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采取撒播、条播、穴播和育苗移栽4种栽培模式种植黔引普那菊苣,观测其生育期、再生速度、产苹量。结果表明:黔引普那菊苣在黔南温热地区4种栽培模式上均能很好地完成生育期,不同栽培模式之间生育天数、生长天数以及再生速度差异不显著(P〉0.05)。4种栽培模式以穴播产量最高,撒播次之,育苗移栽最低,条播、撒播、穴播分别比育苗移栽提高8194、9134和10146kg/hm2,差异显著(P〈O.05)。建议田间规模种植时采取穴播。  相似文献   

选择贵州省独山县、道真县、毕节市、松桃县4个具有代表性的县(市)为试点,以普那菊苣为对照品种,对黔育1号菊苣进行了大田生产试验。旨在通过对在不同地区种植的黔育1号菊苣鲜、干草产量的测定,来明确黔育1号菊苣的生产力水平,从而为其将来大面积用于生产提供科学依据。结果表明,4个试点生产试验中,黔育1号菊苣的产量均较高,其在独山县、道真县、毕节市、松桃县的平均鲜草产量为95001.6 kg/hm2以上,普那菊苣的平均鲜草产量为83732.0 kg/hm2,黔育1号菊苣比对照品种普那菊苣平均增产13.4%。  相似文献   

采用二次饱和D最优设计方法,选取菊苣密度、氮肥施用量2个因子为研究对象,研究种植小麦条件下套作普那菊苣鲜草产量与其密度、氯肥施用量间的关系,建立了试验因素与菊苣鲜草产量的数学模型,通过对模型解析和模型寻优,获得普那菊苣鲜草产量≥105000kg/hm^2的优化栽培方案为:菊苣2007年3月1日育苗,施有机肥22500kg/hm^2,种植密度173565~219585株侩顷,每次刈割后次日施氮量52.88~104.03kg/hm^2。合理密植,适当增施氮肥,对提高普那菊苣鲜草产量、改善菊苣品质具有积极的促进作用。  相似文献   

菊苣为菊科多年生草本植物,是畜禽的优质青饲料,可条播、撒播、穴播和育苗移栽。通过育苗移栽的种植方式,从播种到刈割利用全程采用不打农药、不施用化肥,全用鸡粪和沼液等一系列措施,生产出无公害菊苣牧草,并用来喂鸡、鸭、猪、野兔等畜禽,获得了很好的效果。  相似文献   

2009年对普航1号菊苣等菊苣品种(系)作了品比试验,观察其物候期,测定其产草量、再生性、营养成分、抗旱性等。试验结果表明,在试验地气候条件下,参试菊苣品种均能正常开花结实,并表现出较好的生态适应性;各品种菊苣营养成分相差不大,但普航1号菊苣的抗旱性较强;经方差分析可知,参试品种菊苣间的鲜草产量差异达极显著水平,且以普航1号菊苣为最好,其鲜草产量可达101348kg/hm2,黔引普那菊苣、将军菊苣相对较低。  相似文献   

在春播、秋播两个播期下,以穴播、条播、撒播3种方式种植欧洲菊苣(Cichorium intybus cv.Europe)测定其鲜草产量。结果表明:欧洲菊苣产量最佳组合A3B3C3,即采用撒播种植方式、密度在55株/m2、盖度为95%以上时产量最高。对影响产量较多的因素进行分析,无法确定影响产量的主要因素时,通过降维采用因子分析,利用公共因子进行分析。这样既减少了干扰因素,又抓住了影响产量的主要因素。  相似文献   

不同处理方式对黔引普那菊苣生育期及种子产量的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
用不同处理方式对黔引普那菊苣生育期及种子产量的影响进行了研究.结果表明,在莲座期喷施多效唑,可延长黔引普那菊苣营养生长期,其花期相对一致,单株有效分枝数、有效花序数较高;单株产量、每公顷产量分别达14.1g和564.2 kg/hm2.单株有效分枝数对种子产量的影响较大,有效分枝数多,其有效花序数也多,种子产量也较高;反之,种子产量则低.各处理对其序粒数、千粒重的影响不大.  相似文献   

