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新型土坯墙体房屋抗震性能试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
提出了一种新型土坯墙房屋,对新型土坯墙房屋承重墙体的受力及抗震性能进行试验研究。设计三片新型土坯墙试件,研究土坯墙体在竖向荷载和反复水平荷载作用下的破坏过程、破坏形态、滞回曲线和骨架曲线特征以及墙体水平承载力和变形能力等,同时,研究新型构造措施对土坯墙抗震性能的作用。试验表明:新型土坯墙体的破坏模式与配筋混凝土小型空心砌块相似,土坯墙体具有良好的承载力和变形能力。新型构造措施对墙体整体抗震性能作用明显,其连接构造至关重要。与计算结果比较得出,在建筑抗震概念设计原则指导下,抗震设防7度区采用新型土坯墙建造二层房屋具有可行性。  相似文献   

配置600 MPa级高强钢筋T形柱抗震性能试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
600 MPa级钢筋是一种新型高强度钢筋,为研究该钢筋应用于异形柱结构体系的可行性,对7根不同轴压比、体积配箍率和钢筋强度的混凝土T形柱试件进行低周往复荷载试验,分别对其承载力、位移、滞回曲线、骨架曲线、刚度退化和耗能性能进行研究,综合评估其抗震性能。研究结果表明:配置600 MPa级钢筋的混凝土T形柱具有良好的变形能力和承载能力,提高配箍率能有效提高试件的抗震性能,提高轴压比可以提高试件的承载力,但降低其变形能力。随着钢筋强度的提高,试件的承载力显著提高。  相似文献   

预应力CFRP布及预紧螺栓加固RC梁试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为提高碳纤维布加固RC结构的效果及其可靠性,提出了预应力碳纤维布与预紧螺栓联合加固技术。结合在役RC梁的损伤特点及目前的RC梁加固方法,分别采用不同的碳纤维布加固技术对完整梁和破坏梁的抗弯性能进行了对比试验研究。针对目前碳纤维布张拉设备的缺陷,研发了便于现场应用的新型碳纤维布布张拉设备,分析了预应力大小对加固效果的影响。结果表明,预应力碳纤维布及预紧螺栓联合加固技术是一种更可靠的桥梁加固方法,不仅能够提高RC梁正截面的抗弯承载能力及正常使用阶段的截面刚度,而且螺栓预紧锚固碳纤维布能够很好地抑制其在混凝土表面的剥离,提高碳纤维布与混凝土表面之间粘结强度,对碳纤维布施加预应力能够充分发挥其高强性能,有效抑制混凝土裂缝开裂和开展。  相似文献   

通过双面剪切试验,研究了冻融环境下CFRP-高性能混凝土界面粘结性能的发展规律。对比分析了未经冻融和经历25、50、100、150、200及300次冻融循环作用试件的破坏特征、剪应变分布、荷载滑移曲线、粘结承载力以及粘结破坏机理。结果表明,所有试件的界面破坏均发生在混凝土表层内,但随着冻融循环次数的增加,破坏界面有向胶层发展的趋势;经受冻融循环次数较少时(25、50次),界面的粘结强度、刚度及开裂荷载的变化不明显,甚至略微提高;但随着冻融循环次数的进一步增加,界面粘结性能有明显的变化,界面粘结强度、端部滑移量减小,刚度退化,初始开裂荷载水平降低,非线性特征增强。粘结极限承载力与混凝土立方体抗压强度均随冻融循环次数的增长存在先提高后下降的趋势,混凝土强度变化是界面粘结性能变化的最重要因素。  相似文献   

为了防止联肢剪力墙中小跨高比连梁发生低延性剪切破坏,在单连梁中部设置一条通缝,形成开缝连梁改善其抗震性能。试验完成了3个小跨高比带板开缝连梁的低周反复加载,通过与其他配筋形式连梁对比,分析了开缝连梁的破坏形态、滞回特征、承载力退化、刚度退化、延性、耗能等一系列抗震性能。利用软件ABAQUS对试件滞回曲线的骨架曲线进行模拟,并将模拟结果和试验结果相对比。结果表明,小跨高比开缝连梁具有良好的承载能力及变形能力,施工较为方便且经济,能有效防止小跨高比连梁延性较差的剪切破坏,具有较好的抗震性能,可在实际工程中推广。  相似文献   

