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Breeding of the Cape cormorant on the South West African platforms and of the jackass penguin on islands off South Africa is coincidental with the seasonal availability of pelagic fish shoals. The largest numbers of Cape gannets and Cape cormorants occur off South West Africa where the biomass of fish is highest, though dominated by one species, the pilchard. By contrast, jackass penguins, limited in their range through flightlessness, are concentrated at the centre of the smaller but more stable South African multispecies fishery. In both South West and South Africa, densities of Cape cormorants are heaviest near the recruitment grounds for juvenile pilchard and anchovy. Island yields of guano are shown to provide reliable estimates of bird population sizes and fluctuations in these are closely related to temporal changes in fish abundance. They consequently have value in providing an understanding of fish stocks prior to exploitation and as indicators of the current state of the resources. Since the turn of the century large oscillations in the South West and South African pilchard populations were apparent but overfishing in the 1960s depressed both below their normal levels and reduced the numbers of birds.  相似文献   

From 1989 to 2004, the breeding success of African penguins Spheniscus demersus at Robben Island, South Africa was significantly related to estimates of the abundance of both their main prey species, anchovy Engraulis encrasicolus and sardine Sardinops sagax, and to the combined biomass of these species. When the combined spawner biomass of fish prey was less than 2 million ton, pairs fledged an average of 0.46 chicks annually. When it was above 2 million ton, annual breeding success had a mean value of 0.73 chicks per pair. Given previously estimated values of survival and age at first breeding, these levels of breeding success are inadequate to sustain the African penguin population. With the higher level of breeding success, an equilibrium situation might be attained if adult survival could be increased by 6-7% per annum. Attempts to reduce mortality of penguins have included the collection, cleaning and return to the wild of oiled birds, culling of Cape fur seals Arctocephalus pusillus pusillus seen preying on penguins around breeding localities and control of the spread of disease. Management of the purse-seine fishery should ensure adequate escapement of fish to maintain the combined biomass of anchovy and sardine above 2 million ton. The maintenance of suitable breeding habitat and removal of feral predators from breeding localities will also be important in improving breeding success.  相似文献   

This study presented evidence that creates a quandary for conservation management: predation by one threatened species, New Zealand sea lion (Phocarctos hookeri), threatens the viability of another threatened species, yellow-eyed penguin (Megadyptes antipodes), at Otago Peninsula, South Island, New Zealand. Otago Peninsula holds the largest population of yellow-eyed penguins on South Island and the only breeding population of New Zealand sea lions on the New Zealand mainland. New Zealand sea lions here represent the vanguard of re-colonisation within their prehistoric range, with nine females and 50-70 males resident in 2005. The initial indication of a potential problem was an attack on a yellow-eyed penguin by a New Zealand sea lion witnessed in 1996. The majority of 20 records for attacks were at two neighbouring sites, where they coincided with decreases in penguin nest numbers and adult annual survival. In contrast, penguin nest numbers increased at a third site, the main base for male sea lions at Otago Peninsula. Evidence from prey remains indicated that male sea lions did not eat yellow-eyed penguins but that females ate 20-30 annually, with one individual possibly responsible for most kills. Modelling indicated that the penguin population at any one site could not remain viable if it was the sole source of penguins killed. The dilemma is either to do nothing, and risk collapse of the Otago Peninsula population of yellow-eyed penguins, or to take action against known culprits, and risk failure in re-colonisation of the New Zealand mainland by New Zealand sea lions.  相似文献   

