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一、黄花菜根状茎及芽的形 成规律 十年以上的老黄花菜株簇,一般都有16-20个分枝,每个分枝上有5-7厘米长的地下茎(俗称主根),茎顶端主芽每年春长够14片叶时,从叶簇中心抽出花茎,把14片叶子平均分成了两组,叶片着生在根状茎顶端,紧密有序地互生排列在短缩的新茎两侧。以花茎为界,两侧各形成一个芽簇,每个芽簇上均有7个叶腋芽。第一个芽簇的最上边的叶腋芽,得到充足的养分形成该枝上的主芽,当年发育成5-10片叶子的新株(出现在原来14叶的中心,花茎的一侧)。翌年春长够14片叶后抽出花茎。与第一芽簇互生的第二个穿簇上的第一叶腋芽,得到一定的养…  相似文献   

芽是枝条和花的原始体。茎、叶和花都是芽发育出来的。生长在枝条顶端的芽叫顶芽,生长在叶腋的芽叫腋芽。腋芽一般只有一个,但有的植物在  相似文献   

菜心生长发育及产品器官形成的研究——花芽形态建成   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作者对我国特产蔬菜“菜心”(Brassica parachinensis Bailey)三个品种的花芽形态发育进行解剖学研究。菜心花芽的形态发育过程,可划分为八期:0级——花原基未分化期;1级——花原基将分化期;2级——花原基分化始期;3级——花原基增大、伸长期;4级——萼片形成期;5级——雌、雄蕊形成期;6级——花瓣形成期;7级——胚珠和花药形成期。当幼苗展出第2~3片真叶时,茎端生长锥开始分化花原基。展出第5~6片真叶时,第一花原基发育成一完整花蕾体。 菜心单花器官分化的顺序是萼片、雌蕊、雄蕊、最后是花瓣。 菜心早、中、迟三个品种花芽的形态发育过程相同,且都在第2~3真叶幼苗开始,但发育过程顺次延迟,可以从幼苗生长状态,了解其内部发育程度,早期找到相应趋势的指标,为控制菜心生长发育提供依据。  相似文献   

黄瓜出土后子叶(最初的两片叶)生长快,同时嫩茎也容易徒长,群众称这种现象为“拉腿”。真叶(第三片及后来的叶子)展开后,花芽开始形成。因此黄瓜苗床的管理工作,需从以下两方面抓起:1)促子叶生长,防拉腿。幼苗出土后,种子内贮藏的养分已经消耗完,靠子叶进行光合作用制造营养。只有大而健壮的子叶,才能制造较多的营养物质供扎根和第1、2片真叶生长。这段时期内,苗床温度白天保持25℃左右,晚上12~15℃,既能促进子叶生长,也可防拉腿。2)促雌花形成。雌花的形成要求有一定的夜温和充足的光照,还需秧苗茁壮。在第1片真叶展开后,必须保证苗床13~…  相似文献   

1树莓的生物学特性树莓又称木莓,又名托盘、马林、覆盆子等,是多年生小灌木类落叶果树。树莓多为无性繁殖的植株,没有主根,其地下部分由根状茎、带芽的侧生不定根及其须根组成,树莓枝可分为基生枝和结果母枝。基生枝生长可分为加长生长和加粗生长,基生枝长度一般为2m~3m,基生枝通常有刺。结果母枝生长发育情况对当年的开花结果起决定性作用,树莓芽除基生枝着生的基生芽外地上部每节有2个腋芽,一个为主芽,另一个为副芽,如果主芽冻死副芽可代替主芽,但其产量较低。树莓的花为两性花,花由5片萼片和5片花瓣组成,花托上有大量离生雌蕊,其周围有许…  相似文献   

枣疯病又名虫枣病、聋病等,主要表现为枣树地上和地下部分生长不正常,包括花变叶,芽不正常萌发和生长,引起枝叶丛生,枝条节间缩短,嫩叶明脉黄化和卷曲呈匙性,侧根丛生。变态的花不能结果,花柄延长的花虽可结果但易提前脱落。一年生或多年生长发育枝上的腋芽大部分萌发成发育枝,这种发育枝上的芽又继续萌发和生枝,循环往复,就形成了丛枝。  相似文献   

