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本文介绍了丹麦有机猪的生产情况(有机猪的品种、畜舍环境和条件、畜舍卫生和饲养饲料状况)、沙门氏菌控制计划的情况(饲料、种猪群、断奶仔猪群、育肥猪群和屠宰场的监控)和效果。同时,简析了我国发展有机畜牧业的必要性,最后提出实行危害分析和关键控制点(HACCP)预防管理体系和有机养殖是我国养猪业的发展方向。  相似文献   

<正> 前言当前,我国工业化养猪业正在逐步发展。利用对环境的控制进一步提高家畜生产力,也日益受到重视。工业化生产为有效控制环境提供了有利条件。猪的生产性能、利用饲料效率与畜舍小气候关系密切。Verst-egen(1978)曾指出,在一定范围内,气温  相似文献   

对饲料中大量添加有机砷制剂的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前,在饲料中添加的有机砷制剂主要是对氨基苯砷酸及其钠盐(阿散酸)和洛克沙胂.这两类是属于我国允许使用的饲料药物添加剂,也是我国目前使用量比较大的有机砷制剂.主要用于提高猪、鸡日增重和改进饲料利用率,改善皮肤营养,促进色素沉积,抵抗病原,对治疗和防治猪的下痢腹泻有效.  相似文献   

秋冬季节由于气温多变、温差大;阴雨天气多、湿度大;畜舍因为实施保温措施,通风减少,畜舍内小气候变差;畜舍易潮湿,饲料霉变也较多发生。另一方是刚熬过酷热天气的猪只体质仍显虚弱,有些病原微生物会趁机大量繁殖,从而使大部分猪群处于亚健康状态,容易导致多种疾病的流行,如仔猪红痢、黄白痢、猪流感、传染性胃肠炎、猪繁殖和呼吸障碍  相似文献   

<正>有机猪是指严格按照有机产品国家标准养殖,在无污染的环境下饲养,猪种、饲料来自有机畜牧业生产体系。给猪饲喂有机饲料,不使用激素、抗生素、化学添加剂等化学药物,不污染土壤、大气、水质。肉猪饲养尽可能地顺其自然,满足动物福利,让有机猪有足够的自由活动空间,禁止被关在笼内饲养,提倡利用天然资源放养。有机猪的养殖环境、养殖过程、屠宰、储运都经过了国家认可的有机认证机构认证。1有机养殖的作用  相似文献   

1常用消毒剂消毒是杜绝传染源并确保猪群健康的重要措施,通常可分预防性消毒和疫源性消毒。预防性消毒;指没有发生传染病时,对畜舍、用具、场地、饮水等进行消毒,疫源性消毒是在发生传染病时及发生传染病后,为控制病原的扩散对已造成污染的环境、畜舍、饲料、饮水、用具、场地及其他物品进行全面彻  相似文献   

在当今提倡低碳环保和关注人类健康的大背景之下,人们越来越关注食品安全和药物及饲料添加剂残留。在这样的背景下,有机猪养殖技术得到了快速发展。有机猪肉在大城市高端市场也出现供不应求的局面。本文试就有机猪与常规猪的差别予以介绍。  相似文献   

李铁坚 《饲料广角》2001,(13):15-17
我国即将加入世贸组织,当务之急是发展有机畜牧业。国内首家有机养猪场——新兴养殖场,已于2000年春天在山东省泰安市岱岳区夏张镇建成投产。有机畜牧业的特点就是在家畜饲养过程中,禁止用有害的化学合成饲料或含有化肥、化学农药、激素、类激素残留成分的饲料来喂家畜。当家畜生病时,也避免使用滞留性有毒药品,以确保畜产品及其制品有利于人体保健。新兴养殖场是在333hm~2有机农业的基础上建成的,以有机农产品作为猪的饲料,由于其产品纯正卫生,对国外出口供不应求。研究与开创饲料的净化,是饲料工业的一项崭新课题。  相似文献   

应激因素是指那些对猪的生产性能引起不可预见的和不可控制的因素.1 应激因素养猪生产中普遍存在应激因素可归纳如下:多种病菌引起的混合感染;不适宜的气候条件(如贼风、寒冷和污染的空气);畜舍建筑不合理,不能满足猪的自然习性需要(拱地、游走、排粪等);饲养密度过高,猪群过分拥挤;对猪不必要的操纵和处理,包括去势及在没有正确诊断情况下的频繁投药;不正确的饲喂方法,猪是群饲动物,喜欢一起吃食,但畜舍装备更不能满足这种需要,由于运输,影响猪的体温和群居性,饲养这对猪的粗暴态度.  相似文献   

消毒是杜绝传染源并确保猪群健康的重要措施,通常可分预防性消毒和疫源性消毒。前者是指无传染病发生时,对畜舍、用具、场地、饮水等进行消毒,后者是在发生传染病时及发生传染病后,为控制病原的扩散对已造成污染的环境、畜舍、饲料、饮水、用具、场地及其他物品进行全面彻底的消毒。消毒时应先机械性清扫,再用化学消毒液消毒。机械性清扫是通过清扫、冲洗、  相似文献   



To achieve a competitive reproductive performance in organic pig farming is a major challenge for this farming practise. Practices and research data regarding conventional pig production are not always applicable to organic production, why field studies are needed to identify differences in performance between organic and conventional pig farms in order to identify areas for improvement.


