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Penueus schmitti broodstock was grown from postlarvae in a three-stage semi-intensive pond system. Mean weight after 10.5 mo was 51.2 g for females and 33.8 g for mnles. Reproductive response was evaluated in two studies. The first study was conducted with unilaterally ablated or unablated females and males with ejaculated or non-ejaculated spermntophores. The best response was achieved with ablated females and with non-ejaculated males (0.87 spawas/maturation tank per d and 22.254 nauplii/maturation tank per d). The second study compared the reproductive response of captive ablated females mated with pond-reared males or wild males. More nauplii were produced from wild males (78,583 nauplii/maturation tank per d) than from pond-reared males (57,777 nnuplii/tank per d). The reproductive culture cycle of P. schmitti has been closed for the first time in Cuba on a commercial scale with the collection and stocking of postlarvae of the F1 generation.  相似文献   

斑节对虾杆状病毒在感染对虾中肠腺中的分布   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
李贵生 《水产学报》2001,25(2):141-146,T001
利用组织切片法研究了斑节对虾杆状病毒(MBV)在养殖早期班节对虾及养成期斑节对虾中肠腺各部位的分布特点。斑节对虾的中肠腺可分为头部、亚头部、中部、亚尾部和尾部等5个部分,其上皮细胞包括E细胞、F细胞、B细胞和R细胞等4种类型。头部和尾部均以E细胞为主、亚头部、中部和亚尾部均以R细胞为主。在感染度较轻的样本中,MBV一般只感染F细胞、R细胞和B细胞。感染度较重时,E细胞也同时受累。在养殖早期虾和养成期虾中,MBV相对感染度在中肠腺各部分的分布均以中部最高,而且以中部的中间最高,离中部越远,相对感染度越低。  相似文献   

Spermatophore deterioration in pond-reared Penaeus vannamei was studied, and spermatophore quality was evaluated and improved. Sperm production of males collected from grow-out ponds was increased by two techniques: eyestalk ablation using a fresh frozen maturation diet (13% body weight); and laboratory culture using a diet of the formulated feed Nicovita Plus (3% body weight/ d) and frozen squid (2%). Findings are complementary to previous reports that eyestalk ablation improves quality of spermatophores in young (25.7 g) males. The timing of eyestalk ablation for activation of the endocrine mechanism, leading to improved spermatophore quality was also explored. After eyestalk ablation, performed between postmolt and intermolt stages, 26 g males required a minimum of three spermatophore regenerations or 42 d to significantly increase spermatophore size and sperm count. On the other hand, the laboratory culture (2.5 mo) technique improved the quality of spermatophores in successive regenerations for non-ablated males. In the present study, subadult P. vannamei produced spermatophores which, if not transferred or manually ejaculated, gradually deteriorated (successive stages are described), while a new compound spermatophore was being synthesized.  相似文献   

Resource use was investigated at 34 Litopenaeus vannamei and five Penaeus monodon farms in Thailand and 30 L. vannamei and 24 P. monodon farms in Vietnam. Farms varied in water surface areas for production, reservoirs, canals, and settling basins; in pond size and depth; and in water management, stocking density, feeding rate, amendment input, aeration rate, crop duration, and crops per year. Production of L. vannamei averaged 17.3 and 10.9 m.t./ha/yr, and feed conversion ratio averaged 1.49 and 1.33 in Thailand and Vietnam, respectively. On average, production of 1 m.t. of L. vannamei required 0.58 ha land, 5,400 m3 water, 60 GJ energy, and 1218 kg wildfish in Thailand and 1.76 ha land, 15,100 m3 water, 33.7 GJ energy, and 1264 kg wildfish in Vietnam. Resource use per metric ton of shrimp declined with greater production intensity. In Thailand, P. monodon was produced at 0.2–0.4 m.t./ha/yr, with no inputs but water and postlarvae. In Vietnam, P. monodon production averaged 3.60 m.t./ha/yr. Production of 1 m.t. of P. monodon required 0.80 ha land, 36,000 m3 water, 47.8 GJ energy, and 1180 kg wildfish, and resource use per ton production declined with increasing production intensity.  相似文献   