This is the first report of a Plasmodium blood parasite found in the Galapagos Archipelago. Phylogenetic analyses place this parasite, recovered from endangered Galapagos penguins (Spheniscus mendiculus), within the genus Plasmodium, and suggest a close relationship to some of the most dangerous lineages of Plasmodium that have been known to cause severe mortality and morbidity in captive penguin populations. Infectious disease is an increasingly important cause of global species extinctions, and extinctions due to avian pox and avian malaria (Plasmodium relictum) have been well documented in Hawaiian avifauna. Plasmodium blood parasites had not been detected in Galapagos birds until now, despite previous microscopic and molecular screening of many of the species, including the Galapagos penguin. While penguin populations now appear healthy, it is unclear whether this parasite will have an obvious impact on their survival and reproduction, particularly during El Niño events, which cause stress due to reduced food availability. It is possible that this parasite arrived with or shortly after the recent arrival of an introduced mosquito, Culex quinquefasciatus, known elsewhere as a competent vector of Plasmodium blood parasites.  相似文献   

In isolated areas without direct human impact where several species of seabirds nest, transformations affecting the soil come mainly from natural processes, such as chemical enrichment caused by seabirds. Penguins constitute an important bird biomass in the Southern Hemisphere, where they breed in colonies on different sites from 100 to thousands of individuals. The accumulation of trace elements and nutrients in soils within two perennial colonies of Humboldt penguins (Spheniscus humboldti) located in north western Chile and three colonies of Adélie penguins (Pygoscelis adeliae) in the Antarctic Peninsula area were investigated here. Surface soil samples were collected directly from nesting sites. Control samples were taken outside the colonies within sites adjacent to the nesting areas, but not affected by bird excrement. The contents of Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Mo, Ni, Sr, V and Zn were determined by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry. Ammonium (NH4) and nitrate (NO3) ions were determined colorimetrically. Extractable potassium (K) was determined by flame emission spectrometry, and available phosphorus (Olsen-P) was determined by spectrophotometry. The highest concentrations of trace metals (Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Mo, V and Zn) and macronutrients (available N, K and P), along with an increase in salinity and acidity levels, were found directly below the seabird colony, a situation occurring in northern Chile as well as in the Antarctic Peninsula area, highlighting the role that penguins have as bio-vectors on generating geochemical changes in different ecosystems. Some terrestrial plants and animals that live near those penguin colonies might be affected at a greater level than the organisms that live in sites similar but distant from colonies of birds. New data about the role of these species of seabirds as bio-vectors of chemical contaminants are added.  相似文献   

Over the last decade the Humboldt penguin, Spheniscus humboldti, has become a focus for ecotourism. Current management applies visitor guidelines similar to those developed for Magellanic penguins, Spheniscus magellanicus. However, unlike these, Humboldt penguins are extremely sensitive to human presence. Breeding success was significantly reduced at frequently visited sites. Heart rate telemetry during disturbance experiments revealed that Humboldt penguins respond more strongly to human presence than do any other penguin species thus far studied. A person passing an incubating penguin at 150 m distance already provoked a significant heart rate response. Recovery times were up to half an hour after direct human approach, causing increased energy expenditure without any overt behavioural reaction. Being extraordinary sensitive to human activity with little habituation potential the Humboldt penguin proves to be a difficult focal species for ecotourism. For sustainable ecotourism visitors are required to stay out of sight of Humboldt penguin breeding and moulting areas. Management guidelines need to acknowledge that even closely related species may react very differently towards human presence.  相似文献   

The African black oystercatcher Haematopus moquini is endemic to southern Africa and occurs as a breeding species between Seal Island, South West Africa/Namibia and Mazeppa Bay, Transkei. Vagrants outside this area are rare further north than the Hoanib Estuary, South West Africa/Namibia and further east than Transkei. The present adult population is estimated to be 4781 birds of which 53% are found in the southwestern Cape Province, South Africa. Offshore islands support 29% of the world population and are identified as important localities for African black oystercatchers with a high breeding production. These birds face threats from human disturbance, expecially from off-road vehicles on the mainland, from introduced mammalian predators at islands and from competition with man for food and bait organisms. Ten islands and seven mainland sites are isolated as supporting more than 1% of the world population, and, together with their intertidal zones, are recommended for Nature Reserve status.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the breeding distribution and numerical status of selected species of seabirds at 23 oceanic island groups in the Southern Ocean (between latitudes 35 and 70°S), based on census data and population estimates which have become available through increased scientific endeavour in the region during the last 15 years or so. The paper focuses on the avifauna of the Prince Edward islands, in the southern Indian Ocean, and points to the importance of these islands as a breeding station and sanctuary for seabirds. Only one oceanic island group, the Crozets, contains more species of breeding seabirds than the Prince Edward islands. Substantial segements (about 10% and greater) of the world breeding populations of the king and macaroni penguins, and the wandering, grey-headed, yellow-nosed and sooty albatrosses are based at the Prince Edward group. We recommend that Prince Edward Island (sensu stricto) should be a wilderness area, and that development at Marion Island should be kept to an absolute minimum.  相似文献   

