable. The condition appears to be associated with significant pulmonary interstitial fibrosis of unknown aetiology and has clinical similarities to idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis) in human beings.  相似文献   

The results of cytological and bacteriological examination of 73 urine samples from dogs are presented. In 37 cases bacteria of potential clinical significance were isolated, a further six were considered to be contaminated, and from the remaining 30 either only a very scant growth or none at all was obtained. Cytology supported a diagnosis of cystitis in 28 cases and was highly suggestive of malignancy in another five. There were eight cases of bacteriuria where the cytological evidence was not indicative of cystitis. None of the 36 cases from which no potentially significant bacteria were isolated had a cytological profile suggesting an inflammatory process. It is proposed that urinary cytology may be a useful adjunct to bacteriology, especially where the significance of a bacteriuria cannot be assessed by quantitative counts. Cytology may also be of value for the early detection of urothelial carcinoma.  相似文献   

Lungs from 48 feedlot cattle that had died from bacterial pneumonia were examined grossly and microscopically. Criteria based on microscopic lesions were adopted to age these pneumonias. In 38 cases, pneumonic lesions were of relatively uniform age throughout the affected tissue. In eight other cases, the presence of older lesions confined to one or two lobes suggested a previous episode of pneumonia. The aging criteria adopted were in agreement with the duration of the observed clinical signs in 26 cases. In 13 other cases, the pneumonia was estimated to be of longer duration than suggested by the history, whereas in the remaining nine cases, it was estimated to be more recent. Areas of tan discoloration of the parenchyma surrounded by white or yellow borders were considered the best areas to examine microscopically since they offered the best chances of revealing necrosis and fibrosis, the main lesions used to age the pneumonia.  相似文献   

During the past six years 623 cases of coenurosis (gid) in sheep have been treated surgically. Cysts were removed successfully from 573 of them (92 per cent) and 517 (83 per cent) were able to return to their flocks, although 36 showed no clinical improvement In 37 cases, the cyst could not be localised, and postmortem examinations showed that in nine cases the cyst was in the brainstem, and in 28 cases it was in the cerebellum. Fifty-six cases deteriorated gradually after surgery and in these cases more than one cyst was found postmortem. Thirteen cases died during surgery.  相似文献   

Four cases of oesophageal stricture subsequent to doxycycline administration are reported. All cases were young to middle age (median age 3 years; range 1-7 years), and either domestic shorthair or domestic longhair breed. In all cases the predominant clinical sign was regurgitation, which developed at variable times after doxycycline administration. In all cases the reason for doxycycline use was treatment or prophylaxis of suspected infections (Mycoplasma haemofelis, Chlamydophila felis or Bordetella bronchiseptica), and the duration of therapy was variable. In one case the stricture was definitively diagnosed at post mortem examination, in the three other cases, definitive diagnosis was by endoscopy. Balloon dilation was successful in the three cases that were treated. This is the largest case series, to date, of oesophageal disease in cats associated with doxycycline administration. Caution should be exercised when administering oral medication to cats, especially doxycycline, and should be accompanied either by a water or food swallow.  相似文献   

Mycosis in the stomach compartments of cattle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
During a period of 22 months, 9.7% (23 out of 238) of the cattle necropsied at the Department of Veterinary Pathology had mycotic affections in the stomach compartments. The various stomach compartments were affected in the following pattern: omasum: 15 cases, rumen: 10 cases, reticulum: 8 cases and abomasum: 6 cases. In 5 of the animals mycotic affection was also found in other organs of which the liver was most often involved. Out of the 23 cases described, a primary diagnosis of mycosis was only established in 5 cases. In the remaining 18 cases the mycotic infection was regarded as being of a minor importance in the total necropsy result. Macroscopically and histologically the mycotic processes could be grouped into acute, subacute or chronic affections. In 20 cases only one type of inflammation was present, in the remaining cases combinations were found. Identification of the infective agent was performed by immunological staining of hyphal structures in tissue sections. Members of the Zygomycetes were found to predominate as causative fungi. Aspergillus fumigatus was found to have a propensity for infecting the terminal gastric compartments, whereas the Zygomycetes were found regularly in all compartments. Candida spp. were only found in 1 case. Predisposing factors for developing systemic mycosis are discussed. Among these especially the use of antimicrobial drugs, other diseases, metabolic disturbances and stressors in the post parturient period seem to be important.  相似文献   