This paper provides a brief summary of information on recent advances in the nutrition of Penaeus monodon . The nutritional requirements of P. monodon have been little known despite its importance in aquaculture. Recent findings indicate a noticeable difference between some important nutrient requirements of P. monodon and P. japonicus , the most studied shrimp species. For example, the thiamin requirement for P. monodon was estimated to be 14 mg/kg diet, while for P. japonicus it is 60-120 mg/kg diet for juveniles and 40-80 mg/kg diet for larvae. The same contrast was also observed in the requirements of riboflavin (22.5 mg/kg in juvenile P. monodon vs. 80 mg/kg in larval P. japonicus ), niacin (6.4 mg/kg vs. 400 mg/kg) and vitamin C (2,000-2,500 mg/kg vs. 10,000 mg/kg).
Research efforts to understand the lack of ability for shrimp to effectively use dietary crystalline amino acids have resulted in the development of a microencapsulated amino acid that can be assimilated by P. monodon which is incapable of utilizing the essential amino acid in crystalline form. This development enables the quantification of requirements of the amino acid and other essential amino acids for shrimp. A study using cellulose-acetate-phthalate encapsulated arginine indicated that the arginine requirement of postlarval P. monodon is 5.47 g/100 g protein (2.50 g/100 g diet).
Other aspects concerning the importance of digestive enzymes, dietary requirements of protein, carbohydrate, lipid and vitamin, energy and larval feeding for P. monodon were reviewed.  相似文献   

斑节对虾(Penaeus monodon)属于对虾科,对虾属,广泛分布于西太平洋和印度洋沿岸的大部分地区,我国的南海沿岸都有分布。这种虾具有生长快、个体大、产量高、肉味鲜美、营养丰富等优点,是我国南方重要的对虾养殖种类。  相似文献   

弧菌疫苗对斑节对虾和日本对虾免疫预防的作用   总被引:16,自引:3,他引:16  
陶保华 《水产学报》2000,24(6):564-569
尝试使用免疫学的方法来防治对虾弧菌病。将病原副溶血弧菌制成福尔马林灭活疫苗,在实验条件下分别以浸泡、口服和注射等方式接种于斑节对虾和日本对虾,结果发现,在一定的范围内,对虾的免疫保护率随疫苗浓度的增加而升高。在注射接种的方式中,斑节对虾在19^9、10^8、10^7cells.mL^-1的疫苗剂量下的保护力分别为40%、50%和40%,浸泡组(疫苗浓度分别为10^8cells.mL^-1、10^7  相似文献   

草虾淡化养殖试验报告   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
草虾(Penaeusmonodon)个体大、肉味美、生长快、养殖周期短,在世界半咸水虾类养殖中占居首位。为了拓展淡水水产养殖品种,提高虾类产量,我们于1997、1998两年在萧山市围垦地区进行了试养,由于草虾淡化养殖较少报道,因此,特将我们1998年的试验结果报告如下。1 条件和方法11 试验塘准备:塘五只,为使用1-2年的池塘,其中萧围农牧渔场2只(1#,2#),钱江养殖场2只(3#,4#),城东养殖场1只(5#)。池为沙壤土质,少淤泥,池边坡度1∶3,池深14m以上。1-5#池面积分别为…  相似文献   

池塘养殖斑节对虾的生长特性   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
对池塘养殖的斑节对虾的生长特性进行研究。不同生长发育阶段的1500尾斑节对虾的体长、体重生长参数进行测量和分析。结果表明,(1)池塘养殖斑节对虾体长和体重呈幂函数关系,♂∶W=2·0×10-5×L~(2.9498);♀:W=2·0×10-5×L~(2·9633);(2)同大多数对虾种类一样,斑节对虾也表现出雌、雄生长的差异。养殖前期,雌、雄虾的体长、体重生长差异不明显,雄虾略高于雌虾,在59·6d后,雌虾体长生长速度高于雄虾;雄虾体重的生长拐点出现在144·5d左右,雌虾体重的生长拐点出现在195·3d左右;(3)采用von Bertallanffy生长方程,拟合出池塘养殖斑节对虾体长、体重生长方程为:♂∶Lt=178.9(1-e-0·0093(t-28·2)),Wt=87·97(1-e~(-0·0093(t-28·2)))2·9498;♀∶Lt=233·7(1-e~(-0·0065(t-28·2))),Wt=208·96(1-e~(-0·0065(t-28·2)))2·9633。  相似文献   

The effects of broodstock source (pond-reared and wildcaught from shallow waters) and prawn size (large—weight >120 g, and small-weight < 110 g) on ovarian maturation and reproductive success of Penueus monodon were evaluated. Large females underwent stage IV ovarian maturation and spawned with greater success than did small prawns. Both pond-reared and wildcaught females of the same size exhibited comparable maturation and spawning success. Large females rematured and spawned more frequently than small ones. Total eggs produced by large prawns was significantly greater than for small prawns; nevertheless, prawn source and size had no significant influence on amount of eggs spawned per spawning event. Egg quality varied greatly in terms of percent fertilization, hatch rate, and metamorphosis to first protozwa stage.  相似文献   

