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恒河猴的驯化特点及应用展望   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
简要介绍了灵长类动物恒河猴的捕捉、检疫、运输、饲养及繁育等方面特点 ,阐述了灵长类试验动物恒河猴未来发展方向  相似文献   

供第四军医大学科研、教学、医疗用的实验用猴猴群中,分别有3只猕猴患腹泻(带有红、白粪便),经治疗和抢救无效死亡,剖检发现肠粘膜呈浆液性脱落,肠壁散在性出血点。电镜负染与真染切处观察确诊为典型轮状病毒粒子时,拟作为制备抗原,试制猴猴“轮状病毒病”油佐剂灭活疫苗,为防治猴轮状病毒病提供保障。  相似文献   

米非司酮对早孕猕猴孕酮和雌二醇分泌的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为开展生殖生物学研究工作提供理想的动物模型。进行了本项试验,分析了米非司酮(RU486)对猕猴妊娠早期血清中孕酮(P)和雌二醇(E2)的影响。结果表明,注射RU486-段时间内孕酮和雌二醇基本不交,但E2/P比值有所增加,说明米非司酮干扰内分泌激素之间的平衡,随着出血的发生,孕酮、雌二醇均显著下降。这种降低与出血的发生有着明确的先后关系,从而证实了激素的变化源于蜕膜受损。  相似文献   

The determination of enzymatic activity of cholinesterase is a useful diagnostic method to detect exposure to anticholinesterase compounds in human and in veterinary medicine. We validated a modification of the Ellman method in canine serum and applied it to the diagnosis of dogs poisoned with anticholinesterase substances. The method used butyrylthiocholine as substrate and potassium hexacyanoferrate as chromophore. The reference range calculated on 60 clinically healthy dogs was set between 3405 and 6561 U/L (chi-square test for normal distribution, p > 0.05). The overall mean intra-assay and inter-assay coefficients of variation were 0.53% and 3.83%, respectively. The assay was linear when using two sera with 12 538 U/L and 6604 U/L serum cholinesterase activity (r2=0.997 and 0.999, respectively). The mean recovery values of pooled sera with a mean pseudocholinesterase (PChE) activity of 12 081 U/L and pooled sera with a mean PChE activity of 3415 U/L were 103.5% and 102.8%, respectively. Six dogs with a diagnosis of anticholinesterase compound intoxication showed a decrease in cholinesterase activity of at least 50% of normal activity with a mean ± SD of 487 ± 291 U/L ranging from 169 to 847 U/L. This technique conforms to the current standard for precision, linearity and accuracy and is a useful method for the complementary diagnosis of organophosphate or carbamate insecticide intoxication in dogs.  相似文献   

应用光镜和透射电镜观察,恒河猴肾上腺皮质可分为球状带、束状带和网状带。其特点是:(1)被膜较发达,有时可伸入球状带将其细胞分隔为团块。(2)球状带有时呈指状指入束状带和网状带,其内可见嗜铬细胞;球状带细胞可分为明、暗2种类型,他们排列成团球状、滤泡状、索状和不规则形。(3)网状带较发达,有的可分为内、外2个区;有时网状带呈刺状伸入束状带;有时网状带细胞可见于被膜下或髓质内。(4)有时部分被膜连同皮质一起呈指状伸入髓质内。(5)皮质细胞均含丰富的溶酶体、线粒体和内质网,但不同部位的细胞所含的脂滴在数量、大小、形态和电子密度等方面存在差异。  相似文献   

白血病抑制因子及其受体在月经周期猕猴输卵管内的表达   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用免疫细胞化学方法对白血病抑制因子(LIF)、白血病抑制因子受体(LIFR)和gp130在月经周期猕猴输卵管内的表达进行了研究。结果表明,LIF、LIFR和gp130主要在输卵管上皮细胞内表达,而在固有层、肌层及泉膜内的表达量较少。LIF、LIFR和gp130在猕猴输卵管内的表达量随月经周期的不同而变化,在增殖中期到分泌中期的输卵管内表达量较高,而在增殖早期及分泌晚期输卵管内表达量较低。LIF及其受体在猕猴输卵管内的表达可能由卵巢分泌的类固醇激素所调控,LIF可能在猕猴排卵及早期胚胎发育过程中起重要的调节作用。  相似文献   

