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作物不同基因型耐低氮性和氮效率研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
筛选耐低氮能力强、氮效率高的作物基因型是提高氮素利用效率,节约矿质营养资源,减少环境污染的一种有效途径。本文通过论述作物耐低氮性和氮效率的概念、筛选时期、评价指标,分析两者的异同点,发现作物耐低氮性和氮效率两者评价的指标和时期基本类似。同时,比较了氮素营养划分的不同类型,认为将不同基因型划分成低效不响应型、低效响应型、高效不响应型、高效响应型更合理,能更清晰表现出不同品种对氮素的利用状况。合理、全面评价作物不同基因型对氮素的利用状况,加强对作物耐低氮性和氮效率的生理机制和分子生物学机理研究,对于作物育种、栽培及发展节约高效的绿色农业具有重要意义。  相似文献   

钾高效小麦基因型的筛选指标和筛选环境研究   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
不同植物或同一植物的不同基因型吸收和利用钾素的能力差异十分显著[1]。利用和选育耐低钾的植物基因型,挖掘作物自身基因潜力,是提高作物钾素营养效率和缓解我国钾素资源短缺,促进“生态环保型”农业可持续发展的一条有效途径。“钾高效”植物基因型的选育过程中,首先遇到的问题就是“钾高效”种质资源的筛选。针对不同作物和养分确立合适的筛选环境和筛选指标是做好这项工作的前提。近年来有关钾高效种质资源筛选的报道很多[2-5],这些研究采用的筛选环境有大田、土培、砂培、液培等,筛选指标有钾利用效率、钾利用指数、生物量、钾吸收动力…  相似文献   

我国作物硼营养与硼肥施用的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
硼是作物生长发育和产量形成所必需的微量营养元素。我国自上世纪六、七十年代发现棉花“蕾而不花”和油菜“花而不实”为缺硼症后,开启了作物硼营养与硼肥施用技术的研究,此后50年的研究取得了一系列瞩目的进展和成果。本文从作物硼营养诊断与硼肥施用、作物硼的吸收转运和分配、作物硼的营养生理、作物硼营养遗传与分子机理等四个方面综述我国科技工作者的研究工作。研究确定了我国不同作物生长发育对硼的营养需求及缺硼反应的差异,明确了棉花和油菜等作物的硼营养特征、植物体与土壤硼丰缺指标和诊断方法、硼肥施用技术与规范,揭示了油菜、棉花等作物硼高效利用的基因型差异与遗传规律,克隆解析了硼高效吸收转运基因。在未来发展中,一方面要进一步加强作物硼营养的精准诊断与早期诊断、硼与其他必需元素的协同增效研究,为现代农业产业服务;另一方面要进一步加强作物硼营养高效的生物学机制研究,以培育作物硼高效高产优质抗逆的品种为目标,为实现我国农业可持续发展作贡献。  相似文献   

镁和磷是植物生长所必需的营养元素,当前镁营养缺乏和磷利用效率低已成为限制我国种植业绿色发展的关键养分管理问题。镁、磷养分供应不能满足作物生育期的养分需求,导致作物产量下降和品质降低,在南方酸性土壤中表现尤为明显。镁-磷营养间存在着复杂的交互作用,在肥料中,镁-磷互作影响镁、磷养分在肥料中的生物有效性;在土壤中,镁-磷互作影响镁、磷养分的固定与释放;在作物生长过程中,镁-磷互作促进了作物对镁、磷养分高效吸收和利用,提高作物产量并改善作物品质。综上所述,镁和磷在肥料-土壤-作物系统中存在着不同类型的交互作用,需要系统地认知和理解二者在肥料、土壤和作物中的交互过程及作用机制,为绿色高效肥料产品创新设计和农田养分高效管理与利用提供科学依据。  相似文献   

中国土壤酸化呈现出全国普遍发生的趋势,对作物产量、农产品品质和生物多样性造成不利影响。自20世纪50年代以来,我国在酸性土壤方面开展了大量工作,取得显著成效,但因我国酸性土壤分布详情不明、土壤酸化机制存在争议、耐逆作物品种缺乏、作物酸害阈值不清、改良产品及技术落地性差等问题,酸性土壤利用仍受到极大限制。针对上述问题,绘制了新的中国土壤酸碱度图,明确了我国酸性土壤的分布详情,讨论了土壤酸化机制特别是氮肥与土壤酸化之间的关系,论述了土壤酸化的危害,解析了植物和微生物对酸性土壤的响应和适应机制,提出了分区分级分类改良、酸度改良和肥力提高并重、有机无机肥配施、发展特色农业等酸性土壤改良和利用策略,建议进一步加强酸性土壤新型改良剂、作物酸害阈值、氮肥高效利用、中微量元素、耐逆作物育种和土壤酸化模型等方面研究,以期为酸性土壤可持续利用提供支撑。  相似文献   

