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A factorial experiment was carried out to evaluate the effects of level of nitrogen (N) application to grassland and subsequent treatment of the herbage at ensiling with formic acid on the rate of silage fermentation, dry-matter (DM) recovery, aerobic stability and effluent production. Herbage from the primary regrowth of predominantly perennial ryegrass swards received either 72 (LN), 126 (MN) or 180 (HN) kg N ha?1. The herbages were harvested and yield estimated after a 50-day regrowth interval. After storage for 24 h in polythene bags, the herbages were ensiled, unwilled, in laboratory silos (6 kg capacity) either untreated (UT) or treated with formic acid (F) at 3 ml (kg herbage)?1. Three silos per treatment were opened and sampled on days 1, 3, 6, 15, 50 and 105 after ensiling. The mean herbage yields for the LN, MN and HN swards were 5.2, 6.3 and 6.2 (s.e. = 0.27) t DM ha?1 and there was no carryover effect of nitrogen treatment on the yield of a subsequent 22-day regrowth harvested on 2 September. As level of fertilizer N application increased, concentrations in the herbage at mowing of crude protein, nitrate and ash increased, DM decreased and water-soluble carbohydrate and in vitro DM digestibility remained unchanged. Increasing the rate of N fertilizer to the sward resulted in higher silage pH (P< 0.001) and ammonia N concentrations (P <0.001) at each time of sampling. Increasing the rate of fertilizer N increased effluent output (P < 0.001) and DM recovery (P < 0.001). Aerobic stability was improved (P <0.001) by use of high rates of N fertilizer application. Formic acid treatment restricted fermentation and increased effluent output (P <0.001) but had no effect (P > 0.05) on DM recovery. It is concluded that the rate and extent of pH decline was reduced with increasing N application, associated with increased buffering capacity and decreased DM concentrations of the herbage at ensiling. However, increasing the level of N fertilizer applied increased DM recovery and effluent output, and improved aerobic stability of the resulting silages.  相似文献   

Using new harvesting and ensiling technologies, it is now possible to ensile kale ( Brassica oleracea ) successfully. However, there is little information available regarding the optimum time for harvest. The aim of this 2-year study was to compare the yield, fermentation characteristics and feeding value of kale harvested at different stages of growth, and ensiled with and without a bacterial inoculant. During Year 1 the crop was harvested after 15, 18 and 20 weeks of growth. The yield at each harvest was similar, but as the crop matured the crude protein (CP) concentration and buffering capacity decreased significantly, and there was a marked increase in the water-soluble carbohydrate (WSC) concentration. During Year 2 the crop was harvested at 14 and 17 weeks of growth. Again, the stage of maturity did not affect yield and, on this occasion, the chemical composition of the crop was unaffected by harvest date. However, the WSC and CP concentrations of the crop were lower in Year 2 than in Year 1, possibly as a result of differences in fertilizer regime. Each of the silages produced in Year 2 was offered to six Suffolk cross wether lambs, aged 10 months, to measure voluntary intake, in vivo digestibility and nitrogen retention. Neither harvesting date nor the use of an inoculant affected voluntary intake or nitrogen retention by the lambs. However, in vivo digestibility was higher in the kale silage harvested after 14 weeks of growth and when an inoculant was applied. The results obtained suggest that harvesting kale after 14 weeks of growth can produce highly digestible silage with a high CP concentration. Although delaying harvest until 18 weeks of growth will probably result in a decrease in the CP concentration of the crop, it should also lead to an increase in the WSC concentration of the crop, ensuring a more reliable fermentation.  相似文献   

