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在西方,关于审美一类问题的研究,在哲学领域中一直被称为“审美趣味学说”、“优雅的艺术理论”等。在18世纪末19世纪初这一时期,音乐美学思想的发展形成了不同的音乐美学传统与流派。这一时期形成的音乐审美意识对20世纪的音乐美学有着特别的影响。  相似文献   

19世纪下半叶西方文化最直接、最具体的意识形式开始转向,最先映现人类精神嬗变的是视觉活动,其次是德彪西的音乐——听觉活动。德彪西的音乐创作不仅开拓了一场听觉革命,更是昭示了现代性审美的哲学内涵。  相似文献   

包装装满色彩属于设计色彩,在一切视觉表现中。色彩在包装设计中是强有力的表现因素,其有先声夺人的力量,它是销售包装的灵魂,又是宣传企业和产品形象的重要手段。常言道“远看色彩近看花”。因此,色彩作为一种表达感情的视觉语言,成为设计师必须研究的课题。  相似文献   

论中国古典园林艺术中的听觉美   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国古典园林是以视觉为主要感知方式的综合的空间造型艺术。其中,听觉美乃是中国古典园林艺术所追求的高妙境界之一。要实现中国古典园林“雅静之至”的理想境界,确实也离不开令人荡气回肠的听觉因素。在园林中听觉与视觉往往是交织在一起的。建构园林的各种因素,包括人为因素都可以形成听觉美。园林听觉美对现代景观的效果也起到了很好的作用。参8  相似文献   

一、肯定自我作者曾经对三百名大学生做过调查,发现大多数人把“确立个人信念、保持精神上的独创性”作为实现自我独立的最有效的途径,他们把对美的追求作为激励自己更好地热爱生活、热爱生命的动力。从这一点上,已经反映出当代大学生内心强烈的自我愿望和自我价值追求。正因如此,他们重视自己个人独立的艺术口味和审美方式,执着于审美标准、审美追求的个性化,做事注重突出自己的个性,崇尚“只要自己喜欢,不管别人怎样评价”的生活方式。这反映了当代青年审美心态的最大、最显著的特点,就是具有一种强烈的个体自我意识,一种对自我的肯定倾向…  相似文献   

德彪西音乐和印象派绘画的艺术追求文化内涵及审美意蕴   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在"艺术通感"中,最活跃的是视觉和听觉,通常人们把它称之为"视听通感"。绘画艺术和音乐艺术由于"视听通感"的广泛存在,它们在视觉艺术和听觉艺术之间搭起了桥梁。所以,各种艺术形式之间的关系并不是孤立的,而是相互渗透和影响的。德彪西音乐和印象主义绘画的艺术追求、文化内涵及审美意蕴就是一个例证。  相似文献   

适度改造自然是人类可持续发展的必然要求。人类在追求发展时,应遵循适度改造自然的原则。本文从转变人类发展观,改变工业社会的生产方式和消费方式,消除贫困,发展绿色科技,控制人口增长和发挥政府主导作用等方面探讨了适度改造自然的形成。  相似文献   

作为中国当代极具影响力的作曲家来说,杜鸣心的音乐创作涉及到了舞台剧音乐、交响音乐等多个领域。其中,杜鸣心的交响音乐构成了其音乐创作中的重要部分,是其音乐创作理念的集中体现,反映了他较高的音乐创作成就,表现出其对交响音乐创作的民族化创作风格与热忱追求。因此,本文将着重于围绕杜鸣心的交响音乐艺术创作展开进一步的讨论,简要介绍了杜鸣心音乐创作的发展历程,然后较为详细的分析了杜鸣心交响音乐的艺术创作风格与特色,最后总结了杜鸣心交响音乐创作的艺术价值与历史意义。  相似文献   

作为音乐创作的的资源要素,各个民族及地域中不同类型的人文资源一直受到不同时期、不同性格、不同流派的作曲家们和音乐创作爱好者的追捧。徽州地区人文资源广博淳厚、意味幽远,在今时却未得到广泛开发利用与汲取。但是,它饱含审美特色的、富有崇高思想的、与其他地域的交融性的优秀品质是值得作曲家们及音乐创作者所推崇的。本文对徽州地区人文资源利用于音乐(歌曲)创作的价值提出思考,将一些基于徽州地区人文资源用于音乐作品创作实践予以观察、分析,对于是否可以再生出一些新型的音乐作品进行试验性的探讨与研究。  相似文献   

音乐审美教育,是全面提升大学生素质的重要途径.以肩负着关爱生命历史使命的医学生为服务对象的音乐审美教育,要积极发挥音乐的审美、教育、娱乐的功能,有效地对医学生进行人文知识和人文精神的渗透教育,让学生在音乐审美教育活动中,提高人文素质,形成健全的人格,更好地为医疗事业服务.  相似文献   

A new virus-like particle has been found in Drosophila. Thus far it has been detected only in electron micrographs of certain cells capable of division, such as those in larval imaginal disks, cell lines derived from imaginal disks, cells from a genetically controlled brain tumor, and adult gut cells. It appears to be slightly elliptical in shape, about 37 millimicrons by 45 millimicrons, and occurs in both the nucleus and cytoplasm. From the evidence it is suggested that the particle is a new virus.  相似文献   

A second mode of action has been found for the inhibition of chitin synthesis by diflubenzuron. This compound blocks synthesis of the imaginal cuticle by preventing formation of the adult epidermis in the pupal stage of the stable fly (Stomoxys calcitrans L.).  相似文献   

