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<正>1按城市规划绿地分类按城市规划需要来分,可分为公共绿地、居住绿地、附属绿地、交通绿地、风景区绿地、生产防护绿地。2规划原则园林绿地规划要与工业布局、居住区详细规划、公共建筑分布、道路系统规划密切配合、协作,不要各行其是,避免不必要的损失。具体因把握以下原则:  相似文献   

在分析群力新区绿地景观格局的基础上,针对提出的问题,对群力新区绿地系统进行生态规划,确立了"一轴、两廊、三纵、五片、六核"的绿地布局。确定近期、中期、远期绿地规划绿地率指标分别为19%、25%、33%,绿化覆盖率分别为24%、30%、40%,人均公园绿地为8.5、10.0、12.0m2。规划公园绿地为研究区绿地系统的核心绿地景观,均衡分布各个公园绿地的位置与规模,提高绿地景观均匀性。大幅增加附属绿地面积,注重各类斑块等级的运用,增加绿地斑块之间的联系性,降低附属绿地破碎化程度。生产、防护绿地要确保分别达到绿地指标的完成,尽可能的多采用大中型斑块和大型斑块,能更好的发挥其生产、防护的作用。规划湿地公园填补其它绿地类型的缺失,丰富了研究区绿地景观的多样性。  相似文献   

城市园林建设中绿地规划是其关键组成部分,通过绿地规划能有效改善城市整体环境,提升城市的环境品质及人们生活舒适度,是关乎人们健康生活的重要工作。本文阐述了城市园林绿地规划的内涵与原则,分析了城市园林绿地规划的主要目标,并就城市园林绿地规划方案做了重要论述。  相似文献   

现阶段我国住宅小区的绿化环境条件,已经成为一项非常重要的客户买房指标,因此,加大对于住宅小区园林和绿地规划建设的力度势在必行。本文首先简要介绍了园林和绿地规划的现实意义,然后从园林和绿地规划的一般原则和具体的施工措施2个方面,探讨了完善现代住宅小区园林和绿地规划的具体方案。  相似文献   

防灾绿地规划是绿地系统规划的重要组成部分。在防灾绿地研究理论和实践基础上,结合泰兴市灾害发生主要类型和空间布局特征,探讨小城市防灾绿地布局的主要方法,以提升城市综合防灾能力,完善城市绿地系统规划。  相似文献   

防灾绿地规划是绿地系统规划的重要组成部分。在防灾绿地研究理论和实践基础上,结合泰兴市灾害发生主要类型和空间布局特征,探讨小城市防灾绿地布局的主要方法,以提升城市综合防灾能力,完善城市绿地系统规划。  相似文献   

当今世界,大家谈霾色变,雾霾已经逐步严重影响大家的健康。无霾环境的营造已经成为大家对环境的重要期待。绿地规划是打造雾霾环境的重要措施,科学的绿地规划能够进一步净化金华地区的空气环境。笔者结合绿地规划与环境保护,丰富了绿地规划的内涵,通过绿地规划来有效地打造金华地区的无霾天气。  相似文献   

园林绿地规划建设是城市社会保障、社会服务和进一步发挥城市整体功能的重要组成部分,而绿地规划能否体现文化内涵,又是当今园林绿地规划成功与否的重要衡量标准。本文以北京黄城根遗址公园、呼和浩特市学府花园住宅小区为例,通过查阅大量资料及对园林绿地规划的实地调查,分别论述了城市公共绿地、住宅区绿化中文化内涵的体现。  相似文献   

绿地道路作为校园道路的重要组成部分,在校园生活各功能区的连通性上发挥了主要作用,但这些道路是规划中多数参考园林绿地规划,比如道路延长性、景观完整性等,忽略了人们生活中对道路的现实需求,使绿地中因踩踏形成新的“小路”,破坏了绿地的景观效果。以南昌工程学院的绿地道路规划为例,从人性化需求的角度,浅谈校园道路规划中存在的问题,提出改进建议。通过合理的绿地道路规划,使道路更具有人性化,满足人的生理和心理需求,最终达到以人为本的目的。  相似文献   