EGF、TGFα、HB-EGF和AR均属EGF家族,与同一受体EGFR结合。本试验应用免疫细胞化学方法对EGF、TGFα、HB-EGF、AR和EGFR在月经周期猕猴输卵管内的表达进行了研究。结果表明:EGF、TGFα、HB-EGF、AR和EGFR主要在输卵管上皮细胞内表达.而在固有层、肌层及浆膜内的表达量较少。EGF、TGFα、HB-EGF、AR和EGFR在输卵管内的表达量随月经周期的不同时期而变化。EGF、TGFα、HB-EGF、AR和EGFR在增殖中期到分泌早期的输卵管内的表达量较高.在增殖早期及分泌晚期的表达量较低。EGF家族及其受体在猕猴榆卵管内的表达可能受卵巢分泌的类固醇激素所调控。EGF可能在猕猴排卵及早期胚胎发育过程中起重要的调节作用。  相似文献   

不同年龄恒河猴消化系统的组织学与组织化学研究比较   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
30只实验用恒河猴分为3组:幼年组(2≤年龄<4)、成年组(4≤年龄<14)和老年组(年龄≥14),每组10只。麻醉放血处死后,采样固定,制作切片,分别用常规HE染色,Gordon-Sweets改良法,VanGieson法,PAS法和阿利新蓝PAS法,核仁形成区相关蛋白(AgNORs)染色等多种组织学与组织化学方法对其消化系统进行组织学观察比较。结果表明不同年龄恒河猴消化系统之间存在结构差异。随着年龄的增长,消化管固有层间质增多、结缔组织增加,壁内消化腺减少,且变性坏死,淋巴组织增生增加。恒河猴肝脏自发性病变随着年龄的增长而程度加深。  相似文献   

A fluorimetric method to estimate erythrocyte glucose phosphate isomerase is described. Five μl of blood is added to 100 μl of water. Ten μl of the resulting hemolysate is incubated with a reaction mixture (200 μl) containing Tris-HCl buffer pH 8.0, 20 μmoles, MgCl2 2 μmoles, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate 0.08 μmoles, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase 0.2 EU and fructose-6-phosphate 0.12 μmoles. After ten minutes of 25°C 20 μl of the mixture is added to 2 ml of 0.01 M phosphate buffer pH 7.4 and the nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate fluorescence determined. Two ml of water was added to the remaining reaction mixture and the hemoglobin concentration determined at 410 nm. The technique is primarily designed for use with small amounts of blood, of widely varying activity, from various animal species.  相似文献   

金丝猴(golden monkey)是我国一级重点保护动物,具有较高的科研、保护及观赏价值。在我国分布有4种金丝猴,即川金丝猴(Rhinopithecus roxellana)、黔金丝猴(Rhinopithecus brelichi)、滇金丝猴(Rhinopithecus bieti)和缅甸金丝猴(Rhinopithecus strykeri)。寄生虫是危害金丝猴健康的重要病原之一。迄今,已报道在金丝猴体内、外发现的寄生虫种类达40余种。论文综述了我国金丝猴寄生虫和寄生虫病的研究概况,以期为金丝猴的保护及相关研究提供参考。  相似文献   

The effects of different blood collection procedures, various storage temperatures and durations of storage on the levels of plasma cholinesterase and whole blood glutathione in turkeys were investigated.

Collection of blood through vacutainers yielded satisfactory results. Whereas the plasma cholinesterase activity remained unchanged even after three weeks of storage at -17.8°C., blood glutathione concentration was unaffected only when the samples were stored at -28.9°C for the three weeks. The range of mean activity was from 4.64 to 4.71 ΔpH/hour x 10 for cholinesterase and from 44.85 to 47.91 mgm/100 ml for glutathione.


