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 Lumbricid earthworms have often been shown to increase the growth of plants. The earthworms and plants were generally grown together in the same soil, although sometimes earthworms were reluctant to enter the soil. It was not possible to isolate the mechanism for the increased growth, as no method was available to extract the earthworms with no damage to the soil before the plants were grown. A method is described which enabled Aporrectodea caliginosa, but not A. trapezoides, to enter all cores, and which extracted A. caliginosa from the cores probably with minimum damage to the soil. Received: 20 October 1998  相似文献   

Seedbanks of five weed species were monitored in response to tillage and crop rotations in a semi-arid location in northern Jordan. Tillage practices of mouldboard- or chisel-plowing and cropping patterns of barley (Hordeum vulgare) planting or fallow were evaluated on permanently established subplots. Soil samples were collected from the upper 10 cm for three consecutive years, immediately after performing tillage and prior to planting. Soil seedbanks of the five dominant weed species (Anthemis palestina, Diplotaxis erucoides, Hordeum marinum, Rhagadiolus stellatus, and Trigonella caelesyriaca) were estimated by recovering viable seeds through greenhouse and laboratory procedures. At initiation, more viable seeds were present in soil subjected to mouldboard plowing than chisels plowing. In the following two sampling seasons, significant rotation by tillage interaction affected the seedbank of each species. Generally, mouldboard plowing increased weed seedbanks when combined with frequent fallowing. Conversely, chisel plowing combined with barley cropping generally reduced weed seedbank sizes. Results emphasized the importance of managing weeds during fallow to avoid the build up of H. marinum, a serious grass weed in semi-arid environments.  相似文献   

Soil and crop management practices may alter the quantity, quality, and placement of plant residues that influence soil C and N fractions. We examined the effects of two tillage practices [conventional till (CT) and no-till (NT)] and five crop rotations [continuous spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) (CW), spring wheat–fallow (W–F), spring wheat–lentil (Lens culinaris Medic.) (W–L), spring wheat–spring wheat–fallow (W–W–F), and spring wheat–pea (Pisum sativum L.)–fallow (W–P–F)] on transient land previously under 10 years of Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) planting on the amount of plant biomass (stems + leaves) returned to the soil from 1998 to 2003 and soil C and N fractions within the surface 20 cm in March 2004. A continued CRP planting was also included as another treatment for comparing soil C and N fractions. The C and N fractions included soil organic C (SOC), soil total N (STN), microbial biomass C and N (MBC and MBN), potential C and N mineralization (PCM and PNM), and NH4-N and NO3-N contents. A field experiment was conducted in a mixture of Scobey clay loam (fine-loamy, mixed, Aridic Argiborolls) and Kevin clay loam (fine, montmorillonitic, Aridic Argiborolls) in Havre, MT, USA. Plant biomass yield varied by crop rotation and year and mean annualized biomass was 45–50% higher in CW and W–F than in W–L. The SOC and PCM were not influenced by treatments. The MBC at 0–5 cm was 26% higher in W–W–F than in W–F. The STN and NO3-N at 5–20 cm and PNM at 0–5 cm were 17–1206% higher in CT with W–L than in other treatments. Similarly, MBN at 0–5 cm was higher in CT with W–L than in other treatments, except in CT with W–F and W–P–F. Reduction in the length of fallow period increased MBC and MBN but the presence of legumes, such as lentil and pea, in the crop rotation increased soil N fractions. Six years of tillage and crop rotation had minor influence on soil C and N storage between croplands and CRP planting but large differences in active soil C and N fractions.  相似文献   

