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Mountainous landscapes are characterized by strong spatial heterogeneity, leading to increasing geographical isolation and decreasing area with elevation. Consequently, the colonization rate decreases from the low to high elevation zone, while the extinction rate shows the opposite.


Due to such changes, we test whether (1) species occur at a declining number of sites (mountains) and have a less positive abundance–occupancy relationship (AOR) in a higher elevation zone; (2) a lower proportion of rare large-bodied species (less resistant to extinction) and a more positive abundance–body mass relationship (ABR) emerge in a higher elevation zone.


Using the data of small mammals from 20 elevational gradients in the Mountainous Region of Southwest China, we compared the AORs and ABRs among the low, middle and high elevation zones. The AOR and ABR were fitted with linear and polynomial regression models. We compared endemic ratios among the different elevation zones.


The AOR was best characterized by a linear model and positive in all elevation zones. Its slope decreased from the low to high elevation zone. The quadratic model performed the best in fitting the ABR in each zone. When fitted with linear models, both the R2 and slope of the ABR increased towards the high elevation zone. The endemic ratios were significantly higher in the middle and high elevation zones.


Both the AOR and ABR in mountainous landscapes are strongly elevation-dependent. The increasing geographical isolation and decreasing area with elevation can have a high impact on macroecological patterns and processes.



Multiple ecological drivers generate spatial patterns in species’ distributions. Changes to natural disturbance regimes can place early successional habitat specialists at an increased risk of extinction by altering landscape patterns of habitat suitability.


We developed a series of hypotheses to evaluate the effects of landscape structure, fire history, and site-level habitat quality on site occupancy by an early successional specialist, the eastern chestnut mouse (Pseudomys gracilicaudatus).


We obtained eight years of monitoring data from 26 sites in recently burned heathland in southeast Australia. We used generalised linear models to determine which explanatory variables were related to occupancy. We also explored predictability in patterns of small mammal species co-occurrence.


Landscape structure (patch area, landscape heterogeneity) was strongly related to site occupancy. Site occupancy was associated with dead shrubs in the understory and rock cover on ground layer, but was not directly influenced by recent or historical fire. Contrary to contemporary ecological theory, we found no predictable species associations in our early successional community.


We recommend surveys take account of landscape configuration and proximity to suitable habitat for optimal results. Fire regimes expected to promote eastern chestnut mouse population growth should encourage the retention of critical habitat features rather than be based on temporal rates of successional stages. For management to adequately account for post-disturbance patterns in early successional communities, a species-by-species, multi-scaled approach to research is necessary.

Urban community parks, as widely distributed and frequently used small public urban green spaces, play an essential role in meeting the growing needs of residents for recovery. However, previous studies focus on the restorative benefits of nature and have rarely measured the restoration of winter scenes and artificial scenes. This paper selects a typical small community park in the winter city of China and studies how landscape elements affect restorative benefits through the setting of seasonal virtual scenes. Respondents were asked to rate natural, dynamic and seasonal virtual scenes in terms of sense of being away, extent, fascination, compatibility, and restorative potential. The results show plants with rich layers and large coverage areas have a significant positive impact on human perception of recovery, vitality facilities have no significant impact on perceived recovery, and the number of active people has a significant negative impact on perceived recovery. The plant landscape in winter and summer has the same effect on attention recovery, and seasonally induced changes in plant vision can enhance restorative benefits.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of non-native, invasive plants on the landscape is strongly influenced by human action. People introduce non-native species to new landscapes and regions (propagule pressure) as well as increase ecosystem invasibility through disturbance of native ecosystems. However, the relative importance of different landscape drivers of invasion may vary with landscape context (i.e., the types and amounts of surrounding land cover and land use). If so, data collected in one context may not be appropriate for predicting invasion risk across a broader landscape. To test whether independent occurrence datasets suggest similar landscape drivers of invasion, we compared landscape models based on data compiled by the Invasive Plant Atlas of New England (IPANE), which are contributed opportunistically by trained citizen scientists, to models based on Forest Stewardship plans (FSPs), which are located in privately owned and relatively undisturbed forests. We evaluated 16 landscape variables related to propagule pressure and/or disturbance for significant predictors of invasive plant presence based on presence/absence and count regression models. Presence and richness of invasive plants within FSPs was most influenced by proportion of open land and proximity to residential areas, which are both sources of propagules in forest interiors. In contrast, IPANE invasive plant presence and richness for the same area was influenced by distance to roads and streams. These results suggest that landscape drivers of invasion vary considerably depending on landscape context, and the choice of occurrence dataset will strongly influence model results.  相似文献   

