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氯胺膦防治沟眶象、臭椿沟眶象效果初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
臭椿、千头椿一直是我国的主要“四旁”树种或城市的行道树,部分地区臭椿、千头椿的蛀干害虫沟眶象、臭椿沟眶象危害严重。对于防治沟眶象、臭椿沟眶象的方法,除了大家所熟知的严格检疫、人工捕捉成虫,以及利用吡虫啉、氧化乐果、辛硫磷、绿色威雷、功夫对沟眶象、臭椿沟眶象喷药除治成虫外,笔者在唐山豪门园林有限公司苗圃使用了氯胺膦和绿色威雷Ⅱ号防治沟眶象、臭椿沟眶象,取得了很好的防治效果,使有虫株率降到了0.1%以下。  相似文献   

研究报告·森林病虫害灾害经济损失评估指标体系的研究赵杰 ,苏宏钧 ,常国彬 ,等 ( 1 ) 1……………………………………………………森林病虫害防治标准体系的研究宋玉双 ,黄北英 ,苗喜伟 ( 1 ) 5……………………………………………………………………萧氏松茎象幼虫食性、危害及防治技术林仲桂 ,雷玉兰 ,彭珍宝 ,等 ( 1 ) 9…………………………………………………………四种杀虫剂对绣线菊蚜的毒力测定郭一妹 ,李镇宇 ,雷新宁 ( 1 ) 1 2…………………………………………………………………利用ZXX - 6 5真空循环熏蒸设备杀灭臭椿沟眶…  相似文献   

城市园林树木中臭椿沟眶象的防治技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1.臭椿沟眶象生物学特性及危害方式 臭椿沟眶象又名椿小象,危害臭椿。以幼虫在韧皮部和木质部之间驻食,可造成树势衰弱,甚至整株死亡。臭椿沟眶象成虫体长约11.5毫米,黑色;头部布有小刻点;前胸几乎全部、鞘翅肩部及端部1/4密被雪白鳞片,仅掺杂少数赭色叶状鳞片,鞘翅肩部略突出。  相似文献   

近年来臭椿沟眶象虫害发生迅速,危害严重,通过近3年对臭椿沟眶象的综合防治技术研究,已初步总结出了一套比较有效实用的防治方法。  相似文献   

对臭椿沟眶象的危害情况、越冬情况和生活史情况进行调查,并进行物理和化学防治方法试验。结果表明,受害臭椿上臭椿沟眶象和沟眶象同时发生,并且臭椿沟眶象主要以幼虫蛀食为害,幼虫蛀食枝、干的韧皮部和木质部,严重影响树木养分和水分的输导。在陕西省定边县1年发生1代,以幼虫和成虫越冬,幼虫在枝干内越冬,成虫在树干基部周围的表土中越冬。成虫多在白天活动,主要活动方式是沿树干及主侧枝爬行,具假死性,表明成虫的飞行能力很弱;活动范围小,自然扩散主要靠成虫爬行。人工捕杀费时费力,趋性诱杀适用于农村,人工悬挂倒喇叭是目前城市防治臭椿沟眶象的有效手段,针对受害部位涂抹树干作用明显,而树冠喷雾方式打药面积分散,防治效果不明显。  相似文献   

臭椿沟眶象 Eucryptorrhnchus brandti、沟眶象 E.chinensis从 1990年开始危害臭椿 ,致使树木枯死。自 1992年起对其生活史及防治方法进行了研究 ,刮树皮涂药、人工捕捉等方法效果较好 ,虫口密度由 6. 0 4 5头 /株降到 0 . 4 67头 /株  相似文献   

论述了臭椿沟眶象的形态特征、生活习性及危害状、发生规律及综合防治方法。  相似文献   

臭椿沟眶象危害及其防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴琼 《甘肃林业》2011,(6):36-36
臭椿沟眶象,又名椿小象甲,属鞘翅目象甲科,隐喙象甲亚科,沟眶象属,在我国主要分布于北京、天津、河南、河北、江苏、陕西、辽宁、甘肃、四川等地。1999年,通过调入的千头椿苗木传人到宁夏银川市,目前已扩散至银川、石嘴山、吴忠、中卫、固原等5市23个县,其主要危害的树种有臭椿和千头椿。  相似文献   