 Processes that govern the soil nitrogen (N) supply in irrigated lowland rice systems are poorly understood. The objectives of this paper were to investigate the effects of crop rotation and management on soil N dynamics, microbial biomass C (CBIO) and microbial biomass N (NBIO) in relation to rice N uptake and yield. A maize-rice (M-R) rotation was compared with a rice-rice (R-R) double-cropping system over a 2-year period with four cropping seasons. In the M-R system, maize (Zea mays L.) was grown in aerated soil during the dry season (DS) followed by rice (Oryza sativa L.) grown in flooded soil during the wet season (WS). In the R-R system, rice was grown in flooded soil in both the DS and WS. Three fertilizer N rates (0, 50 or 100 kg urea-N ha–1 in WS) were assigned to subplots within the cropping system main plots. Early versus late crop residue incorporation following DS maize or rice were established as additional treatments in sub-subplots in the second year. In the R-R system, the time of residue incorporation had a large effect on NO3 -N accumulation during the fallow period and also on extractable NH4 +-N, rice N uptake and yield in the subsequent cropping period. In contrast, time of residue incorporation had little influence on extractable N in both the fallow and rice-cropping periods of the M-R system, and no detectable effects on rice N uptake or yield. In both cropping systems, CBIO and NBIO were not sensitive to residue incorporation despite differences of 2- to 3-fold increase in the amount of incorporated residue C and N, and were relatively insensitive to N fertilizer application. Extractable organic N was consistently greater after mid-tillering in M-R compared to the R-R system across N rate and residue incorporation treatments, and much of this organic N was α-amino N. We conclude that N mineralization-immobilization dynamics in lowland rice systems are sensitive to soil aeration as influenced by residue management in the fallow period and crop rotation, and that these factors have agronomically significant effects on rice N uptake and yield. Microbial biomass measurements, however, were a poor indicator of these dynamics. Received: 31 October 1997  相似文献   

Conventional tillage creates soil physical conditions that may restrict earthworm movement and accelerate crop residue decomposition, thus reducing the food supply for earthworms. These negative impacts may be alleviated by retaining crop residues in agroecosystems. The objective of this study was to determine the effects of various tillage and crop residue management practices on earthworm populations in the field and earthworm growth under controlled conditions. Population assessments were conducted at two long-term (15+ years) experimental sites in Québec, Canada with three tillage systems: moldboard plow/disk harrow (CT), chisel plow or disk harrow (RT) and no tillage (NT), as well as two levels of crop residue inputs (high and low). Earthworm growth was assessed in intact soil cores from both sites. In the field, earthworm populations and biomass were greater with long-term NT than CT and RT practices, but not affected by crop residue management. Laboratory growth rates of Aporrectodea turgida (Eisen) in intact soil cores were affected by tillage and residue inputs, and were positively correlated with the soil organic C pool, suggesting that tillage and residue management practices that increase the soil organic C pool provide more organic substrates for earthworm growth. The highest earthworm growth rates were in soils from RT plots with high residue input, which differed from the response of earthworm populations to tillage and residue management treatments in the field. Our results suggest that tillage-induced disturbance probably has a greater impact than food availability on earthworm populations in cool, humid agroecosystems.  相似文献   

Microbial-induced soil aggregate stability under different crop rotations   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
 Changes in the quantity and quality of soil organic carbon, and their effect on soil aggregate stability as a result of growing different crops in rotation with wheat, were investigated on a red earth (Oxic Paleustalf) in Wagga Wagga, New South Wales, Australia. After two cycles of the 1 : 1 rotation, while the total organic carbon in the 0–5 cm soil depth was similar (15.1 g/kg), significant differences in water stable aggregation were observed in the order: wheat/lupin=wheat/barley >wheat/canola>wheat/field pea. Using a selective extraction technique, significant differences in the quality (composition) of the soil organic carbon were detected in the soils from the different rotations. Soil from the lupin rotation had the highest salt- and acid-extractable carbon whereas that from the barley rotation had the highest level of hot-water-extractable carbon and microbial biomass carbon. Rather than total carbon or other extractable fractions, the observed differences in aggregate stability were only significantly (P<0.05) related to microbial biomass carbon, which made up only 1.3–1.7% of the total carbon pool. Multiple linear regression analysis indicated that with the exception of salt-extractable carbon, inclusion of any other of the less labile fractions failed to improve the correlation relationship. The labile nature of the microbial biomass carbon therefore accounted for the transient existence of the differences in aggregate stability under different rotation crops. The latter was found to be transient and disappeared at the end of the subsequent wheat crop. Received: 5 November 1998  相似文献   

