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为了解软籽石榴种子硬度发育特性,以软籽品种‘突尼斯软籽’、半软籽品种‘以色列酸’和硬籽品种‘青皮’为材料,测定了不同发育时期的种子硬度、可溶性固形物含量和籽粒质量,并对其成熟种子种皮细胞进行石蜡切片,间苯三酚和番红固绿染色观察,比较种皮细胞显微结构和木质化程度,同时对不同产地的‘突尼斯软籽’石榴进行种子硬度比较。结果表明,种子最大硬度出现在果实发育后期,而非果实成熟时期,不同品种种子硬度变化趋势一致。‘突尼斯软籽’种子硬度在花后97 d达到最高,为(2.939±0.895)kg;半软籽‘以色列酸’和硬籽‘青皮’在花后106 d到达最高,硬度分别为(5.571±2.106)和(9.203±3.006)kg。在花后124 d(成熟时期),‘突尼斯软籽’、‘以色列酸’和‘青皮’的种子硬度分别为(2.887±0.735)、(4.242±1.036)和(8.192±2.561)kg。5个产地的‘突尼斯软籽’成熟石榴种子硬度没有显著差异,软籽性状不受种植地理环境变化而改变。显微结构观察发现成熟时期石榴种皮外层细胞高度木质化,‘突尼斯软籽’石榴的种皮外层细胞壁厚度显著低于‘以色列酸’和‘青皮’。  相似文献   


During three consecutive years we investigated the influence of seedlings of Myrobalan, Stanley and Green Gage as rootstocks on main fruit physical and chemical properties of four European plums (‘?a?anska Rana’, ‘?a?anska Lepotica’, ‘?a?anski ?e?er’ and ‘Stanley’) grown under ecological conditions of ?a?ak (Serbia). Results showed that significant differences in most properties such as fruit weight (FW) and its size and shape, stone weight (SW), soluble solids content (SSC), titratable acidity (TA), total sugars (TS), ripening index (RI) and sweetness index (IS) were examined among rootstocks. Influence of these rootstock on flesh rate (FRa) or flesh/stone ratio in cultivars evaluated was not significant. In the case of ‘?a?anska Lepotica’, rootstocks had not capacity to change sphericity (φ) and TA. Seedlings of Myrobalan improved only SW in ‘?a?anski ?e?er’ and TA in all cultivars. In all other cases this rootstock decreased values of evaluated traits. The best fruit physical and chemical properties of plums were achieved by seedlings of Green Gage and Stanley alone or alongside. Despite the higher TA contents in fruits on Myrobalan and its tendency to induce higher SW in some cultivars, the smaller sized fruits together with the less attractive fruit shape resulted in a non-interesting rootstock for plums in our growing conditions. Interesting and positive behavior of cultivars were found for quality parameters when grafted on seedlings of Green Gage and Stanley, respectively.


Definitions: Crown = the short stem and leaves growing from the apex of the fruit. Slip = leafy branch, attached below the fruit, developed from axillary bud on the peduncle. Happa = branch arising from axillary bud at the point of junction of peduncle and stem.Large-slip plants of ‘Sugarloaf’ pineapple (Ananas comosus) (L.) Merr.) were more vigorous than small-slip plants initially; however, plants from smaller slips caught up in size within a year after planting. Large-slip and medium-slip plants produced more slips and happas than small-slip plants. Smaller slips produced heavier and larger crowns, delayed both flowering and fruit maturity, reduced fruit size and yield, and recorded a higher incidence of sunburn. Slip size did not influence sucker development, peduncle size, and % TSS, % acidity and TSS/acidity ratio of the fruit.Deslipping, and decrowning and deslipping together produced significantly more suckers than control and decrowning-treatments. Deslipping-, and decrowning and deslipping together produced the maximum fruit weight and yield, whilst deslipping produced the longest fruits. Sunburn was greatest on decrowned and deslipped fruits, followed by deslipped fruits and then by control and decrowned fruits. Pruning did not influence happa production, peduncle size, fruit maturity, and % TSS, % acidity and TSS/acidity ratio of the fruit.No significant interaction between slip size and pruning was found.  相似文献   

