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A 13‐year‐old spayed female Pomeranian dog was presented for persistent, severe hypoglycemia (37 mg/dL; reference interval [RI] 75‐128 mg/dL). Progressive nonregenerative anemia (hematocrit 23.3%‐15.9%; RI 37.0%‐55.0%) and severe thrombocytopenia (36 000/µL; RI 200‐500 000/µL) were also noted. The serum insulin concentration was low (0.24 ng/mL; RI 0.302‐1.277 ng/mL). Computed tomography revealed multiple splenic nodules (1‐6 mm in diameter) and several hepatic nodules (7.6, 12 mm in diameter). Ultrasound‐guided fine‐needle aspiration of the splenic and hepatic nodules revealed low numbers of epithelial cells with mild cellular atypia, suggestive of a metastatic epithelial tumor, but the primary site was unknown at that time. On careful oral examination under general anesthesia, an enlarged right tonsil was noted grossly, and histopathologic examination of the tonsil diagnosed squamous cell carcinoma. Bone marrow aspirates and biopsies of the splenic and hepatic nodules were performed; all samples were diagnosed as metastatic carcinoma on histopathologic examination. No nodules were present in the pancreas, despite careful palpation during exploratory laparotomy. On immunohistochemistry, the neoplastic cells were positive for cytokeratin AE1/3 and insulin‐like growth factor (IGF)‐I but were negative for chromogranin A, PGP9.5, insulin, and inconclusive for IGF‐II. This is the first report of a primary IGF‐I‐producing squamous cell carcinoma in the tonsil of a dog with metastases to bone marrow, liver, and spleen, resulting in hypoglycemia.  相似文献   

Whole blood in a serum clot tube and EDTA-anticoagulated samples from an 8-year-old spayed female Chinese Shar Pei dog were submitted by an external clinic to the diagnostic laboratory at Atlantic Veterinary College for routine biochemical and hematologic analysis prior to entropion surgery. Laboratory abnormalities included mild hyperkalemia (6.3 mmol/L, reference interval 3.6-6.0 mmol/L), mild normocytic, hypochromic, nonregenerative anemia (HCT 0.31 L/L, reference interval 0.37-0.55 L/L; MCHC 290 g/L, reference interval 320-360 g/L), and increased red cell distribution width (RDW; 26.2%, reference interval 11-14%). A small subpopulation of macrocytic, slightly hypochromic erythrocytes was noted on Wright's-Giemsa-stained blood smears. Biochemical and hematologic data obtained from this patient over the previous 7.5 years indicated that serum (and in 1 case, heparinized plasma) potassium concentration was increased (range, 6.3-10.9 mmol/L) in 5 of 8 samples (HCT ranged from 0.31-0.43 L/L, Hgb 91-124 g/L, MCHC 280-312 g/L, and RDW 18.2-26.9%). Clinical signs suggestive of hyperkalemia were not observed at any time, suggesting pseudohyperkalemia as the cause of the increased potassium concentrations. An erythrocyte lysate prepared from a heparinized blood sample had a high potassium concentration (16.8 mmol/L) compared with that of a clinically healthy, non-Shiba control dog (6.7 mmol/L). An osmotic fragility test of the patient's erythrocytes showed 50% hemolysis at 0.57% NaCl, compared with 0.48% NaCl for the control dog, indicating increased fragility. On scanning electron microscopy, a small subpopulation of erythrocytes were large, flattened, and had a tendency to fold. These findings supported the provisional diagnosis of pseudohyperkalemia due to increased intracellular RBC potassium concentration. High-potassium erythrocytes have been reported in Akitas, Shibas, Jindos, other East Asian dog breeds, and occasionally, in mixed-breed dogs. Pseudohyperkalemia should also be considered when an otherwise unexplained elevation in serum or plasma potassium concentration is observed in Chinese Shar Pei dogs, and may be accompanied by increased RDW, low MCHC, and increased osmotic fragility with or without mild anemia.  相似文献   

