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The main objective of the present study was to investigate if different kinds of pig farms, like farrowing farms and rearing farms, play a role in the transmission of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) to Dutch finishing farms. Twelve farrowing farms, 11 finishing farms, 6 farrow-to finish farms, 1 rearing farm and 1 centre for artificial insemination were included. Screening of 310 pigs from these 31 farms showed 35 pigs (11%) to carry MRSA in their nares. On 7 of the 31 (23%) investigated farms colonized pigs were found, including 3 finishing farms, 3 farrowing farms and 1 farrow-to-finish farm. The use of standard antimicrobial medication of the pigs seemed to be a risk factor for MRSA carriage. Screening of the pigs on six farms supplying pigs for the MRSA positive farms revealed that the pigs on all but one farm were MRSA positive. Genotyping revealed that all MRSA strains were non-typeable by PFGE using the SmaI restriction enzyme and had multilocus sequence type (MLST) ST398. Different spa-types were found including t011, t108, t567, t899 and t1939, but the spa-types on epidemiologically related farms were identical indicating that MRSA are transmitted between farms through the purchase of colonized pigs. Two SCCmec types were found among the MRSA: type IV and type V. SCCmec type V was predominant. On two farms MRSA isolates with ST398, the same spa-type but with different SCCmec types (IV and V) were found, suggesting that different SCCmec elements have been inserted into MSSA with the same genotype. All MRSA strains were resistant to tetracycline, but additional resistances to erythromycin, lincomycin, kanamycin and gentamicin were also found. All MRSA isolates were negative for the exfoliative toxin genes (eta and etb), PVL toxin genes (lukF and lukS), toxic shock syndrome gene (tst-1), and the leukotoxin genes (lukE, lukD, lukM, lukF').  相似文献   

In this study MRSA isolates from dairy farms were investigated for their genetic relationships and antimicrobial susceptibility. In total, 125 MRSA isolates from 26 dairy farms were studied, including isolates from milk samples (n=46), dairy cattle (n=24), calves (n=6), dust samples from pig (n=16) and veal calf sheds (n=1), dogs (n=2), a horse, a sheep and humans (n=28). CC398-specific PCRs, spa typing, SCCmec typing and ApaI macrorestriction analysis were conducted. Susceptibility testing was performed by broth microdilution. All 125 isolates belonged to CC398. Eight spa types (t011, t108, t034, t567, t1184, t1451, t2287 and t3934) were detected. SCCmec elements of types IV (n=48) and V (n=67) were identified with 10 isolates being non-typeable. Six main macrorestriction patterns - with up to 23 sub-patterns - and twelve resistance patterns were identified. Sixty-eight isolates showed a multiresistance phenotype. Farm-by-farm analysis revealed different scenarios: in some farms, the MRSA CC398 isolates from dairy cattle, humans, pig sheds and/or sheep were indistinguishable suggesting an interspecies exchange of the same MRSA CC398 subtype. In other farms, several MRSA CC398 subtypes were detected in different host species/sources with occasionally even more than one MRSA CC398 subtype from the same host species/source. These latter results may suggest that either different MRSA subtypes associated with humans or animals have been imported into the respective farm or that one MRSA CC398 strain has undergone diversification, reflected by more or less expanded changes in PFGE patterns, spa type or resistance pattern, during colonization of different hosts on the same farm.  相似文献   

非洲猪瘟是由非洲猪瘟病毒引起的猪的一种急性、热性、高度接触性传染病。该病虽不是人畜共患病、不感染人,但对生猪产业威胁巨大,发病率高、死亡率高,疫情早期发现难、预防难、根除难,防控难度极大。种猪场和规模化猪场(以下简称“两场”)是生猪产业发展的根基和猪肉市场供给的主要来源,严防“两场”发生非洲猪瘟疫情,对保障生猪产业稳定发展和猪肉市场供给至关重要。  相似文献   