于春霞 《水产学报》2002,26(4):307-312
用市售冰冻斑节对虾中头胸甲有白斑的病虾做感染源,对中国对虾仔虾进行人工感染,通过电子显微技术,对中国对虾仔虾的肝胰腺细胞进行观察研究。结果表明;冰冻斑节对虾体内的杆状病毒能够使中国对虾致病,其发病程度与对虾养殖密度有关。从病毒基质发生到形成完整的病毒粒子及侵染大致分4个阶段;病毒基质发生期,病毒囊膜形成期,病毒粒子装配期,病毒粒子再度侵染期。同时观察中还发现了一些可能与病毒形成有关的特殊物质,如绒团物和冰晶状物等。  相似文献   

近几年,全国对虾养殖业有所恢复,华南地区(广东、广西、海南)的对虾养殖产量在增加。特别是海南的对虾养殖业于1997年开始快速发展起来,主要是推广斑节对虾高位池的养殖模式和低位池健康养虾技术,高位池养虾水面由1997年初的近百亩发展到1999年的近万亩,低位池养虾7万亩。随着养虾业的发展,对虾的病害也逐趋严重,在海南的发病率达60%—70%。根据近两年我们的调查和实践,对斑节对虾暴发性疾病防治技术提出如下探讨性意见。 一、诱因分析 (一)外因 1.海区环境受污染,由于局部地区盲目追求高产量,采用高密…  相似文献   

Genetic protection of improved lines of Giant Tiger shrimp, Penaeus monodon, may be achieved through the reliable production of all triploid families, as triploid shrimp are reproductively sterile. The problem with current triploid induction methods is in producing 100?% triploid progeny reliably and doing so on a commercial scale. All triploid offspring may be achievable by mating tetraploids with diploids, overcoming current limitations. However, tetraploidy in shrimp to date has been unsuccessful, with all tetraploids dying very early in development. As the induction method of heat was found to be lethal, this study investigated an alternative method using cold water to assess induction rates and lethality. Cold-water treatments between ?2 and 14?°C were applied at 18, 20, and 22?min post-spawning detection for various durations with the aim of inhibiting first mitosis. Tetraploidy was induced in treatments at or less than 1?°C; however, no nauplii hatched from these treatments. As no diploid or tetraploid nauplii hatched from any of the treatments below 3?°C, it was determined that this cold-water treatment method is not suitable for tetraploid production in P. monodon.  相似文献   

斑节对虾家系氨氮耐受性的比较   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以非洲(F)、泰国(T)、印尼(Y)3个地理群体的野生斑节对虾(Penaeus1Ttonodon)为亲本构建家系,通过96h氨氮急性毒性试验对其中45个家系进行氨氮耐受性的比较研究。结果表明,在96h高氨氮的胁迫下各家系的死亡率为15.56%~100%,斑节对虾家系间对氨氮的耐受性差异极显著(P〈0.01)。其中死亡率低于30%的高氨氮耐受性家系有7个,死亡率在30%~60%的中等氨氮耐受性家系有29个,死亡率高于60%的低氨氮耐受性家系9个。不同父本和母本来源的家系氨氮耐受性由高到低分别为来源非洲、印尼和泰国。不同交配组合氨氮耐受性由高到低分别为F♀×F♂、Y♀×Y♂、Y♀×T♂、T♀×Y♂和T♀×T♂。对印尼和泰国杂交组合家系的氨氮耐受性进行杂交优势分析,结果表明,杂交组合在氨氮耐受性表现出一定的杂交优势(1.98%~19.80%),其中Y♀×T♂组合的杂交优势高于T♀×Y♂组合。  相似文献   

斑节对虾的饥饿试验和补偿生长   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了(25.0±1.5)℃下斑节对虾(Pertaeus mondon)[初始体质量(1.60±0.01)g]饥饿0d、2d、4d、6d和8d后再饱食投喂18d、16d、14d和12d的补偿生长和体组成变化。结果显示,饥饿2d的斑节对虾体质量上升,脂肪质量分数下降,而水分、灰分质量分数增加,但蛋白质质量分数没有明显改变。随着饥饿时间的延长,斑节对虾的体质量及蛋白质、脂肪等质量分数持续下降,水分和灰分质量分数持续上升。试验结束时饥饿2d和饥饿4d试验组斑节对虾的体质量略小于对照组,虾体的营养组成也均接近或达到对照组水平,而饥饿6d和饥饿8d试验组的斑节对虾的体质量则远低于对照组,且虾的身体营养组成与对照组具有显著性差异(P〈0.05)。在恢复生长过程中所有饥饿处理组的食物转化率(FCE)均高于对照组,各饥饿处理组的饲料系数(FCR)均低于对照组。研究结果表明,饥饿2d和4d的斑节对虾在恢复正常投喂之后具有部分补偿生长效应,这主要是由于恢复摄食后食物转化率提高的结果。  相似文献   