普那菊苣等菊苣品种作了品比试验,经方差分析其产草量、再生性及种子产量品种种间差异极显著,以普那菊苣为最好,欧洲菊苣次之、美国菊苣最差;其茎叶比在莲座期以欧洲菊苣最好,普那菊苣居中,美国菊苣最差(P<0.01),在抽苔期欧洲菊苣与普那菊差异不显著,与美国菊苣之间差异达极显著水平.参试品种在播种当年及翌年均能正常开花结实,适应性较强.营养成分以欧洲菊苣最高,普那菊苣居中,美国菊苣最低;产草量以普那菊苣的饲用价值最高。  相似文献   

通过对引进的普那菊苣进行3年的种植试验,结果表明,普那菊苣在四川大部分地区表现良好,具有较强的适应性、抗逆性和再生能力,生长利用期长,生长速度快;一年可以刈割7~8次,产草量高,年鲜草产量180~225 t/hm2;牧草品质好,营养价值高,干物质粗蛋白含量达15%~32%,利用率高,寿命长,适宜在四川气候温暖湿润的地区生长.  相似文献   

普那菊苣引种适应性观察   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
张玉  卞志高 《四川草原》2004,(12):7-8,11
通过对引进的普那菊苣进行3年的种植试验,结果表明,普那菊苣在四川大部分地区表现良好,具有较强的适应性、抗逆性和再生能力,生长利用期长,生长速度快;一年可以刈割7~8次,产草量高,年鲜草产量180~225 t/hm~2;牧草品质好,营养价值高,干物质粗蛋白含量达15%~32%,利用率高,寿命长,适宜在四川气候温暖湿润的地区生长。  相似文献   

Federally funded range improvement treatments in the United States require that land managers consider the treatment’s impacts to archaeological sites. Pending archaeological clearance can result in the postponement or exclusion of effective seeding practices, which in turn can result in poor seed establishment, increased weeds, recurrent fire, accelerated soil erosion, and damage to cultural sites. Less intensive requirements would help relieve time restrictions, but less-conspicuous sites might be missed. We quantified the displacement and damage that lithic artifacts would incur if missed in an inventory and subsequently subjected to drill seeding treatments. We subjected chert, quartzite, and obsidian materials to impact by a rangeland drill and a no-till drill on sandy and silty soils. Soil texture was the most important factor in perpendicular lithic movement. In the silty soil, lithics were displaced perpendicular to the direction of the drill nearly twice as far as in the sandy soil (7.8 cm ± 0.9 SE vs. 4.1 cm ± 0.6 SE, P < 0.01). No experimental factor showed a difference in absolute displacement (mean = 15 cm). Damage to lithics was infrequent (25%) and minor with no experimental factor showing statistical significance. Approximately 30% of lithics were buried by treatments. In the sandy soil, the rangeland drill buried lithics 6.5 mm ± 1.6 SE deep, on average, which was twice as deep as the no-till drill in the sandy soil (3.0 mm ± 0.9 SE) and four times as deep as both drills in the silty soil (1.5 mm ± 0.5 SE; P = 0.03). Minimal effects of drill seeding on lithics suggest that drill seeding could proceed with less-intensive archaeological surveys.  相似文献   

为明确甘南高寒牧区3种饲草不同种植模式的生产性能及经济效益,设置了秋播小黑麦(×Triticale Wittmack)套作式复种箭筈豌豆(Vicia sativa)、50%春播小黑麦混播50%箭筈豌豆、小黑麦秋季单播、箭筈豌豆春季单播和燕麦(Avena sativa)春季单播5个处理,分析不同处理的干草产量、营养价值(粗蛋白含量、酸性洗涤纤维含量、中性洗涤纤维含量)、经济效益及土壤养分含量。结果表明,秋播小黑麦套作式复种箭筈豌豆和50%春播小黑麦混播50%箭筈豌豆的干草产量分别为14.06和12.31 t·hm–2,纯收益分别为6286和11011元·hm–2,显著高于3种单播模式(P<0.05),且显著提高了土壤的全氮含量,可作为甘南高寒牧区高效种植模式进行种植推广。  相似文献   