臭椿沟眶象生物学特性初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
臭椿沟眶象 Eucryptorrhynchus brandti(Harild)在安徽省 1年 1代 ,以幼虫、成虫越冬 ;幼虫蛀食危害臭椿 Ailanthus altissima(Mill) Swingle,造成生长势衰弱或整株枯死。笔者于 1 996~ 1 998年对该虫生物学特性进行了观察研究 ,并进行了防治试验 ,初步获得了较为理想的效果  相似文献   

【目的】设计轻量级神经网络,使用声音识别技术构建钻蛀振动识别模型,自动识别双条杉天牛和臭椿沟眶象幼虫蛀干取食振动,为提高钻蛀性害虫的早期预警能力提供技术支撑。【方法】在接双条杉天牛、臭椿沟眶象幼虫木段中嵌入AED-2010L便携式声音探测仪的SP-1L压电式传感器探头,使用录音笔以音频格式记录钻蛀振动信号。双条杉天牛钻蛀振动、臭椿沟眶象钻蛀振动和无钻蛀振动3种声音信号经端点检测、时间规整操作后,计算对数梅尔声谱作为卷积神经网络学习和识别的数据集。由于钻蛀性害虫取食振动脉冲持续时间短,数据量远小于图像,为避免模型出现过拟合,设计轻量级卷积神经网络Insect Frames,网络包含4层3×3卷积,全连接层前接全局平均池化进一步降低网络参数量。使用不同的中间层特征维度和降维方法,实现4种网络变体结构Insect Frames_1—4。【结果】基于轻量级卷积神经网络的钻蛀振动识别方法可有效监测早期虫害的发生,较准确地识别害虫种类。利用Insect Frames_1—4模型,对双条杉天牛钻蛀振动、臭椿沟眶象钻蛀振动和无钻蛀振动3种信号进行识别,在测试集上的平均识别准确率均达90%以上,CPU上平均识别时间为0.1~1.3 s。Insect Frames_2模型识别准确率达95.83%,较广泛用于虫声识别的高斯混合模型提高34.2%,较传统重量级神经网络Res Net18提高6.94%,时间效率提高171.1倍。【结论】将神经网络和声音识别技术用于幼虫钻蛀振动的自动化侦听,具有高效、简单、成本低等优势,可提升林业钻蛀性害虫的早期预警能力。  相似文献   

Bioassays were performed to determine the antifungal and insecticidal activity of clove essential oil (EO), several botanical compounds (eugenol, carvacrol, allylisothiocyanate (AITC) and ethyl formate (EtF)) against mycotoxigenic fungi (Aspergillus westerdijkiae and Fusarium graminearum) and the rice weevil, Sitophilus oryzae. Antifungal activity was quantified by measuring conidia germination inhibition and mycelial growth inhibition zone to determine the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC). Mortality of insects was determined through either contact toxicity assay (impregnated filter paper) or fumigation toxicity assay (airtight exposure chamber). A four-parameter logistic regression of fungi inhibitory growth rate to the dose of tested substances, either by the agar diffusion assay or the micro-atmosphere test, showed that AITC had antifungal and sporicide activity. The concentration at MIC for A. westerdijkiae and F. graminearum was 24.2 and 19.8???l?l?1, respectively, whereas clove essential oil (EO) was 755 and 352???l?l?1 after 72?h incubation period. Bioassays with S. oryzae showed that clove EO contact insecticidal activity was similar to pure eugenol and carvacrol: LD90s were 366, 385 and 442???l?dm?2, respectively. The fumigation insecticidal activity of AITC was LC95?=?10.8???l?l?1. For EtF and clove EO, only the LC50 could be accurately determined after 24?h exposure time which was observed at 41 and 210???l?l?1, respectively (vs. 6.4???l?l?1 for AITC LC50). The combined antifungal activity on mycotoxigenic seed-borne fungi and insecticidal activity against the rice weevil demonstrated that AITC in vapour phase may be a promising active substance for the preservation grain stored in unsafe conditions with a risk of fungal growth.  相似文献   


