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孙兆法  张淑霞  李梅  李凌 《园艺学报》2011,38(6):1121-1126
 采用迁光试验研究长日照植物蒲包花‘秀丽’的限界性诱导光周期,不同发育阶段对光周期的敏感性和光周期处理对盆花品质的影响,并推测了童期长度。连续短日照和经7 d长日照后移至短日照的蒲包花,从处理到开花的天数显著长于长日照14 ~ 42 d后移至短日照的处理,而14 ~ 42 d长日照转移的处理之间差异不显著,表明14 d的长日照处理足以促进蒲包花开花,其限界性诱导光周期在7 ~ 14 d之间,长日照14 d以后蒲包花的花芽发育对光周期不敏感。长日照7 d后转到短日照,从处理到现蕾的天数减少而从现蕾到开花的天数增加,顶花芽败育,侧芽萌发开花,表明长日照7 d促进了花芽分化,但此时花芽发育对光周期仍敏感。本试验条件下,生长至3对叶片时蒲包花已结束童期。长日照促进株高和主枝长度的增加,21 d长日照后转移到短日照的处理,株高、主枝长度显著大于14 d时转移的处理,开花整齐,盆花品质显著提高。长日照转到短日照时,地上部鲜质量、根鲜质量、总质量均随着迁光天数的延迟而下降;短日照转到长日照时则相反。9月上旬播种育苗,在3对叶片时开始长日照处理21 d,蒲包花‘秀丽’可在1月上旬始花,保证春节上市。  相似文献   

矮生一品红的花期调控技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一品红原产墨西哥及非洲,是常绿或半常绿灌木.一品红的苞片和叶片相似,是主要的观赏部位,开花时枝顶的节间变短,上面生多层苞片向四周放射而出.  相似文献   

水晶泥培养对‘玛瑙桂莪术’水培开花特性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以姜黄属广西莪术新品种‘玛瑙桂莪术’为试材,采用水培方法,研究了水晶泥对水培至不同发育阶段的‘玛瑙桂莪术’开花表现的影响。结果表明:催芽结束后立即使用水晶泥培养比一直水培的对照组开花率高;清水培养6d后使用水晶泥培养的根茎发育至初开所需天数最短,苞片色泽1级根茎个数最多,花序直径、花梗长度与粗度与对照相比均有显著差异;清水培养12d后使用水晶泥培养的根茎花枝寿命最长,盛花期最长;结果表明清水培养6d后使用水晶泥培养、每5d浇1次水的处理组能显著提高‘玛瑙桂莪术’的商品品质。  相似文献   

为实现乌塌菜的加代繁殖,针对冬性不同的材料,找到其适宜的春化时间,将萌芽的种子在4℃低温条件下分别处理15、20、25 d,调查不同春化处理时间对乌塌菜各材料抽薹开花的影响。结果表明,‘常丰乌塌菜’冬性最强,春化25 d,播种至现蕾始期时间为35.6 d,播种至开花始期时间为45.8 d,现蕾开花最早,开花期反应植株大小与健壮程度的株幅、花薹直径、叶片数与春化20 d处理差异不显著;‘中八叶’和‘精选乌塌菜’春化20 d,开花期植株生长健壮,株幅、叶片数、花薹直径显著优于春化25 d处理,开花率接近100%,现蕾开花也较早。综合分析得出‘常丰乌塌菜’春化25 d最适宜,‘中八叶’‘精选乌塌菜’春化20 d最适宜。  相似文献   

两种光周期下矮牵牛‘幻想粉红’生长发育特性的研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
 将矮牵牛‘幻想粉红’分别培养在长日照和短日照条件下, 观测其始花期及株高、株幅、分枝数和开花数的变化; 将短日照下培养的‘幻想粉红’分别于2、4、6、8、10、12、14、16片真叶时移入长日照下进行培养, 观测从长日照处理至第1朵花开放的时间。结果分析表明: 长日照下, ‘幻想粉红’株型松散, 短日照下生长紧凑; ‘幻想粉红’为量性长日照植物, 短日照下要达到较大的营养生长量才能开花; ‘幻想粉红’的幼龄期约在8片真叶期结束。初步建议在8叶期之前采用短日照处理‘幻想粉红’,以得到紧凑的株型, 而在8叶期以后给予长日照, 以促进开花。  相似文献   

‘幻想’矮牵牛幼龄期和限界性诱导光周期的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
 采用迁光的方法测定‘幻想’矮牵牛的幼龄期和限界性诱导光周期。结果分析表明: ‘幻想’矮牵牛的幼龄期约在6片真叶期结束, 其限界性诱导光周期为3周。与连续诱导光周期相比, 限界性诱导光周期能明显抑制‘幻想’矮牵牛株高的生长, 对株幅和分枝数无明显影响。建议在‘幻想’矮牵牛8叶期时给予长日照处理以促进开花; 3周以后再给予短日照处理以节约能源, 同时可以控制株高。  相似文献   

