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The census population size (N) is usually the only information available for most threatened species. For evolutionary matters, the effective population size (Ne), not the census number, is a prime concern. Factors such as variation in the sex ratio of breeding individuals, variation of population size in different generations and mating system are important. The South American fur seal, Arctocephalus australis, has been exploited in Peru by humans since ca. 2000 BC and now the original population declined 72%, as a result of low food availability during the severe El Niño in 1997-1998. In this sense A. australis is now classified as in danger of extinction in Peru. We present the first estimate of Ne of the Peruvian population of A. australis that takes into account the effects of mating system and variation in population size caused by the 1997-1998 El Niño. The resulting Ne was 2153 specimens. We believe that the estimated Ne for the Peruvian population is a critical value, because it is significantly lower than the mean minimum viable population for vertebrates (7000 breeding age adults). This estimated Ne is of critical importance because combined with the current El Niño events are reasons of great concern for the survival of the species and should be taken into account in future management plans to ensure the conservation and protection of the species in the Peruvian coast.  相似文献   

Many species of conservation concern are in decline due to threats from multiple sources. To quantify the conservation requirements of these species we need robust estimates of the impact of each threat on the rate of population decline. However, for the vast majority of species this information is lacking. Here we demonstrate the application of integrated population modelling as a means of deriving robust estimates of the impact of multiple threats for a rapidly declining koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) population in South-east Queensland, Australia. Integrated population modelling provides a basis for reducing uncertainty and bias by formally integrating information from multiple data sources into a single model. We quantify mortality rates due to threats from dog attacks, vehicle collisions and disease and the extent to which each of these mortality rates would need to be reduced, or how much habitat would need to be restored, to stop the population declining. We show that the integrated population modelling approach substantially reduces uncertainty. We also show that recovery actions that only address single threats would need to reduce those threats to implausibly low levels to recover the population. This indicates that strategies for simultaneously tackling multiple threats are necessary; a situation that is likely to be true for many of the world’s threatened species. This study provides an important framework for quantifying the conservation requirements of species undergoing declines due to multiple threats.  相似文献   

Natural hybridization between plant species often occurs in disturbed habitats and it is generally considered a threat for rare and endangered species. A different situation occurs in Mediterranean food deceptive orchids, where hybridization is a common phenomenon, as a natural consequence of their unspecific pollination system.Here, we present molecular and ecological evidence from a hybrid zone between Orchis mascula and O. pauciflora in order to address the consequences of hybridization on local orchid evolution and to assess conservation priorities for hybrids and hybrid zones in orchid conservation programs.We find that, although hybrids among the two target taxa are formed relatively frequently, hybrid zones often consist of F1 individuals, whereas backcrosses and later generation hybrids appear to be either rare or absent, presumably as a consequence of post-zygotic reproductive barriers acting in these food-deceptive orchids. Experimental evidence further indicates that hybrids are less fit than the parental species in attracting pollinators and that parental taxa exhibit higher or similar fitness in sympatry compared to allopatric populations. Since introgression is not frequent as indicated by molecular analyses, fitness and phenotypic trait differences observed among sympatric and allopatric populations of the parental taxa may be a consequence of pollinator-mediated selection.Our experimental data confirm that hybridization is a natural phenomenon in food-deceptive orchids and that it does not pose a threat to their survival. Furthermore, sympatric zones provide the stage for evolutionary processes in orchids, and this peculiarity should be taken into account when devising orchid conservation strategies.  相似文献   

