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大兴安岭火烧迹地植被天然恢复效果的评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对大兴安岭新林林业局宏图林场3个不同火烧恢复时期森林植被恢复的调查,以火烧迹地内生物多样性为研究对象,应用主成分分析方法,对各调查区恢复情况进行分析。研究结果表明:火烧迹地各层物种数随火烧后恢复时间的推移,乔木层与灌木层的变化不是很明显,而草本层变化较大,随着时间的推移物种数逐渐降低;各层的物种多样性随火后恢复时间的推移先增加后减少,之后逐渐处于平稳;各层的物种均匀度随火后恢复时间的推移也是先增加后下降,之后逐渐处于平稳,其中波动变化最大的是灌木层,说明火干扰对灌木层空间分布影响较大。  相似文献   

于2006、2008年2次对杉木林采伐迹地2003-2004年人工营造的毛竹厚朴混交林进行土壤理化性质的采样分析,结果表明:不同坡位不同土层的pH值均有升高,且差异达到了显著水平;土壤有机质含量增加,土壤速效氮、速效磷及速效钾等养分指标随林分生长年份的增加而表现出递增趋势;有机质含量、土壤速效氮、速效磷均表现出0~20cm土层高于>20~40cm土层,速效钾表现不规律,表层(10~20cm)土壤速效氮及速效磷含量增加幅度表现出中坡位>下坡位>上坡位。  相似文献   

文章通过对杉木林采伐迹地人工营造毛竹厚朴混交林土壤理化性质的分析研究,结果表明:在杉木林采伐迹地内人工营造毛竹厚朴混交林,不同坡位不同土层的pH值均有所升高。土壤有机质含量、土壤速效氮、速效磷及速效钾等养分含量也有所增加;表层土壤速效氮及速效磷含量增加幅度表现为中腹〉下腹〉上腹。由此可知,在杉木林采伐迹地内人工营造毛竹厚朴混交后,能较好的培肥土壤,改善土壤理化性质。  相似文献   

不同火烧强度对兴安落叶松林土壤化学性质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以内蒙古大兴安岭北部林区的火烧迹地为研究区,对不同火烧年份(2003年和2012年)和不同火烧程度(轻度和重度)火烧迹地土壤化学性质进行研究。结果表明:火烧后1年,相较于对照样地,轻度火烧后,土壤有机碳和速效磷含量显著增加,p H值、全磷、碱解氮含量增加,但差异不显著;土壤全氮含量显著降低,全钾和速效钾含量降低,但差异性不显著。重度火烧后,p H值、碱解氮和速效磷含量显著增加,有机碳、全氮和速效钾含量显著降低,全磷和全钾含量降低,但差异不显著。火烧后10年,相较于对照样地,除重度火烧后土壤有机碳和全氮含量显著降低,其他土壤化学性质指标火烧后也不同程度降低,但不显著。  相似文献   

2014年5月4日对江苏省南京市一杨树人工林进行不同火强度点烧试验,5月3日和4日在试验前后分别采取土样,研究火烧后样地土壤有机碳与速效养分含量的即时变异。结果表明:火烧后24 h,土壤p H、速效磷和速效钾含量随着土壤深度的增加而减少,却随着火强度的增强而增加;土壤有机碳含量则降低,且随着土壤深度的增加其降幅减小,随着火强度的增加其降幅增大;土壤水解氮含量在高强度火烧下的0~5、5~10 cm土层以及中强度火烧下的0~5 cm土层是降低的,其他土层的水解氮含量是增加的;林火强度与土壤p H、速效磷和速效钾含量呈正相关,而与土壤有机碳含量则呈负相关。  相似文献   

丛燕  魏云敏 《林业科技》2011,36(3):54-56
采用空间序列代替时间系列的方法,对不同程度火烧迹地中阔叶林和白桦落叶松林生物量变化进行动态研究的结果表明:在中、重度火烧迹地中,灌木生物量曲线波动幅度剧烈,草本生物量曲线波动幅度较小,最后都逐渐趋于稳定;在轻度火烧迹地中,草本、灌木生物量开始阶段迅速增加,之后呈现较小幅度波动,最后逐渐趋于稳定。乔木生物量在轻、中、重度火烧迹地中都呈增长趋势;在阔叶林和白桦落叶松林两种林型的不同程度火烧迹地中,总生物量与火后时间具有较强的相关性。  相似文献   