Two experiments describe the ensiling potential of whole‐crop forage peas (Pisum sativum) and field beans (Vicia faba). In Experiment 1, forage peas (cv. Magnus) and field beans (cv. Mayo) were harvested at 10, 12 and 14 weeks after sowing, and ensiled in 10 kg mini‐silos either untreated or treated with an inoculant (Lactobacillus plantarum). In terms of yield and ensiling potential, the optimum growth stage for harvesting forage peas occurred at 12 weeks of growth. In contrast, delaying the harvest of field beans until 14 weeks gave the highest yields of dry matter (DM) and crude protein (CP). Changes in crop maturity had little effect on the chemical composition of the fresh forages, but between‐harvest date differences were observed in the DM, ammonia‐N, CP, water‐soluble carbohydrates (WSC), acid‐detergent fibre (ADF), neutral‐detergent fibre (NDF), lactic acid and volatile fatty acids (VFA) concentrations and pH of the corresponding silages. Fermentation was improved by applying an inoculant. In Experiment 2, forage peas and field beans were harvested at 14 weeks after sowing and ensiled as round‐bale silage, either untreated or treated with an inoculant. The yields of the crops were similar, and the only difference in the chemical composition of the wilted forages was a higher CP concentration in the field beans. However, after the ensiling process was complete, the forage pea silages were found to have significantly higher DM, WSC, starch and butyric acid concentrations compared with the field bean silages, and lower ammonia‐N, CP, ADF, acetic acid and lactic acid concentrations. Inoculation was found to increase the lactic acid concentration and reduce the pH and ammonia‐N and acetic acid concentrations of the silages. Each of the silages produced in Experiment 2 was offered to six Suffolk crossbred wether lambs, aged 10 months. Voluntary DM intakes were similar on all treatments, despite the apparent digestibility of the forage pea silages being significantly higher than that of the field bean silages. Nitrogen retention was higher for lambs offered forage pea silage. Application of an inoculant was found to have a negative effect on the amount of N retained, indicating the necessity for more detailed investigations into proteolytic activity within these crops during the fermentation process.  相似文献   

First-harvest direct-cut, double-chopped grass (190 and 164g DMkg?1 in Experiments 1 and 2 resptectively) was ensiled without an additive or, in Experiment 1, with 30 kg t?1 grass of an absorbent additive based on sugar beet pulp (Sweet ‘n’ Dry) or with 3·441 t?1 grass of formic acid and, in Experiment 2, with 30, 50 and 70 kg t?1 grass of Sweet ‘n’ Dry or with 50kg t?1 grass of unmolassed sugar beet pulp. The preservation and nutritive value of the silage, in-silo losses (including silage effluent production), silage intake and animal performance of adult and growing cattle were examined. In Experiment 1 all three silages were well preserved, although the formic acid-treated silage displayed significantly lower pH, ammonia nitrogen (NH3N) [g kg?1 total nitrogen (TN)] and volatile fatty acids (VFAs) than the other two silages. In Experiment 2 absorbent-treated silages displayed significantly lower pH, buffer capacity (Bc), NH3N (gkg?1 TN), CP, modified acid detergent fibre (MADF) and VFAs than untreated silage. Treatment of grass with the absorbent additives at ensiling resulted in reduced effluent production. In Experiment 1 each kilogram of Sweet ‘n’ Dry retained approximately 11 effluent, and in Experiment 2 silages made with Sweet ‘n’ Dry applied at 70kgt?1 and sugar beet pulp applied at 50 kg t?1 produced similar volumes of effluent and each kilogram of absorbent retained 1·0 and 1·31 of effluent respectively. In Experiment 1 sixty beef cattle [mean initial live weight (LW) 460 kg] were grouped according to LW and allocated to treatment at random. For untreated silage (unsupplemented or with 1 or 2 kg supplement head?1 day?1), absorbent-treated silage (unsupplemented or with 1 or 2 kg supplement head?1 day?1) and formic acid-treated silage (1 kg supplement head?1 day?1) the daily silage DM intakes were 6·12, 6·21, 6·40, 7·65, 7·45, 7·11 and 7·85 (s.e. 0·280) kg respectively, the daily liveweight gains were 0·22, 0·56, 0·81, 0·59, 0·74, 0·81 and 0·75 (s.e. 0·071) kg respectively and daily carcass gains were 0·31, 0·47, 0·67, 0·47, 0·61, 0·70 and 0·57 (s.e. 0·043) kg respectively throughout a 75-day feeding period. In Experiment 2, fifty-six growing cattle (mean initial weight 312 kg) were grouped according to LW and allocated to treatment at random. For untreated silage (unsupplemented or with 1·5 kg Sweet ‘n’ Dry or 1·5 kg commercial concentrates head?1 day?1), silage treated with Sweet ‘n’ Dry at 30, 50 and 70 kg t?1 grass and silage treated with 50kg sugar beet pulp t?1 grass the daily silage DM intakes were 5·46, 5·28, 5·33, 6·21, 6·27, 6·60 and 6·62 (s.e. 0·154) kg respectively and daily liveweight gains were 0·39, 0·75, 0·81, 0·63, 0·76, 0·94 and 1·75 (s.e. 0·052) kg respectively throughout a 122-day feeding period. In this experiment 360g kg?1 more absorbent was required when it was included at ensiling rather than offered as a supplement to untreated silage to achieve the same individual animal performance.  相似文献   

