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蚕桑生产全过程基本是手工操作,农村养蚕劳动力紧张,投入成本高,比较效益低。为减少劳力投入,减少给桑次数,提高蚕桑经济效益,根据射阳县蚕桑生产的实际情况,经过多次的试验、反复实践,探索出家蚕全龄一日二回育是适合射阳县农村的省力化养蚕技术。  相似文献   

蚕桑生产全过程都是手工操作,农村养蚕劳动力紧张,投入成本高,比较效益低。为减少劳力投入,减少给桑次数,提高蚕桑经济效益,根据射阳县蚕桑生产的实际情况,经过多次的试验、反复实践,探索出适合我县农村的省力化养蚕技术:家蚕全龄一日二回育。  相似文献   

一、前言蚕桑生产化工多,成本重是人所共知的。近年来广东蚕桑发展的速度比其他經济作物慢,这是主要障碍之一。因此国內外蚕桑工作者,近年来已开始研究如何简化养蚕操作,探討减少养蚕劳动力,降低成本的途径,选育强壮品种,粗放养蚕,防干育,少囘育壯蚕期采用条桑育、及地蚕飼育等措施而减少給桑,除沙囘数来节省劳动力。  相似文献   

现时期安康的蚕桑产业发展正由分散粗放式饲养方式向规模化、集约化方式转变。人工饲料育蚕作为一种全新的养蚕技术,经过各地多年试验试点已趋成熟,养蚕收益与传统桑叶育相当或好于桑叶育,且能大幅提高工效、节省蚕室蚕具,养蚕规模逐年扩大。因此,在安康蚕区推广家蚕人工饲料育技术将有助于推进养蚕的省力化、集约化,是实现安康蚕桑产业"十三五"发展目标的有效途径。  相似文献   

采用省力化养蚕技术提高蚕桑经济效益   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
<正> 在商品经济日益发展、竞争加剧的今天,努力提高蚕桑的劳动生产率,是提高蚕桑生产经济效益、增强竞争能力的重要一环。蚕桑生产是一个劳动密集型的生产项目,与其它项目比,劳动的投入多、产出效率不高。为了改变这种状况,采用省力化养蚕技术体系是一个途径。(一)推广全龄少回育少回育这个概念本身没有确切的含义,而是与过去的4回以上的饲育方法相比而言,通常把一日给桑3回以下的饲养方法称为少  相似文献   

随着农村产业结构调整,大批劳动力向二、三产业转移,养蚕共育劳力十分紧缺,广大蚕农迫切需求省力化养蚕新技术。小蚕一日二回育不但缓解了农村养蚕缺劳动的矛盾,而且节约了桑叶和消毒药物等,缩短了工期,提高了社会效益和经济效益,对巩固蚕桑基地,促进蚕桑生产可持续发展具有重要意义,是值得大力推广的一项新型养蚕新技术。  相似文献   

夏德梅  王玉云 《蚕学通讯》2013,(1):35-36,39
蚕桑生产全过程都是手工操作,农村养蚕劳动力紧张,投入成本高,比较效益低。为减少劳力投入,减少给桑次数,提高蚕桑经济效益,根据射阳县蚕桑生产的实际情况,经过多次实践,探索出适合我县农村的家蚕全龄一日二回育省力化养蚕技术。  相似文献   

陈兰霞 《蚕桑通报》1995,26(1):48-50
小蚕一日二回育技术介绍湖州市农业局蚕桑站陈兰霞随着农村产业结构变化,大批劳力向二、三产业转移,养蚕劳力矛盾日益突出。蚕业生产是一项劳动密集型产业,为了适应农村形势的发展,养蚕业必须改革传统的每日多回给桑的生产方式。我市从1991年开始研究推广省力化养...  相似文献   

小蚕一日二回育技术是当前大力普及推广的一项新型养蚕技术,它具有省工、节本、保持桑叶新鲜的特点,能使蚕儿发育齐一、壮健,提高经济效益.我们根据小蚕一日二回育技术标准,通过在生产实践中试验、摸索,整理成小蚕一日二回育实用操作,介绍给大家,以供参考.  相似文献   

宁夏回族自治区栽植的桑树大都是从江、浙引进的湖桑品种(湖桑32号),翌春桑树"抽干"严重,干枯率达60%以上,甚至地上部分干枯而不能养成丰产性树型.桑树产量不稳定,经济效益低,667m2产茧仅20kg,直接影响着蚕桑生产的发展,所以春季桑树"抽干"成为桑园栽培管理中的主要问题.全年饲养春蚕、早秋蚕与晚秋蚕,而晚秋蚕的饲养量约占总量的2/3,养蚕仍片叶育,费工,劳动强度大.春季农忙劳力紧张,桑树的春伐受到影响.本试验采用桑树秋季剪伐,使秋伐后桑芽不再萌发,并结合条桑收获养蚕--条桑斜面一日二回育试验,旨在减轻或防御春季桑树"抽干",达到养蚕省力化,为宁夏蚕桑生产高效益发展打下基础.  相似文献   

