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1胎龄、怀胎数目和胎儿性别的估测估测胎龄或妊期,主要用于配种日期不明的放牧本交羊群、实验动物、动物园动物和野生动物。羊胎龄的增长与胎儿的冠-臀长或顶-臀长,头的长度,双顶径,双眼眶径及胎盘长度等呈正相关,但由于受探头长度的限制和这些部位生长的特点,以上各项只适用于估计某一阶段的胎龄,如胎体长度只能用到妊娠45天,胎头长度用到73天,胎盘长度用  相似文献   

为了探索比格犬胎儿胎盘发育的声像学的阶段性特征,试验采用彩超仪(型号为Apogee1 200 V)对8只妊娠比格犬的35只胎儿进行连续跟踪监测,于配种后的第10天开始监测,2 d采集1次数据,直至分娩。结果表明:第22天时可首次探查到犬的胎盘,临产期可出现母体胎盘与子体胎盘的分离,并在胎盘上探查到钙化灶,并且犬的子体胎盘能够为妊娠和妊娠相关疾病提供许多信息,不仅可以对胎儿的孕龄进行粗略的估计,还可以精确计算预产期,判断胎儿的营养供应状况。  相似文献   

小尾寒羊是我国的一个地方绵羊良种,以体格高大,全年发情,早熟多胎著称。由于它与多赛特、萨福克、美利奴等名种绵羊相比,有其独特的品种特点,而且适合于其他品种胎龄鉴定的影像学可能并不适用于小尾寒羊。因此,我们的试验目的是以小尾寒羊胎儿的双顶径(BPD)和头长(HL)为指标,研究二者与胎龄之间的关系,以便可以得到在实践中应用B-超鉴定胎儿胎龄的有效测定指标。  相似文献   

妊娠早期绵羊子宫和胎儿实测与超声探查比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用B超跟踪探查的9头妊娠母羊,分别于妊娠57、58、59、60、86、87、88、96和100d剖检,实测其于叶直径、胎儿冠一臀长、头长和胎儿主要内脏。结果发现,直径最大的子叶在妊娠86d,说明以测子叶直径来预测胎龄,只适用于妊娠86d以前;妊娠59d观察到有胃液,妊娠86、96d先后在直肠和结肠观察到有胎粪蓄积,96和100d在羊水和胃内发现有小粪球,说明此时已有排粪和吞咽反射;妊娠87和88d观察到膀胱有尿蓄积和睾丸降入阴囊。  相似文献   

1 尤溪麻鸡体征 1.1 外貌特征 头大小适中。70%为单冠,有5~7个冠齿,冠后部有3~5个开叉;30%为荔枝冠。冠及肉垂、耳垂鲜红色。上喙呈黑色,喙的前端呈肉色。胫、趾黑色。身长、体型近似“船型”。羽毛颜色可分三大类:黄麻色、全黑色和黄色。1.2 体重体尺 成鸡30周龄体重、体尺见表1。表1 尤溪麻鸡30周龄成鸡体重与体尺单位:g、cm项体  重体  尺目平均体重体重范围体斜长胸围胸深龙骨长胫长胫围宽爪长28502650~2950323318.5131057♀18501600~1900253115.5118462 生产性能 2.1 生长速度与耗料 本场采用自配饲料,0~29日龄用…  相似文献   

2002年4月,正值犬群发情配种的高峰季节,江苏某警犬基地1头德国牧羊犬于妊娠末期突发黄疸,经临床检查、实验室检验及X光、B超探查,确诊为犬肝内胆汁淤滞型黄疸。现将此犬的诊治情况报告如下。1发病情况1头4岁龄种母犬于2002年2月4日配种,3月20日B超显示有5头正常胎仔。4月2日,该犬突发黄疸,B超探查靠近子宫体的1头胎仔未见胎动及心跳,确定已经死亡。4月3日人工助产排出1头死胎,当晚又先后产出4头死胎。2临床症状该犬最初表现为眼巩膜黄染,精神沉郁,体温39.2℃,食欲差。发病约4~5日后,黄疸…  相似文献   

