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中国益蝽亚科昆虫区系分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
据对有较详细分布资料的52种益蝽亚科昆虫分析,中国益蝽亚科昆虫其区系组成以东洋界为主体,计33种,占总数的63.46%;古北界7种,占总数的13.46%。在中国动物地理区划中,华南、华中、西南三区分布的种占所采总数的65.38%,可见此三区关系较为密切。  相似文献   

新疆柽柳幽柽木虱的生物学特性   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
在新疆的柽柳属植物上发现3种木虱,对其中的柽柳幽柽木虱进行了研究。该种木虱在新疆阜康地区1年发生1代,以4龄若虫在柽柳多年生枝条上越冬。越冬若虫翌年4月中旬开始取食,并使枝条顶端形成虫瘿,若虫在虫瘿内发育到5龄,至6月开始羽化,成虫平均寿命7.3d。雌成虫将卵产在花苞内,若虫在花苞内取食形成虫瘿,4龄若虫10月中旬爬出虫瘿转移到多年生枝条上越冬。发现若虫寄生蜂1种。  相似文献   

对入侵杂草豚草的天敌昆虫——外来广聚萤叶甲幼虫取食豚草不同部位叶片后的存活情况进行了观察;对不同日龄幼虫和成虫的生长速率和食物利用效率进行了测定。幼虫取食上部叶片的累计死亡率显著高于下部叶片,但与中部叶片无显著差异。广聚萤叶甲幼虫鲜重在6日龄前成倍增长,之后趋于平稳;各日龄幼虫的近似消化率均很高(〉80%),并随幼虫龄期增大而逐渐降低,但到10日龄时又有所升高;幼虫对食物的转化率与近似消化率之间未表现出常见的反比关系;幼虫取食的相对表现(相对生长率、相对取食率和相对代谢率)呈现早期高于晚期的变化格局。初羽化成虫(4d内)的取食量明显较高,之后基本保持平稳。  相似文献   

柽柳有效天敌昆虫筛选标准的建立   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
参照前人对杂草天敌筛选标准、植物与昆虫互作理论和近年来对柽柳原产地主要天敌生物学特性的研究结果,制定出柽柳天敌遴选量化标准,共计10项特征,满分为47分。并以此对取食柽柳的12种天敌进行了筛选。柽柳条叶甲得分最高(43分),其次是斯氏伞锥象(41分),推荐这2种天敌昆虫作为首选天敌引入美国做进一步评价。  相似文献   

柽柳柽瘿蚊的生物学特性   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
报道了在新疆柽柳上造成虫瘿的齿腿柽瘿蚊、毛尾柽瘿蚊、土库曼柽瘿蚊和害柽瘿蚊。对4种柽瘿蚊分布、寄主植物、生活史、行为及对寄主植物的选择性等生物学特性进行了观察。4种瘿蚊造成柽柳枝条形成性状各异的虫瘿,多一室一虫。齿腿柽瘿蚊在新疆乌鲁木齐市一年4代,毛尾柽瘿蚊在新疆阜康一年1代,均以老熟幼虫在虫瘿中越冬;在室内养虫盒和罩笼中,齿腿柽瘿蚊平均产卵42粒,害柽瘿蚊平均产卵56粒,卵多单产。寄生齿腿柽瘿蚊、毛尾柽瘿蚊的寄生蜂均分别有姬小蜂科和金小蜂科各1种。寄生蜂对齿腿柽瘿蚊越冬代的寄生率为38.5%,第1代蛹末期为58.0%,第2代蛹末期为91.3%,第3代蛹末期为3.6%;对毛尾柽瘿蚊蛹期寄生率为58.8%。接种卵试验表明,齿腿柽瘿蚊可以在采自美国的盆栽多枝柽柳上成功地取食、造成虫瘿,但不能在盆栽杨树和柳树上取食、存活。  相似文献   

研究了昆虫病原线虫共生细菌4个种和1组未定名种28个菌株发酵液对棉铃虫、菜青虫幼虫的致死、抑制生长和拒食作用。嗜线虫致病杆菌对棉铃虫幼虫具有较高的口服毒性,含20%(V/W)嗜线虫致病杆菌CBl2、CB6、CB5、CB28菌株发酵液的人工饲料饲喂棉铃虫初孵幼虫6天后,幼虫校正死亡率分别为97.7%、88.7%、88.4%和88.4%,饲喂棉铃虫3龄幼虫5天后,相对生长抑制率分别为96.4%、95.1%、95.6%和93.8%,上述菌株发酵原液涂抹白菜叶片饲喂5龄棉铃虫幼虫24h后相对拒食率分别为87.6%、83.6%、91.4%和89.8%;光杆状菌CBl、cBl52菌株、嗜线虫致病杆菌CB19菌株和波氏致病杆菌CB32菌株发酵原液涂抹白菜叶片饲喂菜青虫24h后,相对拒食率分别为82.7%、77.2%、75.8%和75.0%。  相似文献   