Biogas production from grassland biomass harvested during landscape management may help to maintain species‐rich grassland biotopes, but extensive management and late harvests often result in low‐quality biomass. Biogas production from the vegetation of Alopecuretum pratensis, Molinietum caeruleae and Caricetum gracilis, three typical grassland biotopes in north German nature reserves, was investigated in relation to harvest date. In addition, the A. pratensis vegetation was investigated for ensiling and the application of bacterial silage additives. Results indicate that biogas production might be a reasonable utilization pathway for grassland biomass from landscape management if the first cut occurs up to late summer. Methane yields of grassland biomass decreased substantially with later harvest, from up to 309 lN kg?1 organic dry matter (ODM) in May to below 60 lN kg?1 ODM in February, in correlation with increasing crude fibre contents. Caricetum gracilis vegetation was the least suitable feedstock for biogas production. It showed a rapid decline in methane yields with later harvest and 25% lower methane yields compared with other types of grassland vegetation. Application of silage additives is recommended for adequate preservation of grassland biomass from landscape management by ensiling. Addition of homofermentative lactic acid bacteria improved acidification during ensiling if sufficient fermentable sugar was available. The use of inoculant and molasses enhanced methane yields by 3–55%. Additional carbohydrate source is necessary to ensure proper ensilage when grasses are harvested after late autumn.  相似文献   

Scots timothy was harvested three times a year for 3 years under four harvesting patterns and at all combinations of three levels of application of nitrogen and four of potassium. Harvesting patterns, H1, H2, H3 and H4, comprised cutting primary growth on 27–29 May or 14, 28 or 42 d later followed by cutting a first regrowth 8 weeks afterwards and a second regrowth on 15–16 October. N treatments, N0, N1 and N2, involved annual totals of 0,108 and 216 kg ha-1 N in three equal doses. K treatments, K0, K1, K2 and K4, involved annual totals of 0, 54, 108 and 216 kg ha-1 K also in three equal doses. Mean herbage DM yields in successive years were 8·90, 9·54 and 9·61 t ha-1 containing92·4%, 93·1% and 94·5% timothy, respectively. Systems H3 and H4 had 24% higher yields than H1 and H2. The superiority of the late systems derived from higher yields of primary growth. Mean response to 108 kg ha-1 N at 36·7 kg DM per kg N was significantly higher than the response to an additional 108 kg ha-1 N. Response in primary growth to successive increments of 36 kg ha-1 N averaged 53·9 and 27·5 kg DM per kg N. The first regrowth gave linear responses up to 72 kg ha-1 N. The possibility is discussed of more effective use of N by increasing the proportion applied to regrowth. Response to K was low except in the third year when there was a marked response at N2. It was calculated that to maintain soil potash it is necessary to apply 23·9, 47·7 and 86·6 kg ha-1 fertilizer K for each harvest at N0, N1 and N2 respectively.  相似文献   

The effects of harvest date of timothy on the chemical composition of herbage and silage, and on the voluntary intake, liveweight gain and feed conversion efficiency by finishing lambs, were evaluated. The herbage was harvested and ensiled on three dates: 16 June (before heading), 20 June and 26 June. The silages were analysed for chemical composition and degradation characteristics by an in vitro gas production (GP) technique with end-point measurements (72 h) of degradability of organic matter (OM) and neutral-detergent fibre (NDF). There were clear effects of later dates of harvest increasing the concentration of NDF, and reducing the degradability of OM and NDF, and the rate of GP, of silages made from this herbage. The silages were fed ad libitum to lambs in a feeding experiment using a Latin square design. Later harvest dates decreased the voluntary intake of silage, liveweight gain and feed conversion efficiency. Lambs fed the early-cut silage had a liveweight gain of 152 g d−1 and those fed the silage harvested 10 d later had a liveweight gain of 76 g d−1. Changes in the chemical composition of herbage and silage and in in vitro degradation characteristics of silages with later harvests were associated, to a large extent, with the reduction in voluntary intake and liveweight gain of lambs.  相似文献   