剪力连接件是保证GFRP混凝土组合梁/板中两种不同材料共同工作的重要构造,设计了矩形肋和T形肋两类GFRP肋式剪力连接件,进行了3组共8个GFRP肋式剪力连接件的推出试验,包括:矩形肋开孔、T形肋开孔、T形肋不开孔3组GFRP肋式剪力连接件,得到了其破坏形态、极限承载力、荷载滑移曲线及荷载应变变化规律,重点研究肋内开孔及肋的截面形式对GFRP肋式剪力连接件受力性能的影响。试验结果表明:GFRP肋式剪力连接件的破坏形态均为混凝土劈裂破坏;对比矩形肋开孔试件,T形肋开孔试件强度高、延性好;对比T形肋不开孔试件,T形肋开孔试件强度与延性均能提高。基于试验结果,建立了考虑肋内开孔及肋截面形式影响的GFRP肋式剪力连接件极限承载力计算公式,拟合得到了GFRP肋式剪力连接件的荷载滑移曲线上升段的理论模型,建立了其抗剪刚度计算公式。  相似文献   

通过高强钢绞线网聚合物砂浆加固层与混凝土结构的剥离破坏试验,对加固层与混凝土界面的剥离破坏特征进行了研究。探讨了单侧加固、植筋加固及U型加固等不同的加固方式对加固层抗剪承载力及抗剪强度的影响。试验结果表明,采用U型加固等增加粘结面积的方式能有效提高加固层粘结面抗剪承载力,但同时会削弱加固层的抗剪强度,而在界面上植入抗剪钢筋后,能同时提高聚合物砂浆加固层的抗剪承载力及抗剪强度。根据试验结果,提出了最小植筋率的建议值。  相似文献   

HDPF加固钢筋混凝土柱抗震性能试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了研究高延性聚酯纤维加固钢筋混凝土柱的抗震性能,共进行了7根柱的低周反复试验,其中,3根在未加固状态下进行试验,4根柱粘贴高延性聚酯纤维加固后进行试验,针对位移延性系数、等效粘滞阻尼系数、总耗能、承载力和纤维带的应变进行了研究与分析。研究结果表明:未加固柱的承载力、耗能能力和延性都比较低,采用高延性聚酯纤维加固后的试件裂缝发展缓慢,加固后柱的承载能力、耗能能力、延性均有不同程度地提高;在塑性铰区域内增加局部配筋,能够提高纤维布的约束效果。  相似文献   

制作掺入引气剂和未掺入引气剂的100%粗骨料取代率的再生混凝土RC1和RC2两组试件以及掺入引气剂和未掺入引气剂的普通混凝土NC1和NC2两组试件,并分别对经过不同次数冻融循环试件的抗压强度、质量损失率、动弹性模量损失率进行研究。结果表明,冻融后各组试件的抗压强度、质量损失率及动弹性模量损失率均降低,对于添加引气剂的NC1和RC1两组试件损失较小,其中RC1组试件在200次冻融后抗压强度损失接近40%,质量损失率达0.5%,动弹性模量损失率38.5%。100%取代率并加入引气剂的ZRC组试件冻融后进行中心拨出实验,发生劈裂破坏和钢筋拔出破坏2种形式。再生粗骨料混凝土与钢筋的极限粘结应力均随冻融次数的增加而降低,200次冻融后极限粘结应力下降33.5,荷载滑移曲线既有上升段也有下降段。  相似文献   