采用多因素随机区组试验法,进行多草种、覆盖不同厚度及不同土类的草坪种植试验研究,经观测其出苗率和方差统计分析后认为,影响草种出苗率的主要因素为草种的品种;在同样覆盖厚度下,覆盖的所有土壤类型都表现出大粒草种的出苗率较小粒草种的出苗率要高;要达到50%以上的出苗率,不论覆盖何种土壤,覆盖厚度以0.5cm最好,大粒草种覆土厚度应小于3.0cm;中粒草种覆土厚度应小于1.0cm,小粒草种覆土厚度应小于0.55cm;覆盖的土壤类型以沙壤土最好,粘壤土次之,风沙土较差,漏沙土最差。  相似文献   

The effects of fire, bruchid seed beetles and soil type on the germination and seedling establishment of Acacia drepanolobium were experimentally investigated. Seeds subjected to three seed treatments (bruchid damaged, bruchid-free burnt, and bruchid-free unburned) were germinated in three different soil types (black cotton, red sandy, and clay loam soils). Undamaged seeds had significantly higher germination (85.3%) than either beetle damaged (20.6%), or burnt seeds (3.4%). Soil type did not influence germination or seedling survival. Burnt seeds had an average germination of 2% in clay loams and 5.4% in red sandy soils, while beetle damaged seeds had an average germination of 15.6% in clay loams and 28.7% in black cotton soils. Treatment effects on seedling mortality or survival were not significant but seedlings from undamaged seeds had higher survival rates than those damaged by bruchid beetles.  相似文献   

不同播种方式对岷山红三叶草产量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过在海拔2 450 m的岷县南部高寒阴湿地区进行岷山红三叶Trifolium pratense cv.Minshan干草丰产栽培试验,得到以下结论:条播为岷山红三叶进行干草生产的最佳播种方式,行距以20 cm最为理想,该行距下生长速度快,而且产草量最高。播种当年A组(行距20 cm)鲜草产量比对照组(撒播)高出4 987.5 kg/hm2,是对照组的1.27倍,差异极显著(P<0.01);A组鲜草产量比B组(行距40 cm)高101 kg/hm2,差异显著(P<0.05)。生长第2年,A组鲜草产量均高于对照组和B组,是对照组的1.16倍,差异极显著(P<0.01),是B组的1.02倍,差异显著(P<0.05)。不同播种方式对岷山红三叶鲜干比无影响。  相似文献   


Knowledge of the germination behaviour of desirable plants to be sown in the veld for veld improvement is still inadequate. To gain this knowledge, seed of different species of Karoo bushes and grasses were planted on two soil types at different planting depths.

Germination percentage of all species tested were significantly lower when planted on the surface in sand as compared with depths of 10 and 20 mm. Germination percentages were also lower at the 0 to 2 mm planting depth than the 10 mm and 20 mm planting depths when planted in a sandy loam soil.  相似文献   

在当归道地产区设起垄覆膜穴栽(LS)、膜侧开沟斜栽(MC)和露地开沟斜栽(LD)3种种植方式,研究不同种植方式对当归田根系层土壤含水量、温度及根系生长动态的调控效应,以期从土壤水热环境角度揭示覆膜种植的增产提效机制,为进一步全面评估当归覆膜技术体系及应用提供理论依据。结果表明:覆膜显著提高了当归返青期0~20 cm耕层土壤含水量,其中LS和MC分别较LD增加22。94%和14。57%,后期由于降水,各处理含水量间差异不显著;覆膜显著提高了0~15 cm耕层土壤日均温度,其中LS和MC较LD分别增加1。04和0。61℃,生育期内各处理土壤温度随土层加深而逐渐降低,温度日变化呈“S”型负正弦曲线,且随土壤深度增加土壤温度变化幅度减小,土层每加深5 cm,日变化曲线相位依次推移1 h,同时覆膜还缓解了温度下降幅度,缩短了昼夜温差。0~15 cm耕层土壤地温大于14℃时,覆膜后当归根系生长提前进入快速时期,其单根鲜重显著高于LD方式,采收时覆膜处理当归药材芦头茎粗和单根鲜重均较LD方式显著增加,根系长度间差异不显著。0~20 cm耕层土壤含水量与当归根长、芦头茎粗和单根鲜重均呈显著正相关,对药材产量构成起着决定性的作用。综上所述,覆膜种植改善了当归根系层土壤水热环境,具有明显的增温保墒效应,能缓解春季低温干旱和季节性水分亏缺所导致的当归生长发育缓慢的问题,可作为高寒阴湿区当归种植的高效模式。  相似文献   