Nitrogen (N) applications can have a significant effect on soil N availability. The effect of 3 years of N fertilization on soil net N mineralization during the growing season (May–September) was studied in 2005 and 2006 in grassland of northern China. The experimental design was a randomized complete block with four replications of five rates of N addition as urea (0, 2, 4, 8 and 16 g N m?2 year?1). Results indicated that net N mineralization rate varied seasonally and between years, ranging from ?0.04 to 0.52 μg g?1 d?1 in 2005 and from ?0.09 to 0.39 μg g?1 d?1 in 2006. Mean N mineralization and nitrification rates were highest in July, in 2005 and 2006, whereas highest ammonification rates occurred in September. Rainfall was significantly correlated with net nitrification. In comparison with the untreated control, N mineralization increased sharply when N fertilization increased from 2 to 8 g N m?2 year?1. Mobile soil NO3? accumulated late in the growing season for the 16 g N m?2 year?1 treatment, suggesting the potential for NO3 and associated cation leaching. These results suggest that N fertilization of 8 g N m?2 year?1 (80 kg N ha?1) is suitable for the management of grassland ecosystems of Inner Mongolia.  相似文献   

This experiment quantified the effects of: (i) heading date of perennial ryegrass, (ii) grazing frequency in spring and (iii) date of silage harvest, on the ensilability of herbages harvested for silage, and on the conservation and estimated nutritive value of the resultant silages. Replicated field plots with two perennial ryegrass mixtures (intermediate‐ and late‐heading cultivars) were subjected to three spring‐grazing regimes (no grazing, grazing in late March and grazing in both late March and late April) and were harvested on four first‐cut harvest dates between 20 May and 21 June. Herbage from each of the four replicates of these 24 treatments was precision‐chopped and ensiled unwilted and with no additive in laboratory silos. Herbage from the sward with the intermediate‐heading cultivar had a higher (P < 0·001) dry‐matter (DM) content and buffering capacity than that from the late‐heading cultivar, whereas water‐soluble carbohydrate concentrations increased (P < 0·001) with more frequent grazing in spring. Later harvesting enhanced herbage ensilability through an increased (P < 0·001) DM content and reduced (P < 0·001) buffering capacity and pH. Fermentation profiles of the silage were not markedly influenced by the cultivar mixture used but grazing in both late March and late April resulted in a more extensive fermentation with the acids produced increasingly dominated by lactic acid. The concentrations of acetic acid, and to a lesser extent, ethanol declined as silage harvest date was delayed. Overall, the relative effects of grass cultivar mixture were smaller than those of spring‐grazing treatment or silage‐harvesting date although on any given harvest date the herbage from the intermediate‐heading cultivar mixture was easier to preserve as silage than herbage from the late‐heading cultivar mixture. Delaying the harvesting of the late‐heading swards by 8 d removed the differences related to growth stage in buffering capacity, pH and DM content.  相似文献   

Abstract Cerastium holosteoides is a short‐lived plant often found in small proportions on dry and mesotropic semi‐natural, species‐rich grassland communities. To obtain more information about its nutritive value, two experiments on Arrhenatheretum elatioris grassland were carried out to examine the effect of harvest date on in vitro organic matter digestibility (IVOMD), neutral‐detergent fibre (NDF), acid‐detergent fibre (ADF), acid‐detergent lignin (ADL), estimated net energy for lactation (NEL) and crude protein (CP) concentrations of C. holosteoides, and selection of this plant by dairy cows grazing on semi‐natural grassland. C. holosteoides starts flowering in spring and continuously develops new flowers on new branches throughout the summer. Harvests were made in relation to particular growth stages of Dactylis glomerata present in the sward: (A) tillering; (B) stem elongation; (C) ear emergence; (D) flowering; and (E) ripening. Chemical composition and nutritive value were evaluated in 1998 and 1999. With advancing maturity, IVOMD of C. holosteoides decreased from 0·771 at growth stage A to 0·485 at growth stage E. At the same time, CP concentration decreased from 153 to 69 g kg?1 dry matter (DM) and estimated NEL concentration from 6·00 to 4·07 MJ kg?1 DM. With advancing maturity, there was a significant increase in NDF, ADF and ADL concentrations. In the summer harvest season, C. holosteoides contained significantly higher NDF, ADF and ADL concentrations, lower NEL concentration and had a lower IVOMD value than in the spring. Differences between years were also found for IVOMD and for NDF, ADF, ADL and NEL concentrations. In a grazing experiment in the year 1999, at growth stage B, Simmental cows grazed an A. elatioris sward in which the main species was D. glomerata (0·092), and the proportion of C. holosteoides was 0·034. C. holosteoides was, on average, grazed by cows to the same relative extent as other species in the sward.  相似文献   