症状:茄子德巴利腐霉猝倒病主要发生在育苗前期,种子发芽后和出土前后均可染病。出土前染病造成烂种或烂芽;出土后3片真叶前染病主要发生在茄苗茎基部,初现水浸状黄褐色病斑,后迅速扩展,病部缢缩成线状,往往在子叶尚未凋萎时,幼苗便折倒贴伏在地面上,故称猝倒病。苗床上猝倒病多零星发病,形成发病区以后迅速向四周扩展,形成一片一片的猝倒,  相似文献   

番茄为一年生草本植物,根系分布广而深,入土深度可达一米以上。当移植以后,主根被切断,侧根发育,主要根群分布在20~30厘米耕层范围内。茎多为半直立,侧枝发芽能力强,在茎节上易发生不定根。根系在定植前生长缓慢,定植后逐渐加快,始花期发育旺盛,以后随着结果数目的增加,根或茎的生长速度减慢。一般在幼苗2-3片真叶时,开始分化第一个花序。根据花序着生的位置及主轴生长的特性,  相似文献   

症状:茄子德巴利腐霉猝倒病主要发生在育苗前期,种子发芽后和出土前后均可染病。出土前染病造成烂种或烂芽;出土后3片真叶前染病主要发生在茄苗茎基部,初现水浸状黄褐色病斑,后迅速扩展,病部缢缩成线状,往往在子叶尚未凋萎时,幼苗便折倒贴伏在地面上,故称猝倒病。苗床上猝倒病多零星发病,形成发病区以后迅速向四周扩展,形成一片一片的猝倒,生产上头一天还长的挺好,  相似文献   

素心建兰无性繁殖系的建立及其开花   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
本文以素心建兰(金丝凤尾素和铁骨素)的茎尖或腋芽为外植体,分别培养在修改的BMS或BMS+10%椰乳(CM)+5mg/l萘乙酸(NAA)的琼脂培养基上,经三个月诱导发生了原球茎,将原球茎切割,培养在相同成分的液体培养基中,继代增殖。原球茎转入BMS+10%CM液体培养基中,连续照光,在其顶端分化芽,由芽基部分化根,形成小植株,这样建立了快速无性繁殖系。将小植株转入1/2BMS琼脂培养基上,每天 8小时照光。幼苗生长发育,由其腋芽分化发育为花芽,然后在花芽基部形成根,花葶挺拔而出、花蕾开启。试管育兰一年四季能得到开花植株。对兰花生长发育及花芽形成规律进行了讨论。实验结果表明,盆栽兰花;每株的腋芽可以发育成只长叶不开花的个体。当腋芽顶端的分生组织分化为花芽,花葶挺拔而出。开花的个体,叶片不发育,而成为常见的苞叶及鞘。  相似文献   

In order to optimise production of the edible flower buds produced by myoga (Zingiber mioga Roscoe) a greater understanding of the growth and development of the plant and factors influencing flower initiation and development are required. The vegetative growth phase in myoga was characterised by a distinct period of pseudostem development from the planted rhizome piece followed by an extended period of rhizome growth from both the base of pseudostems and the planted rhizome piece. The transition from pseudostem formation to the initiation of rhizome growth occurred at the same time as the dry weight of the planted rhizome piece ceased to decline. Flower bud initiation and development occurred over an extended period, beginning soon after the commencement of new rhizome growth and ending prior to foliage senescence. Flower buds were observed at the terminal meristem of first, second, third and fourth order rhizomes. Increasing temperatures stimulated both increased vegetative growth and flower bud initiation and development. Low flower bud yields recorded under conditions of low temperature were the result of reduced rate of floral initiation and not abortion of flower buds. Increased shading of plants grown under glasshouse conditions resulted in reduced flower bud yield and similarly the response resulted from decreased initiation rather than abortion.  相似文献   

