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通过对芬兰林业政府管理机构、民间管理机构和林业管理理念的分析,总结了芬兰林业管理在满足林主需求、建立林主组织和科研服务生产方面的经验做法,提出了我国在集体林区加强森林资源管理的3点建议:1)强化森林管理和科技服务部门之间的密切合作;2)鼓励民间建立林农合作组织;3)加强林业实用性技术研究和成果推广。  相似文献   

立足我国林业实际,提出我国林业项目主体和林主的概念,以及林业项目管理机制创新思路,针对林业项目和资金管理现状提出了改进措施,主要包括更新项目规划理念、改进项目规划设计,改革项目和资金管理制度,充分调动林主的积极性等,以期为林业工程项目的建设和资金管理提供帮助。  相似文献   

Our study focuses on the social performance of state-owned forest farms and proposes a framework for evaluating both resource-based and corporate-based approaches. We found that: (1) the overall average social performance score of the sample of state-owned farms (3504 farms) assessed using our framework was 41.56 (out of 100 points), indicating that the social performance of Chinese state-owned farms was relatively low. (2) More developed provinces scored higher than less-developed ones, revealing a regional difference in social performance with respect to sustainable forest management (SFM). The clear implication here is that state-owned forest farms in less-developed regions can improve their social performance by striving to improve forest and ecological culture development, science and education, employment, stakeholder participation, forest services, etc. (3) The state-owned forest farms have developed a more balanced use of forest resources. The results suggest that social performance requires greater attention from managers and decision-makers in the long-term, and they may wish to consider adopting it as a corporate management tool. In general, our study suggests a practical framework for integrating social performance into SFM decisions and policies.  相似文献   

福建省林改后森林经营编案技术研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以科学发展观为指导,联系福建省林权制度改革后,集体林编制和实施经营方案的实际,提出新一轮编案本体特征的认识,并就编案总体、方案实施,突出重点、分区施策、分类指导和整体推进原则,在依法经营、集约经营、规模经营方面,与以往编案明显的创新性,做到将商品林与公益林的编案、统筹在一个区域的森林经营方案中。在搞好县(市)、场级森林资源清查基础上,进行编案、实施、反馈、评价分析,自上而下认真地分解好森林经营规划和森林采伐限额指标,推行小班经营法,建立小班经营档案制度。对于分散的集体林、个体林,本着联合经营、公平分解原则,编制好乡镇级的商品林经营方案和公益林管护方案,不搞统一编案模式一刀切,要不断摈弃过去不合理的办法,不能始终沿走着以往错误的途径。  相似文献   

ISO 14001环境管理体系对我国森林可持续性经营的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
森林经营无论是采伐林木或是营造人工林都会对自然环境造成一定的影响,这些影响又反作用于森林的生长和可持续性利用.为了实现森林的可持续性经营,一些发达国家的森林经营组织在经营管理上采用ISO14001环境管理体系标准.本文通过论述ISO14001的要求和森林可持续性经营目标之间的联系,针对我国森林经营的具体情况和存在的问题,对我国采用ISO14001标准实现森林可持续性经营提出了建议.  相似文献   

借鉴国际森林风景管理系统构建和应用实践,是提高中国森林风景资源管理水平、更好地满足公众对森林游憩需求的重要途径之一。文中概述了美国森林风景管理系统的发展历程、结构内容、特点、应用状况和发展趋势。该系统以科研成果和近40年的实践经验为依据,主要包括调查分析、规划设计、方案实施、监测评估4个步骤,强调融入生态系系统管理思想和公众参与,将在生态美学、城郊风景、场所感、动态管理、可视化和视觉模拟等方面不断优化发展。我国森林风景资源管理的观念、理论和技术基本处于初步发展阶段。从中国实际出发、积极吸收国际先进技术和管理理念、加快中国森林风景资源管理系统研发步伐,对于提高我国森林风景资源管理水平具有重要现实意义。  相似文献   


Forest management affects carbon sequestration (mitigation) and resilience of forest ecosystems (adaptation) under climate change. Therefore, the efforts to integrate these two approaches have been made by the political arrangements to seek the synergy effects and deal with trade-offs. To study the state of the art linkages and forest policies to realize both adaptation and mitigation, we systematically review the literature highlighting the topic (136 publications) and outline two different approaches from Germany and Japan as countries with substantial forest resources and high influences on international forest policies and wood trade. We identify three linkages: (1) an ecosystem (based) approach assuming that a resilient ecosystem (adaptation), has high potential as a carbon sink (mitigation), (2) a sustainable forest management (SFM) aiming for enhancing forests’ resilience and carbon sink potential simultaneously, and (3) a cross-sectoral approach generating synergies among multiple sectors of agriculture, forestry, urban design, and nature conservation. We find that a significant objective is still SFM for sustaining the forest area andwood production, where SFM examples in Germany and Japan exemplify contributions to carbon sinks and ongoing disaster risk management, respectively. Overall, the current differentiated objectives of SFM do not underpin the twofold approach and their synergy effects.  相似文献   