火干扰一直是我国大兴安岭森林生态系统的重要干扰因子之一。氮是北方森林生态系统最重要的养分元素,研究火干扰对土壤氮矿化的影响对于深入探讨火后森林生态系统的恢复机制具有重要意义。选择大兴安岭地区兴安落叶松林火后不同年限(3年、9年、28年)的重度火烧迹地,采用原位培养法,经过1个生长季的土壤氮素矿化采样和测定分析。结果表明:火后不同年限土壤的铵态氮(NH4+-N)平均值分别为82.99、93.27、108.38 mg·kg-1,随着火后时间的增加土壤NH4+-N含量呈递增趋势。土壤硝态氮(NO3--N)含量平均值分别为4.66、10.07、3.59 mg·kg-1,火后短期内NO3--N含量随着时间推移先增加再减小。火干扰后不同年限生长季土壤氮净矿化率(NMR)呈现出显著的季节动态变化,最高值出现在5月份为3.55 mg·kg-1,最低值出现在8月份为-1.96 mg·kg-1,不同年限NMR分别为1.20、-0.07、0.76 mg·kg-1,火后土壤NMR随着恢复年限呈现出先升高再降低的变化趋势。p H值与NMR呈极显著正相关,速效钾与NMR呈显著正相关,这说明p H值和速效钾是影响火后兴安落叶松林土壤NMR的主要因子。本研究将为深入揭示火后森林土壤氮库的变化以及火后森林生态系统的恢复提供基础数据。  相似文献   

文章以内蒙古大兴安岭北部的兴安落叶松林火烧迹地为研究对象,通过野外实地调查与实验室内测定,分析了不同火烧强度林火干扰对林地土壤化学性质的影响。结果显示:火烧迹地的土壤酸性减弱,部分土壤有机质流失。土壤全N、全K含量显著降低,土壤全P含量变化较小。土壤速效N和速效P的含量随着火烧强度的增加都呈显著的上升趋势。火烧10 a后,土壤的一些主要化学指标仍没有恢复到火烧前水平。因此,可以看出火烧干扰对森林土壤的影响是长期的。  相似文献   

林火对土壤氮含量的扰动作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对大兴安岭地区新林林业局 2 0a内不同年份间隔的 11块火烧迹地土壤进行调查取样和室内实验分析 ,发现火烧后不同年限、不同强度的火烧迹地 ,土壤全氮与有效氮含量变化情况如下 :低强度火烧后 9d ,土壤全氮和有效氮含量均比未烧前低 ,这与中、高强度火烧后的情况正好相反。火烧后 4a内 ,土壤氮的含量基本都比未烧林地有所下降 (中强度火烧迹地土壤有效氮含量除外 )。以后有逐年增加的趋势。火烧迹地降第一场雨后 ,低强度火烧迹地土壤全氮比降雨前减少 ,有效氮增加 ;中强度火烧迹地土壤全氮和有效氮均比降雨前增加 ;高强度火烧迹地土壤全氮和有效氮均比降雨前有所下降。连年火烧迹地土壤全氮减少 ,有效氮增加  相似文献   

对大兴安岭地区不同强度和火后不同年限火烧迹地0~15 cm土壤含水率变化的研究结果表明:不同强度火烧迹地中土壤含水率的变化表现为低强度高强度对照中强度,差异不显著;火后不同年限火烧迹地中土壤含水率表现为对照样地高于高强度火烧样地;在不同强度火烧迹地和火后不同年限火烧迹地中,土壤含水率呈现不同变化趋势。  相似文献   

北京西山地区火烧迹地植被恢复研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
在土壤性质分析的基础上,应用丰富度、多样性、相似度指标,研究了火烧迹地植被恢复情况,并与未过火林地做出了比较,讨论了北京西山地区火烧迹地土壤性质的变化与植被恢复之间的关系。结果表明:1)火烧迹地土壤的土粒密度增加,pH值呈上升趋势,土壤有机质减少,全氮增加,有机质的C/N比值在15左右。2)火烧迹地上植被的物种丰富度、Simpson指数、Shannon-Wiener指数高于未过火林地,火烧迹地与未过火林地更新层的物种丰富度相差不大,灌木层和草本层的物种丰富度和多样性则是火烧迹地上较高。3)火烧迹地与未过火林地土壤性质的差异导致了植被的差异,植被恢复也对土壤性质的变化产生了影响。  相似文献   