养蜂规模是影响蜂场经济效益的主要因素之一,尤其是在转地蜂场生产成本高、风险系数大等条件下.怎样的养蜂规模能取得最佳经济效益(适度养蜂规模)是业内普遍关注的热点.2011-2012年,跟踪调查了浙江省缙云县80家转地蜂场养蜂规模经济效益,结果发现,2011年的适度养蜂规模为4人蜂场平均饲养186群西方蜜蜂;2012年的适度养蜂规模为3人蜂场平均饲养158群西方蜜蜂.这表明转地蜂场适度养蜂经营规模处于动态变化中.调查结果对指导转地蜂场调整适度养蜂规模,增加经济效益具有现实意义.  相似文献   

“晋南牛饲养管理配套技术推广”是山西省科委1999年度下达“山西省农村技术承包”项目,其目的是针对我区广大农户养牛饲养管理粗放、商品牛出栏率低、产肉率低、母牛繁殖成活率低、经济效益差等缺点,通过采用肉牛杂交改良,改良肉牛饲养管理、加强母牛饲养营养、犊牛培育、秸杆氨化、放牧牛冬春补饲等配套技术,达到提高养牛业科技含量,增加养牛业经济效益的目的。  相似文献   

本试验以农村养蚕生产普通育型式进行,设置5龄二回育、三回育、四回育、五回育四个大区,以五回育为对照进行比较,结果表明:除二回育区外,其他各试验区与对照区在各项生理、经济指标上无明显差异,其中三回育区在健康性、茧质方面还优于对照区.而且,三回育比五回育提高给桑工效1.2倍,劳动效率高.  相似文献   

本试验旨在研究含有诱食剂的预混料对育肥猪生产性能的影响。试验选择60 kg左右的杜×大×长育肥猪108头,随机平均分到试验组和对照组中。试验组使用含有诱食剂的预混料,对照组使用不含有诱食剂的预混料。试验结果显示,添加含有诱食剂的预混料能够显著提高育肥猪的日增重15.4%(P<0.05),采食量极显著提高了15.8%(P<0.01),料肉比提高了0.1%,但差异不显著(P>0.05),收入提高了15.3%。试验结果表明,使用含有诱食剂的预混料饲喂育肥猪,可以取得较为满意的经济效益。  相似文献   

意大利黑麦草饲喂奶牛效果   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
试验对采用冬闲水田生产的意大利黑麦草Lolium multiflorum饲养奶牛效果进行研究。通过23 d(5 d预试期+18 d正试期)的奶牛饲喂试验,发现采用部分或者全部黑麦草代替野生杂草作为奶牛的青饲料均能够不同程度地提高奶牛的日产奶量,延长奶牛的泌乳高峰期,并提高牛奶中蛋白质的含量,试验还证明了黑麦草提高牛奶乳蛋白率的作用在奶牛泌乳高峰期与下降阶段同样成立。通过经济效益估算,全部以黑麦草代替野生杂草作为奶牛青饲料,增收达到每天6.0元/头,经济效益显著。  相似文献   

The objective of this work was to determine the effect of family labour on the profitability and competitiveness of small-scale dairy farms in the highlands of Central Mexico. Economic data from 37 farms were analysed from a stratified statistical sampling with a Neyman assignment. Three strata were defined taking herd size as criterion. Stratum 1: herds from 3 to 9 cows plus replacements, Stratum 2: herds from 10 to 19 cows and Stratum 3: herds from 20 to 30 cows. The policy analysis matrix was used as the method to determine profitability and competitiveness. The coefficient of private profitability (CPP) when the economic cost of family labour is included in the cost structure was 8.0 %, 31.0 % and 46.0 %. When the economic cost of family labour is not included, CPP increase to 47.0 %, 57.0 % and 66.0 % for each strata, respectively. The private cost ratio (PCR) when family labour is included was 0.79, 0.51 and 0.42 for strata 1, 2 and 3, respectively. When family labour is not included, the PCR was 0.07, 0.25 and 0.26. Net profit per litre of milk including family labour was US$0.03 l-1 for Stratum 1, US$0.09 for Stratum 2 and US$0.12 l-1 for Stratum 3; but increased to $0.12, 0.14 and 0.15, respectively, when the economic cost of family labour is not included. It is concluded that family labour is a crucial factor in the profitability and competitiveness of small-scale dairy production.  相似文献   