Populations of threatened taxa in captivity within their natural ranges can make important contributions to conservation, but these may be compromised by the inappropriate application of population management goals developed in other contexts. We conducted demographic, genetic, and population viability analyses on the captive population of Andean bears (Tremarctos ornatus) in Venezuela to investigate the management of within-range captive populations in general, and to better integrate this population into the conservation of Andean bears in particular. We found that although the present population is very small and not internally self-sustaining, incorporation of confiscated wild individuals has resulted in a low average number of generations in captivity and low inbreeding, with moderate gene diversity and a high probability of future population persistence. However, past imports from extra-range populations have been from over-represented lineages of unknown origin, which have mixed with under-represented Venezuelan ones, reducing the future value of the Venezuelan population as a source for founder stock. Our analyses indicate that the rate of incorporation of wild recruits is a major factor influencing proxy measures of conservation value, and distinguishing within- from extra-range populations. This implies that, contrary to conventional wisdom, internal self-sustainability can be a misguided goal in within-range populations, which furthermore may not be suitable destinations for surplus animals from captive populations elsewhere.  相似文献   

The wolf (Canis lupus) population on Isle Royale, a remote island in Lake Superior, North America, is extremely inbred. Nevertheless, the consequences of genetic deterioration have not been detected for this intensively studied population, until now. We found that 58% (n = 36) of Isle Royale wolves exhibited some kind of congenital malformation in the lumbosacral region of the vertebral column and 33% exhibited a specific malformity, lumbosacral transitional vertebrae. By contrast, only 1% (1 of 99) of wolves sampled from two outbred, wolf populations exhibited this malformity. Moreover, in domestic dogs (Canis lupus familiaris) lumbosacral transitional vertebrae are associated with cauda equina syndrome, which can cause paresis, paralysis, locomotor difficulties in the rear legs and tail, and back pain. Whereas many studies illustrate how genetic deterioration affects population-level phenomena, such as survival and reproduction, these results are distinctive for demonstrating how genetic deterioration has compromised the morphology of individuals in a free-ranging population. The results are also significant because many policy makers and stakeholders and some conservation professionals use examples like Isle Royale wolves to downplay the consequences of genetic deterioration.  相似文献   

The modern anthropized landscape is a major source of hazards for large animals such as raptors. Collisions with cables, vehicles and trains, as well as electrocution cause casualties, which may negatively impact populations. Yet, demographic studies of that impact remain scarce, which is an impediment to evidence-based conservation action. We studied the dynamics of an eagle owl (Bubo bubo) population in the northwestern Alps (Switzerland). We estimated, firstly, its demographic parameters using a Bayesian integrated population model; secondly, the frequency of different types of casualty through radio-tracking. Thirdly, we investigated the effects of reductions of human-related mortality on population trends. The breeding population was small but remained fairly stable during 20 years, suggesting that it was apparently in a good shape. However, survival probabilities of all age classes were very low (?0.61), productivity fairly good (0.93), and immigration very high (1.6 females per pair and year), indicating that the population operated as a sink. Half of the mortality was caused by infrastructure, with electrocution accounting for 24% of all fatalities. The elimination of electrocution would result in a strong population increase (17% annually). Under that scenario, immigration rate could decline by 60% and the population would still remain stable. Given that the supply of recruits from elsewhere is likely to continue, we can expect a rapid local population recovery if dangerous electric pylons are mitigated systematically. Our study demonstrates that detailed demographic analyses are necessary to diagnose problems occurring in populations and to identify efficient conservation actions.  相似文献   

Conservation is increasingly central to the botanic garden mission. Living plant collections are important components of conservation. Critical evaluation of living conservation collections with population genetic analysis can directly inform ex situ conservation strategy. Here, we quantify the degree of genetic variation captured through a population-based collection protocol, and explore optimal sampling for ex situ conservation. An extensive living collection derived from one population of Leucothrinax morrisii (Arecaceae) provided a model system. We compared 58 specimens from the ex situ collection with 100 individuals from throughout the parent population via 6 ISSR loci. Random bootstrapped resamples of the data were made to model differently structured ex situ collections. Mean diversity (He) differed little between the collection (0.204) and the population (0.216), and genetic distance (D) was very close (0.036). Very few private alleles were found between the collection and the population. Allelic capture, as measured by percent of private alleles, was greater than 94%. Resampled collections of different sizes captured from 48% to 94% of alleles. Pairwise comparison of bootstrapped resamples suggests that increasing the representation of half-sibling groups does not significantly increase allele capture. Increase in allele capture with increasing sample size is greatest at low resample sizes, and showed diminishing returns as resample size increased. No appreciable increase in allele capture was gained through maintaining different half-sibling groups. These data inform sampling for ex situ conservation purposes, and recommend sample sizes of at least 15 individuals, with the upper limit based on resources.  相似文献   