Performance data for one year was collected from 5 organic herds that had more than 30 sows in production and used a computerized recording system, and data from five nearby conventional farms with more than 30 sows and the same recording system were used as a comparison. In total data from 4697 farrowings were analyzed. In the organic pig herds, there were a higher total number of piglets born per litter (p=0.001), a higher number of piglets stillborn per litter (p<0.001), but a tendency (p<0.06) to lower number of weaned pigs per litter and longer nursing period (p<0.001) and farrowing interval (p<0.001).


The reproductive performance was lower in the organic herds and the variation in reproductive performance among the organic herds was larger than among the conventional ones, suggesting options for improvement in the organic herds.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the association between herd level risk factors for introduction and transmission of Salmonella in farms with three different production systems: organic, outdoor (non-organic) and indoor finishing-pig farms, and the presence of seropositive animals in the herds. Potential risk factors for Salmonella in the three pig production systems were identified through a literature review, and management information as well as serological data were collected in 34 pig farms: 11 organic farms, 12 outdoor farms, and 11 indoor farms. There were no general differences in the proportion of Salmonella seropositive animals in the organic, outdoor, and indoor pig farms. Correspondence analysis showed that the occurrence of seropositive animals in the herds was mostly associated to the risk of introducing Salmonella in the herds by purchasing and transporting growing pigs. No associations between herd risk factors for transmission and survival of Salmonella and seropositive animals in the herds were found.  相似文献   

The share of organic dairy production in EU is increasing and this study describes the herd structure and cow performance in organic and conventional dairy production systems in Sweden. The data included records from 2 902 718 lactations, collected in organic (n = 471) and conventional (n = 13 976) herds between 1998 and 2005. Compared with conventional herds, the organic herds were larger and increased more rapidly in size. The replacement rate was slightly lower in organic herds and fewer Swedish Holsteins were used. The statistical analysis of cow performance in the first three lactations showed lower milk, fat and protein production in organic herds, but the increase in production from first to second lactation was larger when expressed in kg milk. Fertility was better for organically managed cows compared to conventionally managed cows, but the somatic cell count (SCC) was higher. However, at a given production level the fertility was slightly worse in organic herds while there was no difference in SCC. No interactions of importance were found between production system and breed for any trait.The results showed that organic and conventional dairy production differed regarding herd structure and cow performance. However, the differences in fertility and SCC found were to a high extent explained by the lower milk yield in organic production and no breed was found to perform better in either system.  相似文献   

Trichinella infections in humans and pigs have been documented in Greece since 1945 and a high prevalence of infection in pigs occurred in the 1950s. Up to 1984 only sporadic infections in humans were documented, and this zoonosis was not considered as a public health problem until 2009 when a human outbreak caused by the consumption of pork from an organic pig farm occurred. In the present study, we describe the re-emergence of Trichinella spp. infections in free-ranging pigs from organic farms of 3 counties (Dramas, Evros and Kavala) in Northern-Eastern Greece during the period 2009–2012. Totally 37 out of 12,717 (0.29%) free-ranging pigs which were tested during the period in question, were positive for Trichinella spp. larvae. The etiological agent was identified as Trichinella britovi. The average larval burden was 13.7 in the masseter, 6.2 in the foreleg muscles and 7.5 in the diaphragm. The 37 positive animals originated from seven free range pig farms. The practice of organic pig production systems in Greece has grown in popularity over the last years due to the increasing interest of consumers for products considered as traditional. However, this type of pig production increases the risk for Trichinella spp. infections, since animals can acquire the infection by feeding on carcasses or the offal of hunted or dead wild animals. The awareness and education of hunters and farmers is extremely important to reduce the transmission among free ranging pigs and the risk for humans.  相似文献   

Mastitis is one of the major threats to animal health and thus to productivity in all dairy farming systems. Previous studies of organic dairy herds have indicated better udder health in organic herds, as compared to conventional herds but opposite results have also been reported. In view of the great implications that the dry period (DP) has on udder health, we aimed to compare milk performance data between organic and conventional dairy herds by specifically addressing the relation of somatic cell counts in milk (SCC) before and after the DP. On 68 farms (35 organic, 33 conventional) in Western Germany individual cow and herd production data were recorded next to data on SCC (herd, individual) between June 2002 and June 2004. For data analysis, SCC values > 150,000 cells/mL were defined as indicative for disorders of udder health.  相似文献   