以竖向荷载和水平地震作用组合下的钢筋混凝土柱和钢柱为对象,研究了失效方程中荷载相关特性对柱承载力抗震可靠性的影响。根据现行《混凝土结构设计规范》和《钢结构设计规范》分析了不同柱弯矩轴力相关曲线的特性。结合多个框架结构实例,对比了柱失效方程中荷载相关曲线与规范考虑情形的异同。实例分析表明:水平地震和竖向荷载组合作用下,小偏压RC柱和工字型钢柱的荷载相关曲线与规范考虑的情形较为符合,均近似为负相关的直线;水平地震和竖向荷载组合作用下,大偏压RC柱的荷载相关曲线则与规范考虑的情形有较大出入,存在明显的正相关段部分。在此基础上,考虑失效方程复杂特性,依据已有的荷载和抗力变量概率模型,采用Monte Carlo法分析了水平地震和竖向荷载组合作用下柱的可靠性。结果表明:钢柱和小偏压RC柱的承载力抗震可靠度随轴压力荷载效应比值的变化幅度较小,与规范模式计算结果较接近;大偏压RC柱的承载力抗震可靠度随轴压力荷载效应比值的变化会有较大幅度波动,与规范模式计算结果差异较大;当轴压力荷载效应比值为负时,大偏压RC柱的承载力抗震可靠度会低于规范计算值较多,现行柱可靠性设计方法会偏于不安全。  相似文献   

In order to accurately evaluate the aseismic behavior of the seismic damaged masonry pagodas destroyed by Wenchuan earthquake and strengthened after the earthquake, a test was conducted to acquire related parameters on seismic performance from the specimens made by masonry and retrofitted with grouting and steel hoops. Taking a seismic damaged ancient masonry pagoda in Sichuan as a case study, four kinds of primitive specimens are fabricated by simulating the conformation of the masonry pagoda. Then the primitive specimens are destroyed under cycle loads and the damaged specimens are repaired by grouting and steel hoops. Cycle controlling tests are conducted with the specimens and relevant data are acquired. Experimental results showed that grouting combined with steel hoops could improve the ductility and energy dissipation capacity of a seismic damage of brick masonry structure, but it do a little to improve the stiffness of a seismic damage structure. And the cracking load of the repaired masonry is much lower than the original undamaged structure.  相似文献   

Using the software, ABAQUS, accurate simulations of seismic behavior of 2 coupled wall specimens and 2 cantilever structure wall specimens using high performance fiber reinforced concrete (FRC) in plastic hinge under quasi static cyclic loading were carried out. The analysis model proves to be effective with the accordance between results of computation and experiment, then it can be used to analyze the seismic behavior of coupled wall system with FRC coupling beams. By using the verified numerical model, the ability of FRC coupling beams instead of RC coupling beams to provide acceptable performance was discussed. In addition, the impact of coupling ratio on seismic behavior of coupled walls was studied. The results show that coupled walls in which FRC coupling beams are used instead of traditional RC beams have good energy dissipation and ductility, and its initial stiffness is increased and stiffness degradation is slow. And as the coupling ratio of coupled wall structures increases, the stiffness and strength increase. But if the coupling ratio is too large, the ductility and energy dissipation capacity will be significantly reduced.  相似文献   

The Effect of horizontal strengthened story to the seismic response of super high - rise steel braced frame is analyzed in this paper through the finite element software ANSYS. By comparison of six different schemes of a 32 - story building, further research is presented on the influence of the quantity of strengthened story to the lateral stiffness, the inner force of components under earthquake and the distribution of shear force among inner tube and outer frame. According to the study, the Wuhan International Securities Mansion, which is a super high -rise steel structure, is described as verification. The response of the building is analyzed in small earthquake. The study can serve as the references of super high - rise structure with horizontal strengthened story design.  相似文献   

High-strength concrete has been widely used in civil structures for advantages of higher-strength, earlier curing strength and smaller deformation in applications. However, relatively weak ductility in structures in seismic zones prevented it from further application. The ductility of the structure can be improved by reinforcing reasonably rebars in correct details. A high strength RC frame model with twelve floors and two bays is numerically analyzed by using DRAIN-2DX program. It was shown that this worked fairly well in simulation of the process of structural damage and energy dissipation capacity. It also showed that this kind of frame structure has good ductility and dissipation capacity as well as great seismic performance. The proposed method can be applied in high-strength concrete structures in seismic zone.  相似文献   