This study was conducted to determine the prevalence of livestock-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (LA-MRSA) in pigs, farm workers, and the environment in northern Thailand, and to assess LA-MRSA isolate phenotypic characteristics. One hundred and four pig farms were randomly selected from the 21,152 in Chiang Mai and Lamphun provinces in 2012. Nasal and skin swab samples were collected from pigs and farm workers. Environmental swabs (pig stable floor, faucet, and feeder) were also collected. MRSA was identified by conventional bacterial culture technique, with results confirmed by multiplex PCR and multi locus sequence typing (MLST). Herd prevalence of MRSA was 9.61% (10 of 104 farms). Among pigs, workers, and farm environments, prevalence was 0.68% (two of 292 samples), 2.53% (seven of 276 samples), and 1.28% (four of 312 samples), respectively. Thirteen MRSA isolates (seven from workers, four from environmental samples, and two from pigs) were identified as Staphylococcal chromosomal cassette mec IV sequences type 9. Antimicrobial sensitivity tests found 100% of the MRSA isolates resistant to clindamycin, oxytetracycline, and tetracycline, while 100% were susceptible to cloxacillin and vancomycin. All possessed a multidrug-resistant phenotype. This is the first evidence of an LA-MRSA interrelationship among pigs, workers, and the farm environment in Thailand.  相似文献   

Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is an important human pathogen and recent evidence has implicated food animals in the epidemiology of human infections in some regions. While the role of food in MRSA transmission and human health relevance are unclear, MRSA can be found in retail meat products internationally, including beef, yet there has been minimal investigation of MRSA in beef cattle. This study involved screening feedlot cattle for nasal and gastrointestinal colonization with MRSA shortly before the time of slaughter. Methicillin-resistant S. aureus was not isolated from any of 491 nasal swabs and 488 faecal samples. This finding is in contrast to studies that have isolated MRSA from retail beef in Canada, performed in the same laboratory using comparable culture techniques. The reason for this discrepancy is unclear but it demonstrates that further study of MRSA in livestock as well as slaughter, processing and retail environments is needed to elucidate the epidemiology of MRSA contamination of meat.  相似文献   

Often, there is an adversarial relationship between senior management and livestock managers. It is important that the veterinarian responsible for breeding management and health care maintain open communications with senior managers. Although the veterinarian may recognize livestock-management deficiencies that need changing, he or she must remain flexible within the constraints provided on the breeding farm. Years may be required to solidify this give-and-take relationship, and opinions on the value of many management procedures will change. The underpinnings of a successful stallion manager are open-mindedness, common sense, well-developed communication skills, and flexibility in deriving solutions to meet each individual stallion's requirements.  相似文献   

REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is an emerging equine and zoonotic pathogen. Infection control protocols can be used to control MRSA in human hospitals, but measures to eradicate MRSA on horse farms have not been evaluated. OBJECTIVES: To describe an MRSA eradication programme that was used to attempt to eliminate MRSA colonisation among horses and horse personnel on 2 equine farms. METHODS: Active surveillance cultures and infection control protocols were implemented on 2 farms with endemic MRSA. RESULTS: Active screening and strict implementation of infection control protocols resulted in a rapid decrease in number of colonised horses on both farms. The majority of horses eliminated MRSA without antimicrobial treatment. On one farm colonisation was eradicated, while only 2 (3%) colonised horses remained on the other farm at the end of the study. CONCLUSIONS: Although at this stage the benefit of eradication of MRSA from populations of horses and cost-benefit studies have not been established, this study illustrates that short-term eradication can be achieved with a policy of segregation, enhanced infection control precautions and repeated testing of groups of animals. POTENTIAL RELEVANCE: Infection control practices should form the basis of MRSA control. Antimicrobial therapy does not appear to be required for eradication of MRSA colonisation in horses and control of MRSA on farms. In appropriate circumstances, these methods may be useful for controlling the spread of this potentially serious pathogen.  相似文献   

