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Tropical Animal Health and Production - Newcastle disease (ND) is a devastating disease and cause high t mortality and morbidity in poultry and nonpoultry avian species worldwide. An intensive...  相似文献   

The potency of inactivated Newcastle disease virus (NDV) vaccines in the United States is currently determined using vaccination and challenge of experimental animals against a velogenic strain of NDV. Because velogenic strains of NDV are now classified as select agents in the United States, all vaccine potency testing must be performed in live animals under biosafety level 3 agriculture conditions. If the minimum amount of inactivated viral antigen required for clinical protection can be determined using other methods, vaccines meeting these criteria might be considered of adequate potency. The linearity of correlation between the hemagglutination (HA) assay measurement and the 50% embryo infectious dose titer ofNDV Hitchner B1 vaccine virus was determined. Correlation between hemagglutinin units (HAU) per vaccine dose, clinical protection, and antibody response was then determined using a vaccinate-and-challenge model similar to Chapter 9 of the U.S. code of federal regulations approved method for vaccine potency testing. The dose providing 50% protection of an in-house water-in-oil emulsion vaccine formulated with inactivated NDV B1 was determined to be between 400 and 600 HAU from two separate trials. A positive correlation (R2 = 0.97) was observed between antibody response and HAU per vaccine dose. Serum antibody responses from vaccinated birds indicate HA inhibition titers >2(5) log2 would provide 100% protection from morbidity and mortality and require a minimum protective dose of 1000 HAU per bird. These are the first studies to examine establishing both a minimum protective HAU content for inactivated ND vaccines and a minimum serologic response necessary to ensure potency.  相似文献   

A Newcastle disease virus (NDV) isolate designated IBS002 was isolated from a commercial broiler farm in Malaysia. The virus was characterised as a virulent strain based on the multiple basic amino acid motif of the fusion (F) cleavage site 112RRRKGF117 and length of the C-terminus extension of the hemagglutinin-neuraminidase (HN) gene. Furthermore, IBS002 was classified as a velogenic NDV with mean death time (MDT) of 51.2 h and intracerebral pathogenicity index (ICPI) of 1.76. A genetic distance analysis based on the full-length F and HN genes showed that both velogenic viruses used in this study, genotype VII NDV isolate IBS002 and genotype VIII NDV isolate AF2240-I, had high genetic variations with genotype II LaSota vaccine. In this study, the protection efficacy of the recombinant genotype VII NDV inactivated vaccine was also evaluated when added to an existing commercial vaccination program against challenge with velogenic NDV IBS002 and NDV AF2240-I in commercial broilers. The results indicated that both LaSota and recombinant genotype VII vaccines offered full protection against challenge with AF2240-I. However, the LaSota vaccine only conferred partial protection against IBS002. In addition, significantly reduced viral shedding was observed in the recombinant genotype VII-vaccinated chickens compared to LaSota-vaccinated chickens.  相似文献   

King DJ 《Avian diseases》1999,43(4):745-755
Four-week-old specific-pathogen-free white rock chickens were immunized with either a commercial recombinant fowl poxvirus-vectored Newcastle disease vaccine (FPN) expressing the hemagglutinin-neuraminidase and fusion protein genes of Newcastle disease virus (NDV) strain B1 or live NDV B1. Vaccinates and controls were challenged by eyedrop and intranasal (E/I) route with a viscerotropic velogenic NDV at 14 days postvaccination to determine the time of clearance of challenge virus. In a subsequent experiment, chickens were challenged at 3, 6, or 10 days postvaccination to determine the onset of immunity. Chickens that received a recommended field dose (1x) or a 0.01x dose of FP-N subcutaneously (s.c.) and were seropositive by hemagglutination-inhibition test at 14 days postvaccination cleared the challenge virus by 14 days postchallenge. Clinical Newcastle disease and high challenge virus titers in tissues were seen only in seronegative FP-N 0.01x dose vaccinates and controls. In a comparison of vaccination with FP-N (1x, 10(4,9) median tissue culture infective dose) s.c., B1 (10(6) median egg infective dose [EID50]) s.c., or B1 (10(6) EID50) E/I, chickens vaccinated at 6 or 10 days before challenge with all vaccines were protected against clinical disease, but only those vaccinated with B1 E/I 10 days before challenge were protected against infection with the challenge virus. Vaccination at 3 days before challenge with B1 E/I provided early protection, but severe nervous signs developed later and reduced overall protection to 60%, whereas disease in chickens vaccinated with B1 s.c. and FP-N s.c. 3 days before challenge was similar to the challenge controls.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To examine the effects of varying the doses of turkey herpesvirus (HVT) vaccine and Marek's disease virus (MDV) challenge at two intervals after vaccination on the protection of chickens against challenge with MDV. DESIGN AND PROCEDURE: Experiment 1, a dose response study, consisted of 11 doses of HVT vaccine administered at hatch followed by challenge with 100 plaque forming units (pfu) of MDV 5 days post vaccination. Experiment 2, a 2 x 6 x 2 factorial design, included two HVT vaccine types, six different doses of HVT vaccine and 50 pfu and 200 pfu of MDV challenge 2 days post vaccination. All chickens were reared up to day 56 post challenge when all survivors were killed humanely. Dead and killed chickens were examined for gross MD tumours. RESULTS: Experiment 1 showed a significant positive linear relationship between dose of HVT vaccine and protective index in chickens challenged 5 days post vaccination. However the range of protective index observed was limited. In Experiment 2 neither HVT vaccine provided significant protection at any dose. There was no significant effect of vaccine type or MDV challenge dose on overall protection against challenge. Chickens challenged with 200 pfu of MDV had significantly higher mortality and MD incidence than those with 50 pfu. CONCLUSIONS: HVT vaccine dose had a significant impact on protective index, but vaccination to challenge interval appeared to have greater impact on the protective efficacy of vaccination. A fourfold increase in challenge dose increased mortality rate and incidence of MD.  相似文献   