Super-servicing reinforced concrete poles (RCP) which come from a road section in a power grid, including six pole shafts and six specimens with a mid-span steel joint, were selected as samples to conduct a flexural strength test, in which three shafts and three poles with steel joint in the middle span were strengthened by CFRP in the longitudinal direction. The mechanical behavior and failure mechanism under different CFRP layers pasted were comparatively studied. Based on the measured test data, the calculation methods of strength and stiffness were investigated, and the mathematical expression of stiffness degradation mechanism was proposed. The result shows that the final failure mode of CFRP strengthened poles is the local bond failure between CFRP material and the external concrete, and the longitudinal CFRP is snapped. The process of damage is rapid and brittleness. The mean strain of cross-section is in accord with the assumption of plane cross-section. The strength degradation of shaft specimens without strengthened is throughly serious. As for the strengthened poles, the bearing capacity and stiffness under each forcing stage are improved with different levels. The damage of strengthened specimens develops faster and more intensive than that of none-strengthened ones. When multi-aspects are synthetically considered, there is a suggestion that double layers of CFRP should be pasted along the longitudinal in the joint of the site within a certain distance, and the single layer of CFRP should be adopted in the shaft.  相似文献   

The Quasi static tests of one steel frame and two the composite deep beams infilled steel frames were carried out. The effects of the deep beams on the load capacity, ductility, hysteretic property and energy dissipation of pure steel structure were analyzed. It is found that the hysteresis curve is a straight line with the constant of the stiffness at the beginning and without residual deformation. And the hysteresis curve of specimen was full after yielding, and the skeleton curves had a clear plastic flow phase with triple linear. The lateral drifts of the beam specimens at failure were 1/25 and 1/22. The composite deep beams enhance the initial stiffness, yield load and maximum load bearing capacity of steel frame. Therefore, seismic performance of the composite deep beams is better.  相似文献   

预应力装配混凝土复合墙板抗震性能试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合砌体结构的发展现状和住宅产业化的发展趋势,提出一种“预应力装配混凝土复合墙板”,以期望在中小城镇低层建筑民用房屋中发展一种新的结构形式来对砌体结构进行补充。为了考察该复合墙板的抗震性能,对2块不同预应力度的试件进行了拟静力试验。得到了相应试件的抗震性能指标,显示该墙板具有较好的承载能力和变形性能,分析认为所提出的墙板可以达到8度区低层民用房屋的应用要求,可以作为砌体承重墙的一种替代形式,并且对该墙板相关构造提出了改进建议。  相似文献   

In order to improve seismic performance of steel frame with prefabricated reinforce-concrete infill shear walls (SFCW), the ear bar device was used in the connection between the steel frame and the infill wall. Two one-bay, two story and one-third scaled models of SFCW were tested with low cyclic load. The working performance of ear bar connection, the cracks development in infill walls and deformation performance of SFCW were investigated. And the failure mode, hysteretic behavior,stiffness degradation,deformation and ductility and energy dissipation of composite structure were analyzed. The comparison study of steel frame with prefabricated, cast-in-place and silt reinforce-concrete infill shear walls was carried out. The results show that no failure occurs in the connection between the steel frame and the infill wall because ear plates below and up the beam-to-column connections are added in the specimens, and the connection device of ear plate presents good working performance. The properly designed SFCW has good ductility.  相似文献   

For a reinforce concrete frame structures which is not satisfied the standard for seismic appraiser of building, viscidity dampers are used to retrofit the structure. Four reinforce schemes are selected in which six same viscidity dampers are located at different position of the structure. Compared seismic performance of the retrofited structure with unretrofited one, an optimum scheme where viscidity dampers should better set is obtained. Then the number and technical parameter of viscidity dampers are adjusted, and seismic performance of the structure are calculated. The results are compared and a more economic scheme is obtained because the cost is lowest and the displacement of the structure under earthquakes is satisfied the standard for seismic appraiser of building. Several rules and advices are gotten about how to use the viscidity dampers to retrofit reinforce concrete frame structures. The conclusion about viscidity dampers are useful for similar actual engineering.  相似文献   

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