对南方某警犬基地史宾格犬的体尺性状与生长发育规律进行了研究。结果表明:史宾格犬在1月龄期管围发育迅速,头长和胸围生长较快;出生后的前6个月,体重、体尺增长较快,至12月龄时体重和体尺增长基本停止,公犬体成熟时间稍晚于母犬;体长与体高、胸深、胸围、荐高、头长呈极显著正相关(P<0.01);体高与胸深、胸围、荐高呈极显著正相关(P<0.01);荐高与头长、管围呈显著正相关(P<0.05);头长与管围呈显著负相关(P<0.05);F1代成年公母犬的体重、体长、胸深、胸围与原代有极显著差异(P<0.01)。  相似文献   

1发病情况 2012年4月.接诊一例吉娃娃犬,年龄3岁,体质量2.5kg,据犬主人讲,该犬于当天上午9:00左右开始生产,20min后顺利产下一只健康胎儿。之后.只见母犬努责.不见胎儿。下午4:30左右,犬主带犬来院就诊。现症检查:该犬努责明显,腹部隆起,腹部触诊有胎儿。阴道探查,可触及到胎儿的一个前爪。根据发病情况、症状及阴道探查等综合分析.初步诊断为胎儿过大引起的胎儿性难产。  相似文献   

1 种公犬选择品种纯正、精液品质优良的大型公犬作为种用。初配年龄为2周岁,成年公犬配种1周2次,期限为8年。单圈饲养、单槽饲喂每日运动1~2次,每次不少于1h,配种期减少运动量。日喂3次全价配合料,配种期间增加肉类、鸡蛋、牛奶等饲料。在早晨和晚饲前配种,做好配种记录。2 妊娠母犬(含空怀母犬)后备母犬的初配年龄为1.5~2周岁,妊娠期为62d左右。母犬发情后第1次配种时做到:老配早,小配晚。间隔24~48h进行第2次配种。妊娠犬要天天运动,从配后的第20天起,适当增加肉类、鱼粉、蔬菜等。怀孕45…  相似文献   

1公猪一天本交3~4次,对受胎率和产仔率有无影响?答:这是对公猪的过度使用。本交3~4次对第一头交配母猪影响小一些,以后几头则可能导致产仔减少或产弱胎。一般间隔1d配一次,每次只配一头母猪。人工授精,公猪一周只使用两次。2经产母猪和初产母猪配种后是否减少喂料?答:母猪的饲养模式要根据情况而定。肥胖母猪是前粗后精(配种前、初配不久,可以适当减料,孕后期80d以上应加料);瘦母猪是抓两头带中间(即配种前、刚配种喂好一些,孕中期一般饲喂,孕后期要加料)。初胎母猪步步登高,因为初胎母猪既要供给胎儿营养,自身发育又需要营养,所以需加料…  相似文献   

Serial transrectal ultrasonographies were performed measuring different structures of mouflon (Ovis gmelini musimon) fetuses to establish their gestational age. Data were obtained from 14 mouflon ewes that became pregnant after estrous synchronization. From day 25 of gestation onward, the crown-rump length and the trunk diameter of the embryo were estimated. Later, when the fetal organs and structures could be distinguished, several measurements were done in the skull (occipito-snout length and biparietal and orbit diameters), the trunk (thoracic diameter and width of vertebrae), and the abdominal cavity (stomach and kidney longitudinal diameters); femur length was also determined. All fetal measurements were correlated with gestational age (P < 0.001), but the parameters showing the highest correlation with time (R2 up to 0.94) were the crown-rump and occipito-snout lengths and the thoracic and biparietal diameters. No significant differences were observed in pregnancies with one or two fetuses in the period studied.  相似文献   