‘豫农早艳’石榴是由‘突尼斯软籽’石榴芽变选育出的早中熟软籽石榴新品种。果实近球形,果形指数0.84;平均单果质量300 g,最大单果质量680 g;果皮底色黄绿,着玫红色晕,着色面积超过70%;萼筒较短,萼片开张或半开张;籽粒粉红色。‘豫农早艳’石榴百粒重37.0 g;出籽率62.3%以上,出汁率84.6%;可溶性固形物含量(w,后同)17.1%,pH 3.4,维生素C含量12.6 mg·100 g^-1。风味酸甜可口,籽粒易剥离;籽粒硬度3.26 kg·cm~(-2),核软可食。果实生育期120 d左右,在郑州荥阳(东经113.35,北纬34.79)9月中下旬成熟,比‘突尼斯软籽’石榴早熟约10 d。该品种植株长势中庸,树姿半开张;耐旱、耐瘠薄,较抗冻,适应性较强。货架期20 d左右,5℃冷库贮藏60 d左右。适合黄河以南石榴适生区栽培,第2年开花结果,丰产,稳产。  相似文献   

了解新疆梨品种的开花生物学及果实品质特征,为其合理利用提供数据参考。在10个新疆梨品种的生殖生长期,对开花物候期、花部特性、花粉特性及果实品质特性等进行测定对比分析。结果表明:除‘艾温切克’‘库尔勒黄酸梨’外,其他8个品种花期一致,但果实成熟期有明显差异;‘库尔勒香梨’与其他品种的花器官特征无明显差异;‘绿梨’‘阿克苏句句梨’的花粉活力较强、单花药花粉量较多;‘艾温切克’‘绿梨’等4个品种的单果重较大,显著大于‘库尔勒香梨’;‘艾温切克’的果实硬度最小,与‘库尔勒香梨’无显著差异;‘艾温切克’‘绿梨’的可溶性糖、可溶性固形物、维生素C含量均较高,与‘库尔勒香梨’无显著差异或显著高于‘库尔勒香梨’。综上,‘绿梨’‘阿克苏句句梨’的花期与‘库尔勒香梨’重叠,花粉量较多、萌发率最高,花器官特征与‘库尔勒香梨’接近,可作‘库尔勒香梨’的备选授粉树;‘艾温切克’‘绿梨’的果实品质及口感好、果实成熟期早,且果皮颜色与其他品种有明显差异,可作为优良育种材料。  相似文献   

Piri  Saeed  Kiani  Esmaiel  Sedaghathoor  Shahram 《Erwerbs-Obstbau》2022,64(2):165-170

Prunus avium L. is one of the most important temperate zone fruits in the world. Most of the cherry cultivars always have difficulties of fertilization and fruit set due to self-incompatibility, so they need suitable and compatible pollinizers for commercial fruit production. In this experiment, pollination compatibility of cherry cultivars of ‘Napoleon’, ‘Burlat’, ‘Zhan’, and ‘Lambert’ was studied as both pollen recipients and donors. To determine the compatibility or incompatibility of pollinizers, percent of fruit set was calculated. This research was carried out as a factorial experiment in a randomized complete block design. The final average fruit set in studied cultivars was different under self or cross-pollination. The results showed that ‘Napoleon’, ‘Zhan’ and ‘Lambert’ cultivars are the suitable pollinizers for ‘Burlat’. Also, ‘Burlat’ is a cultivar which produced many fruits under self-pollination. Therefore, ‘Burlat’ can be used as monoculture for orchard establishment. Results showed that cultivar ‘Napoleon’ was cross-incompatible with ‘Lambert’. ‘Zhan’, ‘Napoleon’ and ‘Lambert’ cultivars are founded self-incompatible and require cross-pollinations to obtain fruits.