间套作改善作物矿质营养的机理研究进展   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
【目的】合理的间套作能够改善作物的矿质营养。近年来国内外对间套作提高作物生产力、 改善作物矿质营养的机理研究越来越深入。本文分析了国内外不同间套作中作物根际养分动态及作物营养吸收变化,阐述了间套作改善作物矿质营养的可能机理。【主要进展】 1)根系分泌物中的铵态氮和氨基酸态氮作为作物的氮源; 根系分泌物能够诱导豆科作物固氮作用的增强,增加间套作系统中的氮营养; 2)根系分泌物中的有机酸类物质能够活化根际土壤中的磷、 铁、 钾等营养,将其转变为植物可以利用的营养; 3)根系分泌物或地上部的种间互作能诱导作物的根系构型和矿质营养吸收相关基因的表达发生变化,形成空间上的营养生态位互补,增强根系吸收矿质营养的能力,充分利用土壤营养资源; 4)丛枝菌根真菌与作物间形成的网络便于营养在作物之间的转移和吸收; 5)间套作能够改变土壤生物多样性(土壤动物和微生物),而土壤的生物多样性能够促进作物矿质养分的吸收。间套作中,由于微生物代谢功能的多样性,作物对微生物的选择和富集使得根际土壤功能微生物的种类和数量增多,提高了土壤中矿质营养的生物有效性; 6)间套作提高了土壤的酶(如脲酶,酸性磷酸酶和碱性磷酸酶)活性,促进了有机氮、 磷向无机氮、 磷的转化,提高了土壤无机氮、 磷的浓度。总之,根系分泌物、 根系构型变化、 土壤生物多样性、 土壤酶在作物的营养有效利用中发挥重要作用,其中根系分泌物是它们之间的纽带,介导了作物-作物、 作物-土壤、 作物-微生物之间的相互作用。【建议与展望】由于技术手段的限制及地下根际过程的复杂性,人们对于地下生物学过程的认识还远远不够。根系分泌物的原位定性与定量、 间套作中种间的识别和响应、 间套作对土壤生物多样性的影响及土壤生物多样性对作物生长的反馈、 间套作中功能微生物的筛选、 分离、 鉴定及应用都将成为研究的重点。  相似文献   

【目的】 有机磷为土壤磷库的重要组成部分,研究不同磷效率作物对有机磷的利用能力的差异,有助于了解作物高效吸收磷的机理。 【方法】 以磷高效基因型大麦(IS-22-25、IS-22-30)和低效基因型大麦(IS-07-07)为试验材料,植酸钠为有机磷源进行水培试验。设置5个植酸钠浓度(0.1、0.2、0.3、0.4、0.5 mmol/L),使用根系扫描仪分析其根长、根表面积、根体积等形态特征,并测定根系与根系分泌的酸性磷酸酶、植酸酶活性等生理特征。 【结果】 随有机磷浓度降低,磷高效基因型野生大麦总根长、总表面积和总体积呈增加趋势。低有机磷浓度下,磷高效基因型大麦总根长较正常有机磷浓度(0.4 mmol/L)下增加了139.7%~146.0%,直径D<0.16 mm的根长提高了156.8%~161.5%,且磷高效基因型总根长较低效基因型高8.6%~60.4%。低有机磷浓度下,磷高效基因型根系各参数均显著高于低效基因型。随着有机磷浓度降低,磷高效基因型根总表面积提高了83.5%~117.5%,较低效基因型高14.0%~46.4%;根总体积提高了80.7%~119.3%,较低效基因型高19.6%~150.0%。随着有机磷浓度升高,磷高效基因型根系及其分泌酸性磷酸酶和植酸酶活性显著降低。低有机磷浓度下,磷高效基因型根系酸性磷酸酶和植酸酶活性增加了163.3%~172.2%和98.6%~121.2%,较低效基因型高14.4%~41.2%和23.1%~37.2%;磷高效基因型根系分泌酸性磷酸酶和植酸酶活性增加了157.8%~193.4%和172.4%~183.4%,较低效基因型高20.2%~45.7%和24.7%~51.4%。 【结论】 在低浓度有机磷胁迫下,磷高效基因型通过良好的根系形态,有效扩大了根系对水分和养分的接触空间,为磷高效基因型的快速生长和磷素吸收提供了条件;同时,低浓度有机磷胁迫增强了根系分泌酸性磷酸酶和植酸酶,提高了介质环境中磷素的生物有效性,对有机磷的吸收利用表现出明显优势。  相似文献   