Successful conservation requires a good understanding of both the direct and indirect causes of any decline in population size. Harvests of wild populations often target the largest, oldest individuals that have the greatest economic value. If these individuals contribute disproportionately more to recruitment than conspecifics, the harvest will cause a greater reduction in population viability than initially anticipated. The ploughshare tortoise, endemic to Madagascar, has been reduced to <600 individuals due to exploitation and habitat loss. A trial release of captive-bred juveniles has been carried out but the relative suitability of individuals for release, in terms of body size, was not considered. Using data from a long-term mark-recapture study of an unharvested wild population of ploughshare tortoises, we found that larger juveniles were significantly more likely to survive their first year of life than smaller tortoises. Juveniles that survived beyond their first year of life generally grew at the same rate, but had a significantly larger hatch size (mean = 41.7 mm), compared with juveniles that did not survive (mean = 39.3 mm). The conservation implications of these results are that release of captive-bred ploughshare tortoises is likely to be more successful if larger individuals are released. Previous studies have reported larger female ploughshare tortoises laying larger eggs which hatch larger juveniles. This study shows individuals with a larger hatch size retain their size advantage over smaller conspecifics and are more likely to survive their first year of life. This suggests a harvest that targets the largest females in the ploughshare tortoise population could be highly detrimental to population viability.  相似文献   

The kakapo (Strigops habroptilus) is a large, flightless, nocturnal parrot, endemic to New Zealand. It is critically endangered, with a world population of ca. 62 individuals and a male-biased adult sex ratio. The species has a polygynous “lek” mating system and adult males typically weigh 30-40% more than females. The kakapo is subject to intensive conservation efforts, including the provision of supplementary food to wild birds to encourage successful nesting. There is mounting evidence that, in polygynous species with large variance of male reproductive success, females in better condition may maximise their fitness by producing more offspring of the larger, more costly sex to be reared. We used data on the sex ratio of progeny of female kakapo that had or had not received supplementary food, to test the hypothesis that supplementary feeding might cause a male-biased offspring sex ratio. There was a significant excess of males in the clutches of females provided with supplementary food, suggesting that changes need to be made to the feeding regime to increase recruitment of females. This is an example of applying evolutionary theory to a practical conservation problem.  相似文献   

Endangered birds in insular environments like New Zealand are often translocated to predator-free offshore islands for conservation purposes. Some translocated populations however exhibit reduced fecundity, and it has been suggested that either inbreeding (due to small number of founders) or resource shortages (due to high population density) may limit reproductive success. For example, the South Island robin (Petroica a. australis) population on Motuara Island (59 ha) was founded by only five birds but has increased to ∼600 individuals, or a density >10 times that of the mainland. Despite this apparent success, the rate of hatching failure in this population is three times higher than in mainland populations, with more than a third of eggs failing to hatch. To test if elevated hatching failure is the result of food limitation, we carried out a food supplementation experiment by providing females with mealworms equivalent to ∼50% of their daily energy requirements. Food supplementation had no effect on hatching success, clutch size, incubation attentiveness or nest size. Egg volume increased with food supplementation in one of the two years of this study, but both egg volume and incubation attentiveness were unrelated to rate of hatching failure. As previous genetic analyses confirmed that the bottlenecked population of robins on Motuara Island have significantly less genetic variation than their source population, we conclude that inbreeding depression, and not food limitation, is the most likely explanation for their high rate of hatching failure. We suggest that the experimental translocation of genetically dissimilar individuals be considered as a possible remedy for low productivity in island populations that were initiated with few founders.  相似文献   