White spruce (Picea glauca (Moench) Voss) is host to several pests, including the white pine weevil (Pissodes strobi (Peck)) and the green spruce aphid (Elatobium abietinum (Walker)). The larvae of the white pine weevil damage spruce leaders by consuming the cortex while the green spruce aphid is a defoliator. White spruce emblings (seedlings produced by culturing tissues from seed embryos) from 18 families previously ranked for resistance to the white pine weevil were defoliated to varying degrees by the green spruce aphid in a natural outbreak that developed within a holding shadehouse. A strong relationship was shown between damage caused by the aphids and weevil resistance. Emblings ranked as highly weevil - resistant sustained significantly less aphid defoliation.  相似文献   

Tobacco was fumigated to control the cigarette beetleLasioderma serricorne (Fabr.) with a fumigant based on magnesium phosphide (Detiaphos R) in hogsheads and cartons at temperatures almost constantly below freezing point and alternatively at temperatures which increased or decreased very slowly in the course of the fumigation. The dosage was 1 g PH3 per m3 and the fumigation lasted 96 h in all cases. Gas concentration measurements in the tobacco and under sheeting showed that PH3 developed rapidly in lethal concentrations from magnesium phosphide at low temperatures. Complete mortality of the inserred test insects was registered after the 96 h fumigation period. With magnesium phosphide, a fumigant is available which can be used for fumigating tobacco even at low temperatures.  相似文献   

Damage by the large pine weevil, Hylobius abietis (L.), is a major threat to conifer plantations throughout Eurasia, but damage is usually less severe in northern areas. However, pine weevil damage seems to increase if the sites are burnt. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of variations in the time of planting (with respect to the total age of the clear-cut and the time since burning) on pine weevil damage to seedlings on burnt sites in northern Sweden. The study also explored whether there is an optimal time for planting at which damage levels are reduced to acceptable levels. Ten sites were selected in an inland area of northern Sweden where pine weevils are normally scarce. The sites were dry–mesic and represented a range of times since clear-cutting and since burning. The sites were planted in June 1998, 1999 and 2000 with 1-year-old container-grown seedlings of Norway spruce [Picea abies (L.) Karst.]. Pine weevil damage was reduced if planting was done no earlier than 3 years after clear-cutting and no earlier than 2 years after burning. Planting too soon after burning, irrespective of the age of the clear-cut, resulted in unacceptably high damage levels.  相似文献   

In northern Europe, there are high risks of severe pine weevil (Hylobius abietis) damage to newly planted conifer seedlings. Site preparation is one of the most important measures for reducing these risks and as several studies have shown the damage is highly dependent on the amount of pure mineral soil around the seedlings. We investigated effects of three site preparation techniques: (1) disc trenching with a conventional Bracke T26, (2) MidiFlex unit and (3) soil inversion with a Karl Oskar unit on characteristics of the planting spots, growth and pine weevil damage and survival rates of untreated and insecticide treated planted Norway spruce (Picea abies) seedlings. All three site preparation techniques reduced pine weevil damage in comparison with no site preparation, and the proportion of spots with pure mineral soil they created was inversely related to the rate of mortality caused by pine weevil. The results indicate that the quality of the planting spots depends on the technique used. In areas where pine weevil is the major threat to seedling survival, the amount of mineral soil in the planting spots is the most important factor in order to protect the seedling from damage. Without site preparation most planting spots consisted of undisturbed humus. Generally, the Karl-Oskar created the most spots with pure mineral soil, but on very stony soils the Bracke T26 created more mineral soil spots than other methods. Site preparation is a valuable tool in order to improve survival in regeneration areas and it is of great importance to make the right choice of technique depending on the particular circumstances on the actual site.  相似文献   

灭幼脲对杨干象作用机制和防治的研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
苗建才  郝然喜 《林业科学》1994,30(4):325-331,T001
采用灭幼脲油剂,油胶悬剂等,用点涂的方法对杨干象幼虫和成虫进行了适时防治,结果表明:灭幼脲油剂可抑制表皮几丁质的合成达15%以上;灭幼脲油胶悬剂抑制杨干象成虫精巢和卵巢的发育,可使成虫产卵间降低40-70%,使卵的孵化率降为零。这为杨干象的防治找到一条高效,安全,经济,易全文的新途径。  相似文献   