温度和辐射对一品红发育及主要品质指标的影响   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
 以辐热积(每日温度相对热效应×光合有效辐射, Photothermal p roduct, PTP) 为光温指标,通过不同扦插期的试验研究了温度和辐射与‘千禧’一品红发育和品质指标的定量关系, 明确了从短日至单苞期、单蕾期、多蕾期、开花期所需要的PTP。结果表明标准化株高净增量(株高净增量/扦插苗初始叶面积) 与PTP呈幂函数关系; 主干叶片净增数、侧枝叶片数、苞片数与PTP均呈线性关系; 冠高比与PTP呈负指数关系。  相似文献   

多效唑对温室盆花月季生长及品质的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用多效唑叶面喷施与根部浇灌2个处理方式,叶面喷施500、1 000、2 000mg/L,共5种处理,研究了多效唑对温室盆花月季‘绯扇生长与开花品质的影响。结果表明:叶面喷施1 000mg/L多效唑时,‘绯扇’花发育天数与生长积温增加,可延迟花蕾显色期、张开期,增加盆花张开期生长天数,延长观赏期;缩短植株节间距与枝长,叶色浓绿,降低株高,花径增大,叶片鲜重增加,提高观赏价值;喷施多效唑能够增加盆花月季叶片的叶绿素含量,提高其光合速率与光能利用率,对改善月季‘绯扇鲜花重与花径等品质有重要影响。  相似文献   

利用乙烯利分别对20~23片叶龄的"红擎天"和"黄边莺歌"2种观赏凤梨品种进行4个不同浓度处理的催花试验,以确定适宜的乙烯利浓度,以达到提早开花和观赏的目的。结果表明:"红擎天"和"黄边莺歌"用200~400mg/L的乙烯利处理后,处理至现蕾所需的天数最短,分别为69d和66d,有利于提早开花。  相似文献   

薛勇 《花木盆景》2004,(2):16-16
春暖花开,万物复苏。盆栽花卉经过严冬之后进入生长期,此时一些长日照花卉开始现蕾开花,短日照花卉也进入营养生长期。所以,加强春季管理工作对盆花能否达到预期的观赏效果至关重要,应加以重视。  相似文献   

In a study of photoperiod response 30 early (summer)-flowering chrysanthemum cultivars from Britain and Japan reacted as quantitative short-day plants. Both flower bud initiation and development occurred more rapidly in short days (SD) as compared with long days (LD). The early-flowering cultivars differed from late-flowering chrysanthemums in that lateral flower buds, and often the terminal flower buds, develop to anthesis in LD. Internodes were shorter in SD and flowers had fewer florets. There was an increased number and proportion of disc florets in SD in all cultivars except one. Two cultivars, ‘Mezame’ and ‘Pennine Yellow’, closely approached day-neutrality.All cultivars produced fewer leaves in LD on upper lateral shoots than on main stems. Either the presence of the terminal flower bud induces earlier flowering of the upper lateral shoots, or the change which causes the terminal apical meristem to initiate a flower in LD influences the axillary meristem also.SD could be used to speed up the flowering of glasshouse-grown crops of early-flowering cultivars. The advantages and disadvantages which may be associated with treatment at different stages of growth are discussed.  相似文献   

《Scientia Horticulturae》2005,103(4):441-451
The aim of the study was to examine the effects of different photoperiod and light integral on floral initiation, development and subsequent growth of Eustoma grandiflorum (Raf.) Shinn. Six-weeks-old seedlings of ‘Echo Blue’ and ‘Fuji Deep Blue’ were placed under short day (SD, 10 h) and were transferred to long days (LD, 20 h) at 2-week intervals from 6 to 14 weeks after seeding. Plants initiated flower buds regardless of light regimes. Flower bud initiation was delayed by SD compared to LD; plants transferred after 6 weeks from seeding initiated flower buds at least 21 and 10 days earlier at LD at high (HL) and low (LL) daily light integral, respectively, compared to those at SD. Light regimes had little or no effect on time to flower bud development after initiation. Thus, it seems likely that LD and HL affected the initiation rather than development. Both the photoperiod and light integral strongly influenced the subsequent growth after initiation. SD delayed the time to visible bud (VB), increased the number of nodes to first open flower, number of branches, stem diameter and shoot dry weight compared to LD. HL promoted flowering and increased several shoot characteristics and flowering compared to LL.The results indicate that Eustoma is a quantitative long-day plant. LD, and more specifically HL, enhanced flower bud initiation, development and subsequent growth. An initial SD period is preferred to increase the number of branches, number of flowering buds and flowers, stem diameter and shoot dry weight.  相似文献   