A study was undertaken to estimate gestational age, in terms of days from parturition, in medium and small size dogs by ultrasonographic examination. Serial ultrasonographic examinations were performed in four medium size pregnant bitches throughout two consecutive pregnancies and three small size pregnant bitches throughout one pregnancy, in order to determine the range of variation in the size of selected fetal structures throughout gestation. Formulae were derived to estimate the expected delivery date for both groups of bitches by measuring anatomical fetal structures, so that this method could be applied to a large number of different breeds. The determination of gestational age could be achieved with reasonable precision by selecting fetal structures. Prediction of parturition date was accurate to within one day by ultrasonographic measurement of the diameter of the gestational sac in early pregnancy and the biparietal diameter in late pregnancy in both small size breeds and medium size breeds.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To compare the accuracy of two ultrasonographic measurements, inner chorionic cavity diameter and biparietal diameter, for the prediction of parturition date in small and medium size bitches. The effects of litter size and fetal sex ratio on the accuracy of the prediction were also investigated. METHODS: Ultrasonographic examinations were performed on pregnant bitches and, depending on the stage of pregnancy, the inner chorionic cavity diameter and biparietal diameter were measured. The mean value of the data of each structure was calculated and the predicted day of parturition was obtained by the application of equations derived from growth curves we previously developed for different size bitches. RESULTS: The parturition term was predicted with similar accuracy during early gestation, by the measurement of inner chorionic cavity diameter, as well as during late gestation, by the measurement of biparietal diameter. Litter size affected only biparietal diameter accuracy, whereas fetal sex ratio did not influence the estimation of the day of parturition. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: Inner chorionic cavity diameter and biparietal diameter were equally reliable parameters in obtaining a reasonably accurate prediction of parturition date at any gestational period at which a bitch is examined.  相似文献   

One hundred and sixty-two 18-month-old farmed red deer were used to test the accuracy of pregnancy detection and equations for predicting gestational age. Deer ranging from 30 to 110 days gestation were examined by rectal ultrasonography using a 5 MHz transducer while they were standing. Each scan was recorded on video tape for measurements of uterine diameter, amniotic sac diameters, crown-rump length, head length, head diameter, nose length, chest depth, chest width and placentome base-apex length and width. Fetal age was calculated from the mean of the age predictions derived from each dimension measured on individual deer, for 132 deer between 44 and 110 days gestation. All the hinds diagnosed as pregnant produced offspring, and all the hinds diagnosed as not pregnant failed to produce offspring. Between one and six fetal and uterine dimensions were measurable and the number measurable increased with fetal age. The mean error of calving date prediction in 132 deer was 0.97 days. The error of prediction when measurements were made between 44 and 60 days was 0.44 days, whereas between 61 and 80 days and between 81 and 110 days the errors were +0.95 and +4.72 days, respectively. The estimates of calving date were all within 13 days of the calving date.  相似文献   

Twenty-nine farmed red deer hinds two years of age or older were observed during mating in April, and the dates of oestrus and, or, mating were recorded. From May 28 to August 13, at approximately weekly intervals, the deer's uteri and associated structures were examined by rectal ultrasound using a 5 MHz transducer while the deer were held standing in a restraining device. The uterine diameter, amniotic sac diameters, crown-rump length, head length, nose length, chest depth, chest width and placentome base-apex and width were measured for each scan. Quadratic regression equations were computed for each measurement with age, using data from hinds with known mating dates, and the chronological sequence of appearance of a range of uterine and fetal characteristics was recorded. There were significant quadratic regressions. (P less than 0.001) for each of the measurements. The accuracy of pregnancy detection to 117 days after conception was 99.3 per cent and to 132 days after conception 97.4 per cent. The confirmation of non-pregnancy was 96.5 per cent accurate. The regressions of each measurement by age should provide an accurate method for the estimation of fetal age in red deer.  相似文献   

Serial ultrasonographic examinations were performed on 8 Beagle bitches from 20 to 60 days pregnant to determine time of first detection, appearance, and sizes of selected features of pregnancy. Gestation was timed from the day of the preovulatory luteinizing hormone surge. Findings related to gestational age were consistent among bitches. Gestational ages at earliest detection of the following features were: chorionic cavity at day 20; placental layers in the uterine wall at day 22 to 24; zonary placenta at day 27 to 30; embryo and heartbeat at day 23 to 25; yolk sac membrane at day 25 to 28; allantoic membrane at day 27 to 31; choroid plexus of the brain at day 31 to 35; fetal movement at day 34 to 36; skeleton at day 33 to 39; bladder and stomach at day 35 to 39; kidney at day 39 to 47; and liver hypoechoic, compared with lung, at day 38 to 42. Extra-fetal structures were measurable from day 20 or 22 through day 48. Chorionic cavity diameter increased from 0.2 +/- 0.0 cm to 3.3 +/- 0.2 cm, outer uterine diameter increased from 0.8 +/- 0.03 cm to 4.8 +/- 0.2 cm, length of chorionic cavity or zonary placenta increased from 0.3 +/- 0.03 cm to 4.9 +/- 0.05 cm, uterine wall thickness increased from 0.3 +/- 0.03 cm to 0.8 +/- 0.01 cm, and placental thickness increased from 0.1 +/- 0.0 cm to 0.5 +/- 0.05 cm. Chorionic cavity diameter, outer uterine diameter, and placental length each increased at a linear rate through day 37, after which time, each had a marked plateau in growth. Of the extra-fetal structures, chorionic cavity diameter was the most accurate for estimation of gestational age. All of the fetal structures studied increased at an increasing (second order) rate. Crown-rump length increased from 0.3 +/- 0.05 cm on day 24 to 9.2 +/- 0.2 cm on day 48. Body diameter increased from 0.2 +/- 0.03 cm on day 24 to 4.6 +/- 0.15 cm on day 60. Head diameter increased from 0.8 +/- 0.05 cm on day 34 to 2.7 +/- 0.04 cm on day 60. Of the fetal structures, head diameter was the most accurate for estimation of gestational age.  相似文献   

