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对广益扁穗牛鞭草采用塑料袋进行青贮,通过使用不同厚度(0.6 mm、0.8 mm和1.0 mm)的聚乙烯薄膜和不同的填装方法(压实和抽气),60 d后对青贮料进行品质鉴定,比较不同厚度薄膜和填装方法的优劣.结果表明,0.6 mm规格不适于做青贮袋,0.8 mm、1.0 mm规格均适合;就抽气和压实而言,抽气由于工艺相对简单而效果较差,但压实过程中由于力度难以掌握同样容易使塑料袋破损而导致青贮失败.  相似文献   

<正> 如果养殖规模不大,可采用将青贮原料喷洒添加剂后装入塑料袋进行青贮。这种方法简单方便,易于推广。塑料袋青贮简称袋式青贮,它只需要将青贮原料切短,装入塑料袋,使湿度适中,抽掉袋内空气,并尽量将装料压实即可。如果没有抽气设备,必须保证装填紧密,最大限度地减少袋内空气量。如将蜡熟末期收穗后的玉米秸铡碎至0.6~1厘米长,作为青贮原料,每千克玉米秸,用小型喷雾器均匀喷洒添加甲酸3克,并搅拌均匀,然后装入青贮塑料袋,压实,扎口密封。青贮袋为两层,外层为编织袋,内层为无毒聚乙烯塑料薄膜;袋宽1米,长1.5米。这样加工的青贮料能保存1年。  相似文献   

青贮饲料柔软多汁,气味芳香,适口性好,易于消化,采食量高,是我省冬春枯草季节养畜的好饲料。塑料袋青贮饲料成本低,调制方法简便,保存时间长,适应性广,农村千家万户养畜户都可选用。1 塑料袋青贮饲料制作技术要点1.1 塑料袋选用无毒圆筒型聚乙烯薄膜,双幅宽200厘米,在1毫米以上厚度为好,袋要无破口,无沙眼。袋长320~360厘米,可装青贮料1.5吨左右。1.2 收割与切短青贮原料要适时收割。玉米青贮应在玉米蜡熟前期而茎叶尚绿时收割。如果收割不及时会降低青贮饲料的质量和产量。青贮原料必须切短。原料切短便于装填、踩紧、压实,有利于乳酸发酵。玉米秸切短长度在2~3厘米为宜。青贮料的含水量应在70%左右。  相似文献   

试验旨在研究不同青贮方式对其青贮后甘蔗尾叶饲用品质的影响。不同青贮方法包括直接青贮甘蔗尾叶(对照组);分别添加0.6%、1.2%尿素青贮;添加0.1、0.2、0.4g/kg纤维素酶青贮;添加0.3、0.6g/kg甲酸青贮;添加0.5、1.0g/kg丙酸青贮。对青贮后甘蔗尾叶进行感官评定、常规营养成分分析和养分瘤胃降解率分析。结果表明,添加不同浓度的尿素、纤维素酶、甲酸、丙酸青贮甘蔗尾叶,与对照组直接青贮相比,青贮品质均有提高,瘤胃DM、NDF降解率有所提高。添加纤维素酶组的CP降解率显著高于其它处理组(P0.05),添加1.0g/kg丙酸青贮甘蔗尾叶后DM、NDF、OM的降解率显著高于其它组(P0.05)。试验结果表明,添加纤维素酶或1.0g/kg丙酸青贮,可以显著提高甘蔗尾叶饲用品质。  相似文献   

在养牛业中,青贮是最好的保存青绿牧草的方法之一。本试验是针对寻找良好的青贮保存方法而进行的。青贮所选用的原料为玉米和象草,青贮前先切成2—3厘米长的片段。使用双层塑料袋来制作袋装青贮,手工把原料装袋压实,后扎紧袋口密封,每袋青贮约25公斤,把密封好的青贮袋置于室内,以免直接暴露于阳光下,保存期约6个月。为了改善青贮饲料的质量,制作时添加不同种类的添加剂,包括糖蜜(5%),尿  相似文献   

塑料袋制备鲁梅克斯青贮的方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鲁梅克斯作为一种优质青绿饲料,在农区推广种植可广泛用于饲喂各种畜禽。现以猪为例向广大农村养殖户介绍一种塑料袋制备鲁梅克斯青贮料的方法。 (一)袋的制作 选用宽1米、厚0.8~1.0毫米的聚乙烯双幅筒式塑料膜。先将膜剪成长2.0米的段,再将塑料膜的一端和边缘加热压紧,制成一个一端开口的青贮袋。每袋可装鲁梅克斯青贮料250公斤。 (二)制备过程 猪用青贮料的  相似文献   

<正> 进一步探索塑料袋青贮技术在不同品种青料贮藏中的作用,检验塑料袋青贮技术在不同季节,用不同原料青贮的效果,对深入开展塑料袋青贮技术的推广和研究都具有积极的现实意义。我们在总结塑料袋青贮红薯藤、牛皮菜、细绿萍等成功的基础上,又开展了对种植面积大、数量多、而又广泛用作饲料的蚕豆苗进行青贮的试验研究,得到了  相似文献   