Medical records of three male and three female callitrichids of four species (Leontopithecus chrysopygus, Leontopithecus rosalia, Callithrix argentata argentata, Callithrix kuhlii) diagnosed with cholelithiasis were reviewed. Ages of affected animals at the time of diagnosis ranged from 2-14 yr. Definitive antemortem diagnosis of cholelithiasis was made in four of the six cases. Chronic weight loss, lethargy, and weakness were seen in all cases. Chronic intermittent diarrhea was seen in three cases. Icterus and abnormal gait were each present in two of the animals. Hematologic and serum biochemical abnormalities included leukocytosis in five cases, elevated bilirubin (direct and indirect) in four cases, and anemia in four cases. Radiographic evidence of choleliths was observed in three cases. Surgical removal of choleliths was successfully performed on two animals. Full necropsies were performed on all cases, and choleliths were believed to contribute to morbidity in all cases. However, inflammatory bowel disease was determined to be the primary cause of weight loss and mortality in at least three animals. All choleliths analyzed were pigment stones, two being primarily composed of cystine.  相似文献   

Estimates of the likely dates of infection of the early cases of the 2001 foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) epidemic indicate that at least 57 premises in 16 counties in Great Britain were infected before the first case was disclosed. Nationwide animal movement controls were imposed within three days of the first case being confirmed on February 20, when FMD was only known to be in two counties, and these controls limited its geographical spread. After the first few cases were confirmed, new cases were rapidly discovered, and the epidemic curve for the daily number of confirmed cases peaked five weeks later, 11 days later than the peak of the curve based on the estimated dates of infection. In the peak week, both curves showed an average daily number of 43 new cases. The estimated dates of infection are believed to be relatively unbiased for the early cases, for which they were derived from a known contact with infection. However, for the later cases they were estimated mainly from the age of the clinical signs of the disease, and were biased by species and other factors, a bias which would probably have made the estimated dates later than was in fact the case.  相似文献   

This paper deals with 16 cases presented from April to December 2001 and diagnosed clinically as rabbit syphilis, because they showed distinct lesions around the nose and/or mouth, responded to chemotherapy, and the "Rapid Plasma Reagin" test was positive. Twelve cases exhibited initial symptoms and four were relapses. Lesions around the genitalia and/or anus as well as the nose and/or mouth were seen in 8 cases, and 6 cases indicated sneezing. Fifteen cases were successfully treated with oral administration of chloramphenicol, and one was treated with long-acting penicillin by intramuscular injection. The mean age of onset was 8.8 months. As none of these cases had any mating history, the disease was likely to be maternally transmitted.  相似文献   

A retrospective study on pig lung tissues from 60 cases of proliferative and necrotizing pneumonia (PNP) was performed to determine the presence of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV), swine influenza virus (SIV), and porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) in these lesions. Cases selected included 30 cases diagnosed between 1988 and 1992 and 30 cases diagnosed between 1997 and 2001. In each group of 30 cases, 10 were from suckling piglets, whereas the other 20 were from postweaned animals representing either nursery or grower-finisher pigs. Immunohistochemistry using a monoclonal antibody to influenza virus type A was used to determine the presence of SIV, and in situ hybridization was used for the detection of PRRSV and PCV2 nucleic acids. PRRSV was detected in 55 of the 60 cases examined (92%), PCV2 in 25 cases (42%), and SIV in only 1 case (2%). In 30 cases (50%), PRRSV was the only virus detected, whereas in 25 other cases (42%), a combination of PRRSV and PCV2 could be detected in the lungs with PNP lesions. PCV2 could not be detected in the lungs of suckling pigs with PNP. All PCV2-positive cases were found in postweaned pigs and were always in combination with PRRSV. In this latter age group, PCV2 was detected in 63% of the cases (25/40). Data from our study indicate that SIV is rarely identified in PNP and that PCV2 infection is not essential for the development of PNP lesions. The results of the present study demonstrate that PRRSV is consistently and predominantly associated with PNP and should be considered the key etiologic agent for the condition.  相似文献   

Fifty consecutive cases of salivary mucocoeles in dogs were investigated. Twenty-four dogs were presented with both cervical and sublingual mucocoeles; in twenty-three cases a cervical swelling only was noted and in three cases a sublingual mucocoele (ranula) existed on its own. Sialography demonstrated sublingual gland, or duct, defects in forty cases. In seven of the remaining ten cases, normal mandibular sialograms were obtained on the affected side. Bilateral sublingual gland involvement was confirmed by sialography in eight cases and suggested by circumstantial evidence in a further two cases. Surgical excision of the mandibular and sublingual glands on the affected side, combined with drainage of the mucocoele contents, has proved to be a reliable approach to treatment.  相似文献   