Growing fruits and vegetables in plastic tunnels is known to accelerate maturity and protect quality. There are several studies on highbush blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum) that demonstrate the ability of row covers to advance or delay crop maturity depending on how they are manipulated. Accelerating or delaying harvest time can prove to be very lucrative for producers. However, before producers start putting plastic tunnels over their crops it is important to know how blueberry cultivars will behave when grown under plastic. Six cultivars of southern highbush blueberry and eight cultivars of northern highbush blueberry were grown in a high hoop plastic tunnel for two seasons. Blueberry plants were grown under plastic from February 1 until their harvest was completed each year. After harvest, the plastic covering over the hoops was removed to help the blueberry plants develop fruit buds and meet winter chill requirements. On February 1 the plastic covering was returned to the high hoop tunnel after chilling requirements were met. As expected, fruit maturity dates were 1-3 weeks earlier for all the highbush blueberries grown inside the tunnel versus the same cultivars grown outside. The difference in maturity dates between cultivars grown under plastic and outside did change from one year to the next because of variation in the weather. Despite potential for poor pollination of blueberries in plastic tunnels, yields were significantly enhanced for four cultivars when grown under plastic tunnels. ‘Toro’, ‘Nui’, ‘Legacy’, and ‘Misty’ showed yield gains ranging from 1 to 4 times when grown under a plastic tunnel. Seed numbers per fruit were not significantly impacted by growing plants inside our tunnel.  相似文献   


The optimum leaf number required for normal fruit growth in the regular bearing mango cultivar ‘Amrapali’ and the biennial bearing cultivars ‘Chausa’, ‘Dashehari’ and ‘Langra’ were studied by isolating individual fruits with known numbers of supporting leaves by shoot girdling at the time of fruit set. There were significant differences in the leaf area (249.01-1817.10 cm2), fresh weight (7.0-77.0 g) and dry weight (3.7-50.0 g) of leaves on shoots having 30, 20, 10 and 5 leaves as compared with control in different cultivars. In both types of cultivars, there was a progressive reduction in fruit size in terms of total fruit, pulp, peel, and seed weight with decreasing numbers of supporting leaves, however, a minimum reduction (2.4%) in fruit growth in ‘Amrapali’ was noticed with 30 supporting leaves. A nonsignificant difference in photosynthetic rate with varying number of leaves was found but its efficiency in leaves was higher in ‘Amrapali’ as compared with biennial bearing cultivars. Starch accumulation in the leaves was reduced by shoot girdling. The stomatal resistance of the leaves of girdled shoots was comparable with that of leaves on control shoots. In all the cultivars except ‘Amrapali’ it was observed that 30 leaves, the maximum retained on a shoot, could not support the growth of a single fruit to normal size. The data on rate of photosynthesis in different pool size of leaves and fruit growth in girdled and nongirdled shoots clearly show that fruit development depends not only on the current assimilates but also to a great extent on reserves. A 14CO2 feeding experiment showed a higher rate of carbon fixation in the leaves of girdled shoots than in the control shoots, but the translocation of 14C assimilated to the developing fruits on the girdled and control shoots was comparable. The results also indicated that developing fruits are major sinks for current photosynthates as more than 60 percent of the 14C exported from the treated leaf was found in the fruit in all instances.  相似文献   


