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一种植物茎流传感器及其数据采集系统研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘丹  王成 《中国农学通报》2015,31(7):97-103
[目的]植物茎流是研究植物蒸腾规律的重要指标,因而需要准确可靠的茎流测量设备作为支撑。[方法]本文基于热消散原理设计了一种插针式植物茎流传感器和基于MCGS软件的数据采集系统。[结果]通过模拟实验对采集系统进行了标定,测得的茎流速度与实际流速之间的误差低于0.01mm/s,表明茎流测量系统具有较高的精度和稳定性;以杨树为被测样本开展了实际测量实验,结果表明:日出后,随着气温的升高茎流速度开始缓慢上升,中午12:00至15点期间达到峰值并保持较高速率,此后茎流速度缓慢下降,日落后19:00左右开始迅速下降并保持较低茎流速率直至次日。[结论]以上实验结果表明该系统能准确反映植株茎流的日变化规律,且稳定性较好,可为植株耗水性及蒸腾规律的研究提供设备支撑。  相似文献   

玉米茎流速率及耗水量研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
摘要:本文采用植物热平衡茎流(Sap Flow System)计,对沙漠绿洲边缘沙地种植的主要农作物玉米整株茎流速率的日变化、季节变化规律及耗水量进行了测试,结果得出:玉米径流速率日变化呈现出单峰曲线峰值为14:00时为69.7303 gm/hr。玉米在全生育期的径流速率最高值出现在7月份(平均值)为68.71 gm/hr。以玉米密度为67500株/ hm2计算茎流耗水量,在生长季节中玉米茎流速率高峰时期的6、7、8三个月蒸腾所需生理用水量为6478.2 m3/hm2。5月和9月共用水160m3,全生育期需水量8878.2 m3/hm2,比同样条件下种植药用黄芪植物多用水量4678.2 m3/hm2。另外玉米茎流速率与环境因子中的光量子密度(PFD)、大气温度(Tair)、相对湿度(RH)、水汽压亏缺(VPD)等有着及其密切的相关关系,经回归分析得出了玉米与其影响因子之间的回归方程,为沙漠绿洲边缘种植农作物玉米合理用水方案确定提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

设施滴灌条件下甜瓜茎流变化及其对环境因子的响应   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
设施甜瓜栽培已成为中国一个具有较大增长空间的重要产业。采用合理的灌溉方式和决策来提高甜瓜产量与品质显得尤为重要。为探明设施滴灌条件下甜瓜植株茎流速率变化规律及其影响因素,有效诊断植株水分指标,为制定灌溉策略提供理论依据,采用基于茎热平衡法的Dymaxax包裹式茎流计、小型自动气象站和TRIME-IPH土壤剖面水分测量仪等对温室内覆膜滴灌条件下甜瓜植株茎流速率变化及其周围环境影响因子进行长时间连续定点监测。研究结果表明:温室内甜瓜的茎流速率日变化曲线基本呈双峰曲线,多云及阴天甜瓜白天液流启动推迟,峰值减小15%~47%;晴天条件下温室内太阳辐射(Rs)、空气相对温度(Rh)滞后于茎流速率,阴天及多云条件下,辐射与茎流速率基本同步达到峰值,相对湿度在晴天中午辐射较高区间内的小幅提高会对茎流速率产生一定的拉低效应;温室内太阳辐射是甜瓜茎流变化的主要驱动因素,并建立了以太阳辐射(Rs)和空气相对湿度(Rh)为主要因子反映甜瓜茎流速率(F)变化的多元线性回归模型(F=26.204+0.0890Rs-0.2540Rh,R2=0.831,P<0.001),可对甜瓜蒸腾变化进行预测。  相似文献   