近年来,随着植物营养研究的发展和对资源环境综合管理的日益重视,国内外许多学者以植物本身的遗传特性为切入点,研究作物不同基因型与环境因素的相互影响,从而使资源得到合理的有效利用.综述了作物不同基因型对土壤磷、钾、土壤酶、土壤微生物的影响,以及根系分泌物的差异,为开展相关研究提供参考.  相似文献   

不同玉米基因型吸钾和耐低钾能力的研究   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
利用植物对环境的遗传多样性,充分发掘优良基因型,筛选和利用吸钾能力强以及对土壤和肥料中钾利用效率高的作物品种,以适应低钾土壤条件,节约钾肥资源,缓解钾肥短缺矛盾[1 - 3].玉米是需钾量较多的作物,开展不同玉米基因型吸钾和耐低钾能力研究,挖掘玉米优良种质资源,以期为筛选吸钾能力强和耐低钾的玉米基因型,缓解我国钾肥不足提供依据.  相似文献   

酸性红壤中磷高效大豆新种质的磷营养特性   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
采用一系列磷高效大豆新种质及对照材料,在华南酸性红壤地区3种不同磷水平的代表性土壤上,分春、夏两季研究了不同大豆品种的磷营养特性,探讨了不同大豆品种(系)在不同磷水平土壤上的最佳施磷量及其经济效益。结果表明, 1)土壤有效磷含量是影响酸性红壤地区大豆生产的重要因素,无论从地上部生物量、磷吸收量还是产量来看,所有供试品种均表现出高磷>中磷>低磷土壤的趋势。2)施磷对低肥力土壤上大豆产量的影响较大,对中等肥力土壤影响较小,而对高肥力土壤,施磷肥反而造成大豆减产; 过量施用磷肥会造成大豆对磷的“奢侈吸收”。3)大豆的磷营养特性具有显著的基因型差异,因而需要不同磷养分管理方式。4个磷高效大豆新种质在低肥力土壤上仅需施用少量磷肥,在中、高肥力土壤上不需施磷即可满足生长需要。经济效益分析结果表明,磷高效品种无论在低肥力还是在中、高肥力土壤上,其纯收入均远高于本地和国家大豆区域试验对照品种。  相似文献   

Summary The influence of vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizae on the efficiency of triple superphosphate and rock phosphate fertilizers was compared in two tropical, acid, P-fixing soils (Ivory Coast) in which the available P was labelled with 32PO inf4 sup3- . Both soils were planted with micropropagated oil palms. The growth reponses to the fertilizer applications were low unless accompanied by VAM inoculation, but both fertilizers were equally available to plants. Isotopic-dilution kinetics analyses indicated that the rock phosphate was solubilized in both soils and there was an enrichment of the labile pool of plant-available P, similar to that with superphosphate. The specific activity and the fraction of P derived from either fertilizer was similar in both mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal plants, showing that both absorbed P from the same labile pool of P in the fertilized soils. However, VAM inoculation increased the fertilizer utilization coefficient of plants 2.7- to 5.6-fold, depending on the soil and fertilizer. We conclude that VAM inoculation increases fertilizer efficiency, as much of rock phosphate as of superphosphate, for plants growing in acid, P-fixing soils, and the processes involved are not different for the two fertilizers.  相似文献   

The objective of this work was to evaluate the efficiency of six extractants for available boron in acid soils undergoing to liming, and to correlate the results of soil analysis with foliar response seen in the teak plants in greenhouse conditions. Acid soil samples were collected and their chemical characterization was performed using standard analysis protocols. Later, agricultural lime was added to the experimental units in greenhouse conditions in order to control the soil acidity and these were incubated for 30 days. Six extracts for available boron were evaluated and correlated with response in the plant by foliar analysis. It is concluded that a high dissolution power of boron extractant solution produces a high sensitive in the determination of the changes of boron concentration in the limed acid soil. These methods are seen to be not adequate for the determination of available boron contents at high concentrations.  相似文献   