Community gardens are very popular in developed countries, providing multiple benefits to inhabitants. In developing China, residents in many emerging urban communities of China have been appropriating and reclaiming public open spaces intentionally as a leisure opportunity and transforming their entertainment functions into vegetable plots, which has caused a series of conflicts and disputes. However, this issue of informal community gardening has rarely been discussed formally at community level. Therefore, this study aims to learn and better understand what factors motivate residents to reclaim existing public open spaces for gardening and cultivating plants. The approach was to select and study informal community gardens in three urbanizing communities in Hangzhou, China. These emerging communities consist, to a significant extent, of people with farming experience, who have relocated here from previously rural areas during the urban expansion from the year 2000 to the current day. The informal community gardening takes place in the context of lack of community management, neglected public infrastructure and a disregard for resident’s living needs such as their personal sentiment, social activity, food quality and saving expenses. While most people are willing to participate in community gardening and those who do not want to contribute are not substantially against the activity. In the conclusions, suggestions are made about how to fulfil resident’s requirements and are presented at both community and city levels so that they may inform to the growth of emerging communities in other cities and countries undergoing rapid urbanization.  相似文献   

Introduced tree species represent a substantial component of urban forests in cities all over the world. Yet there is controversy about the further use of introduced tree species. Many practice orientated publications,research papers and governmental websites in the fields of urban planning, urban forestry, and urban ecology argue for planting native species and avoiding introduced species. Such arguments for native-only species selection are also touted by environmental groups and the media. Consequently the debate has sometimes spiralled away from a sensible and rational platform where invasion risks and biodiversity loss are discussed, to a groundless and unreasonable argument where exotic species are generally considered incapable of providing ecosystem services. From a European perspective, we here aim to curate a set of necessary considerations for current and future discussions on native and non-native plant material in sustainable urban development. Using examples from Northern and Central Europe we illustrate that in some regions the catalogue of native tree species may be too limited to fulfil ecosystem services and resilience in harsh urban environments. A main message from our line of arguments is that we cannot afford to generally exclude non-native tree species from urban greening. If “native-only” approaches become incorporated in regional, national or international policy documents or legislation there is a risk that urban ecosystem resilience will be compromised, particularly in regions with extreme environmental conditions. Since both invasion risks and sizes of native species pools vary conspicuously at regional to continental scales we also argue to adapt urban policies on using non-native trees to regional contexts.  相似文献   

Conservation of populations in fragmented habitats is often based on spatially realistic metapopulation theory, which predicts negative relationships between patch extinction and area and patch colonization and isolation. Cost-distance metrics have been developed to integrate habitat quality into measures of connectivity, and thus may improve predictive power of the area-isolation paradigm. Few studies use empirical data to compare predictive performance of complex cost-distance metrics to simple metrics relying on Euclidean distances. We used 3 years of presence–absence data to examine relative influence of habitat quality, habitat area, and connectivity on occupancy and extinction rates for Poliocitellus franklinii (Franklin’s ground squirrel), a rare grassland species of conservation concern. We calculated connectivity using nearest-neighbor (NN) and incidence function model (IFM) metrics based on Euclidean and cost-distances. Habitat quality, area, and connectivity were all positive predictors for occupancy, but only isolation was a positive predictor of extinction. P. franklinii does not appear to be a tallgrass prairie obligate, but the species distribution is limited by isolation of suitable grassland habitat. A simple NN metric measuring Euclidean distance between a target area and nearest occupied source outperformed IFM (Euclidean and cost-distance) in predicting occupancy and extinction for P. franklinii. Although NN metrics are criticized for considering only the contribution of the source nearest to a target, this simplicity may be acceptable when measuring connectivity for rare species with few occupied habitat patches within dispersal distance.  相似文献   

Hymenoscyphus fraxineus causes a destructive invasive tree disease known as ash dieback threatening the survival of common ash not only in the forests, but also in urban and landscape settings. Pruning is a potential management practice that could help maintain tree vitality and aesthetics in parks, gardens, alleys and recreation areas, as well as maintaining veteran trees having high heritage or cultural value, or trees with high genetic importance (e.g. located in clonal seed orchards). In this study we investigated the maximum distance proximal to the lesion margin at which H. fraxineus can be detected on individual branches infected by the fungus in order to provide recommendations for pruning. Pruning of branches was carried out on 38 trees in southern Sweden. Tissue samples including bark and wood were collected from the margin of the lesion and at 5 cm intervals proximal to the lesion. Molecular analysis revealed presence of H. fraxineus in 91.3% of the investigated lesions. The proportion of lesions at which H. fraxineus could be detected declined with increasing distance from the lesion margin, with a significant reduction in the number of positive samples at 10 cm proximal to the margin. At 30 cm from the lesion edge the pathogen was never detected. Our results suggest that routine pruning may help maintain the vitality of younger trees. Pruning branches at least 35 cm from visible, active lesions in the bark should exclude the fungus and therefore reduce the probability of stem infection by H. fraxineus, however this cultural control tactic may only be economically feasible for high value amenity trees.  相似文献   