Histopathology submissions from 28 goats with dermatological disease were identified in an archival search of pathology files. Microscopic sections of skin biopsy specimens were examined for the presence of Malassezia spp. organisms. Six cases with many Malassezia yeasts were identified histopathologically. Based on the extent of clinical disease, three cases were regarded as localized and three were generalized infections. Clinical findings included alopecia with dry seborrhoea (four cases), greasy seborrhoea (one case), and no clinical findings specific to localized Malassezia infection when concurrent bacterial infection was present (one case). Mild pruritus was reported in two cases of generalized infection. No breed predilection was apparent. Three cases were male and three were female. Malassezia dermatitis occurred in goats from 10 months to 13 years of age. Three of six cases had concurrent bacterial infection. Skin lesions resolved following topical antifungal therapy in the two goats that were treated. Histopathological findings in all cases were severe follicular and epidermal orthokeratotic hyperkeratosis with minimal epithelial change and mild superficial perivascular to interstitial nonsuppurative inflammation. Numerous budding yeasts were visible within the stratum corneum of all cases; however, Malassezia was not isolated in the three cases in which culture was attempted. Based upon these findings, the authors suggest that the diagnosis Malassezia dermatitis in goats is most likely to be made by cytological examination of skin impressions or by examination of skin biopsy samples.  相似文献   

This retrospective study of porcine colonic spirochetosis was done in order to characterize the clinical signs, the macroscopical and microscopical changes, and the bacteriological results of cases observed in Quebec. Necropsy records of all cases of colitis were reviewed. Eleven cases with filamentous bacteria colonizing the colonic epithelium were selected. This condition was only observed in weaned piglets, and was associated with mild persistent diarrhea and growth retardation. Macroscopic changes were generally limited to the presence of soft to liquid colonic contents. Adherence of filamentous helicoidal bacteria to the apical surface of the colonic epithelium and mild diffuse infiltration of the colonic lamina propria by mononuclear cells were the main histological findings. Weakly beta-hemolytic spirochetes were isolated in 6 cases. This condition seems to be underestimated for various reasons, and it is possible that some cases diagnosed as nonspecific colitis or superficial colitis, in fact, represent later stages of porcine colonic spirochetosis.  相似文献   

Five cases of Mokola virus, a lyssavirus related to rabies, are described. The cases occurred in cats from the East London, Pinetown and Pietermaritzburg areas of South Africa from February 1996 to February 1998. Each of the cats was suspected of being rabid and their brains were submitted for laboratory confirmation. Four of the cases were positive, but with atypical fluorescence, and 1 was negative. Mokola virus infection was identified by anti-lyssavirus nucleocapsid monoclonal antibody typing. As in rabies cases, the predominant clinical signs were of unusual behaviour. Aggression was present, but only during handling. Four of the 5 cats had been vaccinated for rabies, which is consistent with other studies that show that rabies vaccination does not appear to protect against Mokola virus. Since Mokola may be confused with rabies, the incidence of Mokola virus may be more common in Africa than is currently reported. As human infections may be fatal, the emergence of this virus is a potential threat to public health.  相似文献   

Objective The present study was performed to document hearing loss in dogs and cats following procedures performed under anesthesia. Most cases of reported hearing loss were subsequent to dental and ear cleaning procedures. Study design Prospective and retrospective case survey. Animals Subjects were dogs and cats with deafness, personally communicated to one author, cases discussed on a veterinary information web site, and cases communicated through a survey of general practice and dental specialist veterinarians. Methods Reported deafness cases were characterized by species (dog, cat), breed, gender, age, and dog breed size. Results Sixty‐two cases of hearing loss following anesthesia were reported between the years 2002 and 2009. Five additional cases were reported by survey respondents. Forty‐three cases occurred following dental procedures. Sixteen cases occurred following ear cleaning. No relationship was observed between deafness and dog or cat breed, gender, anesthetic drug used, or dog size. Geriatric animals appeared more susceptible to post‐anesthetic, post‐procedural hearing loss. Conclusions Deafness may occur in dogs and cats following anesthesia for dental and ear cleaning procedures, but the prevalence is low. The hearing loss appears to be permanent. Clinical relevance Deafness can be a consequence following anesthesia for dental or ear cleaning procedures. Older animals may have greater susceptibility.  相似文献   