We use an individual-based model to assess the conservation objectives for knot Calidris canutus L. and oystercatcher Haematopus ostralegus L. on the Burry Inlet Special Protection Area (SPA), UK. Population monitoring has identified a decline in oystercatcher numbers, but cannot determine whether this is due to a decline in site quality. Long term data on cockle stocks show that the biomass of the large-sized cockles consumed by oystercatcher declined after 2004, whereas a similar decline was not observed in the smaller cockles consumed by knot. The model postdicts that during the winters of 2005/2006 to 2008/2009 the site was unable to support the number of oystercatcher present at the time it was designated (i.e. the SPA population). Large cockle biomass remained low during 2009/2010, but increases in mussel biomass meant that the model postdicted that the site could support the SPA population of oystercatcher. Knot food supplies remained high during most years, except 2008/2009 during which the model postdicted that the SPA population could not be supported. The model postdicted that the stock reserved for oystercatchers after shellfishing needed to be 2-4 times the amount consumed by the birds in order to support the bird population. We recommend that where necessary, the conservation objectives of waterbirds should be assessed using a combination of thorough population size and behaviour monitoring to identify sites with population declines, and individual-based modelling on these sites to determine whether reduction in site quality may contribute to the site-specific population decline.  相似文献   

2004年1月~2006年1月,用小区绝对数量统计和访问法对弄岗自然保护区陇呼片与弄岗片冠斑犀鸟(Anthracoceros albirostris)的种群数量进行了调查。共记录到冠斑犀鸟7群22只,其中1群6只位于陇呼片内,6群16只位于弄岗片中。经分析,弄岗保护区的冠斑犀鸟现存种群数量至少为22只,比6年前增长14~16只。但与20年前相比,弄岗自然保护区冠斑犀鸟种群数量已显著下降,其原因可能是由于人类的偷猎和栖息地的减少。对广西冠斑犀鸟的保护提出了建议。  相似文献   

Populations of many orchids, especially terrestrial species, have been rapidly decreasing due to mass collection by plant sellers and enthusiasts. Given the presumably negative demographic and genetic consequences, such anthropogenic activity should be taken into consideration for predicting ecological and evolutionary dynamics and for planning conservation strategies. To determine how recent human disturbance alters spatial demographic and population genetic processes, populations of the terrestrial orchid Cymbidium goeringii located in South Korea were examined to quantify the spatial distributions of individuals and genotypes with respect to three levels of disturbance: “disturbed” (four populations), “putatively disturbed” (two), and “undisturbed” (two). Undisturbed and putatively disturbed populations were found to possess significantly positive spatial clustering of individuals over a range of spatial scales. In contrast, disturbed populations exhibited little or no spatial aggregation, consistent with the selective removal of plants by collectors from higher density areas within these populations. Although overall genetic differentiation among populations was moderate and significant (FST = 0.082), levels of genetic diversity within populations were similar despite the different disturbance histories (mean He = 0.257-0.324). Spatial genetic autocorrelation analyses revealed that the undisturbed populations exhibited significant declines in kinship (Fij) with distance, that mean kinship at interplant distances of ?4-6 m was significantly greater than zero and between plants ?0.5 m apart was in the range expected for first cousins to half-sibs. In contrast, only one putatively disturbed and one disturbed population exhibited significant declines in kinship with distance. These differences between disturbed versus putatively disturbed and undisturbed populations in the spatial distribution of individuals and genetic variation likely reflect the consequences of mass collections. Since these differences (and reduced population density) have important implications for future ecological and evolutionary trajectories, conservation managers of endangered terrestrial orchids may want to analyze the spatial distribution of individuals and their genotypes to infer whether a population with few individuals represents a natural state or the likely outcome of mass collection.  相似文献   