优势显著的袋式灌装青贮技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现代袋式灌装青贮技术(简称袋贮技术)用大型塑料袋(直径2~2.5 m,长度30~35 m)取代了传统窑贮、塔贮用水泥、钢材制作的固定存贮设施,并用专用设备--灌装机将切碎物料连续、快速、均匀、高密度填装,实现了高质量、无损失青贮.  相似文献   

塑料袋青贮饲料技术,技术简单,操作方便,青贮品质好,经济效益高。 具体操作是: 青贮袋的制作。选用无色,透明,无毒,宽100厘米,厚0.8~1毫米,无破损,无沙眼,厚薄均匀的聚乙烯幅统式袋形薄膜。每个青贮袋长160~180厘米,将薄膜的一端末稍加热粘压牢实,制成口袋,不漏空气。每个青贮袋装切碎的青料200~250公斤。 青贮料贮存操作。青贮原料要新鲜清洁,无污染,  相似文献   

一、青贮:有塑料袋青贮和窖式青贮两种,即把收获的作物秸杆铡碎到1~2厘米,并将含水量调到67~75%。(即以手握原料以指缝中见到水珠,但不滴水为准),装入塑料袋或窖中,压实并排净空气,密封保存40~50天即可开袋(窖)喂用。  相似文献   

The ultrasonographic measurements of the adrenal glands of 24 diseased cats without a clinically or laboratory identifiable endocrinopathy were evaluated retrospectively. The mean (sd) thickness of the left adrenal glands was 3.8 (0.8) mm and their mean length was 11.3 (2.8) mm; the thickness of the right glands was 4.5 (1.0) mm and their length was 9.8 (2.4) mm. The products of thickness and length were 43.9 (20.2) mm(2) for the left gland and 45.7 (19.7) mm(2) for the right gland. There were no significant correlations between the bodyweight, body surface area or body condition scores of the cats and the thickness, length or the product of thickness and length of either gland.  相似文献   

本研究以饲料玉米(Zea mays)为原料,采用绿叶汁发酵液1.0%、1.5%、2.0%作青贮添加剂,并与传统青贮工艺添加1%、3% NaCl做比较,在实验室条件下贮藏60 d。测定其青贮品质(包括微生物群落结构、pH值、粗蛋白、干物质、纤维素含量、有机酸含量)及体外消化率,并与传统青贮工艺做比较。结果显示,添加绿叶汁发酵液可以明显改善青贮品质,pH值显著降低,干物质、粗蛋白及有机酸含量均有显著性增加(P<0.05)。经体外消化试验可知,与对照相比,添加绿叶汁发酵液可显著提高青贮饲料消化率。  相似文献   

塑料袋青贮饲草技术应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍塑料袋青贮饲草技术及应用,首先塑料袋具有可靠的隔氧效果,为发酵反应的完成和青贮质量的稳定提供了可靠保障;其次塑料袋青贮具有高发酵质量、多品种饲草青贮能力及易于推广的特点,表现出更好的适应性,为奶畜户提供质优量足的青贮饲料,促进奶畜养殖的优质高效。  相似文献   

选用辣椒采收后的秧秸为原料,试验设含水量(75%,65%和55%)和甲酸(0.5%,1.0%和1.5%)2个因素不同水平,塑料瓶青贮45d,研究水分和甲酸对辣椒秧青贮品质影响,结果显示:水分、甲酸及二者交互作用显著(P〈0.05)影响青贮辣椒秧的pH、NH3-N/TN、ADF、NDF和WSC含量;辣椒秧的青贮品质在中(65%)、高(75%)水分条件下优于低(55%)水分处理;甲酸的添加显著提高了WSC含量(P〈0.05),限制了丁酸的产生,降低了青贮料的PH和NH3-N/TN含量,并不同程度影响青贮辣椒的CP,ADF和NDF等养分含量。综合分析,含水量65%~75%,1.5%甲酸处理效果最佳。  相似文献   

对国内外紫花苜蓿青贮技术的研究进展做了系统总结,并讨论了不同青贮技术的优缺点。在此基础上指出半干青贮、添加剂青贮、混合青贮、拉伸膜裹包青贮均是适合的紫花苜蓿青贮方法。在生产实践中,可考虑将半干青贮、添加剂青贮或混合青贮与拉伸膜青贮相结合,改进青贮方法,进一步提高紫花苜蓿青贮饲料的品质,发展高效畜牧业。  相似文献   