In starved larvae of the tobacco hornworm moth Manduca sexta, larval and imaginal tissues stop growing, the former because they lack nutrient-dependent signals but the latter because of suppression by juvenile hormone. Without juvenile hormone, imaginal discs form and grow despite severe starvation. This hormone inhibits the intrinsic signaling needed for disc morphogenesis and does so independently of ecdysteroid action. Starvation and juvenile hormone treatments allowed the separation of intrinsic and nutrient-dependent aspects of disc growth and showed that both aspects must occur during the early phases of disc morphogenesis to ensure normal growth leading to typical-sized adults.  相似文献   

Morphogens, such as Decapentaplegic (Dpp) in the fly imaginal discs, form graded concentration profiles that control patterning and growth of developing organs. In the imaginal discs, proliferative growth is homogeneous in space, posing the conundrum of how morphogen concentration gradients could control position-independent growth. To understand the mechanism of proliferation control by the Dpp gradient, we quantified Dpp concentration and signaling levels during wing disc growth. Both Dpp concentration and signaling gradients scale with tissue size during development. On average, cells divide when Dpp signaling levels have increased by 50%. Our observations are consistent with a growth control mechanism based on temporal changes of cellular morphogen signaling levels. For a scaling gradient, this mechanism generates position-independent growth rates.  相似文献   

Developing animals frequently adjust their growth programs and/or their maturation or metamorphosis to compensate for growth disturbances (such as injury or tumor) and ensure normal adult size. Such plasticity entails tissue and organ communication to preserve their proportions and symmetry. Here, we show that imaginal discs autonomously activate DILP8, a Drosophila insulin-like peptide, to communicate abnormal growth and postpone maturation. DILP8 delays metamorphosis by inhibiting ecdysone biosynthesis, slowing growth in the imaginal discs, and generating normal-sized animals. Loss of dilp8 yields asymmetric individuals with an unusually large variation in size and a more varied time of maturation. Thus, DILP8 is a fundamental element of the hitherto ill-defined machinery governing the plasticity that ensures developmental stability and robustness.  相似文献   

During Drosophila metamorphosis, most larval cells die. Pupal and adult tissues form from imaginal cells, tissue-specific progenitors allocated in embryogenesis that remain quiescent during embryonic and larval life. Clonal analysis and fate mapping of single, identified cells show that tracheal system remodeling at metamorphosis involves a classical imaginal cell population and a population of differentiated, functional larval tracheal cells that reenter the cell cycle and regain developmental potency. In late larvae, both populations are activated and proliferate, spread over and replace old branches, and diversify into various stalk and coiled tracheolar cells under control of fibroblast growth factor signaling. Thus, Drosophila pupal/adult tissue progenitors can arise both by early allocation of multipotent cells and late return of differentiated cells to a multipotent state, even within a single tissue.  相似文献   

In animals, appendages develop in proportion to overall body size; when individual size varies, appendages covary proportionally. In insects with complete metamorphosis, adult appendages develop from precursor tissues called imaginal disks that grow after somatic growth has ceased. It is unclear, however, how the growth of these appendages is matched to the already established body size. We studied the pattern of cell division in the tobacco hornworm Manduca sexta and found that both the rate of cell division and the duration of growth of the wing imaginal disks depend on the size of the body in which they develop. Moreover, we found that both of these processes are controlled by the level and duration of secretion of the steroid hormone ecdysone. Thus, proportional growth is under hormonal control and indirectly regulated by the central nervous system.  相似文献   

During animal development, epithelial cell fates are specified according to spatial position by extracellular signaling pathways. Among these, the transforming growth factor beta/bone morphogenetic protein (TGF-beta/BMP) pathways are evolutionarily conserved and play crucial roles in the development and homeostasis of a wide range of multicellular tissues. Here we show that in the developing Drosophila wing imaginal epithelium, cell clones deprived of the BMP-like ligand Decapentaplegic (DPP) do not die as previously thought but rather extrude from the cell layer as viable cysts exhibiting marked abnormalities in cell shape and cytoskeletal organization. We propose that in addition to assigning cell fates, a crucial developmental function of DPP/BMP signaling is the position-specific control of epithelial architecture.  相似文献   

Temperatures above those normally present in larval sites of certain mosquitoes (for example, Aedes stimulans) cause larvae of potential males to be feminized in all degrees. Certain combinations of temperatures will affect these larvae so that an abnormal pair of genital appendages consistently appears in addition to the usual pair. These appendages appear to be masculine and are presumed to come from imaginal discs that are latent in present-day Diptera.  相似文献   

Xotch, the Xenopus homolog of Drosophila notch   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
During the development of a vertebrate embryo, cell fate is determined by inductive signals passing between neighboring tissues. Such determinative interactions have been difficult to characterize fully without knowledge of the molecular mechanisms involved. Mutations of Drosophila and the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans have been isolated that define a family of related gene products involved in similar types of cellular inductions. One of these genes, the Notch gene from Drosophila, is involved with cell fate choices in the neurogenic region of the blastoderm, in the developing nervous system, and in the eye-antennal imaginal disc. Complementary DNA clones were isolated from Xenopus embryos with Notch DNA in order to investigate whether cell-cell interactions in vertebrate embryos also depend on Notch-like molecules. This approach identified a Xenopus molecule, Xotch, which is remarkably similar to Drosophila Notch in both structure and developmental expression.  相似文献   

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