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淋巴肉瘤是多类型的肿瘤,犬猫等小动物均有发生。临床上以多中心型、消化型、胸腺型淋巴肉瘤为主。南京农业大学动物医院于2008年3月收治一病犬,经临床症状观察、血液学检查、血液生化检查、组织触片、血液涂片等病理学检查,最后诊断为犬淋巴肉瘤。根据病理组织学和剖检结果,该病例属于多中心型淋巴肉瘤。  相似文献   

马的淋巴肉瘤曾在各种回顾性研究中被描述过,报道的病例描述了内脏、胃肠道、呼吸道、淋巴网状系统、白血病和皮肤的变化。虽然马患淋巴肉瘤者常常少于牛、狗和猫,但它是马恶性肿瘤性死亡的主要  相似文献   

猫乳腺瘤的发病率仅次于皮肤癌和淋巴肉瘤,与犬乳腺肿瘤的发生率相比较,猫的发病率不及其半。然而,犬的乳腺肿瘤509/6以上是良性的,与其相反猫的乳腺肿瘤709/6~90%为恶性的、转移性的;在肿瘤间质和实质细胞间,常有淋巴细胞浸润;淋巴转移常发生在腋下淋巴结、腹股沟淋巴结、肺、肝及脾,骨骼的转移性肿瘤很少见。  相似文献   

猫急性淋巴白血病是由猫白血病病毒(FeLV)引起的以不成熟造血组织细胞恶性克隆增殖为特征的一种异质性疾病,也是猫的肿瘤性疾病中比较常见的一种恶性肿瘤。骨髓中异常原始细胞(白血病细胞)大量增殖并浸润各种器官组织,使正常造血受抑制,主要表现为贫血、出血和继发感染等。临床发病急,死亡率高,但由于诊断有一定难度,目前,临床确诊率比较低。作者最近在宠物门诊中,通过临床症状、血常规检查、生化检测、猫白血病病毒检测、剖检变化和病理切片,确诊1例典型的猫急性淋巴白血病,现报道如下。  相似文献   

犬多中心型淋巴肉瘤的诊断报告   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
犬淋巴肉瘤虽然是一种常见的恶性肿瘤,但在临床实践中得到确诊的并不多:我们对一例巨脾病犬实施摘脾手术,并对脾、淋巴结、肝脏进行了病理组织学观察,确诊该病犬为淋巴肉瘤症,依据其肿瘤发生的解剖位置确定为多中心型淋巴肉瘤,依据其肿瘤细胞的形态学特征确定为成淋巴细胞型淋巴肉瘤。  相似文献   

白血病是临床上家猫比较常见的传染病。病原为猫白血病毒(Feline Leukemia Virus,FeLV),属反转录病毒。同其他反转录病毒一样,FeLV可以在寄主身上建立起持续性感染。由FeLV引起的疾病有淋巴和造血组织病,包括肿瘤,尤其是淋巴瘤(淋巴肉瘤、淋巴癌)和白血病,以及退行性疾病如贫血  相似文献   

乳糜胸为胸腔有高浓度甘油三酯和其他脂质消化产物的淋巴积聚。虽然猫的乳糜胸较易诊断,但发病原因不甚了然。与猫乳糜胸有关疾病有心肌病、胸腺瘤、实验诱导或自然发生的恶丝虫病、膈肌赫尔尼亚、创伤、胸腔原发性及转移性肺肿瘤;但多数病例为自发性,无明显原因。本文报道4例与成淋巴细胞淋巴肉瘤相关的猫乳糜胸诊疗情况。  相似文献   

<正>1病例介绍英短患猫,雄性,1岁,体重3.1 kg,出现随地撒尿,尿中带血的症状,其吃喝正常。2诊断2.1临床症状患猫精神较差,不愿活动,体温38.4℃,膀胱较大,触诊膀胱时患猫比较抗拒。2.2临床检查对患猫进行血常规检查、血气分析、血凝检查、X线检查、超声波检查、尿常规检查等。2.2.1血液采集与制备病猫侧卧保定,  相似文献   

猫白血病和淋巴肉瘤是由猫白血病病毒(简称FeLV)引起的病毒性肿瘤病。FeLV是有囊膜的C型RNA病毒,属于反录病毒科,直径115纳米。病毒能在许多组织中复制,包括骨髓、唾液腺和呼吸道上皮。病毒对热、干燥和消毒剂都较敏感,在外界环境  相似文献   

犬猫乳腺瘤的诊断与治疗   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
乳腺是犬猫肿瘤常发的部位 ,母犬乳腺瘤发病率约占全部肿瘤性疾病的 2 5 %~ 50 % ;猫乳腺瘤发病率仅次于皮肤癌和淋巴肉瘤。该病的发生受多种环境因素和遗传因素的影响。其治疗以早发现早手术为宜 ,并辅以化学疗法、放射疗法和免疫疗法  相似文献   