Photoperiod and temperature control of flowering in a number of perpetual-flowering or everbearing strawberry cultivars of widely varying pedigree has been studied in controlled environments. Flower bud initiation in the cultivars ‘Flamenco’, ‘Ridder’, ‘Rita’ and ‘Rondo’ was significantly advanced by long-day (LD) conditions at temperatures of 15°C and 21ºC; while, at 27ºC, flowering took place under LD conditions only. Some plants of the seed-propagated F1-hybrid ‘Elan’, raised at 21°C, also flowered under short-day (SD) conditions at 27°C, but reverted to the vegetative state after a few weeks when maintained under these conditions. When vegetative plants growing in SD at 27°C were transferred to LD conditions at the same temperature, they consistently initiated flower buds and started flowering after about 4 weeks. At such a high temperature, flowering could thus be turned on and off by switching between SD and LD conditions. This applied to all the cultivars studied. Also the cultivar ‘Everest’, which was tested only at 21°C, produced similar results. Night interruption for 2 h was effective in bringing about the LD response. At 9°C, flowering was substantially delayed, especially in ‘Flamenco’ and, at this temperature, flowering was unaffected by photoperiod. Runner formation was generally promoted by high temperature and SD conditions, but the photoperiodic effect varied between experiments. We conclude that everbearing strawberry cultivars, in general, whether of the older European-type or the modern Californian-type originating from crosses with selections of Fragaria virginiana ssp. glauca, are qualitative (obligatory) LD plants at high temperature (27°C), and quantitative LD plants at intermediate temperatures. Only at temperatures below 10°C are these cultivars day-neutral.  相似文献   


‘Korona’, ‘Elsanta’, ‘Bounty’ and ‘Senga Sengana’ strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.) plants, were placed at constant temperatures of 9, 15 or 21°C and daylengths of 8 h (short day) or 24 h (long day). The plants were given different numbers of short-day (SD) cycles, and flowering and growth were studied. ‘Korona’ and ‘Elsanta’ were responsive to both short-day treatment and temperature, with optimum flowering at 15°C and 24 SD. ‘Bounty’ was more responsive to temperature, inducing flowers independently of the number of SD cycles at 9°C and 15°C. In ‘Senga Sengana’ flowering was induced independently of temperature and the number of SD cycles, indicating that it had a stronger dependence on other environmental effects. The effect of the number of short-day cycles and the temperature on vegetative growth variâtes such as the number of stolons and daughter plants, the length of flower trusses and petiole length were also studied.  相似文献   

香蕉新品种‘南天红’由‘南天黄’的自然突变选育而成。假茎平均高度2.59 m,幼树假茎外表面暗红色,抽蕾后转绿。雄花苞片外表面常为深红色,花苞卷曲,常不脱落;从种植到收获11 ~ 13个月,单株产量25 kg,品质好。中高抗香蕉枯萎病4号小种,采用配套的栽培技术可在所有香蕉种植区推广。  相似文献   

When grown in a glasshouse, flowering in Primula vulgaris ‘Aalsmeer Giant’ (yellow) and ‘Ducat’ (blue) was delayed with increasing temperature from approximately 12°C to 18°C. In addition, size of the first open flower and the number of flowering axillary shoots decreased, whereas the number of leaves and leaf area increased with the temperature increase. All temperature responses were greater in ‘Aalsmeer’ than in ‘Ducat’.When grown in growth rooms at 9°C, flowering in P. vulgaris ‘Aalsmeer Giant’ (yellow) was inhibited compared with 15°C. However, when 9 weeks of 15°C was applied to plants grown for 9 weeks at 9°C, the inhibition was overcome; longer periods of 15°C being no more effective. This indicates than an early stage of flower formation, probably the initiation, in Primula vulgaris is inhibited by 9°C, and not the further development of the buds towards open flowers.  相似文献   

不同光质对盆栽一品红光合特性及生长的影响   总被引:23,自引:1,他引:23  
江明艳  潘远智 《园艺学报》2006,33(2):338-343
 以‘天鹅绒’和‘威望’两个一品红品种为试材, 研究了红、黄、蓝3种光质对其生长、观赏品质和花期的影响, 结果表明: 红光有利于叶绿素b的合成, 促进侧枝的生长, 推迟花期3 d, 但提高花头的观赏品质。黄光有利于光合速率的增加, 对侧枝的生长表现出前期促进、后期抑制的现象, 虽然对花期无明显影响, 但降低了花头的观赏品质。蓝光有利于叶绿素a的合成, 抑制侧枝的生长, 使花期提前7 d,但对花头观赏品质无明显影响。  相似文献   

王冬良  方鹏  谢宏斌 《园艺学报》2020,47(4):813-814
‘花早春’是由‘早春大红球’芽变选育而来的山茶新品种,耐寒性强。植株直立紧凑,叶片椭圆形。花径15 ~ 18 cm,花蕾簇生于枝条顶部,花期12月下旬—翌年2月底。  相似文献   

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