Explaining gender differences in private forest risk management   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In many countries, lower levels of forest management activities have been observed among female forest owners compared to male owners. The present study examined potential explanations for gender differences in private forest risk management among forest owners in Sweden (n?=?1482) using a questionnaire. Results from this study confirmed a slightly lower level of forest risk management among female owners in proactively combating damage caused by climate change and animal browsing when compared to their male counterparts. Further gender differences were revealed on a structural level. For example, female owners displayed higher levels of education and were more often non-resident owners and urban owners, as compared to their male counterparts. In addition, female and male owners differed regarding social-psychological variables (e.g. forest values and threat and coping appraisals). However the greatest gender difference was found in involvement in forest planning and forestry work. Even though gender differences were evident on multiple levels, involvement in forest issues and forest planning were found to be most important for explaining gender differences in forest risk management. By disentangling predictors of gender differences in private forest risk management, this study may contribute to a more strategic gender approach to forest risk governance.  相似文献   


This article establishes principles conveyed by criteria and indicators as a useful tool for measuring progress made toward sustainable forest management (SFM). Pedagogically, the conceptual construction raises questions on the following topics: (a) the various management practices and policies that exist in the high forest zone, (b) how criteria and indicators for assessments are selected, and (c) how progress made toward SFM is measured. Performance scores are established for indicators identified within the three sectors (forest ecosystems, forest communities, and the economy) for sustainability assessment. Measuring progress toward SFM operations are quantitatively performed with estimated maximum and minimum thresholds levels at which resource-use would be sustained using the Measure of Forest Resource-Use Sustainability Scale (MoFRUSS). The outcome of the measurement operations, as depicted by MoFRUSS, reveals the actual extent to which stakeholder’s initiatives toward sustainable forest management has progressed and in which direction it is moving. It also offers optional policy baskets for resource management interventions from which the socio-eco economic bundle is recommended if the forestry sector of Ghana’s Vision 2020 (sustainable development) is to be achieved with improved societal well-being, improved environmental health and vitality, and improved economic growth and development.  相似文献   

文中提出了天然林多目标综合管理的概念、原则、方法和管理程序。天然林多目标综合管理以社会经济信息和资源信息为数据基础, 以生态系统评估为依据, 以土地利用战略规划为核心, 以多部门共同管理为保障, 打破传统的针对天然林经营规划的管理方式, 实现以天然林区为对象的综合管理方式, 把天然林资源的经营与当地林区的发展结合起来, 实现天然林可持续经营和当地可持续发展的双赢。这种管理模式可解决我国天然林管理中存在的诸多矛盾, 发挥天然林的多种功能。  相似文献   

近自然小流域森林经营理论与实践   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
近自然小流域森林经营以小流域为单元进行营林设计, 充分运用近自然育林理念, 有利于形成生物多样性丰富、生态功能完备、流域景观完整度高的优质森林生态系统。文中对世界各国小流域森林经营研究现状进行分析, 并通过河北省木兰围场国有林场管理局近自然小流域森林经营实践, 阐明该经营模式的优势及发展前景, 为推动我国森林可持续经营提供理论和实践参考。  相似文献   

Given the high percentage of private forest ownership in Finland, family forest owners have an important role in mitigating climate change. The study aims to explore Finnish family forest owners’ perceptions on climate change and their opinions on increasing carbon storage in their forests through new kinds of management activities and policy instruments. The data consists of thematic face-to-face interviews among Helsinki metropolitan area forest owners (n?=?15). These city-dwellers were expected to be more aware of and more interested in climate change mitigation than forest owners at large. Forests as carbon fluxes appear to be a familiar concept to most of the forest owners, but carbon storage in their own forests was a new idea. Four types concerning forest owners’ view on storing carbon in their forests could be identified. The Pioneer utilizes forestland versatilely and has already adopted practices to mitigate climate change. The Potential is concerned about climate change, but this is not seen in forest practices applied. The Resistant is generally aware of climate change but sees a fundamental contradiction between carbon storing and wood production. The Indifferent Owner believes that climate change is taking place but does not acknowledge a relation between climate change and the owner’s forests.  相似文献   

To study whether, why, and how forestry decision-makers in Southeastern Norway adapt to climate change, we conducted a series of semi-structured interviews in focus groups consisting of non-industrial private forest owners, forest managers, and forest advisors. Our results show that a majority of the participants believed in climate change as a phenomenon, and had experienced events or observed changes that they attributed to climate change. However, we found little evidence of concern regarding climate change impacts on forest ecosystems and forestry among the participants. Instead, the majority regarded climate change more as an opportunity for the Norwegian forest-based sector than a threat. A minority had implemented proactive practices motivated by climate change but in all but one case, the adjustments were adaptation of forest infrastructure. In general, the participants agreed that the uncertainty associated with the effects of climate change and the (economical) uncertainty associated with adaptation of forest ecosystems were too large to change forest management practices at present. However, many participants, in particular the managers, are already adapting in response to experienced problems, such as increased frequency and duration of periods with low carrying capacity of the ground implying reduced or no accessibility within and to stands.  相似文献   