Penguins can bioaccumulate metals, a portion of which can be deposited in the environment through organic remains such as excrement, carcasses, and eggshells. In order to determine Cu and Pb concentrations and their relationship to soil, organic matter and grain size were determined in 27 samples collected in zones without penguins, penguin transit zones, and Adelie (Pygoscelis adeliae), Chinstrap (P. antarctica), and Gentoo penguin (P. papua) colonies on the Ardley Peninsula, Maritime Antarctica. An atomic absorption spectrophotometry analysis was carried out, organic matter was determined by loss on ignition, and grain size was measured with a laser diffraction particle size analyzer. The principal component analysis shows a relationship between the variables Cu, Pb, and grain size and areas with penguin presence. Cu concentrations in soils varied among areas (χ2, 15.707; p =?0.0004), with higher concentrations in transit zones and penguin colonies (142.63 and 140.79 mg/kg, respectively) than in zones without penguins (83.33 mg/kg). Pb concentrations in soils also varied among areas (χ2, 6.5029; p =?0.0387), and were higher in transit zones (5.92 mg/kg) than in the penguin colonies (4.45 mg/kg). Grain size differed significantly among areas (χ2, 13.506; p =?0.0012), with higher values in transit zones (avg. 37.38 μm) than in penguin colonies (avg. 26.93 μm) and zones without penguins (avg. 20.72 μm). Organic matter did not differ significantly among the studied zones (χ2, 2.0882; p =?0.3520). There is a positive correlation between Cu-Pb (Rho, 0.5532; p =?0.0028), Cu-grain size (Rho, 0.4756; p =?0.0130) and Pb-grain size (Rho, 0.4879; p =?0.0098). The presence of penguins increases Cu concentrations in Antarctic soils due to its bioaccumulation and elimination through excrement; however, the presence of penguins has a minor influence on Pb concentration in soil, probably because this metal is stored efficiently in bones, feathers, and eggshells.  相似文献   

The red-footed booby, Sula sula, has been hunted in the Cocos (Keeling) Islands, eastern Indian Ocean, since first settlement in 1827. Formerly present throughout the islands, an estimated 30,000 pairs now breed only on isolated and uninhabited North Keeling Island. Despite legislative protection, illegal hunting for food remains a major conservation threat. Informants estimated that 2000-3000 birds are killed in most years and possibly as many as 10,000 in some years. Analysis of nest count data collected between 1985 and 2002 to assess long-term population trends showed no evidence of decline in nesting density. There was large inter-annual variation with substantial fluctuations which tended to be greater following significant cyclonic events. These results indicate that the level of illegal harvest during the study period has not negatively impacted the booby nesting population. Future management of seabird harvesting requires improved knowledge on the population's capacity to sustain harvesting, together with increased enforcement activity to control illegal harvest, and enhanced education programs to encourage change in community attitudes.  相似文献   