Photoperiod and temperature control of flowering in a number of perpetual-flowering or everbearing strawberry cultivars of widely varying pedigree has been studied in controlled environments. Flower bud initiation in the cultivars ‘Flamenco’, ‘Ridder’, ‘Rita’ and ‘Rondo’ was significantly advanced by long-day (LD) conditions at temperatures of 15°C and 21ºC; while, at 27ºC, flowering took place under LD conditions only. Some plants of the seed-propagated F1-hybrid ‘Elan’, raised at 21°C, also flowered under short-day (SD) conditions at 27°C, but reverted to the vegetative state after a few weeks when maintained under these conditions. When vegetative plants growing in SD at 27°C were transferred to LD conditions at the same temperature, they consistently initiated flower buds and started flowering after about 4 weeks. At such a high temperature, flowering could thus be turned on and off by switching between SD and LD conditions. This applied to all the cultivars studied. Also the cultivar ‘Everest’, which was tested only at 21°C, produced similar results. Night interruption for 2 h was effective in bringing about the LD response. At 9°C, flowering was substantially delayed, especially in ‘Flamenco’ and, at this temperature, flowering was unaffected by photoperiod. Runner formation was generally promoted by high temperature and SD conditions, but the photoperiodic effect varied between experiments. We conclude that everbearing strawberry cultivars, in general, whether of the older European-type or the modern Californian-type originating from crosses with selections of Fragaria virginiana ssp. glauca, are qualitative (obligatory) LD plants at high temperature (27°C), and quantitative LD plants at intermediate temperatures. Only at temperatures below 10°C are these cultivars day-neutral.  相似文献   

以高丛越橘(Vaccinium corymbosum)大果型品种‘奥尼尔’和小果型品种‘蓝雨’为试材,测定花芽膨大与果实发育期间生长曲线及成熟果实的部分生理指标;开展包含PLAC8保守结构域的FWL(fruit weight like)基因全基因组鉴定与序列分析,并应用实时荧光定量PCR法检测VcFWL/PLAC8基因亚家族成员在花芽膨大与果实发育进程中的相对表达水平。结果表明:‘奥尼尔’果实单果质量与横径自S2期起均显著高于‘蓝雨’,其成熟果实中心室数、单果种子数及种子质量也显著高于‘蓝雨’果实。越橘VcFWL/PLAC8家族包含11个成员,分布于10条染色体上,结构分析显示这些基因均包含2~3个外显子。大部分VcFWL/PLAC8基因包含高度保守的结构域,聚类分析可将其分为3个亚家族,其中B和C亚家族成员间高度保守。qPCR分析表明A与C亚家族基因的表达模式和越橘花芽与果实发育进程中细胞增殖趋势一致,B亚家族基因的表达丰度较低,推测VcFWL/PLAC8基因可能通过不同的机制和途径参与调控果实的生长发育。  相似文献   

Starch as an important reserve carbohydrate plays in deciduous fruit species an important role in frost resistance of the wood during winter as well as of flowers during spring frosts. Also during development of flowers the deposition of starch, e.g. in the conducting tissue of the style and in pollen grains is evident. This starch accumulation in the reproductive flower parts seems to be important for fertilization and thus fruit set. The investigations presented should contribute to elucidate the dynamic of starch accumulation in the different organs of a flower bud in apple, from the beginning of bud differentiation until anthesis. The sampled buds were sectioned after embedding in plastic material. Starch accumulation was determined by image analysis. In the four apple cultivars ‘Boskoop’, ‘Elstar’, ‘Golden Delicious’ and ‘Pinova’ starch deposition could be observed already shortly after beginning of flower bud differentiation in July/August in the calyx, corolla, anthers and ovary. Until autumn, starch content increased considerably, it showed during winter some fluctuations according to flower organ, and decreased again towards the flowering season, presumately by conversion to sucrose, as shown in the wood in relation to frost resistance. This decrease seems to be related to the energy demand which is needed for flower development, fertilization and early fruit development.  相似文献   