孙凤萍 《现代园艺》2013,(23):70-71,119
应用生态学原理阐述高校校园绿化的重要性,针对省城部分高校校园绿地规划现状,提出在新形势下高校校园绿地规划以及文化广场设计的一些见解,高校校园绿地规划要体现"以人为本"的思想,走可持续发展的道路。  相似文献   

在巴彦淖尔市临河区的临河区、双河区、朔方区3个主城区各类城市绿地中(公园绿地、生产绿地、防护绿地、附属绿地、其他绿地),分别选取典型性样地进行调查,主要调查内容有乡土树种的种类、数量、配置形式、观赏特性及生长状况。采用实地调查和系统归纳相结合的途径,采取拍照、特征记录等方法,对所得数据进行整理、比较,分析其应用现状及存在的主要问题,并提出相关建议。  相似文献   

Effective urban planning, and urban green space management in particular, require proper data on urban green spaces. The potential of urban green spaces to provide benefits to urban inhabitants (ecosystem services) depends on whether they are managed as a comprehensive system of urban green infrastructure, or as isolated islands falling under the responsibility of different stakeholders. Meanwhile, different urban green space datasets are based on different definitions, data sources, sampling techniques, time periods and scales, which poses important challenges to urban green infrastructure planning, management and research. Using the case study of Lodz, the third largest city in Poland, and an additional analysis of 17 other Polish cities, we compare data from five publicly available sources: 1) public statistics, 2) the national land surveying agency, 3) satellite imagery (Landsat data), 4) the Urban Atlas, 5) the Open Street Map. The results reveal large differences in the total amount of urban green spaces in the cities as depicted in different datasets. In Lodz, the narrowly interpreted public statistics data, which are aspatial, suggest that green spaces account for only 12.8% of city area, while the most comprehensive dataset from the national land surveying agency reveals the figure of 61.2%. The former dataset, which excludes many types of green spaces (such as arable land, private and informal green spaces), is still the most commonly used. The analysis of the 17 other cities confirms the same pattern. This results in broader institutional failures related to urban green infrastructure planning, management, and research, including a lack of awareness of green space quality (e.g. connectivity) and benefits (ecosystem services), and the related political disregard for urban green spaces. Our comparison suggests that a better understanding of green space data sources is necessary in urban planning, and especially when planning urban green infrastructure.  相似文献   

Urbanization in China has changed gradually from production-oriented to consumption-oriented in recent years. Comfort and accessibility of green infrastructures effect the rate of urbanization and transformation. A well designed urban green space system is an essential part of the urbanization process. In this paper, the urban green space of Lengshuijiang city was assessed both qualitatively and quantitatively using data of field survey and high resolution remote sensing. In the study area, green space coverage was 37.14%, green space percentage was 33.45% and per capita park green space was 16.25 m2. The high green space coverage suggested that there were ample potentials for further urban transformation. Within a 30 min service radius of existing green space, total service area was 204.49 ha, which accounted for 16.26% of the study area. A high proportion of the green space was made up of urban parks which were unevenly distributed across the study area. A green space optimization strategy, aimed at improving green space quality and accessibility, was proposed. After optimization, total service areas within the 30 min service radius will increase to 492 ha (39.12%), an increase of 22.86%. Our study demonstrated that combining qualitative and quantitative methods is an effective and reliable way for green space assessment and reliable and can be used for urban green space planning and management for small resource-based cities like Lengshuijiang in its process of urban transformation.  相似文献   

In this paper the results of the first comprehensive study on perception of and satisfaction with urban forests and green space in seven Southeast European cities are presented. The aims of the paper are to analyse 1) citizen perceptions of the current state of urban forests and green space in their cities, 2) to what extent current urban forests and green space meet their needs and how this can be improved. A cross-sectional study was conducted by using a common face-to-face survey questionnaire. Respondents were selected based on census data though a stratified sampling procedure by taking into account age, gender and city district (n = 384 in each city). The results showed that citizens genuinely care for urban forests and green space in their cities, but are not satisfied with their current state. The respondents found issues related to misbehaviour of other users, the presence and quality of facilities, as well as the presence and quality of management or maintenance the most pressing. There were more statistically significant differences than similarities between cities. Socioeconomic variables explained perceptions only to some extent. Citizens were very supportive of educational campaigns about the importance of urban forests and green space as well as of better enforcement of the existing regulations though having more community wardens that were expected to tackle current unsatisfactory situations. Urban planning and urban forest and green space management in these cities are facing many problems characteristic for post-socialist countries. Study findings are expected to contribute to decision making in urban planning and natural resource management.  相似文献   