Five species of marine turtle occur in the Egyptian Red Sea and three are recognised by local fishermen: Eretmochelys imbricata (L.), Chelonia mydas (L.), and Dermochelys coriacea (L.). The last named is rarely sighted, and although the other two nest, only Eretmochelys is common; possibly 500 nest yearly, mainly on offshore islands. Both nesting and feeding habitats appear to be extensive for this species, but clutches have an unusually high percentage of yolkless eggs. The significance of this is not understood, but it indicates that the animals are under pressures not experienced in other parts of their range. The small population of Chelonia is probably due to the scarcity of feeding habitat; marine pastures are generally small in area and standing crop. Dermochelys may be rarely sighted because local fishermen infrequently venture into epipelagic waters where this animal is most common, but the available data indicate that the species is a vagrant in Egypt. The enormous swarms of jellyfish that occur in the Egyptian Red Sea evidently do not attract these turtles, although seasonal concentrations of jellyfish are often accompanied by Dermochelys in other seas. Exploitation of turtles, mainly for meat and eggs, is slight, but habitat perturbations are intense from oil pollution and marine explosions. There is a great need for more basic information and rigorous management of the marine environment.  相似文献   

The recent history, current status and prospects in the immediate future of the seven species of the Pelecanidae are reviewed. As a consequence of pesticide poisoning, Pelecanus occidentalis suffered severe population declines in the 1950s and 1960s in portions of its range in the United States. However, since the ban on use of DDT in 1972 the species is again laying eggs of near normal thickness, reproductive success appears to be normal and populations are stable or increasing. Similarly, available data indicate that the world populations of P. rufescens, P. conspicillatus, and P. erythrorynchos remain stable, although local population fluctuations do occur. Data for P. onocrotalus show a stable population in Africa but a decline in Asia and Europe, both in numbers of birds and breeding colonies. More seriously, only very small populations of P. crispus and P. philippensis exist. Fewer than 1000 pairs of P. crispus next in 19 colonies in eastern Europe and Asia. Fewer than 1200 pairs of P. philippensis nest in four colonies in eastern/southern India and 23 colonies in Sri Lanka. The populations of both species have declined considerably in the past few decades. The causes for the declines are not documented but are thought to result from a combination of human disturbance in nesting colonies; destruction of nesting and roosting-loafing areas; declines in fish availability; and pesticide contamination. Only immediate action and concerted efforts at stabilizing the populations in the wild, in conjunction with the establishment of captive breeding populations, will preserve these two species from extinction.  相似文献   

Small populations are vulnerable to long-term declines, even where short-term censuses indicate increasing trends in numbers. Census data for the Galápagos penguin (Spheniscus mendiculus) collected between 1970 and 2004 provide evidence that despite year-to-year population increases detected in most of the annual censuses, the strong El Niño events of 1982-83 and 1997-98 were followed by population declines of more than 60% from which the species has yet to recover. Such large declines raise concerns about the future viability of the species because the frequency and severity of El Niño events are predicted to increase. We used the simulation software VORTEX to evaluate the potential effects of El Niño on the risk of extinction of the Galápagos penguin population and its four constituent subpopulations. Weak and strong El Niño events were treated as catastrophes, with varying frequencies, which simulated past, current and future effects on the penguin population. The “Current El Niño” scenario, based on the frequency of El Niño events recorded in the Galápagos between 1965 and 2004, indicated an approximately 30% probability of extinction within the next 100 years for the penguin population. More ominously, the species may be at a greater risk if the frequency of strong El Niño episodes increases only marginally. A probability of extinction greater than 80% was predicted when the current frequency (5%) of strong El Niño events was doubled (to 10%). The probabilities of extinctions were higher for each subpopulation treated individually, ranging from 34% for Isabela and Fernandina, 64% for Bartolomé-Santiago to 78% for the smallest subpopulation on Floreana. Sensitivity analyses identified survival of penguins during El Niño events and sex ratio as influential parameters. The estimates of extinction risk may be conservative as other threats associated with increased human activities on the islands may further compromise species persistence.  相似文献   