The activity of glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px, E.G. was determined in heparinized whole blood, blood plasma and washed erythrocytes from goats before and up to 4 weeks after the administration of selenium (0.4 mg/10 kg BW) and vitamin E (20 mg/10 kg BW) or only vit. E (20 mg/10 kg BW). It was found that Se administration caused a significant increase in enzyme activity in whole blood and washed erythrocytes first detected 2 weeks after the intramuscular injection of Se. No changes were observed in plasma from the treated animals. Minor and insignificant changes were seen in the vit. E treated control animals. It is concluded that GSH-Px activity in blood plasma or serum is of no value as a short-term indicator of the selenium status of goats but whole blood is a good indicator of the long-term status.  相似文献   

一种细胞因子检测新方法--ELISPOT技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
抗原特异性细胞毒T细胞在控制病毒感染和某些肿瘤中具有重要作用 ,如何准确地定量、定性抗原特异的T细胞反应及评价其作用 ,是细胞免疫学中的一项重要课题。ELISPOT技术是近年来正为众多研究者所认可的一项通过检测细胞因子 ,评价T淋巴细胞功能和特异性的新方法。与其他细胞免疫学方法相比较 ,该方法特异性强、灵敏度高、能够直接检测分泌细胞因子细胞 ,而无需体外扩增。ELISPOT技术对病毒性疾病和肿瘤的发病机制以及体内细胞免疫功能的了解具有重要的意义 ,也为这些疾病的细胞免疫治疗提供了理论依据。目前 ,有研究显示该方法不仅应用于肿瘤免疫及其治疗中 ,而且在细胞内感染微生物、自身免疫性疾病发病机制、治疗等方面均有巨大的发展潜力  相似文献   

Plasma cholinesterase (pChE) levels and erythrocyte acetylcholinesterase (eAChE) levels were studied in 6 cows before, during and after parturition (Group I), their calves (Group II), 38 cows suffering from parturient paresis (Group III) and 14 newly delivered non-paretic cows (Group IV).The mean of the pChE level in Group I was 1.5 μkat/1 ± 0.20 before parturition and decreased significantly (P ≦ 0.05) to 1.2 ukat/1 ± 0.16 after parturition. The eAChE level was before parturition ≅ 140 ukat/1 and decreased to ≅ 130 μkat/1 4–5 weeks after parturition.At birth the pChE level was 12.8 ukat/1 ± 5.9 in Group II. After 4 weeks the level had decreased to 2.3 ukat/1 ±0.3. In the bull calves the pChE level started to increase when they were 6 weeks old and reached a level of 5.7 μkat/1 ± 0.6 before slaughter at 6 months of age. The heifers did not show this increase. They had a level of around 2 μkat/1 throughout the investigation. The eAChE level at birth was 119 μkat/1 and increased slowly to a level of 145 μkat/1 at 6 months. No differences between the sexes were found.The cows suffering from parturient paresis had a pChE level of 1.80 μkat/1 ± 0.30 before treatment with calcium (Ca). The level decreased significantly (P ≦ 0.001) after Ca-infusion to a level of 1.67 ukat/1 ±0.29. Group IV had a pChE level of 1.65 μkat/1 ± 0.42 at parturition. Two to 4 months later the cows that had recovered from milk fever had a level of 1.61 μkat/1 ± 0.31 and the control cows 1.66 ukat/1 ± 0.48. No differences between the groups were found for the eAChE level.The findings show that parturition influences the pChE level in cows and that sex influences the pChE level in calves between 6 weeks to at least 6 months of age. Furthermore the elevated pChE level found in the cows suffering from parturient paresis before Ca infusion may be a further sign of a disturbance in the cholinergic system with a special preference to the neuromuscular junctions.  相似文献   

[Objective] The paper was to characterize hair density by changes in hair thickness under certain pressure.[Method] The effects of weight of thickness tester and wafer area at the bottom of presser foot on measurement results were studied,and the optimal measuring weight and wafer diameter was determined.The measurement results of hair thickness under the above condition were compared with the results of manual counting.Meanwhile,the effects of hair length and hair fineness on hair density were analyzed.[Result] The hair density obtained by manual counting had consistent change trend with the hair thickness measured under certain conditions.If the length and fineness of hairs were introduced for modification,the correlation between hair thickness and hair density would be better.There were little changes in hair length and fineness of rex rabbit,and their effects on hair thickness could be ignored under general condition.[Conclusion] It is completely feasible to characterize hair density of rex rabbit by hair thickness under pressure.  相似文献   