不同类型毒饵站灭鼠对比试验观察   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对不同类型毒饵站投放0.01%溴敌隆毒饵防治住宅区和农田区鼠类试验表明,农田区投放毒饵3d后,PVC管毒饵站、竹筒毒饵站、矿泉水瓶毒饵站无选择性摄食取食率为9.75%-15.40%,有选择性摄食取食率为1.00%-7.00%,综合平均取食率为5.38%-9.58%;住宅区无选择性摄食取食率为6.35%-10.30%,有选择性摄食取食率为2.20%-4.20%,综合平均取食率为4.55%-7.25%。投饵15d后,住宅区和农田区的防治效果分别为66.67%-80.00%和60.00%-100.00%,均具有较好的适口性和防治效果,说明这3种毒饵站可在农区灭鼠中推广应用。  相似文献   

长裙竹荪[Dictyophora indusiata(Vent.837 Pers.)]是一种珍贵的食用菌,有“山珍之王”的美称,属鬼笔目鬼笔科竹荪属。日本三叉露尾甲(Tricanus japonicus Hisamatsu)属鞘翅目露尾甲科,是长裙竹荪的重要害虫。露尾甲是一类世界性分布的昆虫,种类繁多、食性复杂、危害范围广,可危害作物、水果、蔬菜、树林、中药材和干果,亦有取食菌类、发酵腐败的动植物组织,如脊胸露尾甲(Carpophilus dimidiatus Fabricius)的幼虫蛀食多种贮藏期的粮食、干果和食用菌干品,其中灵芝、香菇、木耳等均可被蛀食;露尾甲(学名未详)以幼虫蛀食食用菌的菌丝,被蛀食菌丝体的栽培袋形成隧道,幼虫排出粪便造成菌袋污染和报废。  相似文献   

宜都市地处丘陵低山,常年种植玉米1万hm2以上,1997、1998年部分乡镇发生一种竹节虫(经分类检索属昆虫纲虫目棒虫科)为害,取食玉米叶片造成严重损失。其中毛湖淌、潘家湾两乡发生面积0.1万hm2,占玉米种植面积的42.9%,最严重的田块产量损...  相似文献   

室内饲养黄脊竹蝗CeracrisKiangsuTsai观察结果表明:黄脊竹蝗一个世代共取食叶片数为203片,叶面积为0.1178m2;每只跳婉从1~5龄的发育过程中,平均共取食竹叶65.5片,叶面积为0.0368m2,占其一生总食叶量的31.13%;每只成虫平均取食竹叶144.9片,叶面积0.0811m2,占一生总食叶量的68.88%。  相似文献   

The scale insects Acanthomytilus sacchari (Hall) and Duplachionaspis erianthi Borchsenius (Hemiptera, Diaspididae) are newly recorded as indigenous insects from Turkey. Both A. sacchari and D. erianthi were found to feed only on rhizomes of Johnsongrass. A field study was conducted to determine host ranges and feeding effects of these scale insects on Johnsongrass, Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers. No feeding of these species was observed on Zea mays L. (maize), Sorghum sudanense Staph. (sorghum), Aegilops triuncialis L. (barbed goatgrass), Avena fatua L. (wild oat), A. sterilis (sterile oat), Bromus tectorum L. (downy brome), Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. (bermudagrass), Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steudel (common reed), Poa bulbosa L. (bulbous bluegrass), or Secale montanum Guss. (wild rye). The mean infestation rates of the scale insects on Johnsongrass in southeastern Anatolia were 11.47% and 1.64% for A. sacchari and D. erianthi, respectively. Further investigations are required to clarify their biology and damage to Johnsongrass under field conditions.  相似文献   