In the Seychelles, populations of sooty terns Sterna fuscata have declined this century, but the decline has not been as great as previously thought, and factors apart from over-exploitation of the eggs have been involved. A recent study of sooty tern ecology in the Seychelles has indicated that the present close season regulation serves no useful biological purpose. A system of quotas of eggs that may be taken from each island has not been effective due to chaning tern populations and to the voluntary cessation of collecting on some islands.This paper recommends that the eggs should in future be collected from two islands only, and that all other sooty tern colonies should be protected as far as is practicable. Exploitation should be restricted to the eggs of about 20% of the Seychelles/Amirantes population of sooty terns, but further research on the movements of the birds is urgently needed to determine the extent of inter-colony movements.  相似文献   

The Otago Peninsula, South Island, New Zealand offers tourists opportunities for unregulated access to breeding sites of the yellow-eyed penguin (Megadyptes antipodes). The presence of people on beaches delays post-foraging landing by penguins, which in turn may affect the amount of food delivered by parents to their chicks, with consequences for chick growth and fledging mass. This study explored the relationship between human disturbance and yellow-eyed penguin chick fledging weight and survival by comparing five yellow-eyed penguin breeding areas with different levels of visitor frequency. We investigated whether chick fledging weights vary between breeding areas, and whether fledging weight is a predictor of juvenile survival. In 2002, chicks at Sandfly Bay, an area with high numbers of tourists, had significantly lower fledging weights than chicks at Highcliff, an area with no tourist visitors. An analysis of sightings of 2125 yellow-eyed penguin chicks banded between 1981 and 2000 indicated probability of survival was positively associated with mass at fledging. Thus lower fledging weights may have long-term population consequences. Fledging weight is influenced by many factors, however the results suggest the possibility of an effect of tourist numbers on chick fledging weight. This is noteworthy, especially in light of the rapid rate at which wildlife tourism is increasing in coastal areas of southern New Zealand.  相似文献   

Biological invasions constitute one of the most important threats to biodiversity. This is especially true for “naïve” birds that have evolved in the absence of terrestrial predators in island ecosystems. The American mink (Mustela vison) has recently established a feral population on Navarino Island (55°S), southern Chile, where it represents a new guild of terrestrial mammal predators. We investigated the impact of mink on ground-nesting coastal waterbirds with the aim of deriving a vulnerability profile for birds as a function of different breeding strategies, habitat, and nest characteristics. We compared rates of nest survival and mink predation on 102 nests of solitary nesting species (Chloephaga picta, Tachyeres pteneres), on 361 nests of colonial birds (Larus dominicanus, Larus scoresbii, Sterna hirundinacea), and on 558 artificial nests. We calculated relative mink and bird densities at all nest sites. Nests of colonial species showed the highest nest survival probabilities (67-84%) and no predation by mink. Nest survival rates for solitary nesting species were lower (5-20%) and mink predation rates higher (10-44%). Discriminant analyses revealed that mink preyed upon artificial nests mainly at shores with rocky outcroppings where mink were abundant. High nest concealment increased the probability for predation by mink. Conservation planning should consider that invasive mink might severely affect the reproduction success of bird species with the following characteristics: solitary nesting, nesting habitat at rocky outcrop shores, and concealed nests. We recommend that work starts immediately to control the mink population with a priority in the nesting habitats of vulnerable endemic waterbirds.  相似文献   

In 1974, hedgehogs (Erinaceus europaeus) were introduced to the island of South Uist, which forms part of an area holding one of the largest concentrations of breeding shorebirds in Western Europe. By the 1990s these mammals had spread widely and become major predators of shorebird eggs. Breeding shorebirds were surveyed in 1983, when hedgehogs were confined to a small part of South Uist. They were surveyed again in 2000 by when hedgehogs had occupied all of the southern part (South Uist and Benbecula) of the 250 km2 of lowland shorebird nesting habitat for at least 10 years but had not yet colonised large parts of North Uist and adjacent small islands. Between surveys the overall numbers of shorebirds in the hedgehog-free northern zone increased by 9% but in the southern zone, where hedgehogs were present, numbers decreased by 39%. Population changes differed among species, but for all species the population in the hedgehog-free northern zone outperformed that in the southern zone. The most marked differences occurred in northern lapwing (Vanellus vanellus) and common redshank (Tringa totanus), which both showed large declines in the southern zone and moderate to large increases in the northern zone. The north-south differences in population change could not be explained in terms of habitat change and were probably largely driven by hedgehog predation.  相似文献   