Oligodeoxynucleotides containing unmethylated CpG motifs (CpG ODN) have been proven to be immunoprotective in mouse models. However, little work has been conducted on in vivo immune responses in chicken with CpG ODN. The objective of this study was to investigate the immunoadjuvant effects of CpG ODN to Newcastle disease (ND) vaccine and its protective effects against ND virus in SPF chicken. In this report, the titre of serum IgG to ND vaccine and the proliferation of lymphocytes were monitored in SPF chickens. The results demonstrated that the above-mentioned immune responses were significantly stronger in chickens that received CpG ODN than in the birds that received only ND vaccine. Furthermore, ND vaccine plus CpG ODN protected SPF chicken from challenge with an otherwise lethal dose of ND virus. These data suggest that CpG ODN holds considerable promise as an adjuvant for future vaccines against ND virus.  相似文献   

The effect of tuftsin of embryo and post-hatch vaccination with NDV-F was studied. The embryo vaccination with NDV-F resulted in more number of dead-in-shell embryos. To overcome this problem, the vaccine was treated separately with ethyl methane sulfate (EMS) and 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) and administered. Treating the vaccine with 5-FU resulted in better hatchability as compared to EMS treatment. In embryo, NDV antibody titres increased upto 2 weeks of age and declined thereafter, whereas in post-hatch vaccination, the antibody titre increased from second to fourth week of age and declined thereafter. The seroconversion was better when the vaccine was given along with tuftsin either to embryos or chicks (post-hatch vaccination) as compared to those vaccinated without tuftsin. Moreover, the percentage of hatchability was more in tuftsin administered groups. It was found that embryo vaccination can ensure definite protection during the early life of the chicks despite the presence of maternal antibodies. In cases where breeder vaccinations do not result in concomitant transfer of antibody to progeny chicks, embryo vaccination would give only neonatal resistance. During the later stages, embryo vaccination did not confer any advantage over post-hatch vaccination.  相似文献   