Four-year-old potted Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) grafts established with scion material from three mature trees, were exposed to either long-term fumigation with SO(2), with and without water stress, or long-term ozone fumigation. The electrical conductivity of the needle diffusate was measured after the needles had been washed with chloroform and then leached in distilled water. Although none of the treatments caused visible symptoms of injury, SO(2) fumigation and water stress both caused an increase in diffusate conductivity, but the effects were not synergistic. Ozone fumigation lowered both conductivity and nutrient ion concentration in the leachate.  相似文献   

Damage caused by pine weevil (Hylobius abietus L.) to planted seedlings and cuttings of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) was studied at five clearcut sites in south-eastern Sweden. The main objective was to compare the two types of stock in terms of attack frequency and mortality due to pine weevil feeding. Cuttings and seedlings with the same initial stem-base diameter (4 mm) were compared. Two sites were harvested and scarified shortly before planting, two were harvested shortly before planting, but were not scarified, and one was harvested 2 years before and scarified the autumn before planting. The total mortality 5 years after planting was highest, greater than 90%, at the new, non-scarified sites, and lowest, 23%, at the old, scarified site. More than 90% of the mortality was caused by pine weevil feeding. Attack frequency and pine weevil induced mortality were significantly higher among seedlings than among cuttings. Mortality due to pine weevil damage was 4–43% higher in seedlings than in cuttings after the fifth year. Of the cuttings and seedlings that were attacked in the first year, a significantly higher frequency of the seedlings were girdled. The higher resistance of cuttings to pine weevil damage may partly explain the more rapid growth of cuttings reported in other studies. However, the causes of their higher resistance need to be further investigated. The thicker bark and needles on the stem base of the cuttings could be important in this respect.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of feeding barriers to protect seedlings against damage caused by pine weevil (Hylobius abietis) was evaluated in experiments established from 1995 to 1999 in southern Sweden. For this purpose the damage done to containerized seedlings protected by various types of barrier was evaluated, and compared with damage to untreated and insecticide (permethrin)-treated seedlings. Three types of feeding barrier that gave significant protection during the first 3 yrs were recognized: coating on the stem bark, shields with a collar at the top, and shields without a collar. The mean accumulated mortality caused by pine weevil for coatings (47%) and shields without a collar (59%) was significantly higher than the corresponding figure for permethrin treatment (13%), whereas shields with a collar (26%) did not differ significantly from the permethrin treatment in this respect. The highest mortality was found for untreated controls (87%).  相似文献   

[目的]开展不同品系的杨树亲本来源、干部物理特性与抗性关系研究,为抗杨干象新品系的选育奠定一定基础.[方法]本研究连续2年研究了10个亲本51个不同杨树品系10~11年生杨树的被害株率、杨干象虫口密度与杨树木质部硬度、树皮硬度、树皮厚度、胸径等的关系.[结果]免疫品系、高抗虫品系、抗虫品系、感虫品系和高感虫品系木质部平均硬度分别为(47.38±1.71 ) HD、(46.07±1.17) HD、(44.64±1.61) HD、(41.84±1.66) HD、(40.73±2.04) HD;树皮平均硬度分别为(40±3.53) HD、(39.99±0.96) HD、(37.63±0.46) HD、(32.35±1.54) HD、(31.7±0.52) HD;平均胸径分别为(361.64±13.8) mm、(313.8±6.19) mm、(309.98±5.27) mm、(289.56±10.73) mm、(287.67±17.49) mm,亲本为美洲黑杨×青杨、马氏杨、美洲黑杨×马氏杨、小叶杨×胡杨的品系为抗虫品系;亲本欧洲黑杨×美洲黑杨、欧洲黑杨×小叶杨、美洲黑杨的多数品系为感虫品系.[结论]杨树木质部硬度与树皮硬度越大抗杨干象能力越强;胸径生长相对较快的品系抗性强;青杨、马氏杨、小叶杨为亲本抗虫性强,美洲黑杨、欧洲黑杨为亲本抗虫性差.在抗杨干象品系育种工作中应选择青杨、小青杨或甜杨做为亲本;避免以美洲黑杨或欧洲黑杨为亲本.  相似文献   

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