Thirteen cases of feline primary hyperaldosteronism were diagnosed based on clinical signs, serum biochemistry, plasma aldosterone concentration, adrenal imaging and histopathology of adrenal tissue. Two cases presented with blindness caused by systemic hypertension, whilst the remaining 11 cases showed weakness resulting from hypokalaemic polymyopathy. Elevated concentrations of plasma aldosterone and adrenocortical neoplasia were documented in all cases. Seven cases had adrenal adenomas (unilateral in five and bilateral in two) and six had unilateral adrenal carcinomas. Three cases underwent medical treatment only with amlodipine, spironolactone and potassium gluconate; two cases survived for 304 and 984 days until they were euthanased because of chronic renal failure, whilst the third case was euthanased at 50 days following failure of the owner to medicate the cat. Ten cases underwent surgical adrenalectomy following a successful stabilisation period on medical management. Five cases remain alive at the time of writing with follow-up periods of between 240 and 1803 days. Three cases were euthanased during or immediately following surgery because of surgical-induced haemorrhage. One cat was euthanased 14 days after surgery because of generalised sepsis, whilst the remaining cat was euthanased 1045 days after surgery because of anorexia and the development of a cranial abdominal mass. It is recommended that primary hyperaldosteronism should be considered as a differential diagnosis in middle-aged and older cats with hypokalaemic polymyopathy and/or systemic hypertension and should no longer be considered a rare condition.  相似文献   

In the present study the diagnostic use of a biotinylated serum from an immune rabbit was investigated by means of an Avidin-Biotin-Complex (ABC)-Peroxidase method on paraffin sections. 15 cases of RHD which had been verified histologically and/or by haemagglutination test (HA), 4 suspected cases and 3 cases without history of RHD were included (cases 1 to 22). From 5 prospective cases a wider tissue range was examined (cases 23 to 25 and 29 to 30). Furthermore lungs, liver and placenta of 3 fetuses from a RHD affected dam were investigated (cases 26 to 28). The 20 typical cases had intense intranuclear and diffuse intracytoplasmic immunostaining of hepatocytes, predominantly in the periportal areas. In some cases there was also positive staining of macrophages in the lungs (4 cases), spleen (4 cases) and in lymph nodes (1 case). Positive granular staining in the renal mesangial cells of the glomeruli was observed in 1 case. No positive staining was observed in the 3 negative cases. In contrast to other reports (4), crossreactivity of these antigens to Porcine Parvovirus (PPV) could not be confirmed. Furthermore the RHD virus (RHDV) seems not to crossreact with Feline and Bovine Parvoviruses.  相似文献   

The type, ages of occurrence, primary complaints, clinical signs and mortality in forty-seven cases of uterine disorders diagnosed by ventrotomy in rabbits were analyzed retrospectively. Endometrial hyperplasia (29.8%) was most frequently observed, followed by uterine adenocarcinoma (21.3%). Tumorous lesions were seen in 46.8% of the cases. The age of occurrence ranged from two years and two months to seven years and six months, with a peak at four to five years of age. The most common primary complaint was bleeding (62.2%), followed by mammary gland abnormality (12.8%) and increased abdominal circumference (10.6%). Physical examinations revealed mammary gland disorders such as mammary cysts in 31.9% of the cases. Uterine disorders were detected by palpation in 15 out of 32 cases with a primary complaint of bleeding. Ultrasonography showed uterine disorders in 21 out of 24 cases, suggesting that ultrasonography could be useful in the diagnosis of uterine disorders. The outcome seemed to be influenced by physical status rather than malignancy of lesions. The mortality was higher in cases with symptoms such as anorexia, emaciation, severe anemia, and dehydration.  相似文献   

Six cases of verminous pneumonia in goats due to Muellerius sp. were reviewed. In only one case was the pneumonia diagnosed antemortem. The gross necropsy findings and histopathology revealed a widespread interstitial pneumonia in all the cases. There was variability in the local reaction around the parasites from almost none in the mildest cases to larger focal accumulations of macrophages and mononuclear inflammatory cells. Only in the severest cases were eosinophils seen and even then were scattered and few in number. No nodular lesions were seen associated with the parasites. The pathology of the pulmonary lesions in goats appears to be more commonly of the diffuse type and therefore significantly different from the nodular lesion usually observed in sheep.  相似文献   

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