Carbohydrates were measured in axillary bud meristems from kiwifruit (Actinidia deliciosa (A.Chev.) C.F. Liang et A.R. Ferguson cultivar Hayward) to determine whether concentrations changed during winter dormancy. Buds were collected from kiwifruit vines growing in four sites, which spanned the climatic range that kiwifruit are grown in New Zealand, and from vines where the time of budbreak had been manipulated using hydrogen cyanamide. During winter, sugars comprised 78% of measured carbohydrates in meristems, with sucrose accounting for more than 86% of sugars detected (up to 200 mg g DW−1). Starch concentrations in bud meristems showed little change during winter. Meristem sucrose and hexose concentrations increased rapidly from autumn until mid-winter, and this was correlated with leaf abscission. Sugar accumulation ceased in mid-winter and concentrations remained stable until spring, suggesting that bud meristem activity was low. Four weeks before visible bud movement, a marked decline in sucrose and increase in hexose concentrations, indicated activity in the meristems had increased prior to budbreak. The patterns of seasonal change and peak sucrose concentrations in meristems were similar at all sites. The only difference was in the timing of events, with changes in meristem sugars occurring earliest in vines growing at the coolest site, coinciding with their earlier cessation of and resumption of vine growth. Advancing budbreak, by applying hydrogen cyanamide to vines in late winter, also advanced changes in sugar concentrations within meristems. This work suggests that the concentration of sucrose in kiwifruit bud meristems has utility as an indicator of whether they are being induced into, maintained or released from winter dormancy.  相似文献   

六月鲜枣愈伤组织诱导及胚状体发生   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
采用5因素4水平的正交试验设计,对六月鲜枣的幼叶、嫩茎、冷藏5d后的花药、花后48~50d的胚乳,利用3因素3水平的正交试验设计,对花后58~60d的幼胚及子叶,进行愈伤组织诱导再分化试验。探讨了不同激素、碳源和基本培养基对产生愈伤组织的影响。结果表明:碳源对胚乳、花药器官,基本培养基对嫩茎、幼叶、花药愈伤组织的诱导有显著影响,而且生长素种类和浓度对不同外植体的愈伤组织诱导作用不同;嫩茎、子叶及幼胚较易诱导产生愈伤组织,但只有子叶及幼胚产生的愈伤组织具较强的再生能力,并可诱导出不定芽,不定芽分化率分别为51.1%和9.5%,ZT较BA易诱导愈伤组织产生不定芽,不定芽转移生根成苗获得了完整植株。另外,用子叶及幼胚培养获得了大量胚状体,且胚状体最终可发育成苗。  相似文献   

 以当年春季单芽腹接‘天红2号’富士矮化中间砧苹果苗为试材,对6-BA处理后幼苗腋芽萌发生长和萌发过程中内源激素含量的变化和平衡关系进行了研究。结果表明:喷施300 mg · L-1 6-BA水溶液后,前期单芽质量增长缓慢,4 d后快速增长,5 d时腋芽明显膨大,7 d时萌发,9 ~ 10 d长约1 cm,在处理时苗木顶端以下5 ~ 45 cm平均萌发15个腋芽,萌发株率高达100%。6-BA处理后腋芽内IAA含量初期(大约2 d)明显降低,随后开始缓慢升高,ZRs和GAs含量迅速升高,6 ~ 8 d后二者均开始降低;枝皮内IAA含量显著持续降低,ZRs含量略有降低,6 d后二者均开始缓慢升高,GAs含量变化趋势相反,先升后降;腋芽和枝皮内ABA含量均降低。6-BA处理后打破了顶端优势,枝皮内IAA降低有利于腋芽内IAA向主茎输出,同期调动枝皮中ZRs向腋芽运输,腋芽内ZRs升高,腋芽激活萌发,芽内开始合成大量IAA。随着6-BA作用减弱,4种内源激素含量变化曲线大都在6 ~ 8 d开始回落,同时腋芽萌发,内源激素又开始达到新的平衡。  相似文献   

四倍体与二倍体西瓜子叶不定芽形态发生过程研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探讨四倍体与二倍体西瓜子叶不定芽形成的异同,以XYXC、91E7和郑-3的二倍体及其同源四倍体子叶作外植体,在MS+6-BA2.0mg/L培养基上诱导不定芽。在子叶接入培养基后的2、4、6、8和10d分别取样进行石蜡制片,观察不定芽形成过程中的细胞组织学变化。结果表明,子叶诱导不定芽发生是内起源的,即发生于子叶的深层组织—维管组织周围。且4x4~8d形成芽结构,而2x8~10d才形成芽结构。  相似文献   