The intensive forest use has caused a significant transformation around the world. Sustainable forest management (SFM) has emerged as an alternative to address concerns regarding resource use, conservation, and socioeconomic benefits. Evidence suggests that its application remains inconsistent. In Argentina, the national government passed a law addressing management aiming to provide guidelines and incentives to steer practices into a sustainable framework. The objectives were: (a) understand what the concept of SFM means to participants in Tierra del Fuego; (b) identify and assess how different factors influence the adoption of SFM; (c) review the stakeholder perceptions on recent regulatory changes; and (d) identify the steps required for improving management. We conducted 52 semi-structured interviews with stakeholders and parties at the national level. New regulatory arrangements were implemented for a short-time before this research was undertaken, and we could not evaluate the success of reform. The study provided deep insight into the policy-making process, and the views held by different stakeholders. The historical mismanagement of the resource, together with an unfavorable past relationship with authorities, has promoted short-term perspectives which resulted in behaviors inconsistent with SFM. Moreover, the characteristic demographic composition brings a social component not identified in the broader literature as relevant for SFM adoption.  相似文献   


As the role of forests in climate change mitigation is explicitly recognized in the Paris Agreement, the need to enhance the adoption of Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) practices is crucial. Therefore, this paper aims at identifying and evaluating barriers in adopting SFM practices in the context of forest carbon emission reductions. A total of 15 barriers in adopting SFM practices are listed through literature and expert inputs. Using Cameroon as a case study, the listed barriers are then evaluated by experts to determine their relative importance using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. According to our findings, the ‘Regulatory and Legislative frameworks’ barrier category was attributed to the highest importance among other categories, in adopting SFM practices in the forestry sector. ‘Inadequate political will and incentive to enforce regulations’ appears to be the major obstacle in adopting SFM practices in Cameroon. As carbon emission reduction initiatives are being developed, there is need to move from broad to concrete suggestions that will overcome these barriers. However, proper diagnosis is necessary in order to target barriers with the right incentives and enabling conditions that will support carbon programs and projects to deliver effective emission reductions.  相似文献   

我国森林分类经营存在问题与改革方向探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从理论和实践两方面探讨了我国森林分类经营面临的问题,认为应该重视森林经营而非分类,从森林经营实践中探索森林经营模式,改革公益林和商品林管理体制,完善森林分类经营所需的市场和补偿机制等条件。  相似文献   

Since early 1990 ties, Swedish forest land is increasingly becoming certified. Today all major forest owners have joined the Swedish FSC-standard (Forest Stewardship Council), while small-scale forest owners preferably are joining the PEFC scheme (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification). With the overall aim of gaining a better insight into which small-scale forest owners that have decided to take up on forest certification, and how their forest management practices have been affected by this choice, two set of data has been analyzed; one consisting Data Base of Forest Owner Analysis (DBFOA) data relating to approximately 14,000 properties whereof 1955 were found to be certified, and the other one including data from a follow up questionnaire sent out only to owners with certified forest properties. Results show that certified and non-certified forest properties are managed differently and in particular that harvesting on certified properties has increased. Differences in management seem to be connected principally to the fact that forest owners from generally more active sub-groups embrace forest certification requirements. Moreover, our results shows that economic motives for joining a certification scheme are just as prevalent as environmental motives and a majority of forest owners regard certification as something that favors profitability rather than consider it to restrict economic yield.  相似文献   

随着经济社会的不断发展,森林逐渐受到政府和社会的重视,评价森林是否可持续经营是研究的关键。对国际、国家、区域3个水平的森林可持续经营评价体系进行了阐述,着重分析了我国国家层面、地区层次和森林经营单位层次的评价体系。从构建各个水平的可持续经营评价体系、加强森林可持续经营认证工作及建立政府管理和公众参与、社区共管机制三方面指出了森林可持续经营评价体系今后发展方向。  相似文献   

The potential for traditional and local ecological knowledge to contribute to biodiversity conservation has been widely recognized, but the actual application of this knowledge to biodiversity conservation is not easy. This paper synthesizes literature about traditional and local ecological knowledge and forest management in the Pacific Northwest to evaluate what is needed to accomplish this goal. We address three topics: (1) views and values people have relating to biodiversity; (2) the resource use and management practices of local forest users, and their effects on biodiversity; (3) models for integrating traditional and local ecological knowledge into biodiversity conservation on public and private lands. We focus on the ecological knowledge of forest users belonging to three groups who inhabit the region: American Indians, family forest owners, and commercial nontimber forest product harvesters.  相似文献   

培训考察团先后访问了美国联邦国有林管理局、美国南部林区(第八区)国有林管理分局、西南林区(第五区)安吉斯林管区和乔治亚州农业厅以及私有林主。美国森林资源丰富,国有林垂直管理体制简单高效,森林经营科学规范。比较了中美两国国有林管理方面的主要差异,分析了我国重点国有林区管理体制存在的问题,以期为我国国有林管理体制改革提供借鉴。  相似文献   

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