To establish a prediction table of parturition day the real-time B-mode ultrasonographic examinations were performed in the 8 pregnant Malteses and 10 Yorkshire terriers (total pups, 25 and 38 pups, respectively) from 18 days of gestation until the parturition. Ovulation was designated the first day of gestation (day 0). Extra fetal and fetal structures were measured from all conceptues. The parameters that exhibited the best correlation to parturition were used to compile a prediction table of parturition day. To testify the precision of the prediction table of parturition day, the 15 pregnant Malteses (48 pups) and 13 pregnant Yorkshire terriers (42 pups) with unknown mating time were examined using ultrasonography. Inner chorionic cavity diameter on days 18 to 37 and fetal head diameter on day 38 to parturition that showed the best correlation to gestational age were the most pertinent to the estimation of gestational age and the prediction of parturition day. The two parameters were used to compile a prediction table of parturition with averaged regression equations. In verificational examinations, with the exception of I Yorkshire terrier (3.6%) having 1 fetus, 18 of 28 bitches (64.3%) delivered exactly on the date predicted and 9 of 28 bitches (32.1%) delivered within I day of the date predicted. Therefore, the prediction table of parturition day seems to be a useful tool of the prediction of parturition day in practice.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to derive the growth curves of the inner chorionic cavity and the biparietal distance in miniature dog breeds by ultrasonographic fetometry and present new specific formulas for prediction of parturition date. In this study, foetal biometry parameters were obtained using serial ultrasonographic examinations in 24 pregnant bitches of six different miniature breeds (≤5 kg). The mating time was unknown. Overall, 25 inner chorionic cavity diameter (ICC) and 22 biparietal diameter (BP) measurements were taken. The relationship between ICC or BP growth and days to parturition was analysed by linear regression. The results showed a significant relationship between days before delivery and ICC or BP. The equations derived from the growth curves can be used in practical prediction of parturition date in miniature dog breeds.  相似文献   

The optimal time for mating bitches was determined by measuring the progesterone concentration in peripheral blood three times a week after the start of vulval bleeding. Of 104 bitches with reduced fertility 81 (78 per cent) became pregnant and of 112 bitches with normal fertility 105 (94 per cent) became pregnant. Of 121 bitches mated once, 102 (84 per cent) became pregnant, and of 95 bitches mated more than once, 84 (88 per cent) became pregnant. The mean (+/- sd) interval between the start of vulval bleeding and the optimal time for mating in 88 bitches was 11.8 +/- 3.1 days. The blood progesterone concentration appears to be an excellent indicator of the best time for mating, particularly in bitches with reduced fertility.  相似文献   

应用B超3.5 MHz探头体表监测拉布拉多犬妊娠   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在B型超声二维成像的基础上,用频率3.5MHz电子凸阵扇型体表探头跟踪检测40条拉布拉多妊娠母犬,观察其胎儿发育规律,记录妊娠胚胎的各个胚外结构(孕囊等)、胚胎外形及胚内结构(胎心等)的首次检出时间。最早检测出孕囊、胎心搏动和胎盘的时间分别为18d、23d和31d,最早36d能测定完整骨骼系统,37d能识别大部分内脏器官。3.5MHz探头不能准确判断胎儿性别,判定胎儿数目困难。  相似文献   

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