Abstract: An 11‐year‐old male castrated Australian Shepherd was presented with a history of lethargy, panting, and weight loss for 1 month. Physical examination revealed a moderately enlarged spleen. Laboratory abnormalities included thrombocytopenia and marked hypercalcemia, with hyperglobulinemia, hypoalbuminemia, and a monoclonal spike in the β‐globulin region on serum protein electrophoresis. Serum total calcium concentration was markedly increased (16.5 mg/dL, reference interval 8.9–11.4 mg/dL) but ionized calcium concentration (1.39 mmol/L) was within the reference interval (1.25–1.45 mmol/L). Isosthenuria was noted, but the dog was not polyuric or polydipsic. Serum parathyroid hormone concentration was within reference limits and parathyroid hormone‐related peptide concentration was 0 pmol/L. Radiographic findings were largely unremarkable. Results of cytologic evaluation of a fine‐needle aspirate specimen from the spleen indicated plasma cell neoplasia. Based on the results of the electrophoresis, splenic aspirates, radiographs, and hypercalcemia, a diagnosis of splenic multiple myeloma was made. The marked hypercalcemia, normal ionized calcium and parathyroid hormone concentrations, and lack of osteolytic lesions indicated a presumptive increase in protein‐bound serum calcium, likely due to binding to molecules of the paraprotein (M protein). Protein binding of calcium in dogs with multiple myeloma should be considered as a potential mechanism of elevated total serum calcium concentration.  相似文献   

Abstract: A 13‐year‐old domestic shorthair cat was presented for evaluation of pollakiuria. Laboratory abnormalities included mild hypercholesterolemia, moderate hypertriglyceridemia, and a mild increase in the Na:K ratio (43, reference interval 32–41). Abdominal ultrasonography revealed urinary calculi and a soft tissue mass between the right caudate liver lobe and the right kidney. Surgery was done to remove the cystic calculi, and aspirates of the mass were obtained. Cytologic specimens contained a population of large, round to angular cells with round nuclei, coarse irregularly stippled chromatin, 1–2 prominent round to angular nucleoli, and abundant pale basophilic cytoplasm distended by numerous well‐delineated vacuoles. Rare binucleated cells and micronuclei, and moderate anisocytosis, anisokaryosis, and anisonucleoleosis were noted. The cytologic interpretation was adrenal neoplasia, consistent with adrenal carcinoma. Approximately 4 months later, the cat developed vomiting, dehydration, weakness, and cervical ventroflexion. Serum biochemical alterations at that time included marked hypokalemia (2.4 mmol/L, reference interval 3.4–5.6 mmol/L) and a markedly increased Na:K ratio (65, reference interval 32–41). Mean systolic blood pressure was 205 mmHg. Surgical removal of the mass was accomplished via right adrenalectomy and a diagnosis of adrenal carcinoma was confirmed histologically. Plasma aldosterone concentration (measured preoperatively) was 1358 pmol/L (reference interval 194–388 pmol/L). Primary hyperaldosteronism caused by a functional adrenal carcinoma is an uncommon condition in cats.  相似文献   

A 12‐year‐old spayed female Shiba Inu dog was referred to our hospital for a suspected mast cell tumor (MCT) of the bone marrow (BM). Laboratory abnormalities included severe nonregenerative anemia (packed cell volume or PCV: 12.5%; reference interval (RI): 37.3‐61.7%; reticulocytes: 35.1 × 103/µL; RI: 10‐110 × 103/µL), and a few mast cells were visualized in the blood smear examination. The BM was hypercellular with hematopoietic cells, a decreased myeloid:erythroid (M:E) ratio (0.77; RI, 0.9‐1.8), and no dysplastic hematopoietic cells. Mast cells accounted for 11.5% of the total nucleated BM cells. Neoplastic mast cells and histiocytes phagocytizing erythroid progenitor cells were occasionally noted. The dog was diagnosed with precursor‐targeted immune‐mediated anemia (PIMA) concurrent and a stage IV MCT infiltrating the BM. Multimodal treatment included toceranib, imatinib, vinblastine, lomustine (CCNU), prednisolone, cyclosporine, mycophenolate mofetil, and a blood transfusion. The dog died due to MCT progression lasting 139 days after the initial BM examination. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of a dog presenting with PIMA and a stage IV MCT infiltrating the BM.  相似文献   