Short-term effects of tillage systems on active soil microbial biomass   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
 Conservation tillage, and especially no-tillage, induce changes in the distribution of organic pools in the soil profile. In long-term field experiments, marked stratification of the total soil microbial biomass and its activity have been observed as consequence of the application of no-tillage to previously tilled soils. Our objective was to study the evolution of the total and active soil microbial biomass and mineralized C in vitro during the first crop after the introduction of no-tillage to an agricultural soil. The experiment was performed on a Typic Hapludoll from the Argentinean Pampa. Remaining plant residues, total and active microbial biomass and mineralized C were determined at 0–5 cm and 5–15 cm depths, at three sampling times: wheat tilling, silking and maturity. The introduction of no-tillage produced an accumulation of plant residues in the soil surface layer (0–5 cm), showing stratification with depth at all sampling dates. Active microbial biomass and C mineralization were higher under no-tillage than under conventional tillage in the top 5 cm of the profile. The total soil microbial biomass did not differ between treatments. The active soil biomass was highly and positive correlated with plant residues (r 2=0.617;P<0.01) and with mineralized C (r 2=0.732;P<0.01). Consequently, the active microbial biomass and mineralized C reflected immediately the changes in residue management, whereas the total microbial biomass seemed not to be an early indicator of the introduction of a new form of soil management in our experiment. Received: 23 February 1999  相似文献   

 Earthworms may alter the physical, chemical, and biological properties of a forest soil ecosystem. Any physical manipulation of the soil ecosystem may, in turn, affect the activities and ecology of earthworms. The effects of removing organic matter (logs and forest litter) and severely compacting the soil on native earthworm species were measured in a central USA hardwood region (oak-hickory) forest in the Missouri Ozarks (USA). Soils in this region are characterized by a cherty residuum that is primarily of the Clarksville series (Loamy-skeletal, mixed, mesic Typic Paledults). Earthworms were collected from 0–15 cm depth each spring and fall for 2 years by handsorting, and densities were determined on a per meter square basis. Two native earthworm species, Diplocardia ornata and Diplocardia smithii, were dominant on this site. Organic matter removal decreased the average individual biomass of both species. However, both species responded differently to soil compaction. Soil compaction affected D. ornata adversely and D. smithii favorably. This suggested that the degree of soil compaction was not as restrictive with respect to D. smithii (2 mm diameter) as to D. ornata (5 mm diameter). Moreover, the apparently improved soil environmental conditions resulting from the remaining organic matter in compacted soil enhanced the population and growth of D. smithii. Sampling position on the landscape affected D. ornata but not D. smithii. Soil microbial biomass C and soil microbial biomass N were decreased under soil compaction when the organic matter was removed. Other factors influencing the ecology and activity of these two species will require further study. Received: 6 January 1999  相似文献   

 A greenhouse experiment was conducted to compare effects of different C and N sources applied to a flooded soil on soil microbial biomass (SMB) C and N, extractable soil organic N (NORG), and NH4 +-N in relation to plant N accumulation of rice (Oryza sativa L.). In addition to a control without inputs (CON), four treatments were imposed receiving: prilled urea (PU), rice straw (RS), RS and PU (RS+PU), or Sesbania rostrata as green manure (SES). Treatments were arranged according to a completely randomized design with four replicates and further consisted of pots with and without transplanted rice. While plant effects on the SMB were relatively small, the application of organic N sources resulted in a rapid increase in SMB until 10 days after transplanting (DAT) followed by a gradual decline until 73 DAT. Plant N accumulation data in these treatments clearly indicated that the SMB underwent a transition from a sink to a source of plant-available soil N during the period of crop growth. Seasonal variation of the SMB was small in treatments without amendment of organic material (CON, PU) presumably due to a lack of available C as energy source. Extractable NORG was significantly affected by soil planting status and organic N source amendment, but represented only a small N pool with little temporal variation despite an assumed rapid turnover. Among the three treatments receiving the same amount of N from different sources, the recovery efficiency of applied N was 58% for PU and 28% for both RS+PU and SES treatments at 73 DAT. The N uptake of rice, however, was not driven by N availability alone, as most evident in the RS+PU treatment. We assume that root physiological functions were impeded after application of organic N sources. Received: 1 June 1999  相似文献   