简介国内外对城区内山体保护的实践,四川省自贡市中心城区山体概况;对自贡市城区内自然山体景观格局,城区内自然山体分布现状,城区内自然山体与城市的关系,城区内自然山体利用现状进行阐述分析.建议性地提出城区自然山体保护原则与策略、自然山体利用原则与策略.城区自然山体保护策略是:控制城市山体公园,控制建筑高度管理,控制山体绿线,制定相关政策与法规保障规划实施.城区自然山体利用策略是:充分利用山体与周边环境的关系,根据山体自身功能开发定位山体,营造山体景观风貌.  相似文献   

由山体、河流、湖泊所形成的自然山水格局,作为城市绿地的组成部分,是城市绿地网络体系中不可或缺的一分子.简介四川省自贡市自然山水格局及其基本特征.提出在自贡市中心城区绿地系统规划中应归纳形成“一心都市聚茵、两带十字绿轴、三环绿屏交错、四楔绿廊穿插、多园星罗棋布”平面与垂直相结合的立体化绿地系统布局结构.分析自然山水格局对自贡城市绿地系统(城市景观特色,城市生态安全,构建城市绿色开敞空间)的影响.建议在今后的工作中针对不同地形地貌特征进行更加深入的探索研究和实践,以便可以为丘陵山地构建可持续发展的宜居城市提供更多的参考.  相似文献   

Green Space System Planning (GSSP), taking all the green space within the city administrative area as a complete and comprehensive system, is a kind of official statutory planning that the Chinese government requires all the cities to draw up as a supplement for cities' Master Planning. It is the primary legal basis for green space protection and construction. Its temporal scale is 5 ∼ 20 years, and the planning area is gradually expanding from the urban area to the city area. With China's increasing emphasis on the ecological environment, green space development has been injected with more ecological functions. Simultaneously, the requirements for green space are added to the policy documents issued by several administrations about urban and rural planning. As a result, the qualitative and quantitative requirements for GSSP have become more complex than ever before. This article reviews and summarizes the laws, regulations, policy documents, and standards (national and industrial level) related to GSSP in the urban and rural planning field from the perspective of government requirements. The results show that the Chinese government's requirements for GSSP can be divided into three levels: mandatory, ecological, and promotional level. Furthermore, transforming the three-level requirements to their corresponding aims, this article constructed a hierarchical, multi-objective Aims-Indicators-Methods (AIM) framework of GSSP based on various aims and requirements. We hope that the AIM framework of GSSP can be more practical, which means regions can select an appropriate AIM framework according to their own environmental and economic conditions and simplify the preparation of GSSP.  相似文献   

城市绿地防灾避难功能评价指标体系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国城市绿地经过多年的发展,已具有一定的系统和规模.目前,关于城市绿地系统的研究已不鲜见,但城市绿地防灾避难功能的研究才刚刚起步.现探讨城市绿地防灾避难功能评价指标体系,希望给城市防灾减灾体系建设提供规划和决策参考.  相似文献   

城市绿地减灾功能及防灾植物选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在城市综合防灾减灾体系中,城市绿地占有十分重要的位置。城市绿地是城市规划和建设中的重要组成部分,它不仅具有美化城市环境、净化空气、平衡城市生态系统、为城市居民提供休憩游乐场所等作用,同时,还具有防震、防火、防洪、减轻灾害的功能。详细分析城市绿地在城市综合防灾减灾中的作用,并介绍城市防灾减灾植物的选择。  相似文献   

张凯云  王浩  费文君 《中国园艺文摘》2013,29(1):110-113,134
在新一轮的城市绿地系统规划及修编中,如何体现城市特色,重塑城市特有的地域风貌成为重要的课题.文章立足具体修编工作,从特色因素分析、城市建设评价出发,对绿地系统的特色规划目标、布局结构、景观格局、植物规划等方面进行阐述,提出只有强化城市的文化内涵和空间特征,才能使城市的风貌具有独特性.  相似文献   

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