紫花苜蓿在酸性土壤中的生长表现   总被引:13,自引:4,他引:9  
以酸性紫色土(pH值5.45),粘黄壤(pH值4.99)和砂岩黄壤(pH值4.30)为供试土壤,利用盆栽试验比较分析了6个紫花苜蓿品种的生长表现。结果表明,酸性粘黄壤和砂岩黄壤显著抑制紫花苜蓿生长与结瘤,而在酸性紫色土中,紫花苜蓿生长相对良好,且能正常结瘤;3种土壤不同的pH值水平是引起紫花苜蓿生长差异的主要原因,不同紫花苜蓿品种对酸性土壤的耐受性也不同,使紫花苜蓿品种间存在较大的生长差异。酸性粘黄壤和砂岩黄壤施用一定量的石灰,可提高紫花苜蓿生长高度,增加生物量的积累,且粘黄壤中根瘤数极显著增加;酸性紫色土经石灰改良后,部分品种地上部和地下部生物量降低,所有品种的根瘤重显著下降;相比之下,酸性粘黄壤和砂岩黄壤不经改良没有种植紫花苜蓿的可能,酸性紫色土较适宜种植紫花苜蓿。  相似文献   

《African Zoology》2013,48(2):281-286
The histology of brain neurosecretory cells and the development of the ovary and oocytes of preclitellate, early clitellate and late clitellate stages of Eudrilus eugeniae reared in clay loam soil and pressmud have been studied. E. eugeniae reared in pressmud showed earlier differentiation of lobules in the ovary, and increasedoocyte numbers with larger cellular and nuclear volumes than those reared in clay loam soil. This indicates the nutritional superiority of pressmud over clay loam soil in supporting gametogenesis. In the preclitellate stage, the brain neurosecretory cell types (A and B) are small and appear to be laden with secretory substances. The neurosecretory cells become vacuolated and show increased cellular and nuclear volumes and nucleocytoplasmic indices during the reproductively active clitellate stages. Secretory activity of neurosecretory cells occurs earlier in worms reared in nutritively rich pressmud which has greater amounts of nitrogens, phosphorus and sugar, than in worms reared in clay loam soil.  相似文献   

The Department of Defense's Range and Training Land Assessment program provides information and recommendations to range managers regarding the condition of training lands. This information is used to assist in scheduling training areas and in monitoring the effectiveness of rehabilitation projects. Fort Riley Military Installation is a major training reservation located in the Flint Hills of northeastern Kansas, within the tallgrass prairie ecosystem. A randomized complete block design composed of three treatments (M1A1 Abrams tank traffic during wet and dry soil conditions, and a nontrafficked control) with three replications was established in each of two soil types, a silty clay loam and a silt loam soil, on Fort Riley in 2003. Disturbance was created by driving the tank for five circuits in a figure-eight pattern during either during wet or dry soil conditions. Two additional experimental treatments were added during the study: five additional tank passes on one-half of each figure eight in 2004 and burning in 2006. Two areas, a curve and straightaway, within each traffic intensity (and later, burn treatment) subplot were designated for sampling. Aboveground biomass, species composition, and ground cover were measured during each growing season. Recovery of grass and total aboveground biomass in silty clay loam soil was delayed for curve areas and following disturbance in wet soil conditions, respectively. Species composition and ground cover continued to exhibit significant disturbance effects in 2007, with greatest damage observed for repeated traffic under wet soil conditions. Fire effects on vegetation were variable and generally greater for undisturbed control plots than for disturbed areas. The tallgrass prairie typically is considered to be among the most resilient of military training lands, but our research suggests that resiliency is dependent upon soil type and training conditions, and may require longer periods of recovery than previously thought.  相似文献   

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