在蝗虫密度为0.05~8.50头/m2的不同类型草地,以投环方式统计不同大小(0.02、0.05、0.10、0.20、0.35m2)的铁环击中或套入蝗虫数,计算调查地蝗虫平均数,以笼罩法作为“真值”对照,对不同大小铁环调查数进行统计检验。结果表明,在调查密度范围内,以0.05、0.10、0.20m2铁环的调查数较接近“真值”,其精确性随蝗虫密度的高低略有变动。根据草地蝗虫为Poisson分布的特点,采用Poisson置信域和二项式抽样法,建立以0.10m2环中蝗虫的出现率估测平均密度和反估计的二项式抽样模型,并进行统计检验。最后,以Poisson置信值为概率保证,提出了理论抽样数计算模型。  相似文献   

利用垂直板聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳法对蛋用朝鲜龙城系栗羽鹌鹑及其突变系白羽和黄羽鹌鹑的红细胞和血浆酯酶的遗传多态性进行了研究。结果表明:红细胞酯酶Es-Ⅰ、Es-Ⅲ和血浆酯酶Es-3、Es-4均存在遗传多态性,其中Es-Ⅰ和Es-Ⅲ、Es-3分别受常染色体上的一对等位基因A和B控制,各出现3种表型A、AB和B。Es-4出现2种表型即有带型和无带型,受显性基因Es-4A和隐性基因Es-4a控制。经适合性χ2检验,3群体在红细胞酯酶Es-Ⅰ位点的基因分布均显著偏离Hardy-Weinberg平衡(P<0.01)。黄羽和白羽鹌鹑的红细胞酯酶Es-Ⅲ和血浆酯酶Es-3两个位点,均处于遗传平衡状态。  相似文献   

利用垂直板聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳法对蛋用朝鲜龙城系栗羽鹌鹑及其突变系白羽和黄羽鹌鹑的红细胞和血浆酯酶的遗传多态性进行了研究。结果表明:红细胞酯酶Es-Ⅰ、Es-Ⅲ和血浆酯酶Es-3、Es-4均存在遗传多态性,其中Es-Ⅰ和Es-Ⅲ、Es-3分别受常染色体上的一对等位基因A和B控制,各出现3种表型A、AB和B。Es-4出现2种表型即有带型和无带型,受显性基因Es-4^A和隐性基因Es-4^a控制。经适合性x^2检验,3群体在红细胞酯酶Es—Ⅰ位点的基因分布均显著偏离Hardy—Weinberg平衡(P〈0.01)。黄羽和白羽鹌鹑的红细胞酯酶Es-Ⅲ和血浆酯酶Es-3两个位点,均处于遗传平衡状态。  相似文献   

采用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶等电聚焦电泳法测定了6个品系鸡的血浆转铁蛋白(Tf)、血红蛋白(Hb)和红细胞酯酶D(EsD)的遗传多态性.转铁蛋白出现5种表型,受Tf~A、Tf~B、TP~C3个共显性等位基因控制;血红蛋白出现5种表型,受Hb~F、Hb~(M1)、Hb~(M2)3个共显性等位基因控制;红细胞酯酶D出现5种表型,受EsD~1、EsD~2、EsD~3、EsD~4、EsD~55个共显性等位基因控制.各品系鸡之间的Tf、Hb、EsD的基因频率是不同的.根据基因频率计算遗传距离并用类平均法进行聚类分析.3种肉用鸡中艾维茵和塔特姆亲缘关系最近,罗斯褐鸡与3种肉用鸡亲缘关系较近,而与其它蛋用型鸡亲缘关系较远.  相似文献   

本方法在《GB 5009.6—2016食品安全国家标准食品中脂肪的测定》中第三法碱水解法的基础上进行改良,使用改良后的方法测定不同样品的脂肪含量,变异系数CV在0.26%~1.73%之间;同时用该方法参加第三方的能力验证,结果满意,其准确度结果的偏差为1.89%~3.90%,符合《GB/T 27404—2008实验室质...  相似文献   

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