Background: Establishment of reference values for serum biochemical analytes is important for monitoring health and physiological status of captive animals. Objective: The purpose of this study was to measure and report ranges for serum biochemical analytes in Amazonian manatees (Trichechus inunguis). Methods: Blood samples were collected from 24 healthy captive Amazonian manatees that comprised a mixture of adults, subadults, and calves and males and females; serum analytes were measured and analyzed using a dry reagent bench‐top chemical analyzer. Comparisons were made between sexes and with previously published values of closely related species. Results: Medians and ranges (minimum–maximum) of values for the analytes were: lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), 151 (111–278) U/L (n=20); creatine kinase, 144 (76–315) U/L (n=11); alanine aminotransferase, 10 (2–28) U/L (n=18); aspartate aminotransferase, 14 (5–28) U/L (n=21); γ‐glutamyltransferase, 47 (36–73) U/L (n=21); amylase, 1428 (1010–1874) U/L (n=21); alkaline phosphatase, 73 (36–141) U/L (n=19); total protein, 6.8 (6.2–8.0) g/dL (n=24); albumin, 3.3 (2.6–4.1) g/dL (n=21); cholesterol, 188 (101–399) mg/dL (n=21); triglycerides, 126 (60–236) mg/dL (n=21); glucose, 47 (22–69) mg/dL (n=21); urea, 43 (21–69) mg/dL (n=21); uric acid, 1.1 (0.5–1.8) mg/dL (n=22); creatinine, 2.2 (1.5–3.3) mg/dL (n=22); total bilirubin, 0.2 (0.2–2.0) mg/dL (n=21); calcium, 12.7 (10.2–18.6) mg/dL (n=24); iron, 282 (207–457) μg/dL (n=13); and magnesium, 6.9 (4.3–8.9) mg/dL (n=20). With the exception of LDH, no differences were observed between sexes. Conclusions: The ranges obtained in this study provide important preliminary estimates for concentrations and activities of serum analytes in Amazonian manatees until a larger reference interval study can be conducted.  相似文献   

Abstract: A 5‐year‐old neutered male Cavalier King Charles Spaniel was evaluated for a 3‐week history of progressive paresis. The dog had been receiving potassium citrate capsules to acidify urine for the past 2 years because of an earlier history of urolithiasis. Results of neurologic examination, spinal cord radiography, and magnetic resonance imaging of the skull and spinal cord revealed no lesions that could have accounted for the neurologic signs. The main abnormalities on a clinical chemistry profile were marked hyperchloremia (179 mmol/L, reference interval 108–122 mmol/L) and an anion gap of ?50.4 mmol/L (reference interval 16.3–28.6 mmol/L). Because of the severe hyperchloremia, serum bromide concentration was measured (400 mg/dL; toxic concentration >150 mg/dL; some dogs may tolerate up to 300 mg/dL). Analysis of the potassium citrate capsules, which had been compounded at a local pharmacy, yielded a mean bromide concentration of 239 mg/capsule. Administration of the capsules was discontinued and there was rapid resolution of the dog's neurologic signs. This case of extreme bromide toxicity, which apparently resulted from inadvertent use of bromide instead of citrate at the pharmacy, illustrates the importance of knowing common interferents with analyte methodologies and of pursing logical additional diagnostic tests based on clinical and laboratory evidence, even when a patient's history appears to rule out a potential etiology.  相似文献   