Rooting and growth responses of miniature rose cuttings were investigated in an experiment in which four propagation temperatures, two photosynthetic photon flux densities (PPFDs) with five auxin (IBA) concentrations, cutting sizes and cutting positions, were combined factorially in a response-surface design. Most prominently, temperature, cutting size and auxin and their interactions, influenced root and shoot growth. A propagation temperature of 24.6°C, and IBA concentrations between 10–3 and 10–1M, depending on temperature, were optimal for root formation. Root formation in extra short cuttings was delayed at low IBA concentrations. Regarding root formation, IBA could substitute for increased temperature as well as for increased cutting size. Onset of axillary bud growth was fastest at 24.6°C, and delayed in extra short cuttings. Application of IBA at 10–4 to 10–3M was optimal for axillary bud growth. By increasing the IBA concentration both time to flowering and plant height increased at 24.6°C. In cuttings from higher positions on stock plants, axillary shoots enhanced their growth to flowering, became shorter, and weighed less, suggesting occurrence of positional effects (topophysis). The growth rate increased with increasing IBA concentration, as well as from medial to low positioned cuttings. Increasing propagation PPFD from 46 to 72 µmol m–2s–1 did not affect the parameters. Time to axillary bud growth and time to first flower were related to time-to-visible root. Fast formation of roots apparently resulted in fast axillary bud growth. In time-to-visible root and axillary bud growth, the smallest variation between plants was found at optimal ranges for temperature, IBA concentration and cutting size, and further factors optimal for root formation and axillary bud growth provided the most synchronized plant development.  相似文献   


Semi-hardwood cuttings of Cornus alba ‘Sibirica’, Deutzia ‘Mont Rose’, Forsythia × intermedia ‘Lynwood’, Ligustrum vulgare ‘Liga’, Philadelphus × virginalis, Potentilla fruticosa ‘Goldfinger’, and Spiraea × vanhouttei were planted on seven dates from July to October in two years and at three locations to investigate the effect of planting date on root formation, axillary bud growth, and plant survival. Cuttings were planted directly in the field and covered with polyethylene. Generally, root formation, bud growth, and plant survival were similar both years and at the three locations. All species except Deutzia had relatively constant rooting percentages at planting dates until mid August. For all species rooting percentages declined from mid August to October. Except for Deutzia, plant survival the following spring was constant or decreasing with planting date. For all species except Potentilla axillary bud growth and survival of cuttings planted in late September or October tended to increase while rooting percentages continued to decrease. In all species there was a close relationship between axillary bud growth and survival. Results revealed that many roots per cutting accelerated axillary bud growth.  相似文献   

Decapitation of young Brussels sprout plants (Brassica oleracea L. var. gemmifera) which had just produced axillary buds stimulated the development of the upper axillary buds, but this was partially prevented by application of auxin to the decapitated stem. Removal of leaves also stimulated axillary bud outgrowth, even in the absence of decapitation, but only when some of the leaves were left attached. Removal of leaves from the top half of the stem was very effective in stimulating bud outgrowth, whereas removal of basal leaves was ineffective. Steam-girdling the middle of the stem resulted in enhanced axillary bud growth below the girdle and was more effective in defoliated than in leafy plants. The role of the leaves and stem apex in controlling the movement of nutrients and hormones to axillary buds is discussed.  相似文献   

辣椒三系子叶愈伤组织诱导及植株再生   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以辣椒雄性不育系、保持系、恢复系子叶为外植体,研究了6-BA、IAA浓度组合及AgNO3对子叶离体再生培养的影响。结果表明:三系之间在愈伤诱导和不定芽分化上均表现一定的差异,不仅最适的愈伤诱导和不定芽分化培养基不同,且分化出不定芽的数量也表现出较大差异,R-1分化出的不定芽数目明显多于A-1、B-1;AgNO3对愈伤组织诱导没有明显的作用,但3mg/L的AgNO3可提高不定芽的分化率;6-BA/IAA比值为10时与比值为4时相比更有利于不定芽的分化;1/2MS+IAA 0.2mg/L+NAA 0.1mg/L是辣椒三系最优的生根培养基配方。  相似文献   

The interaction between shoot proliferation and regulative action of light quality was investigated in terms of cluster growth and development. In the commercial laboratory, the shoot multiplication procedure is normally conducted by growing clusters of shoots during several sub-cultures. Thus in this work the regulative action of light quality was evaluated by analysing the shoot cluster proliferation rate, the evolution of axillary bud differentiation, the axillary shoot development on both initial explant stem (order 1 axis) and three representative lateral branches (order 2 axes), growing from the lateral buds located at the bottom of the initial explant. Experiments showed that light qualities regulate bud differentiation and interact with apical dominance, leading to strong control of axillary bud outgrowth, and, finally, resulting in a differentiated architectural formation of clusters and type of branching.  相似文献   

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