Clindamycin is widely used in veterinary medicine to treat a variety of bacterial infections. Resistance to clindamycin amongst staphylococci may be due to modification of the ribosomal target site. Resistance due to this mechanism is encoded by the erm genes, which may be either constitutively or inducibly expressed. Inducible expression of resistance is not usually demonstrable by routine laboratory susceptibility testing, however, a relatively simple double disc agar diffusion test (D-test) may be used to detect the presence of inducible resistance. Two hundred and eighty-five isolates of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) isolated from infections in animals were tested using the D-test for the presence of inducible clindamycin resistance. One hundred and seven (71%) of the strains tested demonstrated inducible resistance to clindamycin, which were not detected on initial susceptibility testing. It has been shown that there is potential for staphylococci to develop resistance to clindamycin whilst on treatment when inducible resistance mechanisms are present. Therefore, routine screening for inducible resistance may be prudent.  相似文献   

近年来,养猪业存在许多办场风险,其风险主要有疫病风险、市场价格风险、品种选择风险、经营管理风险等.其中,市场价格风险、品种选择风险及经营管理风险可以通过一些行之有效的经营管理方法加以解决.笔者从经营管理方面总结出几点体会,供同行参考和借鉴.  相似文献   

姚武群  李明  田萍  林敏 《畜牧与兽医》2002,34(10):10-12
以广东省东莞某猪场种母猪的繁殖性能为调查研究对象 ,以美国印地安纳州CountryLean猪场相应指标作为参照 ,通过对比研究 ,发现该场的仔猪成活率较高 ,但母猪分娩率、母猪年产仔胎数、仔猪断奶日龄、母猪头均年提供断奶仔猪和平均胎产活仔数这 5个指标较低。针对该场存在的不足 ,提出了改善种母猪群的胎次结构 ,提高公猪精液质量 ,改进配种技术与配种方法 ,加强防暑降温等措施 ,以提高母猪生产力  相似文献   



Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in animals is a rare finding in Sweden. In horses, MRSA was first detected in a screening survey in 2007. In 2008, six clinical cases occurred in an equine hospital, indicating an outbreak.


All MRSA isolates detected, 11 spa-type t011 and one t064 (n = 12), in infected horses (n = 10) and screening of horses (n = 2) in Sweden from December 2007 to March 2010 were retrospectively analysed with pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) using Cfr9I and ApaI restriction enzymes, to study relationship between the isolates. Medical records of infected horses and outbreak investigation notes were scrutinised to monitor the clinical outcome and other aspects of the outbreak.


Eight of the 10 infected horses were linked to one equine hospital and two to another hospital in the same region. The six horses infected with MRSA in 2008 underwent surgery during the period 22 May-7 July in one of the hospitals. Four more infections linked to the two hospitals were notified between 2009 and March 2010.Nine of the 11 spa-type t011 isolates had identical Cfr9I and ApaI PFGE pattern. All six infected horses from 2008 presented with this MRSA. Two t011 isolates differed in one and two bands, respectively, in PFGE.Nine horses suffered from surgical site infections (SSI). No antimicrobials were used following the MRSA diagnosis and the infections cleared. The time from surgery to MRSA diagnosis differed greatly between the horses (range 15-52 days).


Association in time and space of six horses infected with an identical MRSA strain of spa-type t011 confirmed an outbreak. Two isolates found in 2009 and 2010 in the outbreak hospital were closely related to the outbreak strain, indicating one circulating strain. Both spa-type t011 and t064 have been reported in horses in Europe prior to these findings. The observation that the infections cleared although antimicrobials were not used is encouraging for future prudent use of antimicrobials. The time from surgery to bacteriological diagnosis was not acceptable in most cases, as contagious spread was a risk. Sampling when symptoms of infection are noticed and accurate analysis are thus important.  相似文献   