Background — Elasmobranchs (sharks, skates, and rays) are of commercial, sport, research, and exhibit importance, however, blood chemistry reference values have been determined for few of these species. Objectives — The purpose of this study was to establish plasma biochemistry and PCV reference values for wild bonnethead sharks (Sphyrna tiburo). Methods — Heparinized blood samples were collected from 24 bonnethead sharks at the time of capture in trawl nets off the coast of South Carolina and Georgia. Weight, length, PCV, total solids (TS, by refractometry), and plasma biochemical analyses were done using standard techniques. Wilcoxon rank‐sum and Kendall tau b tests were used to compare values by animal size, boat and sex; 1–way ANOVA was used to compare TS and total protein (TP) concentrations. Results — Median (quartiles; minimum‐maximum) values were as follows: PCV 22% (22%, 26%; 17–28%), TS 6.3 (6.0, 6.8; 5.8–7.5) g/dL, total protein 2.9 (2.7,3.4; 2.2–4.3) g/dL, albumin 0.4 (0.4,0.4; 0.3–0.5) g/dL, globulins 2.6 (2.3,3.0; 1.9–3.8) g/dL, sodium 282 (279, 285; 273–292) mmol/L, potassium 7.3 (6.4, 7.9; 5.7–9.2) mmol/L, chloride 290 (285, 296; 277–304) mmol/L, total CO2 3 (2, 4; 0–5) mmol/L, calcium 16.8 (16.2,17.4; 15.8–18.2) mg/dL, phosphorus 8.8 (7.5,10.0; 5.9–12.7) mg/dL, urea nitrogen 1004 (986, 1028; 944–1068) mg/dL, creatinine <0.1 mg/dL, glucose 184 (165, 191; 155–218) mg/dL, aspartate aminotransferase 42 (33, 66; 15–132) U/L, lactate dehydrogenase <5 U/L, creatine kinase 82 (47, 233; 18–725) U/L, and osmolality 1094 (1078,1111; 1056–1139) mOsm/kg. No differences based on sex were detected. TS and total TP values were related by the fitted line TS = (1.006 × TP) + 3.318. Conclusions — Values reported here will be useful for evaluating the health status of bonnetheads in wild and captive research conditions and in exhibits.  相似文献   

A 23‐year‐old, 467‐kg Palomino mare was examined for evaluation of sudden onset severe ataxia and depression. The mare had been found down in a pasture and was unable to rise. She was observed, by her owner, to be normal 24 hours earlier. This mare had resided with this owner for approximately 1.5 years, had always lived out on pasture, and had experienced numerous episodes of colic since the time she was purchased. Recent reported feed changes included introduction of new hay. Upon arrival at the hospital, the mare was severely ataxic in all 4 limbs and extremely disoriented. She head‐pressed several times during the course of the evaluation and yawned repeatedly. The mare was tachycardic, with a heart rate of 98 beats per minute, and tachypneic, with a respiratory rate of 60 breaths per minute, and the mucous membranes were hyperemic and purple, with a capillary refill time of greater than 3 seconds. The mare was blind bilaterally, as indicated by absence of both menace and pupillary light responses. She had bilateral facial nerve paralysis and decreased hypoglossal nerve function. She was able to prehend, but was dysphagic with decreased tongue tone and movement. Analysis of the venous blood revealed metabolic acidosis and respiratory alkalosis with a normal pH of 7.38 (reference range 7.32–7.44), HCO3 of 13 mEq/L (reference range 25–30 mEq/L), PCO2 of 21.2 mmHg (reference range 36–46 mmHg), and BE of ‐12 mEq/L (reference range ‐1‐1 mEq/L).a It also revealed a low blood urea nitrogen concentration of 8 mg/dL (reference range 11–27 mg/dL) and a high blood glucose concentration of 263 mg/dL (reference range 63–134 mg/dL).a Both packed cell volume and total solids were high at 52% (reference range 32–53%), and 8 g/dL (reference range 5.8–7.7 g/dL), respectively. The blood ammonia concentration was 120 μmol/L (reference range 18–78 μmol/L)b.  相似文献   

This study describes the influence of 25% human serum albumin (HSA) supplementation on serum albumin level, total protein (TP), colloid osmotic pressure (COP), hospital stay, and survival in dogs with septic peritonitis. Records of 39 dogs with septic peritonitis were evaluated. In the HSA group, initial and post-transfusion TP, albumin, COP, and HSA dose were recorded. In the non-supplemented group, repeated values of TP, albumin, and COP were recorded over their hospitalization. Eighteen dogs survived (53.8% mortality). Repeat albumin values were higher in survivors (mean 23.9 g/L) and elevated repeat albumin values were associated with HSA supplementation. Repeat albumin and TP were higher in the HSA supplemented group (mean 24 g/L and 51.9 g/L, respectively) and their COP increased by 5.8 mmHg. Length of hospitalization was not affected. Twenty-five percent HSA increases albumin, TP, and COP in canine patients with septic peritonitis. Higher postoperative albumin levels are associated with survival.  相似文献   