The aim of this project is to study the clinical signs and lesion of velogenic Newcastle disease (vND) in commercial turkeys, and also to find out if La Sota vaccination offered protection against these signs and lesions. The cockerels were included as positive controls. One hundred and twenty turkey poults and cockerels were divided into eight groups as follows: unvaccinated unchallenged turkeys (UUT), unvaccinated challenged turkeys (UCT), vaccinated unchallenged turkeys (VUT), vaccinated challenged turkeys (VCT), and along the same lines, the cockerel groups were UUC, UCC, VUC and vaccinated challenged cockerels (VCC). Vaccination was at 3 weeks of age while challenge was at 6 weeks of age. The unvaccinated turkeys and cockerels (UCT and UCC) showed different degrees of depression, diarrhoea and later paralysis at challenge. Total mortality was 100% in cockerels within 6 days, but 60% in turkeys. Similar but milder clinical signs were found in the VCC with a total mortality of 13.3%. The VCT showed mild drop in feed and water consumption, and no mortality. All the challenged groups had significant (p < 0.05) loss of weight when compared with their controls. Necropsy showed that while the UCC had severe proventricular haemorrhages, intestinal and caecal tonsil ulcers, the UCT had no digestive tract lesion. There was severe atrophy of the lymphoid organs in all the challenged groups. Histopathological sections of the bursa, spleen and thymus in all the challenged groups with special emphasis on the vaccinated and unvaccinated turkeys with mortalities of 0 and 60%, respectively, had very severe necrosis and depletion of the lymphoid tissue. Virus was isolated from the cloacal swabs. The haemagglutination inhibition antibodies were significantly higher (p < 0.05) in the challenged groups than the unchallenged. The above observations in the intestinal tracts of UCT are of diagnostic significance while the gross and microscopic lesions in the UCT and VCT show that La Sota vaccination may not protect turkeys against the destruction of the lymphoid organs by vND as earlier reported in chickens. This may lead to immunosuppression and production problems in areas where vND is enzootic.  相似文献   

The New York 1999 strain of West Nile virus (WNV) is nearly 100% fatal in the American crow (Corvus brachyrhynchos). We evaluated four WNV vaccine formulations in American crows, including intramuscular (i.m.) DNA vaccine, i.m. DNA vaccine with adjuvant, orally administered microencapsulated DNA vaccine, and i.m. killed vaccine. Neutralizing antibodies developed in approximately 80% of crows that received the DNA vaccine i.m. (with or without adjuvant), and in 44% that received the killed vaccine. However, no crows that received the oral microencapsulated DNA vaccine or the placebo developed WNV antibodies. All crows were challenged 10 wk after initial vaccination. No unvaccinated crows survived challenge, and survival rates were 44% (i.m. DNA vaccine), 60% (i.m. DNA vaccine with adjuvant), 0% (oral microencapsulated DNA vaccine), and 11% (killed vaccine). Peak viremia titers in the birds that survived were significantly lower as compared to titers in birds that died. Parenteral administration of a WNV DNA vaccine was associated with reduced mortality but did not provide sterile immunity.  相似文献   

Summary An evaluation was undertaken of the efficacy of vaccination of day-old chicks with the Blacksburg (B1) strain of Newcastle disease virus (NDV) followed at various times by vaccination with the Komarov (K) strain. Antibody was detected by the haemagglutination inhibition (HAI) test one week after vaccination with B1 and titres peaked at three weeks and had declined to undetectable levels by nine weeks.After subsequent vaccination with K strain at five, seven or eight weeks of age levels of HAI antibody (titre 80 to 640) were detected after three weeks. Birds vaccinated at seven weeks were tested for antibody and resistance to challenge beyond 19 weeks of age. In this group the HAI titres remained constant (80 to 640) up to 32 weeks of age and then steadily declined to 10 to 20 at 44 weeks of age.A linear relationship between HAI titre and virus neutralising index (VNI) was demonstrated with a range of selected sera. Only birds with an HAI titre of 80 or greater resisted artificial challenge. It is recommended that, following B1 vaccincation at day-old and K vaccination at seven weeks old, revaccination with K strain should be performed at intervals of not more than seven months.
Proteccion Conferida Mediante Vacunacion Con Las Cepas Blacksburg Komarov Del Virus De Newcastle En Bangladesh
Resumen Se llevó a cabo una evaluación de la eficacia de la vacunación de pollitos de un día, con la cepa Blacksburg (B1) del virus de la enfermedad de Newcastle, seguida de varias aplicaciones vacunales periódicas con la cepa Komarov (K). Se detectaron anticuerpos mediante la prueba de inhibición de la hemaglutinación, una semana después de la vacunación con B1, los títulos alcanzando el pico a las tres semanas y declinaron a niveles no detectables a las nueve semanas.Después de aplicaciones vacunales periódicas con la cepa K, a las cinco, siete u ocho semanas de edad, se detectaron anticuerpos mediante la prueba de inhibición de la hemaglutinación (títulos 80 a 640), después de tres semanas. Las aves vacunadas a las siete semanas, recibieron una descarga y se les hizo prueba de anticuerpos, después de las 19 semanas de edad. En este grupo los títulos de anticuerpos permanecieron constantes (80 to 640) hasta las 32 semanas de edad y después declinaron lentamente a 10 ó 20 a las 44 semanas de edad.Se demostró una relación lineal entre los títulos hallados y el índice viral neutralizante, en un rango de sueros seleccionados. Solamente las aves con títulos de 80 o más altos resistieron la descarga artificial. Se recomienda que, seguidamente a la vacunación con B1 a un día de edad y con K a las siete semanas, las revacunaciones con la cepa K debería hacerse con intervalos de no más de siete meses.