The development of pomegranate fruit was studied under continental (Bet Shean Valley) and moderate maritime (coastal plain) climatic conditions. Fertile flowers were vase-shaped and developed into fruits. Bell-shaped flowers with few egg cells were sterile and did not produce fruits. Gibberellic acid induced the sterile flowers to develop into small fruits; however, these were devoid of juicy seeds. The growth curve of pomegranate fruits from both climatic regions showed a single sigmoid pattern. The seeds accounted for about half of the fruit weight. The edible juicy tissue of the seeds grew continuously from June to October whereas the internal stone tissue stopped growing and hardened by the end of June. Juice, total soluble solids (TSS) and anthocyanin content increased continuously during maturation while acidity decreased. Fruit of cv Mule’s Head ripens early and has a low acid content, whereas fruit of the late-ripening cv Wonderful has high juice contents, TSS, acids and anthocyanins, and is therefore suitable for processing. In the hot Bet Shean Valley fruits matured more rapidly than in the coastal plain, but acidity and anthocyanin contents were lower. C02 evolution from the fruits was low and no climacteric peak or measurable ethylene were detected during fruit maturation, thus suggesting that the pomegranate is a non-climacteric fruit.  相似文献   

苹果果实β-Gal和LOX活性变化特性及其与果实软化的关系   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
魏建梅  马锋旺 《园艺学报》2009,36(5):631-638
 以‘富士’和‘金冠’苹果果实为试材, 研究了β-半乳糖苷酶(β-Gal) 和脂氧合酶(LOX) 在果实发育、成熟和软化过程中的变化规律及采后乙烯调控对其活性的影响。结果表明: 在果实发育后熟过程中, 金冠果实β-Gal活性显著高于富士, 在果实后熟软化期间这种差异尤为突出; 而富士和金冠果实LOX活性呈相似的变化规律, 虽然花后富士的活性高峰显著高于金冠, 但之后其活性下降迅速,并一直低于金冠。采后苹果果实β-Gal和LOX均受乙烯调控, 乙烯抑制剂1-MCP极显著地抑制β-Gal和LOX的活性, 而乙烯利对二者活性起促进作用, 但因品种耐藏性不同其促进效应不同。综合来看, 苹果果实β-Gal和LOX活性表现相似的变化规律, 并且β-Gal在果实贮藏初期受乙烯的调控作用较LOX显著, 因此认为在苹果果实软化早期β-Gal的作用可能大于LOX。  相似文献   

为了选择适宜淮安地区生长的高品质甜柿品种,笔者以近年推广的7个甜柿品种‘太秋’‘甘秋’‘早秋’‘夕红’、‘536+36’、‘537+78’、‘538+61’为试材,对果实外观(含颜色)、糖度、成熟期、单果重、核数、果肉褐斑(单宁细胞凝聚形成的)以打分进行综合评价。结果表明,‘太秋’‘甘秋’‘早秋’‘夕红’果实品质优异,适宜在淮安地区推广栽培。  相似文献   

设施葡萄常用品种的需冷量、需热量及2者关系研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用3种不同的需冷量估算模型(≤7.2℃模型、0~7.2℃模型和犹他模型)和2种不同的需热量估算模型(生长度小时模型和有效积温模型)分别对22种设施葡萄常用品种的需冷量和需热量进行测定,同时分析2者的相互关系。结果表明,葡萄解除休眠的需冷量和萌芽展叶的需热量因品种和种不同而异。需冷量值品种间差异较大,介于573~1 246 h(≤7.2℃模型)或573~971 h(0~7.2℃模型)或917~1 090 C.U(犹他模型),且欧美杂种品种需冷量值普遍高于欧亚种品种;而需热量值品种间差异较小,介于9 976~12 541 GDH℃(生长度小时模型)或253~353 D℃(有效积温模型),且欧美杂种品种略低于欧亚种品种。同时研究表明葡萄的需冷量和需热量与其果实成熟期没有必然联系。无论以何种估算模型估算葡萄的需冷量和需热量,我国设施葡萄常用品种的需冷量和需热量之间均呈负相关关系。  相似文献   