Objectives: To describe and compare admission colloid osmotic pressure (COP) measurement using both direct and indirect methods in neonatal foals under intensive care, and to evaluate for associations between COP and clinical/clinicopathologic parameters. Design: Prospective study. Setting: Intensive care unit at a veterinary medical teaching hospital. Animals: Twenty‐six critically ill neonatal foals were studied. A control group consisted of 9 clinically healthy neonatal foals. Interventions: Clinicopathologic data were collected at the time of admission. COP was measured directly using a colloid osmometer. Indirect COP was calculated using equations by both Landis–Pappenheimer (L–P) and Thomas and Brown. Measurements and main results: Measured admission COP values were 17.1±4.3 and 17.7±2.4 mmHg in critically ill and control foals, respectively, and these values were not significantly different. Critically ill foals with blood lactate concentrations >3 mmol/L had lower COP values than those with lactate ≤3 mmol/L. There was close agreement between indirect COP values calculated using the L–P equation and direct COP values measured in control foals (mean error=0.0±1.3 mmHg; R2=0.87). However, indirect values were not as predictive of direct COP in critically ill foals (mean error=0.8±3.8 mmHg; R2=0.64). As COP values increased, the indirect method tended to overestimate COP, whereas at lower values it slightly underestimated COP. Conclusion: While the L–P equation was a close approximation of direct COP in healthy foals, direct measurements of oncotic pressure cannot be replaced for monitoring of critically ill foals. Critically ill foals with higher lactate concentrations had lower COP values, suggesting a possible relationship between COP and lactate.  相似文献   

A 10-year-old female Dachshund was presented with a history of mammary masses, slight lethargy, polyuria, and polydipsia. Physical examination findings included masses involving the first, second, and fourth mammary glands of the left side. The mandibular, axillary, and right popliteal lymph nodes were mildly enlarged. Serum chemistry results included hypercalcemia (13.9 mg/dL, reference interval 8.0-11.5 mg/dL). Although intact parathyroid hormone (PTH) concentration (1.05 pmol/L) was below the reference interval (2-13 pmol/L), PTH-related protein (PTHrP) concentration was markedly increased (9.40 pmol/L, reference value < 2 pmol/L). The masses were surgically removed, and the histopathologic diagnosis was complex mammary carcinoma. Three weeks after surgery, serum total calcium concentration had decreased to 10.5 mg/dL. Resolution of the hypercalcemia and clinical signs supported a diagnosis of humoral hypercalcemia of malignancy associated with mammary gland carcinoma.  相似文献   