火干扰对森林土壤理化性质的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
主要针对2006年3月29日安宁火灾后1年的森林土壤理化性质进行研究,结果表明,与未过火区相比,火烧后1年,过火区域的土壤密度明显增加,土壤自然含水量明显下降;淋溶层土壤的pH值略有上升,有机质、水解N、全P含量有所下降,全K与速效K含量明显上升,其余指标变化不明显;淀积层土壤除pH值、全P下降外,其余各指标均有不同程度的提高。  相似文献   

1987年大兴安岭特大森林火灾烧毁了大面积珍贵的寒温带针叶林,形成了许多不同火烧强度、不同火面积的火烧迹地。从火烧对地表植被和土壤的影响、火烧迹地自然恢复状况、火后不同管理措施对火烧迹地恢复的影响三个方面,阐述了大火对生态系统的影响,对比分析了自然演替和人工管理措施下火烧迹地恢复的差异,并指出火烧迹地恢复的影响因子、火烧迹地恢复模式和技术将是今后火生态学研究的重点方向。  相似文献   

The forests of Nothofagus pumilio have historically been affected by forest fires. The effects of fire on certain above and belowground, biotic and abiotic components of these ecosystems have been previously documented, albeit belowground components have received much less attention. It has been suggested that the effects observed in the short-term after a fire usually differ from the longer-term effects. The long-term effects of fire (i.e. >5 years after burning) on belowground components in Nothofagus forests are currently unknown. In the present study we evaluated the long-term effect of fire on ectomycorrhiza (ECM) colonization and morphotype composition in N. pumilio roots, as well as soil chemical properties in temperate forests in Patagonia. Sampling was conducted in three mature monospecific forests. In each, nearby burned and unburned sites were selected. The time since the occurrence of fires differed between areas (i.e. 6-10 years). Within each site, 3 transects of 40 m were established randomly along which 5 samples of roots and soil were collected in spring and autumn. The main results were: (1) in comparison with the unburned site, ECM colonization was lower in the burned site in the area with the shorter time length since fire occurrence and no effects in the other two areas were observed; (2) richness and diversity were not significantly affected by fire but there was a significant effect of season for both parameters, being higher in spring; (3) ECM dominance was significantly higher in the unburned than in the burned site in Tronador, while in Challhuaco the opposite was observed, mainly in autumn; (4) in general carbon, nitrogen and phosphorous decreased while pH increased in the burned sites; (5) ECM colonization positively correlated with NH4+ and phosphorus and negatively with pH but was not significantly correlated with organic matter or any other soil variable. Altogether the results suggest that effects of fire on ectomycorrhiza and soil properties in N. pumilio forests are probably related to the time elapsed since fire occurrence combined with site characteristics. In addition, the direct and indirect effects of fire in these forest systems may persist for more than 10 years.  相似文献   

Studying contents and seasonal dynamics of active organic carbon in the soil is an important method for revealing the turnover and regulation mechanism of soil carbon pool. Through 3 years of field sampling and lab analysis, we studied the seasonal variations, content differences, and interrelationships of total organic carbon(TOC), light fraction organic carbon(LFOC), and particulate organic carbon(POC) of the soil in the forest areas burned with different fire intensities in the Daxing'anling Mountains. The mean TOC content in the low-intensity burned area was greater than that in the unburned area,moderate-intensity, and high-intensity burned areas in June and November(P0.05). LFOC and POC in the lowintensity burned area were greater than that in either moderate-intensity or high-intensity burned areas, with significant differences in LFOC in September and November(P 0.05). A significant difference in LFOC between the unburned and burned areas was only found in July(P 0.05). However, the differences in POC between the unburned and burned areas were not significant in all the whole seasons(P 0.05). Soil LFOC and POC varied significantly with the seasons(P 0.05) in the Daxing'anling Mountains. Significant linear relationships were observed between soil TOC, LFOC, and POC, which were positively correlated with soil nitrogen and negatively correlated with soil temperature in the Daxing'anling Mountains.  相似文献   