Protection Conferee Contre La Maladie De Newcastle Au Bangladesh Par La Vaccination A L'Aide Des Souches Blacksburg Et Komarov De Virus De La Maladie De Newcastle
Résumé Une evaluation de l'efficacité de la vaccination de poussins d'un jour à l'aide des souches Blackburg (B1) du virus de la maladie de Newcastle, suivie à différents moments par la vaccination à l'aide de la souche Komarov (K), a été entreprise. Les anticorps furent détéctés par inhibition de l'hemagglutination (HAI), une semaine après la vaccination avec la souche B1 et le titre atteignit un pic à 3 semaines pour décliner jusqu'à des niveaux indétectables à neuf semaines. A la suite de vaccinations consécutives avec la souche K à cinq, sept ou huit semaines, les niveaux d'anticorps HAI furent détectés après trois semaines. Les oiseaux vaccinés à sept semaines furent examinés pour les anticorps et la résistance à une épreuve au delà de 19 semaines d'âge. Dans ce groupe les titres HAI sont restés constants (80 à 640) jusqu'à l'àge 32 semaines, puis ont diminué régulièrement jusqu'à 10 à 20 à l'âge de 44 semaines.Une relation linéaire entre le titre HAI et l'index de neutralisation du virus (VNI) a été démontrée sur une gamme de sérums choisis. Seuls les oiseaux ayant un titre HAI de 80 ou plus ont résisté à l'épreuve artificielle. On recommande que, après une vaccination B1 à un jour, et une vaccination K à l'âge de sept semaines, une revaccination K soit réalisée à des intervalles n'excédant pas sept mois.

J M Sharma 《Avian diseases》1986,30(4):776-780
Vaccination of specific-pathogen-free chickens as 18-day embryos with the BVM isolate of infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) resulted in extensive replication of the vaccine virus in the embryonic tissues. The virus was recovered from lung, thymus, proventriculus, liver, kidney, and spleen of embryos 1 day postvaccination, and recoverable virus persisted for at least 7 days. Replication and spread of the vaccine virus in chickens vaccinated as 18-day embryos was compared with that in chickens vaccinated at hatch. Distribution of the virus in tissues was more extensive, virus levels in tissues were generally higher, and detectable virus persisted longer in chickens vaccinated as 18-day embryos than in those vaccinated at hatch. Effective vaccine response could be initiated with 6.2 median embryo lethal doses, the lowest dose tested. Chickens immunized as embryos developed neutralizing antibody against IBDV and resisted challenge with pathogenic IBDV at 4, 6, 8, and 10 weeks of age.  相似文献   

The present study describes the development of DNA vaccines using the hemagglutinin-neuraminidase (HN) and fusion (F) genes from AF2240 Newcastle disease virus strain, namely pIRES/HN, pIRES/F and pIRES-F/HN. Transient expression analysis of the constructs in Vero cells revealed the successful expression of gene inserts in vitro. Moreover, in vivo experiments showed that single vaccination with the constructed plasmid DNA (pDNA) followed by a boost with inactivated vaccine induced a significant difference in enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay antibody levels (p < 0.05) elicited by either pIRES/F, pIRES/F+ pIRES/HN or pIRES-F/HN at one week after the booster in specific pathogen free chickens when compared with the inactivated vaccine alone. Taken together, these results indicated that recombinant pDNA could be used to increase the efficacy of the inactivated vaccine immunization procedure.  相似文献   

Effective vaccinations against swine influenza reduce the economic loss of pig industries, and also may minimize the possibility of emergence of new pandemic viruses, since pigs are intermediate hosts to generate reassortant viruses among avian and mammalian influenza viruses. In this study, we showed that intranasal immunization of pigs with formalin-inactivated or ether-split influenza vaccine (A/Aichi/2/68) induced virus-specific IgG, IgM, and IgA antibodies in their nasal secretions and sera, resulting in complete protection from virus challenge. Antibody response to the challenge virus was not observed in the immunized pigs, suggesting that the replication of the virus in the primary targets, respiratory epithelial cells, was inhibited. The present results indicate that intranasal immunization of pigs with inactivated vaccines is effective to control swine influenza, and also provide a good model, as well as a mouse model, to evaluate an intranasal application of influenza vaccine for humans.  相似文献   