Poultry production is an important economic activity on inhabited islands of the Galápagos archipelago. There has been a recent surge in both small-scale backyard chickens and larger scale broiler production associated with growth in the human population and the tourist industry. With increased poultry production, concerns have been expressed about the increasing risk of transfer of disease from chickens to native Galápagos bird species that may have little resistance to introduced pathogens [Wikelski, M., Foufopoulos, J., Vargas, H., Snell, H., 2004. Galápagos birds and diseases: invasive pathogens as threats for island species. Ecology and Society 9(5). Available from: URL:http://www.ecologyandsociety.org/vol9/iss1/art5]. This study evaluates risks posed by chicken disease to endemic and native Galápagos bird species, based on empirical evidence of pathogens present in chickens on the islands and a literature review of effects of these pathogens in wild species. Pathogens identified in domestic chicken populations of immediate avian conservation concern are Newcastle disease, Mycoplasma gallisepticum, and the proventricular parasite Dispharynx sp. Newcastle disease (avian paramyxovirus-1) poses an imminent threat to Galápagos penguins (Spheniscus mendiculus), flightless cormorants (Phalacrocorax harrisi), and lava gulls (Larus fuliginosus), species with very small population sizes (less than 1500 animals each). Additionally, litter from broiler farms could affect ecological processes in local ecosystems. Improved poultry biosecurity measures are urgently needed on the Galápagos Islands for avian disease management, yet developing these strategies presents political, social, and economic challenges.  相似文献   

Olive ridley mass nesting events or ‘arribadas’ have been documented in Orissa, India since 1974. However, since standardised techniques have not been used to census turtles, actual population trends remain unknown. Herein, we summarise information on nesting populations in Orissa, using data from multiple sources to arrive at consensus estimates and to derive trends. We conducted a quantitative estimate of an arribada in March 1999, where nesting was estimated as ∼180,000 turtles by the strip transect method. Non-linear (quadratic) fits for arribada data from 1976-1999 and a recent decrease in the size of adults suggest a potential or imminent decline, consistent with fishery-related mortality of at least 90,000 turtles since 1994. Though statistical support for the recent decline is equivocal, efforts to reduce mortality and close monitoring of the population would be prudent. The absence of reliable data on which to base conservation action highlights an urgent need to train management personnel in data collection and estimation techniques for effective monitoring of status, threats and trends.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of water management for mosquito control on the behaviour and breeding success of a resident colony of herring gulls. The colony resided on three close islands, one of which was ditched in March before the start of the second breeding season. The number of breeding pairs on the ditched island remained the same before and after ditching although the breeding number increased by 46% and 90% on the other two islands. Breeding chronology was similar on all three areas. However, birds nesting on spoil laid eggs a mean of 8 days later than non-spoil nesting birds. Behavioural observations on aggression and display rates indicated that birds on spoil behaved similarly to those in open grassy areas but differed from those nesting in the bushes. Nest site selection, breeding densities, and breeding success were similar on all three islands. Thus the differences noted were attributed to the appearance of the marsh. We postulated that pairs having nested on the experimental island in the previous year continued to do so after the island was ditched. However, pairs searching for new territory did not move onto the island that was ditched, but instead colonised the nearby islands. Similarly, those pairs breeding on spoil nested later because of the need to defend their nest sites which were situated in areas used for displaying by unmated birds.  相似文献   

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