Very little is known about the ecology of snubfin Orcaella heinsohni and Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins Sousa chinensis in Australian waters. We used photo-identification data collected between 1999 and 2002 in Cleveland Bay, northeast Queensland, to estimate abundance, site fidelity and residence patterns of these species in order to make recommendations for their effective conservation and management. Our abundance estimates indicate that less than a hundred individuals of each species inhabit this coastal area. Even with relatively unbiased and precise abundance estimates population trends will be extremely difficult to detect in less than three years unless changes in population size are very high (>20% p.a.). Though both species are not permanent residents in Cleveland Bay, they both used the area regularly from year to year following a model of emigration and reimmigration. Individuals of both species spend periods of days to a month or more in coastal waters of Cleveland Bay before leaving, and periods of over a month outside the study area before entering the bay again. Because of their small population sizes and movement patterns, snubfin and humpback dolphins are particularly vulnerable to local extinction. Our results illustrate that: (1) detection of population trends should not be a necessary criterion for enacting conservation measures of both species in this region, and (2) efforts to maintain viable populations of both species in Cleveland Bay must include management strategies that integrate anthropogenic activities in surrounding areas.  相似文献   

The conservation of rare species on islands is a special challenge, especially when the islands are faced with increasing human impact. Two endangered wild felids in Japan provide a contrast that is useful for examining conservation strategies. The Iriomote cat (Prionailurus bengalensis iriomotensis) is endemic to Iriomotejima Island in Okinawa, and the Tsushima leopard cat (Prionailurus bengalensis euptilurus) occurs in the Tsushima islands in Japan, although a related subspecies found in the Korean Peninsula. Population size was approximately 100 individuals for each subspecies. While the population of Iriomote cat appears relatively stable, the population and abundance of the Tsushima leopard cat has decreased in recent decades. Because of their small population sizes and restricted habitats both are listed as endangered species/subspecies in Japan’s Red List, and the Iriomote cat is listed as an endangered subspecies in the IUCN Red List. Although both are similar-sized felids living on small islands, their ecological characteristics such as food habit, habitat selection, and density differ. These differences seem to be caused by the climate, the biological environment (the species composition of fauna in each island, and the presence of competitors), and the artificial background. The threats facing these two felids are also similar. Habitat destruction, traffic accidents, and negative influences by introduced species are the principal threats to be addressed for their conservation. At the same time, there are differences in the degree of impact by each threat, in each species’ conservation programs in practice, and in the stages of progress and operation of programs. These differences are partly because they have different ecological features and partly because the social background of each island, such as human population, main industry, and historical relationship between human and wildlife, are quite different. We will compare the ecology and state of these two wild felids and discuss the different conservational situations in relation to felid ecology and human society.  相似文献   

Information about the spatial distribution of individual foraging habitats, which determines the space required by a population to be viable, is vitally important for the conservation of bats. Detailed knowledge of this kind is crucial for the design of nature reserves and management plans. Recent field studies that examined habitat use and home range distribution of bats largely ignored factors like traditional range use vs. intra- and interspecific competition, which may be responsible for the spatial organisation of a population home range. We investigated the home range sizes and distribution of a maternity colony of the western barbastelle bat via radio telemetry in four consecutive tracking sessions (2004-2007). Based on 19 data sets with a total of 2737 fixes obtained from 12 females, we examined (i) how colony members partition the population home range (home range overlap analysis), and (ii) if individuals tracked over several years exhibit site fidelity. Home range sizes ranged from 125 to 2551 ha (median: 403 ha), with a median number of 2 core areas (range: 1-5 core areas per individual per year). The core area sizes ranged from 5 to 285 ha (median: 67 ha). A home range and core area overlap analysis showed that site fidelity across years seems to be more important for home range distribution than competition among colony members. This allows researchers to combine information from several years to get a deeper insight into the population’s spatial requirements.  相似文献   