It is well known that no-tillage (NT) practices can promote greater stocks of soil organic matter (SOM) in the soil surface layer compared to conventional tillage (CT) by enhancing the physical protection of aggregate-associated C in temperate soils. However, this link between tillage, aggregation and SOM is less well established for tropical soils, such as Oxisols. The objective of this study was to investigate the underlying mechanisms of SOM stabilization in Oxisols as affected by different crop rotations and tillage regimes at two sites in southern Brazil. Soils were sampled from two agricultural experiment sites (Passo Fundo and Londrina) in southern Brazil, with treatments comparing different crop rotations under NT and CT management, and a reference soil under native vegetation (NV). Free light fraction (LF) and intra-aggregate particulate organic matter (iPOM) were isolated from slaking-resistant aggregates. Of the total C associated with aggregates, 79–90% was found in the mineral fraction, but there were no differences between NT and CT. In contrast, tillage drastically decreased LF-C concentrations in the 0–5 cm depth layer at both sites. In the same depth layer of NT systems at Londrina, the concentrations of iPOM-C were greater when a legume cover crop was included in the rotation. At Londrina, the order of total iPOM-C levels was generally NV > NT > CT in the 0–5 cm depth interval, but the difference between NT and CT was much less than in Passo Fundo. At Passo Fundo, the greatest concentrations and differences in concentrations across tillage treatments were found in the fine (53–250 μm) iPOM fractions occluded within microaggregates. In conclusion, even though no aggregate hierarchy exists in these Oxisols, our results corroborate the concept of a stabilization of POM-C within microaggregates in no-tillage systems, especially when green manures are included in the rotation.  相似文献   

 Effects of increased soil temperature on soil microbial biomass and dehydrogenase activity were examined on organic (O) horizon material in a low-elevation spruce-fir ecosystem. Soil temperature was maintained at 5  °C above ambient during the growing season in the experimental plots, and soil temperature, moisture, microbial biomass, and dehydrogenase activity were measured during the experiment. An incubation study was also conducted under three temperature regimes, 5, 15, and 25  °C, and under four moisture regimes of 20, 120, 220, and 320% to further evaluate these environmental factors on dehydrogenase activity and microbial biomass. Soil moisture content and microbial biomass controls were significantly lower (30% and 2 μg g–1 soil, respectively) in the heated plots during the treatment period, suggesting that moisture content was important in controlling microbial biomass. In the incubation study, temperature appeared more important than moisture in controlling microbial biomass and dehydrogenase activity. Increasing temperature between 5  °C and 25  °C resulted in significant decreases in microbial biomass and dehydrogenase activity. Received: 7 August 1998  相似文献   

 We studied the relationship between urease activity (UA) and soil organic matter (SOM), microbial biomass N (Nbiom) content, and urea-N fertilizer assimilation by maize in a Dark Red Latosol (Typic Haplustox) cultivated for 9 years under no-tillage (NT), tillage with a disc plough (DP), and tillage with a moldboard plough (MP). Two soil depths were sampled (0–7.5 cm and 7.5–15 cm) at 4 different times during the crop cycle. Urea was applied at four different rates, ranging from 0 to 240 kg N ha–1. The levels of fertilizer N did not affect the UA, SOM content, and Nbiom content. No significant difference between the treatments (NT, DP, and MP) was observed for SOM during the experiment, probably because the major part of the SOM was in recalcitrant pools, since the area was previously cultivated (conventional tillage) for 20 years. The Nbiom content explained 97% and 69% of the variation in UA in the upper and deeper soil layer, respectively. UA and biomass N were significantly higher in the NT system compared to the DP and MP systems. The highest maize productivity and urea-N recovery was also observed for the NT system. We observed that the increase in urea-N losses under NT, possibly as a consequence of a higher UA, was compensated for by the increase in N immobilized in the biomass. Received: 2 July 1999  相似文献   