An observational study was conducted in Wisconsin to compare production and management on organic and conventional dairy farms. Thirty organic dairy herds, where antimicrobials are rarely used for calves and never used for cows, were compared with 30 neighboring conventional dairy farms on which antimicrobials were routinely used for animals of all ages. A seven-page questionnaire regarding milk production, milking practices, housing, incidence of the major dairy diseases and medical treatments was used to assess management and production during 2000-2001. Body condition scores (BCS) of lactating cows and environmental and animal sanitation scores (EASS) were also collected on each of two occasions. The organic herds had significantly fewer cattle than did the conventional herds (P=0.017). The average daily milk production per cow in organic dairy herds (20.2 kg/day) was lower than that of conventional herds (23.7 kg/day). The incidence of clinical mastitis (CM) on organic farms (28 cases per 100 cow-years at risk) was not statistically different from that of on conventional farms (32 cases per 100 cow-years at risk). No significant difference in bulk tank somatic cell count (BTSCC) was observed between organic farms (262,000 cells/ml) and conventional farms (285,000 cells/ml). The average annual cull rate was 18.0 cases per 100 cow-years for the conventional farms and 17.2 for the organic farms (P=0.426). Our paired t-test results indicated significantly higher parasite burden on organic dairy farms; however, no significant difference between the two farm types when controlling for season (March and September), grazing intensity (no grazing, little grazing, grazing with access to housing and grazing only) and herd average milk production per cow. There was little evidence of other fundamental differences between the two farm types in other management and production parameters.  相似文献   

猪的行为是猪对其生活环境和饲养方式等综合反应的表现,在集约化饲养条件下,猪的行为问题非常严重。主要概述了猪的采食行为、排泄行为、社会行为、母性行为和异常行为,并分析其在饲养管理过程中的应用,旨在为养猪从业人员正确认识猪的行为表现,并施以科学的饲养管理和利用措施提供参考,从而提高猪群生产性能和养猪效益。  相似文献   

The prevalence of the methicillin‐resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) among conventional pig herds in the Netherlands is high (around 71%). Nevertheless, information about the prevalence of MRSA among organic pig herds is lacking. Here, we report a study on 24 of the 49 organic pig herds in the Netherlands. The prevalence of MRSA positive herds showed to be 21%. The genetic characteristics of the MRSA isolates were similar to MRSA CC398 described in conventional pigs except one exceptional HA‐MRSA CC30 found in one herd, which was presumably caused by human to animal transmission. This resulted in a prevalence of MRSA CC398 in the organic herds of 16.7%.  相似文献   

We surveyed Belgian pig herds to describe their biosecurity status and management practices. Our written questionnaire was sent to a stratified random sample of 609 pig farms. We achieved a 71.6% response, and 421/609 farmers (69.1%) returned questionnaires suitable for analysis. We used multiple-correspondence analysis followed by a two-step clustering procedure. Herd size, herd type and occupation (commercial or hobby herd) were used to describe different groups. We differentiated four biosecurity groups, which we interpreted as indicating low- to high-biosecurity status. Although we felt that most farms had acceptable biosecurity, few used measures such as showering (2.1%) and quarantine periods for people entering the premises (7.1%). We also found three management-practices clusters, although their interpretation was not straightforward. Despite the industrialised character of pig production in Belgium, 9.4% of pig herds were small, hobby herds that reported different biosecurity and management characteristics (such as the equipping pigs on pasture and feeding kitchen waste).  相似文献   

Respiratory disease is considered the most serious disease problem in modern pig production and the risk has increased with intensification of pig production. We quantified risk factors for chronic pleuritis (CP) in Danish pig herds in terms of herd and herd-owner characteristics, management and neighbourhood factors. The occurrence of CP was investigated in 540,104 slaughter pigs from 259 farrow-to-finish or finishing herds during the mandatory post-mortem meat inspection at 18 Danish abattoirs. The monthly herd- and abattoir-specific prevalences of CP were estimated for the months January through August 2000. Meat-inspection data, herd characteristics and neighbourhood factors were obtained from databases at the Danish Bacon and Meat Council. Data on herd-owner characteristics and management factors were obtained by telephone interviews. Data were analysed using a mixed model accounting for repeated measurements. Four factors were associated with increased herd prevalence of CP: low health status of the herd, pig density within a 5 km radius, mingling of pigs during the production period and the month of slaughter. Two factors protected against CP: feeding with only dry feed and practising all-in-all-out production.  相似文献   

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