Objective – To assess the relationship between total plasma protein (TPP) as measured by refractometry and serum hypoalbuminemia and hypoproteinemia in hospitalized dogs. Design – Retrospective, observational study conducted over 6‐month period between March and August 2008. Setting – University teaching hospital. Animals – Four hundred and three hospitalized dogs in an ICU. Interventions – None. Measurements and Main Results – TPP, serum albumin, total protein, glucose, urea, cholesterol was measured from dogs enrolled in study. TPP was evaluated as a predictor for hypoalbuminemia defined both as albumin <25 g/L (<2.5 g/dL) and albumin <20 g/L (<2.0 g/dL), and serum hypoproteinemia, defined as serum total protein <40 g/L (<4.0 g/dL), using logistic regression. Impact of glucose, urea, cholesterol, and total bilirubin on refractometric readings were also assessed. TPP predicted hypoalbuminemia at albumin concentrations of <25 g/L (<2.5 g/dL) and <20 g/L (<2.0 g/dL) (P<0.001). A TPP<60 g/L (<6.0 g/dL) predicted albumin <25 g/L (<2.5 g/dL) with 73% sensitivity and 86% specificity. A TPP<58 g/L (<5.8 g/dL) predicted a serum albumin <20 g/L (<2.0 g/dL) with 70% sensitivity and 80% specificity. For dogs with known risk factors where specificity optimization may be appropriate, refractometer TPP<50 g/L (<5.0 g/dL) and <48 g/L (<4.8 g/dL) predicted hypoalbuminemia at each level with >95% specificity, although sensitivity was poor. Refractometer TPP<58 g/L (<5.8 g/dL) predicted serum total protein of <40 g/L (<40 g/dL) with sensitivity of 82% and specificity of 84%. Hypercholesterolemia and hyperglycemia significantly affected TPP readings; an increase in serum glucose by 10 mmol/L (180 mg/dL) was associated with an average independent increase in refractometer TPP of 2.27 g/L (0.23 g/dL) (P<0.001, 95% confidence interval=1.08–3.47) and an increase in serum cholesterol of 1 mmol/L (38.6 mg/dL) was associated with an average independent increase in refractometer TPP of 1.36 g/L (0.14 g/dL) (P<0.001, 95% confidence interval=1.12–1.59). Conclusion – Suboptimal sensitivity limits the use of refractometric TPP for prediction of hypoalbuminemia in the context of patient screening; a high proportion of false negatives may result. However, identification of a refractometric TPP<58 g/L is strongly indicative of both serum hypoalbuminemia and hypoproteinemia, with high specificity, and warrants further investigation. Refractometric readings may be falsely increased in patients with hyperglycemia or hypercholesterolemia.  相似文献   

This is the report of a 5‐year‐old male neutered Great Dane with an extreme leukocytosis (544.9 × 109 cells/L; RI 5.2–13.9 × 109 cells/L) characterized by highly atypical round cells. Cellular morphologic features such as cytoplasmic membrane blebs, a high nuclear‐to‐cytoplasmic ratio, and nuclear indentations and irregularities and large nucleoli, as well as immunocytochemistry for CD3 and CD79, myeloperoxidase cytochemistry, and clonality testing were not conclusive for myeloid or lymphoid origin. Marked alkaline hyperphosphatasemia was present at the first visit (2783.0 U/L; RI 6–80.0 U/L), followed by a 5‐fold increase (14,000 U/L) a week later, identified as being mostly contributed by the bone‐ALP isoform (11,062 U/L; RI 0–30 U/L). In addition, the atypical leukocytes were strongly positive for cytoplasmic ALP activity. In vitro lysis of a heparin blood sample resulted in a 1.7‐fold increase of ALP activity, supporting the origin of the hyperphosphatasemia at least in part from the leukemic cell population. To the authors’ knowledge, this is a unique case of alkaline hyperphosphatasemia, due at least to a leukemic cell population producing a bone‐ALP isoform, regardless of the exact nature of the leukemia.  相似文献   

Seventeen dogs with chronic renal failure (CRF) were studied to evaluate the incidence, type, and etiology of anemia in CRF. A nonregenerative, normochromic, normocytic anemia was seen in 12 of 17 dogs (70.6%). There was a direct correlation between the degree of anemia and the extent of CRF as assessed by serum creatinine concentrations (P = .0386, r = .50923). Erythrocyte concentrations of 2,3-diphosphoglycerate (DPG) were significantly increased in anemic animals and showed a close correlation to the degree of anemia. The high DPG concentrations may compensate for the anemia by decreasing the hemoglobin-oxygen affinity and thereby facilitating tissue oxygenation at low hematocrits. Serum concentrations of erythropoietin (Epo) were in the low to normal range, despite mild to moderate anemia, documenting a deficiency of Epo in dogs with CRF. The nonregenerative nature of the anemia supports impaired hematopoiesis as a significant etiologic factor. Other factors, such as increases in serum parathyroid hormone and phosphorus, were not found to correlate significantly with the degree of anemia, although there were significant differences between their concentrations in anemic compared with non-anemic dogs. There was no change in erythrocyte osmotic fragility with uremia. The documentation of a nonregenerative, normochromic, normocytic anemia, with failure of an appropriate increase in Epo production, supports the therapeutic use of Epo in the management of the anemia seen in CRF in the dog.  相似文献   