Three studies were undertaken with the aim of examining in-silo losses associated with ensiling mixtures of beet pulp and herbage. In Experiment 1, first-regrowth perennial ryegrass was ensiled untreated or mixed with either 40 or 120 kg unmolassed beet pulp t?1 fresh grass prior to ensiling. In each of Experiments 2 and 3, second-regrowth ryegrass was ensiled untreated or mixed with either 40, 80 or 120 kg unmolassed beet pulp t?1 fresh grass prior to ensiling. Dry-matter concentrations of herbage ensiled in Experiments 1, 2 and 3 were 141, 157 and 139 g kg?1 respectively. Time-course studies indicated a more rapid fermentation with the untreated silages. Ensiling beet pulp with herbage resulted in significant improvements in silage fermentation, reflected in reductions in silage pH and ammonia nitrogen concentrations, with these effects being pronounced at beet pulp inclusion in excess of 80kg t?1. Beet pulp inclusion increased the dry-matter concentrations of the resulting silages while reducing crude protein, modified acid detergent fibre and gross energy concentrations. In Experiment 1 beet pulp retained 1·62 and 1·641 effluent kg?1 at the 40 and 120kg t?1 application rates respectively. In Experiments 2 and 3, effluent retentions were 1·40, 1·29 and 0·93 1 kg?1 and 2·87, 2·19 and 1·781 kg?1 at the 40, 80 and 120kg t?1 beet pulp inclusion rates respectively. In each of Experiments 1 and 3, in-silo losses were reduced with increasing level of beet pulp inclusion, while in Experiment 2 in-silo losses were relatively unaffected by treatment. Nutrient losses in effluent were reduced by the inclusion of beet pulp in all three experiments, while nutrient losses in surface waste and invisible nutrient losses tended to increase with higher levels of beet pulp inclusion. It is concluded that the inclusion of beet pulp with herbage at ensiling can result in an improved silage fermentation and a reduction in in-silo losses, while at the same time retaining considerable quantities of effluent within the silo. However, with herbage dry-matter concentrations below 160gkg?1, beet pulp inclusion in excess of 120 kg t?1 herbage would be required to eliminate effluent production totally.  相似文献   

The increasing interest in natural products from a renewable source has encouraged growers to reintroduce indigo-producing crops into the European agriculture. We studied agronomic conditions (sowing date, plant density, nitrogen fertilization, irrigation rate, seedling transplanting) influencing production of the blue pigment indigo, from Isatis tinctoria and I. indigotica crops in a Mediterranean region of Spain (Valencia). I. tinctoria was more suitable for cultivation in our climate conditions than I. indigotica. Indigo yield from Spanish I. tinctoria trials was greater than in Northern and Central Europe. Furthermore, indigo production was maintained when water and nitrogen supplies were significantly restricted, showing that I. tinctoria is not a high-demanding crop.  相似文献   

Two silages were produced by harvesting grass either unwilted, using a direct cutting flail forage harvester (flail-direct), or wilted following precut-ting and being picked up using a meter-chop harvester (precision-wilted). Formic acid was applied at the rates of 2·45 and 2·9 1 t-1 for the flail-direct and precision-wilted silages, respectively. Weather conditions were difficult, both before and during harvesting with a total of 27 mm rainfall falling on the wilted herbage before ensiling. The in-silo dry matter losses were 199 and 68 g kg-1 for the flail-direct and precision-wilted silages, respectively. The resulting silages had mean particle lengths of 49 and 24 mm, dry matter contents of 186 and 276 g kg--1 and D-values of 068 and 062 for the flail-direct and precision-wilted silages, respectively. During a 141-day feeding period commencing on 19 November, the two silages were offered to 88 British Friesian cows with a mean calving date of 21 January and divided into four groups in a 2×2 factorial design experiment. The silos were divided longitudinally and two groups of cows were self-fed the silages in situ, one for each silage type, while the other two groups were easy-fed the same silages along a feed fence. There were no significant interactions between system of silage harvesting and feeding on any of the measurements of animal performance. Animals on the flail-direct silage consumed 16% less silage dry matter and produced 10% more milk per cow than those on the precision-wilted silage treatment. The overall effect was a 12% greater milk output for each unit of grass dry matter ensiled with the flail-direct than with the precision-wilted harvesting system. System of silage feeding did not significantly influence silage intake or milk output, with the mean milk yields during the final 21 days of the study being 234 and 236 kg d-1 (±0.30) for the self- and easy-feed systems, respectively. The effects of the treatments on milk composition, liveweight change, body condition score and total ration digestibility are also reported.  相似文献   