Recently, European wild rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) populations have undergone a sharp decline that may be exacerbated by hunting. We investigate the effects of the timing of hunting on the conservation of wild rabbit using a model for rabbit population dynamics. Scenarios with different hunting rates and age strategies were simulated for different population qualities. We interviewed hunters to ascertain the degree to which they would accept a change in the timing of hunting. We also investigated the hunting pressure applied by hunters and its relationship with rabbit abundance. Modelling results indicate that the current hunting season has the greatest impact on rabbit abundance. Hunting in late spring optimises hunting extraction while conserving rabbit populations. When the rabbit population quality is low the effects of age strategies and the timing of hunting are less important than the effect of the hunting rate applied. Almost half the hunters would agree to policy changes. More than 75% of hunters implemented self-imposed hunting restrictions to improve rabbit populations, that were more frequently applied in high rabbit abundance areas. Therefore, changing the timing of hunting and increasing the participation of hunters in low abundance areas could optimise both the exploitation and the conservation of wild rabbit populations in southwestern Europe.  相似文献   

Effective population size (Ne) is a critical indicator of the vulnerability of a population to allele loss via genetic drift, and it can also be used to assess the evolutionary potential of a population. While some plant conservation plans have focused on outcrossing through cross-pollination as a way to increase estimated Ne, variance in reproductive output determined by ecological factors such as competition can also strongly affect estimated Ne. We examined the effects of intraspecific and interspecific competition, stressful soils, and local adaptation on estimates of Ne in an annual plant species. While ecological influences on plant growth rate variance have been predicted to influence estimates of Ne/N, we found a significant effect on the estimate of Ne/N, but no significant ecological effects on growth rate variance. Lower survivorship on stressful soil was the most important effect reducing estimates of Ne/N. If stochastic mortality is greater in environments that are abiotically stressful, then populations in these stressful environments may be slower to adapt because of lower census sizes and reduction of Ne/N. In populations of conservation concern, increasing survivorship may be of greater benefit for maximizing Ne than the reduction of variability in reproductive output among surviving adults.  相似文献   

Livingstone's fruit bats, Pteropus livingstonii, (Pteropodidae: Chiroptera) are endemic to only two islands, Moheli and Anjouan of the Comoros Islands in the West Indian Ocean. With an estimated population of less than 2000 individuals, P. livingstonii is listed as Critically Endangered on the International Union for the Conservation of Nature's Red List. Yet the habitat characteristics of these giant fruit bats, or flying foxes, are poorly known. I conducted field research during 5 months in 1998 focused on finding new roost sites, measuring characteristics of both roost sites and roost trees at new as well as previously identified roost sites, and recording the same characteristics for a set of absence sites. I identified six new roost sites allowing me to measure the characteristics of 15 known roost sites and seven absence sites. The study spanned both dry and rainy seasons and I found a significant increase in the number of individuals at roost sites during the rainy season. Bat roost sites were associated with presence of water, southeast aspect, steep slopes, and presence of several native tree species. Roost habitat was characterized based on biotic, abiotic and human factors. This research on habitat characteristics is contributing to the development of a conservation action plan for the Livingstone's fruit bats. However, further research on dry season roost sites and distribution as well as feeding sites is necessary in order to better understand their seasonal habitat requirements and therefore ensure the conservation of P. livingstonii.  相似文献   

Collecting tortoises for the pet trade is one of the factors threatening species of Testudo in the Mediterranean area. The collection of Testudo graeca graeca for pets is described in southeast Spain, where the main European population of this subspecies coincides with an area where keeping tortoises in captivity is a long-established custom. This present paper, based on inquiries made to children, reveals that this practice continues to be a common activity, and estimates a captive population in the order of tens of thousand of tortoises. Tortoises are collected as a result of chance encounters with wild animals by local inhabitants, and without any commercial objectives. The captive breeding and the release of tortoises without any institutional control is also common. These activities could be an important threat for the species. Implications for conservation are discussed and a critical review of the conservation strategies developed in relation to this threat (trade control and re-introduction programmes) are presented. We suggest that environmental education programmes are necessary to reduce casual collection and to change the social perception of tortoises as pets.  相似文献   

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