Objective To estimate the prevalence of carriage of methicillin‐resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) among Australian veterinarians. Methods Individuals attending veterinary conferences in Australia in 2009 were recruited to provide nasal swabs and complete a questionnaire about their professional activities. Swabs were processed by standard methods for detecting MRSA and questionnaire responses were used to group veterinarians according to their areas of major work emphasis (species and practice type). Prevalence was estimated for each of these grouping and contingency tables and regression tree analysis used to explain the variation in MRSA carriage. Results Among the 771 respondents ‘industry and government veterinarians’ (controls) had the lowest prevalence of MRSA carriage at 0.9%. Veterinarians with horses as a major area of work emphasis had a prevalence of 11.8% (13‐fold that of controls) and those whose only major emphasis was horses had a prevalence of 21.4% (23‐fold that of controls). Veterinarians with dogs and cats as a major activity had a 4.9% prevalence (5‐fold that of controls). Prevalence rates for other major activities (pigs, dairy and beef cattle, avian and wildlife) were also increased, but were estimated from smaller numbers of respondents. Regression tree analysis clearly isolated equine veterinarians and dog and cat practitioners as groups at increased risk of carriage of MRSA. Conclusion Carriage of MRSA is a notable occupational health issue for veterinarians in clinical practice in Australia, particularly those who work with horses.  相似文献   

Sixty-eight methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus strains were isolated from mastitis milk samples originating from 20 Belgian dairyherds. All these strains appeared to be representatives of one single strain which was probably of human origin. Evidence is presented indicating a rapid in vivo evolutionary change in this strain. The following characteristics were found to be variable: the production of beta haemolysin inversely connected with fibrinolysin (staphylokinase) activity; the production of lipase, enterotoxin B and delta haemolysin; the resistance to neomycin, chloramphenicol, tetracyclines, methicillin and spectinomycin associated with constitutive or inducible macrolide resistance.  相似文献   

蓝耳病是影响规模化猪场繁殖性能的主要传染性疾病,笔者在江苏省6个年产万头商品猪的规模化猪场猪群中随机采集297头种猪及仔猪血清进行蓝耳病血清学调查,使用IDEXX酶联免疫吸附诊断试剂盒,检测蓝耳病病毒抗体。结果表明,2个未免疫接种老猪场猪群抗体阳性率52%,断奶仔猪群阳性率39.1%;2个免疫接种老猪场猪群抗体阳性率94%,断奶仔猪群阳性率89.8%。而较新猪场的种猪群阳性率28.6%,断奶仔猪群阳性率5%。  相似文献   

In The Netherlands, MRSA ST398 has emerged in hospitals and human carriers have been associated with exposure to pigs and cattle. High prevalences of MRSA ST398 in pigs and pig farmers have been determined and the transmission routes of MRSA on pig farms need to be elucidated. In the south of the Netherlands, in recent years, the black rat (Rattus rattus) has emerged as a prominent rodent on livestock farms. From March till May 2008, a survey on MRSA in rats living on livestock farms in the south of The Netherlands and the north of Belgium was conducted. In total, 40 black rats (R. rattus) and 3 brown rats (Rattus norvegicus) were collected on 12 farms including five pig farms, five poultry farms, one mixed pig and veal farm and one goat farm. MRSA ST398 was detected in black rats captured at two of the five pig farms as well as in a black rat living on the mixed pig and veal farm. From one black rat captured at another pig farm MRSA ST 97 was isolated. Considering the behaviour of rats on livestock farms, it is concluded that rats might play a role in the spread and persistence of MRSA on pig farms.  相似文献   

猪伪狂犬病是由伪狂犬病毒引起的一种以母猪繁殖障碍和仔猪高死亡率为主要特征的急性、热性高度接触性传染病。2011年以来猪伪狂犬病毒变异株导致了免疫猪群暴发该病,对养猪业造成较大的经济损失。因此,种猪场应抓住严防非洲猪瘟的有利契机,同时做好猪伪狂犬病的净化非常重要。文章简要综述了国内外常用的净化方案、净化措施,为养猪场实施净化提供参考。  相似文献   

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