氮磷钾优化施肥对夏大豆产量的影响   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
氮磷钾优化施肥试验研究表明:夏大豆籽粒产量和单株粒数与氮磷钾施肥量呈二次曲线关系,籽粒产量和单株粒数随着施肥量的增加而增加,增加到一定水平后又开始下降。大豆籽粒产量和单株粒数受施氮量的影响最大,磷肥次之,钾肥更次之。在土壤供肥能力1 568.6 kg/hm2,密度为18万株/hm2的条件下,当施氮量为65.56 kg/hm2,施磷量63.73kg/hm2,施钾量39.25 kg/hm2时,濉科998产量最高,最高产量为2 745.7 kg/hm2;当施氮量为64.80 kg/hm2,施磷量59.42kg/hm2,施钾量37.11 kg/hm2时施肥效益最高,经济产量为2 743.7 kg/hm2。  相似文献   

The effect of adding Lactobacillus buchneri 40788, a heterofermentative lactobacilli, to whole‐plant maize and its effect on fermentation and aerobic stability of the resulting silage were evaluated. Whole‐plant maize (380 g DM kg–1 fresh weight) was ensiled in laboratory silos after the following treatments: untreated, L. buchneri 40788 at 1 × 105, 2·5 × 105, 5 × 105, and 1 × 106 colony forming units g–1 of fresh forage or, a commercial inoculant containing homolactic acid bacteria, a single species of propionibacteria and enzymes. Addition of L. buchneri 40788 resulted in a decrease in lactic acid concentration but increased the concentration of acetic acid in silage and markedly decreased the numbers of yeasts present in the silage. All levels of L. buchneri 40788, increased the aerobic stability of silages but the effect was greatest for the two highest levels of inoculation. Treatment with the commercial inoculant had no effect on the fermentation or aerobic stability of silage. On‐farm treatment of maize silage with L. buchneri 40788, stored in a bag silo, resulted in changes in fermentation that were similar to those observed in laboratory silos. Treatment decreased the numbers of yeast in silage and increased aerobic stability (+25 h) of the silage when exposed to air. Treatment had no effect on the dry‐matter intake of silage fed to sheep. These results showed that treating silage with L. buchneri 40788 can increase the aerobic stability of maize silage in laboratory and farm silos.  相似文献   

Bioenergy generation by combustion is an alternative utilization of biomass from semi‐natural grasslands no longer needed for forage production. Variability of fuel composition affects the suitability of grassland herbage for combustion, in terms of ash‐related problems and harmful emissions of N, S and Cl compounds. A field experiment was established at six semi‐natural grassland sites in southwest Germany to investigate the importance of botanical composition, harvest date and site effects in influencing fuel composition. The first growth at each site was harvested at five dates from June to October. Concentrations of N, S, K, Ca, Mg and ash were lower in grasses than forbs. Between June and October, K concentrations decreased and Ca concentrations increased in grasses and forbs. Ash concentration increased only in grasses, while yields remained stable. Considerable site effects were also found, particularly for K and Cl. The findings are discussed in relation to knowledge of combustion technology. Fuel composition of the investigated grassland biomass was less suitable for combustion than that of perennial energy grasses, but comparable to that of cereal straw. Most critical parameters were high N concentrations, cause of NOx emissions, and high ash, K and Cl concentrations, responsible for particle emissions, fouling and corrosion. Although combustion of semi‐natural grassland biomass for small‐scale residential boilers cannot be recommended currently, results of this study suggest that utilization in medium‐scale combustion units may offer realistic perspectives, creating synergies between bioenergy production and biodiversity conservation.  相似文献   

Summary Flowering and true seed production from different order inflorescences in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) were evaluated in two experiments. The number of flowers per inflorescence, berry set, berry weight, number of seeds per berry and seed weight generally decreased from primary inflorescences to tertiary inflorescences and inflorescences on lateral stems. The possible relation with carbohydrate distribution is discussed. Quality of the seeds produced from the different orders of inflorescences was a function of seed size; larger seeds showed better germination, emergence and seedling growth. Late harvest of berries increased berry weight and number of seeds per berry from primary inflorescences. Application of additional nitrogen during the flowering period did not affect flowering or differences between inflorescence positions in seed production, but it significantly decreased the number of seeds per berry. The practical implications of these results for true seed production are discussed.  相似文献   