An appraisal of the current status of animal and human hydatidosis in Great Britain is given. Attention is drawn to the fact that, whereas the disease occurs largely in localised districts in domestic food animals, (especially sheep), it is widespread in horses, having reached epidemic proportions within the last decade.Epidemiological and experimental evidence indicates that dogs belonging to hunting packs are the major definitive host. The role of the fox is still uncertain.A survey of the feeding, housing and general husbandary of hunting dogs has shown that they have access to raw uninspected horse flesh and offal. Following the Second World War, economic pressures and labour shortages have been the main factors behind a change in the dietary practices at hunt kennels leading to an increase in the feeding of raw flesh and offal. The survey revealed that of 21 hunts inspected 11 (52%) harboured infected dogs. Worms recovered from infected dogs were identified as the horse “strain” of Echinococcus granulosus.The potential public health hazards which could yet arise, as a consequence of the increased prevalence of equine hydatidosis, are discussed.  相似文献   

Generalized linear mixed models were developed using retrospective feedlot data collected on individually treated cattle (n = 31,131) to determine whether cattle performance and health outcomes in feedlot cattle were associated with timing of treatment for bovine respiratory disease (BRD) during the feeding phase. Cattle that died at any point during the feeding phase were removed from the analysis. Information on individual animal performance (ADG, HCW, quality grade, yield grade) and health outcomes (treatments) were incorporated into an economic model that generated a standardized net return estimate for each animal. Prices were standardized to minimize variation between economic outcomes due to market conditions allowing direct comparisons of health and performance effects between animals. While controlling for sex, risk code, and arrival BW class, potential associations between net returns and the timing of BRD identification were investigated using 2 categorical variables created to measure time: 1) weeks on feed at initial BRD treatment, and 2) weeks from BRD treatment to slaughter. The first model using net return as the outcome identified an interaction between weeks on feed at initial BRD treatment and animal arrival BW. Cattle with arrival BW between 227 and 272 kg (5WT) and 273 and 318 kg (6WT) displayed decreased net returns (P < 0.05) if treated during wk 1 as compared with subsequent weeks in the first month of the feeding phase. The cattle with BW between 319 and 363 kg (7WT) and 364 and 408 kg (8WT) exhibited decreased net returns (P < 0.05) if treated during the later weeks of the feeding phase compared with earlier in the feeding phase. The number of times cattle were treated contributed to variation in net returns for the 5WT and 6WT cattle. For the 7WT and 8WT cattle, HCW was the main factor contributing to decreased net returns when cattle were treated late in the feeding phase. The second model identified an interaction between weeks from BRD treatment to slaughter and arrival BW. The 181 to 226 kg of BW, 5WT, 6WT, 7WT, and 8WT cattle all exhibited decreased net returns (P < 0.05) when cattle were on feed fewer weeks from BRD treatment to slaughter. Cattle with more weeks on feed between BRD treatment and slaughter had greater HCW, decreased ADG, and more total treatments compared with cattle treated closer to slaughter. This research indicates that timing of initial BRD treatment is associated with performance and health outcomes.  相似文献   

If certain guidelines are followed when feeding sweetpotatoes to livestock it is possible to minimize health hazards. Careful herd management and the recognition of specific biomarkers such as excessive dental deterioration could aid in the early identification of feed problems. Where these tubers are produced locally in abundance there can be an economic and environmental incentive to divert waste sweetpotato by-products toward livestock feed. The feeding of culled sweetpotatoes and processed sweetpotato waste by-products can have three major benefits. First, expensive disposal costs are reduced. Second, negative environmental impacts from landfill dumping and crop spreading are limited. Third, the culled sweetpotatoes and SPCW offer an inexpensive and nutritious alternative feed ration for livestock that may increase economic returns.  相似文献   

A profit function for a typical commercial farm of intensive guinea pig production was designed. The simulated farm contained 86 cages with a ratio of 7:1 females/males, with continuous mating. Kits were weaned at 15 days of age and slaughtered for meat production at 90 days of age. The absolute (EW) and relative economic weights of the main traits were calculated. The highest EW were kits produced per kindling (US$25), kits weaned per kindling (US$22), kits born alive per kindling (US$20), and the number of kindlings per female and year (US$12). Profit, returns, and costs per female and year were US$15, 68, and 53, respectively. Returns came from the production of young guinea pigs and discarded reproductive adults for meat production, 90 and 10% of the total returns. The highest costs were feeding and labor, 44 and 23% of the total cost. The EW and profit did not substantially change when simulating variations of ±20% in the prices of kilograms of fattening feed and kilograms of live weight of guinea pig, showing their robustness to future variations in market prices or to variations in prices between countries. The results obtained highlight the importance of the feeding costs in the guinea pig meat production.  相似文献   

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