 Efficient N-fertiliser management during the corn (Zea mays L.) phase in corn-forage rotation requires information on temporal dynamics of N release from forage biomass. The influence of forage phase, in corn-forage rotation, and no- versus conventional-till on (1) in situ temporal dynamics of soil nitrate-N (NO3-N) during corn phase and (2) corn grain yield was investigated in this study. The data used were collected from a crop rotation (corn-forage) experiment, with superimposed tillage treatments, established on a silt loam soil in 1988 and continued until 1994. The cropping treatments were continuous conventionally cultivated (CT) corn, rotations involving corn and forages (alfalfa, Medicago sativa L.; and bromegrass, Bromus inermis L.) and continuous minimally tilled corn with under-seeded red clover (Trifolium pratense L.). The forages were grown for 6 years and corn was re-introduced in these plots under no- and conventional-till systems. Soil NO3-N in the top 30 cm depth, determined six times during the corn phase, was significantly influenced by previous forage species and tillage system. Regression analysis indicated soil NO3-N under continuous CT corn did not show significant temporal changes. In the rotations, soil NO3-N after tillage or herbicide treatment, i.e. in no-till, increased with time until 45 days after tillage (DAT), reached a plateau between 45 and 65 DAT, and then decreased with time. During the plateau, soil NO3-N in rotation plots ranged from 17 to 33 mg kg–1 compared to 15.7 mg kg–1 in the continuous CT corn. Tillage increased soil NO3-N concentration in alfalfa plots whereas an opposite trend existed in the bromegrass plots. Soil NO3-N in the rotation plots increased at rates ranging from 0.71 to 1.63 mg kg–1 day–1. The interaction involving forage species and the temporal dynamics of soil NO3-N accounted for 68–77% of variability in corn grain yield. Received: 14 July 1998  相似文献   

Increased use of conservation tillage is being considered as a way to sequester atmospheric C in the soil. However, little information exists on the effect of rotation and its interaction with tillage on soil organic carbon (SOC). A research trial with combinations of rotations and tillage treatments was sampled 20 years after its establishment to assess the effects on SOC sequestration in a typic Hapludalf in southern Ontario, Canada. The cropping treatments included continuous corn (zea mays L.), six rotations comprised of 2 years of corn following 2 years of another crop or crop sequence, and continuous alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.). Each rotation was split into either fall moldboard plow (MP) or fall chisel plow (CP) treatments. Continuous alfalfa was plowed and replanted every 4 years. Soil samples were taken incrementally to a depth of 40 cm and SOC and bulk density determined. The average SOC concentration (0–40 cm) was greatest in continuous alfalfa (18.0 g C kg−1). The treatments of soybean (Glycine max L.Merr.)+winterwheat (Triticum aestivum L.) or barley+barley (Trifolium pratense L.) (interseeded with red clover) followed by 2 years of corn had higher SOC concentrations (17.2–17.3 g C kg−1) than continuous corn and the treatments of 2 years of corn following 2 years of alfalfa or soybean (16.4–16.5 g C kg−1). The rotation of 2 years of barley followed by 2 years of corn had the lowest SOC concentrations (15.2 g C kg−1). On an equivalent mass basis, the rotations of soybean+winterwheat or barley+barley (underseeded with red clover) followed by 2 years of corn, had 2–9 Mg ha−1 more C than the other corn-based rotations. Including red clover in the winter wheat seemed to accelerate the rate of C mineralization compared to winter wheat without red clover; whereas interseeding red clover with barley increased SOC contents compared to excluding red clover in the barley rotation. More SOC was found in the top 10 cm and less in the 10–20 cm depth of the CP than in the MP soils. However, the CP did not increase the SOC content (0–20 cm) above that of MP indicating that this form of reduced tillage did not increase C sequestration in any of the rotations on this soil.  相似文献   