银杏树体茎流变化及其对环境因子的响应   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
为了动态地掌握银杏的蒸腾耗水规律,并揭示其生态、生理作用机理,采用热扩散式液流探针(TDP)监测银杏树体不同生长阶段的茎流变化,并通过气象站同步测定环境因子参数。结果表明:在典型的晴天、多云、阴雨天气下,银杏树干茎流的日变化差异显著,日累积茎流通量为晴天>多云天气>阴雨天气;银杏茎流的季节变化趋势呈现为先上升后下降的态势,在新梢生长期的蒸腾耗水量最大,日耗水量可达23L左右。在叶速生期、新梢生长期和叶黄期银杏日蒸腾耗水量的波动明显,其中以新梢生长期最为显著,日间差异最大可达20L。以各阶段日均耗水量来估算,12年生银杏年耗水量大约为2580L;银杏在年生长周期中茎流通量的变化趋势与气温、土壤湿度、土壤温度、相对湿度、光合有效辐射以及降雨量的季节变化趋势基本一致,逐步回归分析表明银杏年生长周期中大气温度是茎流最为主要的影响因子,回归方程达到极显著水平。  相似文献   

采用盆栽方法,对不同天气和不同土壤水分条件下翅荚木苗木的蒸腾耗水特性进行了研究,结果表明:翅荚木蒸腾耗水速率日变化呈单峰曲线;日耗水速率当年生苗木的大于一年生留床苗的;日最大耗水速率当年生苗木晴天出现在12:00—16:00,阴天出现在12:00—14:00,一年生留床苗晴天出现在10:00—14:00,阴天出现在10:00—12:00;控水条件下,土壤永久萎蔫系数当年生苗木为7.83%,一年生留床苗为5.95%;当土壤含水量低于6.03%时,当年生翅荚木枯死落叶,当土壤含水量为3.32%时,一年生留床苗严重萎蔫、枯黄。  相似文献   

摘 要:旨在了解矮砧密植富士苹果树体内茎流速率变化规律,为其制定合理的旱作节水灌溉制度提供理论基础。利用热扩散式探针法实时采集树体茎流速率数据,结合自动气象站监测所得各气象因子数据,设计不同灌水下限滴灌试验,进行气象因子等对茎流速率影响的试验研究。富士苹果树在4月份茎流速率最低平均值为2.07 mL/(cm2?h)],到了6—7月份最大,平均值为9.56 mL/(cm2?h)];生育期内茎流速率有明显昼夜变化规律,在晴天时变化规律呈单峰曲线,阴天时变化较平缓,多云天气时呈多峰曲线变化趋势。茎流速率变化规律与太阳辐射强度、大气温度和土壤温度变化均呈极显著正相关,相关系数分别为:0.9746、0.9389、0.9119;与大气湿度为显著负相关性;相关系数为-0.7526;茎流速率与土壤水分相关性不显著,但是降低土壤含水量会造成树体茎流速率的降低。富士苹果树干茎流速率与各气象因子间相关性由高到低排序为:太阳辐射强度>大气温度>土壤温度>大气湿度>土壤水分。以茎流速率为因变量,各个气象因子为自变量,经逐步回归线性分析得出茎流速率与太阳辐射强度和大气温度之间的回归方程:Y=-8.81+0.013X1+0.52X2。太阳辐射强度是影响树体茎流速率即蒸腾耗水的直接因素。  相似文献   

利用Flow32茎流计分别测定负水头灌溉和常规灌溉方式下的番茄植株蒸腾速率,探讨负水头灌溉方式对番茄植株蒸腾影响及植株蒸腾速率与太阳辐射强度之间的关系,同时分析了负水头灌溉下植株一天不同时刻耗水量差异和负水头灌溉对水分利用效率的影响。试验结果表明,负水头灌溉下的番茄植株蒸腾速率要大于常规漫灌,但有着相同的变化趋势,植株的蒸腾速率主要受太阳辐射强度的影响;负水头灌溉方式能为作物适时适量提供水分,且有效地减少无效地表蒸发和地下深层渗漏,提高了作物的水分利用效率。  相似文献   