为明确东亚迁飞场重要通道—雷州半岛空中昆虫的群落结构特征,于2022年在雷州半岛设立探照灯对夜间昆虫进行诱集及种群动态监测,并采用Margalef丰富度指数、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数和Pielou均匀度指数分析物种多样性。结果表明,诱集昆虫隶属于12目61科126属146种,其中鳞翅目、鞘翅目和半翅目昆虫是诱集量和物种丰富度最多的3大类群,分别占所有诱集昆虫总数的72.37%、11.18%和6.58%。诱集昆虫不仅包括草地贪夜蛾Spodoptera frugiperda、劳氏黏虫Leucania loreyi和斜纹夜蛾S. litura等多种重要的迁飞性害虫,还包括中华草蛉Chrysoperla nipponensis、黄蜻Pantala flavescens和异色瓢虫Harmonia axyridis等迁飞性天敌昆虫。空中昆虫的诱集高峰期主要在6—9月。诱集昆虫的Margalef丰富度指数平均数为6.60,Shannon-Wiener多样性指数平均数为2.68。表明雷州半岛空中昆虫群落物种丰富度和多样性均较高,并证实许多重大农业害虫在迁飞过程中途经雷州半岛。  相似文献   

对采自全国的6种葡萄上钻蛀性蠹虫类害虫(2种小蠹和4种长蠹)成虫的形态进行了描述,根据其鉴别特征制作了成虫分类检索表,为葡萄蠹虫类害虫的识别和防治提供参考。  相似文献   

为进一步开展欧洲输华粮谷中有害生物风险分析,该文整理和统计2003—2017年我国自欧洲输华粮谷中截获的有害生物数据,并采用SPSS 20软件分别对所截获的主要杂草和昆虫进行了聚类分析、相关分析和主成分分析,确定其截获次数的主控因子。结果显示,我国自欧洲输华粮谷中截获的主要有害生物为杂草,截获记录数为7 905次,占总截获记录的79.99%;我国自欧洲输华大麦中截获的有害生物次数均最多,截获次数为57 843次,占总截获次数的51.39%;我国自乌克兰输华粮谷中截获的杂草和昆虫次数最多,分别为39 026次和678次;我国自欧洲输华粮谷中截获的杂草和昆虫分别为479种和61种;自乌克兰和大麦中截获的杂草和昆虫的Shannon-Weiner指数均相对较高;我国自欧洲输华大麦和玉米中截获的杂草和昆虫分别单独聚为一类,我国自乌克兰和法国输华粮谷中截获的杂草和昆虫分别单独聚为一类;欧洲输华粮谷贸易额是有害生物杂草和昆虫截获次数的主控因子。建议我国进一步做好有害生物截获数据收集工作,加强欧洲输华粮谷中有害生物风险分析,根据风险对不同国家和粮谷采取相应的检疫措施。  相似文献   

Several species of insects, exhibiting varying responsiveness to the juvenile hormone antagonist precocene II (6,7-dimethoxy-2,2-dimethylchromene), were challenged topically with a tritiated preparation of the title compound. Metabolism of [3H]precocene II was subsequently examined by withdrawing hemolymph samples from treated animals at appropriate time intervals and characterizing the extractable radiolabel chromatographically. Quantitative (or qualitative) differences observed between the respective metabolic profiles were found not correlative with specimen sensitivity to precocene. Production of two heretofore unreported metabolites, identified by spectral and chemical means as O-β-glucosides of 6- and 7-monodemethylated precocene II, was demonstrated in both sensitive and insensitive species. No evidence for the presence of a hemolymphborne, biologically effective “activated metabolite” produced in vivo by precocene-susceptible insects could be found. The latter finding may well argue for in situ bioactivation of precocene at the target tissue(s) by these sensitive insects.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The specificity of vector transmission of Flavescence dorée phytoplasma (FDP) was tested by injecting FDP, extracted from laboratory-reared infective Euscelidius variegatus, into specimens of 15 other hemipteran insect species collected in European vineyards. Concentrations of viable phytoplasma extracts and latency in vectors were monitored by injection of healthy-reared E. variegatus leafhoppers. Based on these preliminary results, insects were injected by using phytoplasma extracts that ensured the highest rate of FDP acquisition and transmission by E. variegatus. Transmission into an artificial diet through a Parafilm membrane about 3 weeks after insect injection was attempted. FDP-injected insects that belonged to 15 hemipteran species were confined in cages and fed through the membrane for a 4- to 5-day inoculation access period. FDP DNA was detected by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in the feeding buffer fed upon by Anoplotettix fuscovenosus, Aphrodes makarovi,E. variegatus, and Euscelis incisus. PCR amplification with specific primers detected FDP DNA in injected insects of all test insect species. Band intensity was positively correlated with the transmissibility of FDP. Transmission of FDP to plants by feeding was confirmed for Anoplotettix fuscovenosus, E. variegatus, and Euscelis incisus, but not for Aphrodes makarovi. Our results suggest that vector competency of FDP is restricted to specimens belonging to the family Cicadellidae, subfamily Deltocephalinae.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the role of Pseudotheraptus devastans in cassava anthracnose disease transmission and development. P. devastans, Dist (Het. Coriedae) insects were collected from cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) field plots at the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Ibadan, Nigeria and reared in large cages. The insects were separated at different developmental growth stages of eggs, first to fifth instar nymph, and adults. The different stages of P. devastans showed the presence of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides both externally and internally. Isolates of C. gloeosporioides derived from the insects produced cassava anthracnose disease symptoms (necrotic lesions, wilt and defoliation) 8 weeks after inoculation on two cassava clones. Re-infectivity of cassava plants by the insect-derived fungus established that P. devastans was a potential vector in anthracnose transmission. Except for the first and second instar nymphs, all nymph stages and adult insects produced significant anthracnose symptoms on cassava plants. Defoliation and lesion diameters were greatest using fifth instar nymphs and adult insects. The association between P. devastans feeding and C. gloeosporioides f.sp. manihotis, showed that feeding by P. devastans followed by fungal inoculation and vice versa resulted in more severe anthracnose symptoms than insect feeding or fungal inoculation alone. It was also observed that the influence of P. devastans damage/infection on the development of anthracnose depended on cassava cultivar resistance to both the fungus and the insect feeding.  相似文献   