不同保护性耕作措施对麦-豆轮作土壤有机碳库的影响   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:13  
通过设置在甘肃省定西市李家堡镇的不同保护性耕作试验,对春小麦、豌豆两种轮作次序下的土壤总有机碳、活性有机碳、微生物量碳含量进行了测定,并计算了各处理土壤碳库管理指数.结果表明:经过5年的轮作后,与传统耕作相比,两种轮作次序下免耕秸秆覆盖和传统耕作结合秸秆还田处理均能不同程度地提高土壤总有机碳、活性有机碳、微生物量碳含量及土壤碳库管理指数,而免耕不覆盖处理除在0~5 cm提高了土壤有机碳库管理指数外,其他各层次均降低了土壤有机碳库管理指数,说明仅依靠免耕而不结合秸秆覆盖或还田对于土壤有机碳库的管理来讲是不可持续的.  相似文献   

 Soil P availability and efficiency of applied P may be improved through an understanding of soil P dynamics in relation to management practices in a cropping system. Our objectives in this study were to evaluate changes in plant-available (Olsen) P and in different inorganic P (Pi) and organic P (P0) fractions in soil as related to repeated additions of manure and fertilizer P under a soybean-wheat rotation. A field experiment on a Typic Haplustert was conducted from 1992 to 1995 wherein the annual treatments included four rates of fertilizer P (0, 11, 22 and 44 kg ha–1 applied to both soybean and wheat) in the absence and presence of 16 t ha–1 of manure (applied to soybean only). With regular application of fertilizer P to each crop the level of Olsen P increased significantly and linearly through the years in both manured and unmanured plots. The mean P balance required to raise Olsen P by 1 mg kg–1 was 17.9 kg ha–1 of fertilizer P in unmanured plots and 5.6 kg ha–1 of manure plus fertilizer P in manured plots. The relative sizes of labile [NaHCO3-extractable Pi (NaHCO3-Pi) and NaHCO3-extractable P0 (NaHCO3-P0)], moderately labile [NaOH-extractable Pi (NaOH-Pi) and NaOH-extractable P0 (NaOH-P0)] and stable [HCl-extractable P (HCl-P) and H2SO4/H2O2-extractable P (resisual-P)] P pools were in a 1 : 2.9 : 7.6 ratio. Application of fertilizer P and manure significantly increased NaHCO3-Pi and -P0 and NaOH-Pi, and -P0 fractions and also total P. However, HCl-P and residual-P were not affected. The changes in NaHCO3-Pi, NaOH-Pi and NaOH-P0 fractions were significantly correlated with the apparent P balance and were thought to represent biologically dynamic soil P and act as major sources and sinks of plant-available P. Received: 23 October 1997  相似文献   

 The effect of organic enrichment on earthworm activity and soil structure was studied in two French vineyards, by comparing control and test plots. In each vineyard the organic matter quantitatively increased the abundance and biomass of the earthworm community. These increases were associated with a higher level of species diversity and a higher evenness corresponding to the development of endogeic community. These earthworm community changes were associated with an increase in granular bioturbated areas and in macroporosity in the top soil layer. The micromorphological approach incorporated an original process of image analysis which appeared to be an appropriate method for characterizing pore morphology in this study. The pores when characterized by their size and shape could be related to ecological groups and growth stages of earthworms. Received: 4 August 1997  相似文献   