A series of preliminary trials is described to assess the potential and some of the cultural requirements of new cultivars of forage peas grown as pure stands in the west of Scotland. Optimum sowing date was late March for harvesting 15 weeks later to leave sufficient of the growing season for a catch crop or the establishment of a grass sward. Yield of dry matter (DM) at harvest was approximately 6 t ha-1 but DM concentration varied greatly with season. The digestibility of the organic matter was of the order of 0·700 and the crude protein concentration in the DM 170 g kg-1. DM yield increased with increasing seed rate up to 200 kg ha-1 the maximum rate tested.  相似文献   

Summary The assessment system, worked out by the “Potato Quality” Working Group of the E.A.P.R. for the investigation of varieties, proved to be a useful system for investigating the influence of nitrogen and potassium fertilization on the cooking quality of potatoes. In addition to the influence of variety and “year” potassium, and especially nitrogen fertilization were in certain cases very important to the texture of cooked potatoes, but the response of the potatoes to fertilization greatly depends on other growing conditions, in this case possibly the quantity of water in the soil. Whenever nitrogen had any influence on texture properties, theEigenheimer variety always responded with a decrease in mealiness and dryness and with an increase in consistency, but the response of theLibertas variety was sometimes curvilinear. The influence of potassium was not very clear, although in most cases the specific gravity of the potatoes showed a marked response. No interaction between nitrogen and potassium fertilization with respect to texture was ever observed. The response of the foliage of the potatoes in the field, the yield and the specific gravity of the harvested potatoes afforded a very poor indication of the response of texture properties to fertilization. The colour of cooked potatoes of theEigenheimer variety was in some cases influenced by nitrogen fertilization, yellowness decreasing with increasing nitrogen fertilization. The influence of “year” on after-cooking discoloration was considerable, but fertilization also had a great influence, especially in the case of theLibertas variety, discoloration increasing with increasing nitrogen fertilization. Potassium fertilization sometimes counteracted to a certain extent the detrimental effect of nitrogen and in some cases the influence of nitrogen was greater when the potassium level was lower. As there were frequent interactions between “years” and fertilization this means that the response of after-cooking discoloration to fertilization probably depends on other growing conditions.
Zusammenfassung Die w?hrend den Jahren 1957, 1958 und 1959 angelegten Feldversuche hatten den Zweck, den Einfluss der Stickstoff- und Kalidüngung auf die Speisequalit?t der Kartoffeln zu überprüfen. Als Düngermengen wurden den beiden VersuchssortenLibertas undEigenheimer 0, 60, 120, 180 und 240 kg N/ha in Kombination mit 0, 150 und 300 kg K2O/ha abgegeben. Die Bonitierung der Speisequalit?t erfolgte nach dem durch die der Europ. Gesellschaft für Kartoffelforschung angeschlossenen Arbeitsgruppe “Qualit?tsprüfung” ausgearbeiteten Beurteilungsschema. Geprüft wurden jeweils drei Knollenmuster pro Düngungsnorm. Die Prüfungen wurden durch zwei eingearbeitete Experten getrennt durchgeführt. Nebst der Sorte und dem Versuchsjahr war unter bestimmten Bedingungen der Einfluss der Kali-und vor allem der Stickstoffdüngung auf die Textureigenschaften der Knolle bedeutend, doch letzteres trat nicht auf allen Versuchsfeldern in Erscheinung und schien auch ziemlich unabh?ngig vom Einfluss der Düngung auf den Ertrag und auf das spezifische Gewicht der Knolle zu sein. Es konnte auf mehreren Versuchsfeldern ein deutlicher Einfluss der Düngung auf die Krautentwicklung, den Ertrag und das spezifische Gewicht nachgewiesen werden, ohne dass sich dies auf eine Ver?nderung der Textureigenschaften der Knolle ausgewirkt h?tte. Teilweise konnte aber auch das Gegenteilige beobachtet werden. Wenn ein Einfluss der N-Düngung auf die Textur (Zerkochen, innere und ?ussere Mehligkeit, Trockenheit und Konsistenz) festzustellen war, so ?usserte er sich bei der SorteEigenheimer durch eine Abnahme der Mehligkeit und Trockenheit und eine Zunahme der Konsistenz, w?hrenddem sich beiLibertas eine Optimumkurve herausstellte. Der Einfluss von Kali war nicht deutlich. So nahm in einigen F?llen beiLibertas die Konsistenz, beiEigenheimer die Mehligkeit zu, doch konnte auch der umgekehrte Fall eintreten. Auf Grund der bisweilen zwischen dem Jahrgang und der Düngung festgestellten Interaktionen darf angenommen werden, dass der Einfluss der Düngung auf die Textureigenschaften deutlich von den übrigen Wachstumsbedingungen abh?ngig ist. In dieser Beziehung muss auch an die Unterschiede in der Bodenfeuchtigkeit gedacht werden, doch ist diesbezüglich unser Material zu gering, um sichere Rückschlüsse zu ziehen. Im Gegensatz zur SorteLibertas, wo die Düngung auf die Fleischafarbe der gekochten Knollen praktisch keinen Einfluss ausübte, war bei der SorteEigenheimer in einigen F?llen ein Aufhellen des Fleisches mit zunehmender N-Düngung feststellbar. Speziell beiLibertas übten Jahrgang und Düngung einen deutlichen Einfluss auf die Intensit?t der Verf?rbung des Knollenfleisches nach dem Kochprozess aus. Mit steigenden N-Gaben nahm die Verf?rbung merklich zu. Unter gewissen Bedingungen wirkte die Kalidüngung der nachteiligen Wirkung des Stickstoffes entgegen. Anderseits war in einigen F?llen eine Interaktion zwischen diesen beiden N?hrstoffen zu erkennen: mit abnehmender Kali-Düngung nahm der Einfluss des Stickstoffes zu. Im weitern kam manchmal auch eine Interaktion zwischen dem Jahrgang und der Düngung zum Ausdruck, so dass die Schlussfolgerung gezogen werden muss, dass die Reaktion der Verf?rbung des Knollenfleisches auf die Düngung ebenfalls von andern Wachstumsfaktoren beeinflusst wird.