丛燕  魏荣华  袁强 《林业科技》2011,36(2):17-19
采用空间序列代替时间系列的方法,对阔叶林和白桦落叶松林火烧迹地生物量变化进行研究的结果表明:在阔叶林和白桦落叶松林的火烧迹地中,总生物量随着火烧后时间的延长呈增长趋势;在中、重度火烧迹地中,草本生物量、灌木生物量占总生物量的比例在火烧后15年间波动比较大,15年后趋于稳定;在轻度火烧迹地中,火烧1年后波动趋于平缓。  相似文献   

Studying contents and seasonal dynamics of active organic carbon in the soil is an important method for revealing the turnover and regulation mechanism of soil carbon pool. Through 3 years of field sampling and lab analysis, we studied the seasonal variations, content differences, and interrelationships of total organic carbon (TOC), light fraction organic carbon (LFOC), and particulate organic carbon (POC) of the soil in the forest areas burned with different fire intensities in the Daxing’anling Mountains. The mean TOC content in the low-intensity burned area was greater than that in the unburned area, moderate-intensity, and high-intensity burned areas in June and November (P < 0.05). LFOC and POC in the low-intensity burned area were greater than that in either moderate-intensity or high-intensity burned areas, with significant differences in LFOC in September and November (P < 0.05). A significant difference in LFOC between the unburned and burned areas was only found in July (P < 0.05). However, the differences in POC between the unburned and burned areas were not significant in all the whole seasons (P > 0.05). Soil LFOC and POC varied significantly with the seasons (P < 0.05) in the Daxing’anling Mountains. Significant linear relationships were observed between soil TOC, LFOC, and POC, which were positively correlated with soil nitrogen and negatively correlated with soil temperature in the Daxing’anling Mountains.  相似文献   

On some landscapes periodic fire may be necessary to develop and maintain oak-dominated savannas. We studied the effects of two annual prescribed burns to determine their effect on microbial activity and soil and litter nutrients 1 year after the last burn. Surface litter and soil from the upper 0–5 cm soil layer in three developing savannas (oak-hickory, Quercus-Carya), oak-hickory-pine (Quercus-Carya-Pinus), and pine (Pinus) were collected one year after the second of two annual prescribed burns. Surface litter was analyzed for nutrients and soil was analyzed for phospholipid fatty acids (PLFAs) and nutrients. Surface litter chemistry differed across the three savannas for potassium (K) and boron (B), being significantly (P < 0.05) higher for unburned forest than for burned forest. Among savannas, only sulfur (S) was higher for the pine savanna and B for the oak-hickory savanna, both were higher for unburned forest than for burned forest. For soil, calcium (Ca) and B differed across savannas, being higher for burned forest than for unburned forest. Among savannas, soil pH, Ca, and B concentrations were higher in soil from burned forest than from unburned forest. Total PLFA differed among savannas, but was not affected by burning treatments. However, the amounts of biomarkers for Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria were higher while the amount of biomarker for fungal PLFA was lower for burned forest than for unburned forest. Our results indicate that the two annual prescribed burns moderately affected PLFA microbial community structure and litter and soil nutrient concentrations. However, the long-term effects of fire on these study sites are not known and merit further study.  相似文献   

This study was performed to investigate a short time change (one week after fire) on soil properties due to the fire inPinus densiflora Sieb. et Zucc stands of the Kosung area in Kangwon Province in Korea. Twenty seven sampling plots [16 burned (8 low intensity fire, 8 high intensity fire) and 11 unburned plots] were chosen. Mineral soil samples from three depths (0–5, 5–15, and 15–25 cm) under the forest floor were collected. Forest fire in the area affected soil chemical properties. Soil pH, total nitrogen, available phosphorus, potassium, calcium, and magnesium in the surface soil (0–5 cm) of the burned area compared with the unburned area increased, but there was no marked change in the subsurface soil (5–25 cm). Organic matter, total nitrogen, available phosphorus, and exchangeable cations in the surface soil were generally lower in the high than in the low intensity fire areas. This indicates that these nutrients on the high intensity fire may be volatilized. The results suggest that change in soil chemical properties in the area was restricted mainly to the surface soil and was different between the high and the low intensity fire types.  相似文献   

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