Shrimp farms in India had average yields (pond surface basis) of 7.86 ± 1.04 (SE) m.t./ha/yr for Litopenaeus vannamei (n = 89) and 3.88 m.t./ha/yr for Penaeus monodon (n = 11). Average feed conversion ratio was 1.48 ± 0.04 for L. vannamei and 1.24 ± 0.12 for P. monodon. Land use for production ponds, supporting area, and feed ingredients averaged 0.634 ± 0.053 ha/m.t. for L. vannamei and 0.716 ± 0.087 ha/m.t. for P. monodon. Saline water volume used at farms without water exchange was 18,522 ± 4065 m3/m.t. for L. vannamei and 9528 m3/m.t. for P. monodon. Farms exchanging water used 149,188 m3/m.t. for L. vannamei and 191,500 m3/m.t. for P. monodon. Freshwater embodied in feed was 1678 ± 508 m3/m.t. for L. vannamei and 1401 ± 137 m3/m.t. for P. monodon. Average energy use for farm construction and repair, farm operations, and embodied in feed and liming materials was 82.14 ± 9.08 GJ/m.t. for L. vannamei and 59.03 ± 24.92 GJ/m.t. for P. monodon. Wildfish used to make fishmeal included in feed was 1209 kg/m.t. for L. vannamei and 1611 kg/m.t. for P. monodon. Farm infrastructure, pond management methods, yields, and resource use in India were similar to those previously reported for shrimp farms in Thailand and Vietnam.  相似文献   

Clq结合蛋白(ClqBP)是补体系统中的一种重要成分,它能与游离的补体分子Clq的胶原样区相互作用并启动多种细胞反应,包括增强吞噬作用、促进吞噬细胞对微生物的杀伤、诱导趋化作用,从而增强生物体的免疫性.本实验从构建的斑节对虾(Penaeus monodon)卵巢组织cDNA文库中筛选并克隆了PmClqBP基因.为研究PmClqBP在斑节对虾中的生物学功能,采用半定量和荧光定量的方法研究比较了PmClqBP基因在雌雄个体不同组织及卵巢不同发育阶段的差异表达情况.结果表明:雌雄个体的PmClqBP基因在性腺、胃、血细胞、肠中表达量存在极显著差异(P<0.01).同时,PmClqBP在无节幼体和蚤状幼体时表达量低,从糠虾幼体至卵巢发育成熟过程中表达量有所增加并趋于稳定,揭示PmClqBP斑节对虾卵巢发育过程的重要功能基因.应激实验结果表明,经脂多糖(Lipopolysaccharide,LPS)刺激6h后PmClqBP在肝胰腺中的表达量极显著上调,提示PmClqBP参与了斑节对虾天然免疫应答,暗示其在斑节对虾先天性免疫调控中发挥着重要的作用.  相似文献   

斑节对虾工厂化健康养殖试验   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
于2003年进行斑节对虾工厂化养殖试验,采用健康养殖的方式,单位面积产量达到0.77kg/m^2,成活率为16.20%,渔药残留符合国家标准。  相似文献   

池塘半封闭淡化养殖斑节对虾试验   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
探讨了在池塘条件下半封闭式淡化养殖斑节对虾的技术,成功地将斑节对虾养殖环境的盐度下限控制在1~2。通过培养基础饵料、科学驯养和使用微生物制剂等手段,使对虾的平均单产达到了3812kg/hm^2,产值达到10.8万元/hm^2。  相似文献   

用1000ml小水体进行斑节对虾和凡纳对虾各期幼体对卤虫无节幼体摄食量的比较实验,结果表明,二种对虾的卤虫摄食量与卤虫密度有关,在相同密度下,糠虾期凡纳对虾卤虫日摄食量明显高于斑节对虾,而卤虫密度对摄食量的影响凡纳对虾略低于斑节对虾,仔虾期卤虫摄食量差异日渐减小,P5-P6已很接近。  相似文献   

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