A 10-year-old, neutered female, domestic shorthair cat was presented with a recent history of weight loss, polydipsia, diarrhoea and vomiting. On physical examination, intestinal thickening and mesenteric lymph node enlargement were apparent. Clinical investigations revealed peripheral blood eosinophilia, eosinophilic abdominal effusion and eosinophilic mesenteric lymphadenitis. There was a temporary response to treatment with glucocorticoids but signs progressed and the cat was euthanased. On histology, there was eosinophilic infiltration and fibroplasia of intestine and mesenteric lymph nodes. Large aggregates of neoplastic round cells in the intestine and lymph nodes were identified as T lymphocytes using immunohistochemistry. A diagnosis of intestinal T cell lymphosarcoma was made. This case demonstrates that hypereosinophilic paraneoplastic syndrome may occur in cats with lymphosarcoma. Eosinophil chemotaxis may be a response to the production of interleukin-5 by neoplastic lymphocytes.  相似文献   

A 3-year-old cat presented for chronic intermittent vomiting was diagnosed with chronic lymphocytic-plasmacytic gastritis via histological examination of an endoscopic gastric biopsy. The condition was effectively managed with prednisone. The author cautions against missing a diagnosis of alimentary lymphosarcoma without a full-thickness gastric biopsy.  相似文献   

The clinical and radiological features of 30 cases of anterior mediastinal lymphosarcoma in the cat are described; they represented 48 per cent of all cases of lymphosarcoma recorded at the University of Bristol Veterinary School between 1972 and 1977. The condition principally affected young cats and there was a predisposition in oriental breeds. Dyspnoea and regurgitation were the two most common major presenting signs. Diagnosis was made in most cases on the basis of radiological examination, but in some cytological examination of the thoracic fluid was necessary for confirmation.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the efficacy of doxorubicin when used alone in inducing remission in cats with lymphosarcoma. DESIGN: Prospective multi-institutional study of naturally occurring disease. METHODS: Cases were accrued from veterinary institutions in Australia and New Zealand after obtaining consent from informed owners. Cats were treated with doxorubicin every 3 weeks for three treatments. If there was no response to the first dose of doxorubicin or if the cat relapsed during the doxorubicin regimen, the cat was withdrawn from the trial and either euthanased or treated with other agents. Age, breed, gender and anatomic site of the lymphosarcoma (multicentric, alimentary, mediastinal, extranodal) were recorded for each cat. Clinical remission was assessed before each treatment by physical examination, radiography, ultrasonography and computed tomography where appropriate. Complete remission was defined as the disappearance of all clinical signs and clinically detectable tumour. RESULTS: Twenty-one cases were accrued over a 2-year-period but only 19 were available for data analysis. Young Siamese cats were over-represented and all cats with mediastinal tumours were young Siamese. There was a significant difference between the mean ages of cats with mediastinal or multicentric lymphosarcoma (mean +/- SD: 3.5 +/- 3.0 and 4.3 +/- 2.6 years, respectively) and cats with alimentary or extranodal LSA (11.4 +/- 0.9 and 11.0 +/- 0.9 years, respectively). Of 19 cats treated with doxorubicin alone, 6 (32%) had complete remission, 6 (32%) had partial remission and 7 (36%) did not respond. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that doxorubicin cannot be recommended as a single agent for treatment of feline lymphosarcoma because of the rather poor remission rate achieved.  相似文献   

Systemic mastocytoma was diagnosed in a 16 year old cat. Prednisone therapy was initiated but discontinued after 11 months because of development of a duodenal ulcer. Twenty months after the initial diagnosis the cat developed dyspnea, due to enlarged pharyngeal lymph nodes. Euthanasia was performed; systemic mastocytoma and lymphosarcoma were found at necropsy.  相似文献   

Three horses with clinical signs compatible with pleural effusion were examined with diagnostic ultrasound. In one of the three horses, confirmed septic pleural effusion was monitored with ultrasound during a successful treatment regimen. Eficacy of thoracentesis and detection of recurrence of fluid were readily determined. In the second horse, diagnosis of diffuse pleural neoplasia (lymphosarcoma) was made. In the third horse presented for pleural effusion, the effusion was documented and concurrent ascites detected with ultrasound. Carcinomatosis was found at necropsy. Ultrasound examination proved to be a sensitive, noninvasive modality useful in diagnosis and treatment of pleural effusion.  相似文献   

Cysts of the protozoan Sarcocystis sp were found in skeletal and cardiac musculature in a 1.5-year-old cat with lymphosarcoma. The cat was FeLV-positive and had grossly visible neoplastic involvement of the spinal cord, mediastinum, bone marrow, and kidneys. Ultrastructural examination of the parasitic cyst wall suggested that the species in this case was different from that described in the only other reported case. It was hypothesized that immunosuppression from FeLV infection permitted an aberrant life cycle with encystment of Sarcocystis sp in this cat.  相似文献   

A two-year-old female alpaca with multicentric lymphosarcoma presented because of progressive weakness and recumbency. The diagnosis of lymphosarcoma was based on the detection of immature and atypical lymphocytes in a lumbosacral CSF sample. Post mortem examination confirmed multicentric lymphosarcoma involving multiple organs. Immunophenotyping using cross reactive T- and B-cell antibodies characterized the tumour as a T-cell lymphosarcoma.  相似文献   

猫尿石症是猫临床诊疗中常见的疾病之一,其临床症状主要表现为精神不振、尿频、尿血、尿淋漓、尿闭等。其阻塞引起的肾后性氮质血症,严重时可危及生命,需要及时给予治疗。本文总结了两例典型的猫尿石症的病例,通过临床基础检查、血液检查以及影像学检查确诊,通过保守治疗和手术治疗,效果尚可,暂未见复发,以为该病的临床诊疗提供参考。  相似文献   

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