Urban vegetation provides a wide array of services; yet, there is still a knowledge gap regarding the mechanistic processes behind urban vegetation–human well-being relationships. Two main approaches have been used to assess urban greenery associated with human well-being: physical and self-reported. We here assessed the associations between physical (green view index–GVI, green cover–GC) and self-reported measures (perceived visible greenery–PVG) of the streetscape greenery of two southeastern Mexican settlements (Xalapa, Coatepec). Our results show that both sites have considerable GC (Xalapa = 37.2%, Coatepec = 47.4%). We found a clear association between GVI and GC in Xalapa, but none in Coatepec. The latter was due to an important proportion of the vegetation of Coatepec being mainly constrained at block interiors, obstructed by walls. Regarding the self-reported measure, our results show an important discrepancy in relation to one of the physical measures (GVI), assessed through PVG/GVI ratios. In general, respondents tended to overestimate greenery, with greater overestimations related to GVI values <10%. Among the assessed respondent traits (gender, education level, live and/or work in neighborhood, time living and/or working in neighborhood), we found none to explain variations of PVG/GVI ratios in Coatepec, but respondent age did relate, non-linearly, with PVG/GVI ratios in Xalapa. In a nutshell, our findings indicate that the assessed physical and self-reported measures capture different aspects of urban greenery that differ in their potential uses, with GVI representing a helpful tool to quantify visible greenery at eye-level; GC being a highly informative physical measure to assess the amount of public and/or private urban greenery; and PVG as a quick and inexpensive measure of people’s perception of visible urban greenery. Depending on the monitoring, managing, and/or planning goals, the use of the three assessed measures can provide an integral evaluation of urban greenery.  相似文献   

Urban green spaces have previously been linked to reduction in crime and improvements in neighborhood environments. This study considered if the Care-A-Lot (CAL) program in Baltimore City, which incentivizes local community groups to maintain and green vacant lots, reduces violent and property crime. Compared to a 2016–2017 baseline, city block groups with CAL programs saw a significantly larger decrease in crime compared to matched block groups with no CAL programs both in 2018 and 2019. These results were found to be robust through a series of sensitivity analyses and add to the literature stressing the positive social impact of green spaces.  相似文献   



The umbrella approach applied to landscape connectivity is based on the principle that the conservation or restoration of the dispersal habitats for some species also can facilitate the movement of others. Species traits alone do not seem to be enough to identify good connectivity umbrella species, showing the need to investigate the influence of additional factors on this property.


We test whether the potential of a species as a connectivity umbrella can be influenced by landscape composition and configuration.


We simulated movement routes for eight hypothetical species in artificial patchy landscapes with different levels of fragmentation, habitat amount and matrix permeability. We determined the effectiveness of the connectivity umbrella of the virtual species using pairwise intersections of important habitats for their movements in all landscapes.


The connectivity umbrella performance of all species was affected by the interaction of fragmentation level and habitat amount. In general, species performance increased with decreasing fragmentation and increasing habitat amount. In most landscapes and considering the same dispersal threshold, species able to move more easily through the matrix showed higher umbrella performance than those for which the matrix offered greater resistance.


The connectivity umbrella is not a static feature that depends only on the species traits, but rather a dynamic property that also varies according to the landscape attributes. Therefore, we do not recommend spatial transferability of the connectivity umbrella species identified in a landscape to others that have divergent levels of fragmentation and habitat quantity.

Forb species abundance and richness determine both ecological and social values in naturalistic meadows in urban landscapes. However, species loss and dominance through competition are naturally part of meadow ecological processes often leading on productive soils to large grass biomass in the absence of appropriate management. Sowing density is a design tool to manipulate the initial number of emergents of each component species however high sowing densities may not benefit community performance in terms of species richness and diversity in the longer term. This study investigated the effect of sowing density on forb species abundance, biomass and richness. Two sowing densities approximating to 500 and 1,000 emerged seedlings/m2 were employed with 29 forb and one grass species. The higher sowing density did not lead to a larger grass biomass that dominated the community, as the grass species used was ultimately less competitive than the forb dominants. Increasing sowing density increased the number of forb seedlings initially but this declined, as did species richness in the longer term. In terms of subordinate forb survival, ability to access light resources to survive intense competition from dominants was key. Tall, and native species were more likely to maintain higher seedling numbers in the longer term. The research suggest that lower sowing rates are likely to be most useful on soils which are either unproductive, do not contain a significant weed seed banks, where weed free sowing mulches are employed or in rural situations where there is less immediate political pressure for rapid development of forb rich meadows.  相似文献   

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