RT—PCR对新城疫病毒(NDV)分离株的鉴定及其临床应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用新城疫病毒的通用引物PA PB、强毒引物PA PC、弱毒引物PA PD对11株贵州新城疫分离毒株与4株新城疫参考毒株进行了RT-PCR扩增.结果15株新城疫毒株均被PA PB引物扩增出359 bp的条带,F48E8、ND98、Fw、H2、P3、BY、L2、P1,P2被PA PC引物扩增出254 bp的条带,而PA PD引物未扩增出DNA条带;ND89、Lasota被PA PD引物扩增出254 bp的条带.而PA PC引物未扩增出DNA条带.采用3对引物对自然发病斗鸡脑、脾、咽喉试子、泄殖腔试子进行RT-PCR检测,确诊为斗鸡新城疫强毒感染,且与传统病毒分离与毒力鉴定的结果相一致.  相似文献   

Antibody response produced by Newcastle disease virus (NDV, strain I-2) when given orally through oiled rice to chickens was determined. Serum samples were collected before and at a weekly interval for 28 days after vaccination and tested for haemagglutination inhibition (HI) antibody to NDV. The results showed 7 days after vaccination HI antibody titre log2 was 3.8. Moreover, 14 and 28 days after vaccination HI antibody titre log2 reached 6.5 and 8.0, respectively. All unvaccinated chickens were negative to NDV antibody throughout the study. Significant finding from the present study is that 7 days after vaccination chickens had produced protective antibody against NDV; this is in contrast to previous studies. Therefore, I-2 vaccine coated on the oiled rice is efficacious as it protects chickens from challenge with NDV. Wambura, P. N., 2008. Oral vaccination of chickens against Newcastle disease with I-2 vaccine coated on oiled rice. Tropical Animal Health and Production.  相似文献   

Dai Y  Liu M  Li W 《Avian diseases》2008,52(3):467-471
Since 1997, severe outbreaks of Newcastle disease (ND) in geese in many regions throughout China have resulted in high morbidity and mortality, and great economic loss to farmers; however, no licensed, specific vaccine is yet available for this disease in China. In this study, goslings were immunized with different combinations and dosages of several commercial ND vaccines including La Sota vaccine, Mukteswar vaccine, recombinant live vaccine against avian influenza (AI) and ND (rL-H5 strain), and inactivated ND oil-emulsion vaccine (La Sota strain). The protective effects were evaluated based upon the level of antibody response and the degree of protection against the goose-origin virulent NDV strain. The result showed that two doses (i.e., one more than that for chicken) of La Sota vaccine priming, followed by 2-5 doses of Mukteswar vaccine boosting 2-3 weeks later, not only induced higher HI antibody levels, but also conferred longer-lasting protection. This immunization procedure can be recommended for prevention of ND in geese.  相似文献   

Meat chickens housed on a commercial broiler farm in Australia were vaccinated once at 10 to 11 days-of-age by aerosol with live V4 Newcastle disease virus (NDV) vaccine. Groups of vaccinated and unvaccinated birds were flown to Malaysia, where they were challenged with a virulent strain of NDV. Survival rates in vaccinated chickens challenged 7, 14, 21 or 31 d after vaccination were 0.47, 0.77, 0.97 and 0.92, respectively. All unvaccinated chickens died due to Newcastle disease (ND) following challenge. Chickens in Australia and Malaysia were bled and the serums tested for haemagglutination-inhibiting (HI) antibody to NDV. Many vaccinated birds with no detectable antibody, and all birds with a log2 titre of 2 or greater, survived challenge. The results showed that this V4 vaccine induced protective immunity in a significant proportion of chickens within 7 d of mass aerosol vaccination. This early immunity occurred in the absence of detectable circulating HI antibody. Non-HI antibody mediated immunity continued to provide protection up to 31 d after vaccination. Almost all vaccinated birds were protected within 3 w of vaccination. It is concluded that the V4 vaccine is efficacious and could be useful during an outbreak of virulent ND in Australia.  相似文献   

预防禽病的多价重组马立克氏病疫苗研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着基因重组技术在控制动物疾病方面的应用 ,马立克氏病病毒被用作病毒载体构建多价重组疫苗。本文就重组马立克氏病病毒生长非必需区的发现 ,重组病毒在细胞和鸡体内的生长以及免疫效果的研究进展进行综述。  相似文献   

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