以超级稻宁粳1号为材料,研究穗肥施用时间对不同秧龄机插水稻产量及其群体质量的影响。结果表明,相同穗肥施用条件下,机插水稻在适龄移栽时其产量、各生育阶段的群体生长速率、茎蘖动态、叶面积指数、光合势等均优于超秧龄移栽水稻。适龄移栽并于叶龄余数4、3 (D4-3)等量施用穗肥时,其产量、拔节至抽穗和抽穗至成熟阶段的群体生长速率、茎蘖成穗率、抽穗后的叶面积指数和群体光合势、抽穗期有效叶面积及其比率、高效叶面积及其比率、上三叶的叶片披垂度均高于叶龄余数5、3 (D5-3)和叶龄余数5、4 (D5-4)时等量施用穗肥的处理。而超秧龄移栽时,D5-4处理的产量、抽穗至成熟阶段的群体生长速率、拔节后各生育时期的群体茎蘖动态、群体叶面积指数、有效分蘖临界叶龄期(N-n)后的群体光合势、抽穗期有效叶面积和高效叶面积、基部3节间长度及3节间总长占秆长比例均优于D5-3和D4-3处理。说明机插水稻适龄移栽对水稻高产的获得尤为重要。适龄移栽时,穗肥于叶龄余数4、3等量施用可以形成良好的群体获得高产,而在超秧龄移栽时,将穗肥施用时间适当提前到叶龄余数5、4,可以促进部分动摇分蘖转化为有效分蘖并最终成穗,适当弥补秧苗因超秧龄移栽而造成的生长量不足,但穗肥的提前施用也使得基部节间过度伸长,增加了倒伏的风险。  相似文献   

旨在通过对苹果树树干液流变化规律的研究,了解苹果树的冠层耗水量即田间蒸腾量的变化规律。将热扩散式茎流计安装在苹果树主干上,选取3种不同的天气状况,通过数据采集分析树干液流随时间的变化规律,以及灌后树干液流的变化规律。试验结果表明:苹果树树干液流在不同天气状况下大小排列顺序为:晴天>阴天>雨天,晴天和阴天情况下,呈“几”字单峰型曲线,雨天呈多峰曲线;在研究苹果树树干日液流随时间的变化规律发现,在6—9月期间,各月最大值的大小排列顺序为:6月>9月>7月>8月;日均值的大小排列顺序为:6月>8月>7月>9月。在研究灌后苹果树树干液流变化规律发现,不管是峰值还是日树干液流值,灌溉当天的值均为5天中最小的。试验得出的苹果树干液流变化规律,为初步研究苹果树的田间蒸腾量提供了基础数据。  相似文献   

利用Flow32茎流计分别测定负水头灌溉和常规灌溉方式下的番茄植株蒸腾速率,探讨负水头灌溉方式对番茄植株蒸腾影响及植株蒸腾速率与太阳辐射强度之间的关系,同时分析了负水头灌溉下植株一天不同时刻耗水量差异和负水头灌溉对水分利用效率的影响。结果表明,负水头灌溉下的番茄植株蒸腾速率要大于常规漫灌,但两种灌溉方式有着相同的变化趋势,植株的蒸腾速率主要受太阳辐射强度的影响;负水头灌溉方式能为作物适时适量提供水分,且有效地减少无效地表蒸发和地下深层渗漏,提高了作物的水分利用效率。  相似文献   

晋中旱地玉米耗水规律及农田水分平衡研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用中子测水技术与蒸发模拟微区相结合的农业物理学法,测得晋中旱地玉米生育期耗水量为300~350mm,其中玉米蒸腾耗水占40~50%,棵间土壤蒸发耗水占50~60%.土壤湿度越大,棵间土壤蒸发越高.浅层土壤水分蒸发较强,深层蒸发较弱.130~150cm土层蒸发几乎未波及到该层.玉米蒸腾与土壤蒸发耗水虽有一定联系,但基本上属于两个独立的过程.蒸腾与产量之间呈高度正相关.农田水分平衡状况对产量有明显的影响.  相似文献   