Calcareous soils are frequently characterized by the low bioavailability of plant nutrients. Consequently, many vascular plant species are unable to successfully colonize calcareous sites and the floristic composition of calcareous and acid silicate soils has been shown to differ markedly. The root exudation of oxalate and citrate has been suggested to play a pivotal role in same nutrient acquisition mechanisms operating in calcareous soils. The aim of this study was therefore to investigate the nutrient extraction efficiency of three individual organic acids commonly identified in root exudates, i.e. citric, malic and oxalic acid. Our results clearly demonstrate the context dependent nature of nutrient release by organic acids. The degree of P extraction was highly dependent on which organic acid was added, their concentration and pH, and their contact time with the soil. P is generally more efficiently extracted by organic acids at a high pH and follows the series oxalate>citrate>malate. The opposite relationship between pH and extraction efficiency was apparent for most other cations examined (e.g. Zn, Fe), which are more efficiently extracted by organic acids at low pH. A serious constraint to the ecological importance of organic acid exudation in response to P deficiency is, however, their very low P mobilization efficiency. For every mol of soil P mobilized, 1000 mol of organic acid has to be added. It can, however, be speculated that in a calcareous soil with extremely low P concentrations it is still beneficial to the plants to exude organic acids in spite of the seemingly high costs in terms of carbon.  相似文献   

Strains isolated from chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) rhizospheric soil from selected sites in Algeria were screened for their plant-growth-promoting potential, for indole acetic acid production and P solubilization ability. Then, we selected native rhizobial strains with high nitrogen-fixing potential. On the basis of their efficiency under controlled conditions, two plant-growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) isolates and three nodulating bacteria were selected. Then, the effect of single PGPR isolates inoculation was compared to their combination with rhizobial inoculants on plant growth, on native cereal-growing soils under greenhouse conditions. No effects were observed on chickpea yield by using rhizobial inoculation alone, nor by PGPR-rhizobial co-inoculation on two soils presenting weak and no nodulation pattern in natural conditions. Only PGPR inoculation improved growth of plants on soil with no nodulation pattern. These findings emphasized inoculation on native soils at a little scale before large assays on field because no one could predict inocula behavior with native soil microflora.  相似文献   

Hikers passing through nature easily recognize that the vegetation on limestone (calcareous soils) and silicate (acidic soils) is very different. This is not so much the case with trees but with herbs, particularly in grasslands. These differences in the vegetation on both soil types, referred to as the lime–silicate question, were recognized as early as the 18th century. Even so, fairly little is known about why this occurs. The current paucity of information exists mainly because the determinants that govern the formation of plant communities on either lime or acid soils mainly reside below-ground, in the root-surface area, and these complex below-ground interactions are almost impossible to explore through experimental approaches and direct measurements. Element availability or toxicity and interactions with microorganisms are both equally important. The calcium cation, for example, is not only an essential growth component but can be severely toxic to plants in unbalanced concentrations. Plants also vary in their ability to acquire iron and phosphorus. Aluminium toxicity affects plant growth, particularly in acid soils, and acid-tolerant plants have acquired the capability to cope with high levels of Al in soils. Mainly saprophytic fungi serve to degrade litter in acid soils and liberate nutrients for plant growth. In calcareous soils, bacteria and small animals, such as earthworms and their inhabitant bacteria, are the main decomposers of litter and contribute significantly to the fertility of the soils. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) have a particularly significant role in calcareous soils, where they are believed to determine the competitiveness of plants in lime meadows. Physical factors also impact the different composition of plant communities in acid and calcareous soils.  相似文献   

脐橙品质与自然土壤中稀土元素相关性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在赣南稀土高背景区和稀土低背景区不同地质环境脐橙果园分别取岩石、土壤、脐橙植物样24组,用ICP-MS法测定其中15种稀土元素的含量;检测脐橙果实有机营养物质总糖、总酸、粗纤维、维生素C、类胡萝卜素、氨基酸等含量,并对稀土元素在土壤和脐橙植物体内的含量与脐橙有机营养物质含量的相关性进行了研究。结果表明,稀土高背景区脐橙稀土含量非常低,而各项有机营养物质指标均略高于稀土低背景区脐橙,表明稀土元素有益于脐橙有机营养物质的形成和提高;通过相关性分析和通径分析,表明稀土中与脐橙有机营养物质相关程度最高的是轻稀土元素Pr、La、Nd、Ce。  相似文献   