A 9‐year‐old, female Maltese dog was referred to the Veterinary School of Toulouse with a 2‐day history of anorexia and weakness. On clinical examination, the dog had hyperthermia (39.7°C), abdominal discomfort, and polypnea. Significant laboratory findings included pigmenturia, hyperbilirubinemia, hypercreatininemia, hyperfibrinogenemia, abnormal Snap canine pancreas‐specific lipase, and pancytopenia with a nonregenerative anemia. A peripheral blood smear revealed numerous intraerythrocytic large Babesia but no polychromasia. There was a discrepancy between the absolute automated reticulocyte count (Sysmex reticulocyte count: 60 × 109/L; RI 19.4–150.1 × 109/L) and the manual reticulocyte count (3.6 × 109/L) as well as the absence of polychromasia. The optical red blood cell scattergram showed an abnormal isolated reticulocyte cluster at the location of low‐fluorescence ratio cells. These findings were interpreted as erythrocytes parasitized by large Babesia. The discrepancy between the Sysmex reticulocyte count and the manual reticulocyte count has been reported previously in people with falciparum malaria and numerous intra‐erythrocytic Plasmodium falciparum organisms. This spurious reticulocyte profile and reticulocyte count were observed with the Sysmex XT‐2000iV and the ProCyte using the same fluorescent dye polymethine but not with the LaserCyte using new methylene blue which does not stain Babesia organisms on a blood smear performed for manual reticulocyte counting.  相似文献   

Background: Spirocerca lupi is a nematode of Canidae that matures within the esophageal wall to form fibroblastic nodules with potential for malignant transformation. Diagnosis is based on histopathologic examination, but false‐negative results may be obtained from samples collected by endoscopy. Serum alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity, frequently increased in hepatobiliary disease, is also increased in a variety of neoplastic conditions in dogs, including appendicular osteosarcoma, and has also been reported to be increased in dogs with spirocercosis. Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate serum ALP activity as a marker for malignant transformation of esophageal nodules in S. lupi‐infected dogs. Methods: In this retrospective study, medical records of dogs diagnosed with spirocercosis from 1991 to 2008 were reviewed, and serum ALP activity determined at presentation was compared between dogs with nonneoplastic and neoplastic nodules. Owing to use of multiple analyzers, ratios of ALP activity to the upper reference interval for ALP were calculated and compared. Results: Median ALP activity ratios were 0.65 (0.07–4.00) and 0.86 (0.10–3.40) for dogs with nonneoplastic (n=88) and neoplastic (n=32) nodules, respectively, with no significant difference (P=.18) and substantial overlap between groups. Tumors included osteosarcoma (15 dogs), fibrosarcoma (15 dogs), and anaplastic sarcoma (2 dogs); there was no difference in ALP activity between the dogs with osteosarcoma and fibrosarcoma. Conclusion: ALP is a poor marker of malignant transformation in canine spirocercosis.  相似文献   

An 11-year-old female Dachshund was presented with depression, diarrhea, weight loss, and radiographic evidence of masses involving the liver, spleen, and cranial lobe of the right lung. Results of a CBC included severe nonregenerative anemia (HCT 14.2%, hemoglobin, 4.3 g/dL, reticulocytes 66,000/microL) with marked metarubricytosis (nucleated RBCs 6.39 x 10(3)/microL). Examination of the peripheral blood smear revealed marked erythroid dysplasia, including marked anisocytosis with a prevalence of macrocytes, Howell-Jolly bodies, diffuse basophilic stippling, and multinucleated and atypical nucleated RBCs. Neutrophil hypersegmentation and giant forms were also noted. Numerous erythrocytes, particularly polychromatophilic cells, contained inclusions consistent with Cabot rings, which appeared as delicate red-purple ellipsoid or figure 8 structures. Rarely, Cabot rings were observed extracellularly. The dog was treated symptomatically with blood transfusions, prednisone, erythropoietin, and vitamin supplementation, but the anemia progressively worsened. The dog was euthanized 2 months after presentation. Bone marrow aspirate and core biopsy specimens obtained at the time of euthanasia revealed marked dysplastic changes in all cell lines, especially dyserythropoiesis, along with infiltrating carcinoma cells. A necropsy was performed, and histologic examination revealed poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma of the lung with multiple metastases to the marrow, spleen, and liver. The final diagnosis was marked myelodysplasia secondary to metastatic adenocarcinoma. Cabot rings are found rarely in humans with myelodysplasia, but have not been described previously in dogs. Based on the findings in this case, Cabot rings may occur rarely in dogs with severe dyserythropoiesis.  相似文献   