植物水分含量检测综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水分作为植物生长和发育的要素之一,其含量的检测与诊断是植物学及农业、林业等领域的重要研究课题。植物水分含量诊断主要是通过对比植物特定性状指标与正常生长环境下的指标来实现。随着植物生理、生化研究的深入以及传感、检测技术的进步,发展出众多的植物水分含量检测方法。从最初通过检测细胞液浓度来直接反映水分含量,到测量植物蒸腾速率、茎流流速、叶片水势、冠层温度、茎秆直径、特定化学物质含量等间接反映水分含量,以致现在以图像、光谱分析为基础的机器视觉等新方法成为主流。本文在充分调研国内外研究和文献的基础上,详细介绍主要的水分含量检测方法原理,分析其优缺点,试图把握植物水分检测的发展趋势和研究方向,为相关科研和应用提供有益参考。  相似文献   

Summary A comparative study of photosynthetic response to water stress was conducted with one genotype of wild einkorn (Triticum boeoticum, W) and one of domesticated einkorn (T. monococcum, C).Per unit leaf area, W showed a better performance for photosynthetic and transpiration activities, even under dry air and dry soil conditions. Its leaf water potential was always higher than that of C at any level of soil water potential. The difference in photosynthetic recovery from severe drought between W and C was also obvious. The photosynthetic rate, transpiration rate and water status of the leaves observed at 20 h after rewatering was almost the same as non-stressed leaves in W, whereas in C the photosynthetic rate was about half that of the non-stressed leaves, which was accompanied with a low transpiration rate and a high gas diffusion resistance. The ability of W to maintain a proper water balance over a wide range of soil water potential and to recover rapidly from severe drought seems to be a result of adaptation to its hard habitats.However, under favourable water supply, the photosynthetic rate per unit leaf nitrogen was higher in C than in W. This may be advantageous to bring about a better plant growth than W on the arable land where the improved water supply is guaranteed.  相似文献   

段爱旺  肖俊夫 《作物学报》1999,25(6):766-771
控制交替沟灌是通过调节作物生理过程实现节水的一项新技术。试验结果表明,在控制交替沟灌条件下,叶片蒸腾速率随着土壤含水量的降低而下降,而叶片光合速率则在土壤含水量降到某一数值以前没有显著的变化,从而造成叶片水分利用效率在较轻的水分胁迫下会有一定程度的提高。从叶片水分利用效率的角度分析,控制交替沟灌的灌  相似文献   

Drought and heat are among the main abiotic stresses causing severe damage to the cereal productivity when occur at reproductive stages. In this study, ten wheat cultivars were screened for combined heat and drought tolerance imposed at booting, heading, anthesis and post‐anthesis stages, and role of the foliage applied plant extracts was evaluated in improving the performance of differentially responding wheat cultivars under terminal heat and drought stresses. During both years, wheat crop was raised under ambient temperature and 70% water holding capacity (WHC) till leaf boot stage. The plant extracts (3% each) of sorghum, brassica, sunflower and moringa were foliage applied at booting, anthesis and post‐anthesis stage; and after one week of application of these plant extracts, combined heat and drought was imposed at each respective stage. Heat and drought stresses were imposed at each respective stage by placing pots in glass canopies with temperature of 4 ± 2°C above than the ambient temperature in combination with drought stress (35% WHC) until maturity. Combination of drought and heat stresses significantly reduced the performance of tested wheat cultivars; however, stress at the booting and heading stages was more damaging than the anthesis and post‐anthesis stages. Cultivars Mairaj‐2008 and Chakwal‐50 remained green with extended duration for grain filling, resulting in the maintenance of number of grains per spike and 100‐grain weight under stress conditions and thus had better grain yield and water‐use efficiency. However, in cultivars Fsd‐2008, and Shafaq‐2006, the combined imposition of drought and heat accelerated the grain filling rate with decrease in grain filling duration, grain weight and grain yield. Foliar application of all the plant extracts improved the wheat performance under terminal heat and drought stress; however, brassica extract was the most effective. This improvement in grain yield, water‐use efficiency and transpiration efficiency due to foliage applied plant extracts, under terminal heat and drought stress, was owing to better stay‐green character and accumulation of more soluble phenolics, which imparted stress tolerance as indicated by relatively stable grain weight and grain number. In crux, growing of stay‐green wheat cultivars with better grain filling and foliage application of plant extracts may help improving the performance of bread wheat under combined heat and drought stresses.  相似文献   