Résumé Dans le but d'apprécier l'influence de la fumure sur la qualité culinaire des pommes de terre, nous avons organisé nos essais de la fa?on suivante: Les diverses parcelles expérimentales re?urent: 0, 60, 120, 180 et 240 unités d'azote à l'hectare, ainsi que 0, 150 ou 300 unité de potasse à l'hectare pour les variétés considérées:Libertas etEigenheimer, durant les années 1957, 1958 et 1959. Les essais furent successivement conduits en sol sablonneux sec et en sol sablonneux humide. La qualité culinaire fut appréciée au moyen de trois échantillons pour chacune des deux variétés, par deux experts utilisant à cet effet un barème de taxation selon les dispositions définies par le groupe “Qualité de la pomme de terre” de l'Association européenne pour la recherche sur la pomme de terre. En dehors de l'effet attribuable à la variété et à l'année, la fumure potassique et surtout la fumure azotée ont une influence propre sur les propriétés de la texture. Cette influence ne se manifeste pas sur tous les champs d'essais et de plus, le rendement et le poids spécifique n'y sont guère sensibles. On pouvait remarquer dans quelques cas, soit une influence importante de la fumure sur le développement de l'appareil végétatif, sur le rendement et sur le poids spécifique et aucune sur la composition de la texture, soit le contraire. Si on observait une influence de la fumure azotée sur la texture (l'état farineux, la consistance de la chair et la sécheresse) celle-ci se manifestait avecEigenheimer par une diminution de l'état farineux, de la sécheresse et par une augmentation de la fermeté, tandis que surLibertas. on notait une courbe maxima. Dans certains cas, la consistance des tubercules deLibertas et l'état farineux desEigenheimer augmentaient avec la quantité de potasse apportée, mais on pouvait aussi constater le contraire. Comme il y avait un certain rapport entre l'année et la fumure apportée, on pouvait penser que la modification des propriétés de la texture lui est due. On pourrait aussi penser que l'humidité du sol joue un r?le, mais nos données sont insuffisantes pour pouvoir étre affirmatif. AvecLibertas, la couleur des tubercules cuits variat très peu en fonction de la fumure, mais avecEigenheimer ils devenaient moins jaunes avec une augmentation du nombre d'unités d'azote. Spécialement avecLibertas, le noircissement après cuisson, dont l'importance est proportionnelle à la quantité d'azote apportée, était aussi influencé par l'année. On put aussi remarquer que, dans certains cas, la potasse faisait diminuer l'effet du noircissement d? à l'azote. Enfin, comme on a vu qu'il peut y avoir une relation entre l'année et la fumure apportée, le fait d'observer une augmentation du noircissement en fonction de la fumure n'est pas suffisant pour conclure. Il faut aussi rechercher d'autres causes intervenant durant la végétation.

The author was stationed at the Provinciaal Onderzoekeentru voor de Landbouw in Drenthe, Oostersingel 21a, Assen, Netherlands, by the Institute for Storage and Processing of Agricultural Produce (I.B.V.L.), Wageningen.  相似文献   

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