以黄土高原南部半湿润易旱区已进行17年的田间定位试验为研究对象,研究了不同培肥措施(不施肥、施用氮磷钾及氮磷钾与有机肥配合施用)下两种种植制度(一年1熟及一年两熟)和撂荒对土壤微生物量碳、氮(SMBC、SMBN)及可溶性有机碳、氮(SOC、SON)等含量的影响.结果表明,与一年1熟的小麦一休闲种植制度相比,一年两熟小麦一玉米轮作提高了0~10 cm土层SMBC、SMBN、有机碳(TOC)、全氮(TN)和土壤SOC、SON的含量,而对10~20 cm土层上述测定指标影响不大.与不施肥(CK)或单施化肥处理(NPK)下小麦-休闲和小麦-玉米轮作方式相比,撂荒处理显著提高了0~10 cm土层各测定指标的含量.不同培肥措施相比,氮磷钾配施有机肥显著提高了0~10 cm、10~20 cm土层SMBC、SMBN含量;NPK处理0~10 cm土层SMBN含量显著增加,10~20 cm土层SMBN和0~10 cm、10~20 cm土层SMBC含量增加但未达显著水平.不同培肥措施和种植制度对SMBC/TOC和SMBN/TN的比例无明显影响.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to study the early influence of conventional tillage (CT) and no-tillage (NT) on arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal (AMF) propagules. A short 2-year-course crop rotation, i.e. trial consisting of a succession of wheat and oat, was studied in a typic Chilean Ultisol from the second to fourth year after the beginning of the experiment. Measurements included mycorrhizal characteristics and some soil properties in order to explain their influence on AMF propagules. Soil samples were taken yearly in autumn (fallow period) and in early spring (flowering). Significant differences in AMF hyphal length were observed between NT and CT in the first year, but such differences disappeared thereafter. No differences in metabolically active hyphae were obtained with wheat or oat under the two tillage systems. Mycorrhizal root colonization was always higher under NT than under CT. The number of AMF spores was also higher under NT than under CT, ranging from 158 to 641 spores per 100 cm3. Twenty-two AMF species including eight Glomus spp., six Acaulospora spp., four Scutellospora spp., one Archaeospora sp., one Diversispora sp., one Entrophospora sp. and one Pacispora sp. were observed in both agro-ecosystems. Higher spore number of Acaulospora spp. was found under wheat than under oat and under CT than under NT, whilst more spores of Scutellospora spp. were observed under NT than under CT. From all mycorrhizal characteristics, spore number could be visualized as an early and useful indicator of the effect of tillage systems on mycorrhizal propagules in short-term experiments.  相似文献   

为研究不同轮作模式对渭北旱作冬小麦?春玉米一年1熟轮作田土壤物理性状和产量的影响,于2007—2014年在陕西省合阳县冬小麦?春玉米轮作田连续7年实施了保护性耕作定位试验,测定和分析了免耕/深松、深松/翻耕、翻耕/免耕、连续免耕、连续深松和连续翻耕6种轮耕模式下麦田0~60 cm土层物理性状、0~200 cm土层土壤湿度和小麦产量的变化。结果表明:1)不同轮耕模式0~40 cm土层土壤容重、孔隙度和田间持水量差异显著,其中以免耕/深松效果最显著;0~60 cm土层免耕/深松轮耕处理平均田间持水量较连续翻耕处理提高12.9%;2)轮耕对土壤团聚体特性影响明显,免耕/深松0.25 mm水稳性团聚体含量(R0.25)最高,结构体破碎率和不稳定团粒指数(ELT)最低,水稳性均重直径(WMWD)最高,水稳性和力稳性团聚体分形维数(D)均最低;3)小麦生育期间免耕/深松处理0~200 cm土层土壤蓄水量和小麦产量较连续翻耕分别增加17.7 mm和9.5%。综合可知,轮耕有利于耕层土壤物理结构改善,免耕/深松更有利于耕层土壤大团聚体形成和土壤结构稳定,利于土壤蓄水保墒和作物增产,为渭北旱塬区麦玉轮作田较适宜的轮耕模式。  相似文献   

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