冬小麦蒸腾效率对土壤水分响应的生理机制探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过盆栽试验,研究了两种生态型冬小麦(石家庄8号和洛旱2号)在三种土壤水分条件下(L:田间持水量的60%~65%;M:田间持水量的70%~75%;H:田间持水量的80%~85%)蒸腾效率的变化及其生理机制。结果表明:随着土壤水分的降低,植株叶片水势降低,根冠比增加,两个品种间没有显著差异。土壤水分的降低,使植株生物量减少,蒸腾耗水减少,但蒸腾效率提高。L处理下石家庄8号和洛旱2号植株水平的蒸腾效率分别提高119.0%和62.2%。植株叶片光合速率与蒸腾速率随土壤水分的减少不断下降,但叶片水平的蒸腾效率提高,且与植株水平蒸腾效率呈极显著正相关(R2=0.96)。气孔导度随土壤水分的减少而降低,并与蒸腾速率呈极显著正相关(R2=0.97),表明蒸腾主要受气孔因素调节;光合速率随土壤水分减少而降低,但胞间CO2浓度升高,表明光合主要受非气孔因素调节,这种调节机制使得植株在干旱胁迫下更高效利用水分。试验结果初步揭示:光合与蒸腾调节机制的差异构成了试验品种在干旱下蒸腾效率提高的生理基础。  相似文献   

Summary Variations with regard to heat tolerance, in terms of heading ability, and water consumption under high temperatures were studied in various Chinese cabbage (Brassica campestris spp. pekinensis Rupr.) varieties. Total water consumption did not differ among entries; however, heat tolerant varieties had greater water uptake than heat sensitive ones at the onset of head formation. Heat tolerant varieties also possessed thicker leaves, higher leaf sap electrical conductivity and chlorophyll content, and lower stomatal number. These characteristics appeared to facilitate water transport to the leaves and reduce transpiration, thus enabling the heat tolerant plants to maintain leaf turgidity during the heading stage at high temperature. Vigorous root growth also seems essential to supply adequate water to the leaves so that they can maintain good turgor at high temperature. Breeding for heat tolerance in Chinese cabbage may be accomplished indirectly by selecting for plants which possess relative thick leaves, high levels of electrolytes, high chlorophyll content, few stomata, and vigorous root growth.Journal paper no. 95 of the Asian Vegetable Research and Development Center(AVRDC).  相似文献   

Energy consumption of water intake is one of the key factors for energy saving in the application of the open loop surface water heat pump system. An energy efficiency ratio coupling model for open loop surface water source heat pump systems was established on the basis of the energy consumption model for the water intake and the heat pump units. According to energy saving rate and regulation of energy consumption of water intake, dynamic temperature limits of water intake in different water supply temperature of cooling tower and different pump head were proposed so as to find a calculation method of temperature limits of water intake of open loop surface water heat pumps. Moreover, the energy saving rate of surface water source heat pump systems compared with traditional air conditioning systems under various condition was also calculated.  相似文献   

Methyl jasmonate alleviated salinity stress in soybean   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We studied the role of methyl jasmonate (MeJA) in alleviating NaCl-induced salt stress on soybean growth and development in hydroponics medium. Soybean seedlings were exposed to 60 mM NaCl stress for 2 weeks, 24 h after the application of 20 and 30 μM MeJA. NaCl stress induced a significant reduction in plant growth, endogenous bioactive gibberellin (GA4), photosynthesis and transpiration rate, while a marked increase in the endogenous abscisic acid (ABA) and proline contents were recorded. MeJA application greatly mitigated the adverse effects of NaCl on soybean growth and endogenous hormones. MeJA significantly increased ABA levels, while the endogenous amount of GA4 was reduced by the application of NaCl. Our study revealed that MeJA counteracted the negative effects of NaCl stress on plant growth, chlorophyll content, leaf photosynthetic rate, leaf transpiration rate, and proline content.  相似文献   

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