Objectives— To compare compression pressure (CP) of 6.5 mm Acutrak Plus (AP) and 4.5 mm AO cortical screws (AO) when inserted in simulated lateral condylar fractures of equine 3rd metacarpal (MC3) bones. Study Design— Paired in vitro biomechanical testing. Sample Population— Cadaveric equine MC3 bones (n=12 pair). Methods— Complete lateral condylar osteotomies were created parallel to the midsagittal ridge at 20, 12, and 8 mm axial to the epicondylar fossa on different specimens grouped accordingly. Interfragmentary compression was measured using a pressure sensor placed in the fracture plane before screw placement for fracture fixation. CP was acquired and mean values of CP for each fixation method were compared between the 6.5 mm (AP) and 4.5 mm (AO) for each group using a paired t‐test within each fracture fragment thickness group with statistical significance set at P<.05. Results— AO screw configurations generated significantly greater compressive pressure compared with AP configurations. The ratio of mean CP for AP screws to AO screws at 20, 12, and 8 mm, were 21.6%, 26.2%, and 34.2%, respectively. Conclusion— Mean CP for AP screw fixations are weaker than those for AO screw fixations, most notably with the 20 mm fragments. The 12 and 8 mm groups have comparatively better compression characteristics than the 20 mm group; however, they are still significantly weaker than AO fixations. Clinical Relevance— Given that the primary goals of surgical repair are to achieve rigid fixation, primary bone healing, and good articular alignment, based on these results, it is recommended that caution should be used when choosing the AP screw for repair of lateral condylar fractures, especially complete fractures. Because interfragmentary compression plays a factor in the overall stability of a repair, it is recommended for use only in patients with thin lateral condyle fracture fragments, as the compression tends to decrease with an increase in thickness.  相似文献   

苜蓿青贮技术研究进展   总被引:31,自引:5,他引:26  
本研究对国内外苜蓿青贮技术的研究进展做了系统总结.并在此基础上,重点讨论了苜蓿添加剂青贮技术及其研究领域.对于苜蓿青贮来说,半干青贮技术较为实用,而未来苜蓿青贮的主要发展方向是乳酸菌添加技术,拉伸膜裹包青贮技术则在生产实践中具有很大的推广应用前景.  相似文献   

苜蓿青贮技术是贮存苜蓿青干草的方式之一,本研究对国内外苜蓿青贮技术做了系统总结,详细分析了紫花苜蓿青贮的原理、技术及所用设施。对于苜蓿青贮来说,半干青贮技术较为实用,而未来苜蓿青贮的主要发展方向是乳酸菌添加技术,拉伸膜裹包青贮技术则在生产实践中具有很大的推广应用前景。  相似文献   

Purpose To determine axial lens thickness, anterior chamber depth and axial globe length in canine eyes with normal lenses and in eyes with immature, mature, congenital, posterior polar and diabetic cataract. Methods B‐mode ultrasonography was performed in 50 normal dogs and, as a prephacoemulsification screening procedure, in 100 dogs with cataract. Axial B‐mode ultrasonograms were used to determine lens thickness, anterior chamber depth and globe diameter. Statistical comparisons between groups were made by analysis of variance and multivariate analysis, with a significance level of P < 0.05. Results Axial globe lengths were not statistically significantly different between groups apart from the smaller globes in younger dogs with congenital cataract. Axial lens thickness in diabetics (8.4 ± 0.9 mm) was statistically significantly different from the lens thickness in normal eyes (6.7 ± 1.0 mm), eyes with immature cataract (6.4 ± 0.8 mm) and eyes with mature cataract (7.4 ± 0.9 mm) although these groups, while varying in thickness, were not statistically significantly different from each other. Anterior chamber depth was statistically significantly reduced in eyes with diabetic cataract (2.9 ± 0.1 mm) from that in normal eyes (3.8 ± 0.1 mm), eyes with immature cataract (3.5 ± 0.1 mm) and eyes with mature cataract (3.2 ± 0.6 mm) although these groups, while varying in chamber depth, were not statistically significantly different from each other. Conclusions Lenses with diabetic cataracts were significantly increased in axial thickness compared to lenses in other eyes, although lenses with mature cataracts showed a trend towards increased axial thickness and immature cataracts demonstrated a trend towards reduced thickness. While previous studies on cataract pathobiology have suggested a reduction in lens thickness in immature cataract through lens protein loss and an increase in thickness in mature cataracts through intumescence, this study is the first to document these changes in the canine lens.  相似文献   

The effects of length of cut and mechanical processing on corn silage utilization by dairy cows were evaluated. Corn silage treatments were harvested at the black line stage of maturity and chopped at a theoretical length (TLC) of 9.5 mm without processing (Control) or at a TLC of 19 mm with processing at roller clearances of 1, 3, or 5 mm. Eight multiparous Holstein cows were assigned in a replicated 4 × 4 Latin square design with 21‐day periods. Corn silage treatments were fed in diets containing 78.3% corn silage and 21.7% soybean meal (DM basis). Treatments had no significant effects on DMI, milk and 4% FCM production. The efficiency of converting DMI to FCM tended to be greater with processing at a roller clearance of 1 and 3 mm than at other clearances. Apparent total tract digestibility of starch tended to be lowest for cows fed control silage, and increased as roller clearance decreased. Ruminal ammonia concentrations in cows fed control silage were numerically higher than in cows fed proccesed silages. These results suggest that when corn silage is harvested at the black line of maturity, roller clearance should be 3 mm or less with a TLC of 19 mm.  相似文献   

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