A survey for primary and secondary Hymenopteran parasitoids of scale insects (Homoptera: Coccoidea) in fruit orchards (apple, plum, date, olive, fig, citrus), was conducted in Syria during 2009–2012. Thirty three species of parasitoids belonging to the families Aphelinidae, Encyrtidae, Eulophidae and Pteromalidae were recorded as parasitoids on scale insects. Thirty two of these were primary parasitoids and one was a hyperparasitoid. The family with the greatest number of genera and species is Encyrtidae with 8 genera (48% of the total) and 12 species (35% of the total). The genus with the greatest number of Encyrtid species was Metaphycus. Parasitoids of scale insects identified included several species already included on the List of biological control agents widely used in the EPPO region ‘EPPO Positive list' and suggestions for additions to this list were made.  相似文献   

The potential pollinators of yellow starthistle ( Centaurea solstitialis ) were surveyed at six sites in north-eastern Oregon, USA, between May and September from 2000 to 2002. The objective of the study was to determine the species composition and relative abundance of the insects that visited yellow starthistle throughout the flowering season and to assess the pollen loads on their bodies in order to infer which species might be the most effective pollinators of this invasive plant species in north-eastern Oregon. A total of 1923 individual flower visitors were collected at the six sites over the 3 year study period, comprising four orders, 41 families, and 203 species of insects. The 20 most commonly collected species represented nearly 59% of the individuals and just ten of these species could be considered the key pollinators, judging by the combination of abundance and pollen carriage (the megachilids, Megachile apicalis (introduced) and Megachile perihirta , the apids, Apis mellifera (introduced), Bombus bifarius , Bombus centralis , Svastra obliqua , and Melissodes lutalenta , the halictids, Halictus tripartitus and Halictus ligatus , and the tachinid, Peleteria malleola . Over the 3 year study period, the six sites were consistently distinct in their flower visitor fauna, with the metropolitan Pendleton sites having a species composition distinct from the four mountain sites. Consistent patterns of interannual variation also were observed over the 3 year study. These patterns of flower visitation are interpreted in the context of the plant community within which yellow starthistle grows in north-eastern Oregon.  相似文献   

Invasive species often require mutualistic relationships to successfully invade new environments. Insect pollination is an example of a mutualism that is required for seed-set in the invasive species, Rosa multiflora Thunb. (Rosaceae), an obligate outcrosser. To determine the insect pollinators visiting R. multiflora flowers in Iowa, USA, we collected insects on yellow sticky traps placed on plants during the period of blooming and visually observed insects visiting the flowers. The common insect orders that were collected on the sticky traps included Coleoptera, Diptera, Hemiptera, Hymenoptera, Mecoptera, and Thysanoptera. Many of the insects found on the sticky cards were known to feed on pollen. However, we did not collect Apidae (bumble bees and honey bees) on the sticky cards. We observed Bombus spp. and Apis mellifera foraging on the flowers. Syrphid flies were the most commonly observed taxa visiting the flowers. Our results indicate that R. multiflora is utilizing common generalist insect pollinators in Iowa and that pollination is not a limiting factor for this invasive species.  相似文献   

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