An 11‐year‐old neutered male Alaskan Malamute mixed‐breed dog was presented with a complaint of polyuria/polydipsia (PU/PD), weight loss, tachypnea, regurgitation, and a previous history of nontreated osteosarcoma of the right distal radius, diagnosed 21 months prior. On physical examination, an abdominal mass was palpated. The abdominal mass was aspirated and cytologically diagnosed as a neuroendocrine tumor, suspected to be a pheochromocytoma. Laboratory examination revealed a mild anemia and thrombocytopenia, markedly elevated ATP and ALP activities, and moderate hypercalcemia. A low‐dose dexamethasone suppression test and endogenous adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) concentration were compatible with pituitary hyperadrenocorticism. On urinalysis, proteinuria was noted as well as a high urine metanephrine/creatinine ratio, consistent with a diagnosis of pheochromocytoma. The dog was treated with supportive care and euthanized 6 months later due to decreasing quality of life. On necropsy, an extra‐adrenal pheochromocytoma (paraganglioma) was diagnosed in the caudal abdomen, and a pituitary adenoma and an osteosarcoma of the right distal radius were confirmed.  相似文献   

Background — Increased serum parathyroid hormone‐related peptide (PTHrP) concentration is used to diagnose humoral hypercalcemia of malignancy (HHM) in humans and animals. A commercially available assay for human PTHrP has diagnostic utility in the dog, but has not been assessed in cats. Objectives — The goals of this study were to determine serum or plasma levels of PTHrP in a population of hypercalcemic cats and to determine whether increased PTHrP concentration was associated with malignancy. In addition, we validated immunoradiometric assays (IRMAs) for intact parathormone (iPTH) and PTHrP for use with feline samples. Methods — A retrospective analysis of iPTH and PTHrP results from 322 hypercalcemic cats (ionized calcium concentration >1.4 mmol/L) was performed. Immunoassays for human iPTH and PTHrP (residues 1–84) were validated using standard methods, and reference intervals were calculated using values from 31 healthy adult cats. Hypercalcemic cats were classified as parathyroid‐independent (iPTH <2.3 pmol/L), equivocal (iPTH 2.3–4.6 pmol/L), or parathyroid‐dependent (iPTH >4.6 pmol/L). Seven cats with detectable or increased PTHrP concentrations were evaluated further for underlying disease. Formalin‐fixed neoplastic tissues were immunohistochemically stained using rabbit antibody to human midregion PTHrP. Results — Assays for iPTH and PTHrP showed acceptable precision for feline samples. The reference interval for iPTH was 0.8–4.6 pmol/L and for PTHrP was <1.5 pmol/L. The majority of hypercalcemic cats (263/322, 81.7%) were parathyroid‐independent, with fewer cats in the equivocal (32/322,9.9%) and parathyroid‐dependent (27/322,8.4%) groups. In 31 (9.6%) cats, PTHrP concentration was >1.5 pmol/L (range 1.5–26.6 pmol/L). All 7 cats for which follow‐up information was available had HHM; 6 had carcinomas (4 lung carcinomas, 1 undifferentiated carcinoma, 1 thyroid carcinoma) and 1 had lymphoma. All tumors had mild to moderate positive staining for PTHrP; however, lung carcinomas from normocalcemic cats also stained positive. Conclusions — Human IRMA for PTHrP (1–84) can be used to measure PTHrP in cats. Malignancies, particularly carcinomas, appear to secrete PTHrP and induce HHM in this species. Immunohistochemistry alone cannot predict the occurrence of HHM in cats.  相似文献   

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