In Germany the sweet and sour cherry breeding is concentrated at the Julius Kühn-Institut in Dresden-Pillnitz. The main breeding goals are directed on sweet cherries for fresh market and sour cherries for processing. The selection of new cultivars is focused on fruit quality, high and stable fruit set and tolerance to biotic and abiotic stress. In result of the breeding activities in sweet cherry four new cultivars, ‘Narana’, ‘Areko’, ‘Swing’, ‘Habunt’, were selected. ‘Narana’ is an early ripening cultivar with good fruit characteristics. ‘Areko’ ripens in the middle of the cherry season some days before cultivar ‘Kordia’ and has large, firm fruits. The both cultivars ‘Swing’ and ‘Habunt’ are self-compatible and more recommended for the use in house gardening. In sour cherry breeding four new cultivars, ‘Coralin’, ‘Spinell’, ‘Jachim’, ‘Boas’, were selected. The cultivar ‘Coralin’ shows good characteristics for processing and mechanical harvest and is tolerant to fungus diseases on leaves. With the large and tasty fruits, the cultivar ‘Spinell’ is mainly suitable for fresh consumption. The both other cultivars ‘Jachim’ and ‘Boas’ have a pillar growth habit.  相似文献   

《Scientia Horticulturae》2005,105(4):467-474
The effect of diurnal maximum/minimum (20/10 or 25/15 °C) temperatures on seed and fruit development of ‘Irwin’, ‘Kensington’ and ‘Nam Dok Mai’ mangoes (Mangifera indica L.) was studied in a controlled-environment glasshouse. Exposure to low temperatures (20/10 °C day/night) 3 days after hand pollination significantly increased the percentage of stenospermocarpic fruit (nubbins), in which embryos were aborted at some stage during early fruit development. There were significant differences between cultivars in the percentage of nubbins produced out of the total fruit set following overnight exposure to 10 °C with 21% for ‘Nam Dok Mai’, 11% for ‘Kensington’ and 3% for ‘Irwin’. At 45 days after pollination, nubbin fruits were much smaller in size and weighed ca. 50% less than normal fruits. The lower percentage of nubbin fruits in ‘Irwin’ implies a greater adaptation to cool temperatures by this cultivar during fruit set and early embryo development.  相似文献   

以桂热杧120号为试材,研究了不同物候期叶片N、P、K、Ca、Mg、B等含量的变化。结果表明:在花芽分化期,叶片中N、P、K、Mg含量较高,随着开花坐果和果实发育而逐渐降低,N、K含量在果实发育第二次高峰后期降至最低点,P、Mg含量在幼果期降至最低点,而在果实发育后期至采果后抽生的新梢老熟期均又回升。Ca含量从花芽分化期开始呈上升趋势,至幼果快速生长期达到最高点,随后逐渐降低。B含量从花芽分化期开始随果实生长发育而缓慢上升。  相似文献   

Morphological changes during the development of pseudoembryos in parthenocarpic fruits of the genetic parthenocarpic tomato cultivar, ‘Severianin’, were observed. Pseudoembryos that originated from division of the innermost integument cells were formed in the ovule cavity. These cells were highly stained with toluidine blue O and actively divided until 20 days after anthesis. Uniconazole, an inhibitor of gibberellin biosynthesis, applied at anthesis decreased the setting ratio of fruits and inhibited the development of pseudoembryos. Uniconazole applied at 3 days after anthesis inhibited fruit growth entirely and suppressed pseudoembryo development. Gibberellin treatment at 2 days after uniconazole treatment reversed the inhibitory effect of uniconazole on fruit growth and pseudoembryo development in ‘Severianin’. The inhibitory effect of uniconazole on fruit growth and pseudoembryo development in auxin-induced fruits of ‘Kyouryoku-Kyokkou’, a commercial cultivar without genetic parthenocarpy, was weaker than that in ‘Severianin’. Application of gibberellin also reversed the inhibitory effect of uniconazole in this cultivar. Well-developed pseudoembryos were always observed in the well growing fruit in both cultivars. These results indicate that the development of pseudoembryos is closely related to the growth of parthenocarpic fruit.  相似文献   

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