Salt affected soils limit crop yields around the world. Knowledge of how nutrient availability is affected in plants growing on salt affected soils is important in adopting appropriate management practices to satisfy plants’ nutritional requirements and improve yields to meet food demands of increasing world populations. In the salt affected environment plants required to absorb essential nutrients from a dilute source in the presence of highly concentrated nonessential nutrients. Nutrient uptake and use efficiency in salt affected soils is low due to salt stress and negative interactions with cations and anions present in high concentrations. Hence, a higher amount of nutrients is necessary in salt affected soils compared to normal soils. Biological nitrogen fixation is also adversely affected in legumes grown on salt affected soils. Salts also reduce activity of many enzymes which supply energy for nutrient uptake. The important soils and plant management practices which can improve nutrient uptake and use efficiency in salt affected soils are use of soil amendments to reduce effect of salts, application of farmyard manures to create favorable plant growth environments, leaching salts from soil profile and planting salt tolerant crop species or genotypes within species. Addition of fertilizers, especially potassium may also help in reducing salinity effects and improving nutrient use efficiency.  相似文献   

营养型土壤改良剂(以下简称改良剂)施入三种不同肥力水平的土壤进行恒温培养试验和盆栽试验,测定土壤有效钾的含量、盆栽试验玉米的生物量和钾吸收量。结果表明:对于有效钾含量高的土壤,改良剂能促进钾的缓效化,有利于土壤钾的保蓄,防止土壤钾的淋失;对于有效钾含量较低的土壤,改良剂可以活化土壤中的钾,提高土壤钾的有效性;不同肥力水平的土壤,改良剂都能促进玉米对钾的吸收,有利于提高钾肥的吸收利用效率。  相似文献   

3种有机酸对伴矿景天修复效率及土壤微生物数量的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
伴矿景天(Sedumplumbizincicola)是一种Cd和Zn的超积累植物,常用于Cd污染土壤的植物修复。有机酸能够提高土壤重金属的有效性,促进植物对重金属的积累,对重金属污染土壤的植物修复效率具有强化作用,并对土壤微生物数量有重要影响。以河潮土和红黄泥为供试土壤,探讨了乙二胺四乙酸(EDTA)、柠檬酸、草酸对伴矿景天修复效率和土壤微生物数量的影响。结果表明,有机酸能显著提高土壤有效态Cd含量,柠檬酸处理的效果最好,河潮土和红黄泥中有效态Cd含量较单种伴矿景天分别增加72.73%,12.99%(P<0.05);伴矿景天地上部Cd含量在河潮土和红黄泥中以EDTA处理最高,在河潮土和红黄泥中分别比单种伴矿景天增加99.24%和33.32%;与单种伴矿景天相比,添加有机酸处理河潮土和红黄泥中伴矿景天修复效率显著提高。添加有机酸比单种伴矿景天显著增加土壤中微生物数量,其中柠檬酸处理河潮土中细菌和真菌数量分别增加34.38%和68.42%(P<0.05),草酸处理红黄泥中放线菌数量增加150.00%。研究结果可为重金属污染土壤的植物强化修复提供理论支撑。  相似文献   

采用化学萃取实验,以湖南郴州柿竹园和湖南衡阳水口山矿区的重金属污染农田土壤为研究对象,采用柠檬酸、草酸、酒石酸作为低分子有机酸萃取剂,在一定的条件下对污染土壤中重金属进行萃取实验,确定各个单因素的适宜条件。结果表明,对于湖南郴州和衡阳两个污染地区土壤运用化学萃取技术萃取重金属来进行土壤修复是实际可行的;柠檬酸、酒石酸、草酸对各种土壤中的重金属都表现出了良好的萃取能力,是高效的土壤重金属萃取剂;单因素的适宜萃取条件为100mmol·L^-1有机酸溶液,固液比1∶5,恒定温度35℃,pH为3,反应时间24h,且萃取率随着电解质浓度的增大而提高;土壤中重金属存在形态与萃取效果有一定的相关性,稳定态(残渣态、硫化物和有机结合态、铁-锰氧化物结合态)金属含量高,表现为较低的萃取率;反之,萃取率高;柠檬酸、草酸、酒石酸3种萃取剂均能有效地降低衡阳污染土壤中的重金属浓度,3种萃取剂的萃取效率依次为酒石酸〉草酸〉柠檬酸。  相似文献   

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