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对闽西北泰宁县火烧迹地不同植被恢复模式的生态效应进行观测,认为推广的顺序应为乔灌混交模式、乔木纯林模式、灌木模式、自然恢复模式。火烧迹地植被经过4 a恢复,植被基本郁闭,泥沙流失得到有效控制;采取了乔木、灌木措施的区域固土保水能力大于自然恢复区。乔灌结合的植被恢复模式利于植被恢复,且固土能力较强;但从经济效益考虑,植被恢复模式建议选择乔木模式。  相似文献   

为研究近自然恢复模式下不同的立地条件混播模式对播种植物增长率的影响,通过观测各种植被基部面积增长率、冠层面积增长率、地径增长率和株高增长率等生长量指标,对比研究植物生长量增长率在不同立地条件和不同播种方式下的变化。结果表明:草坡立地下播种植物生长量的增长率优于裸地,乔灌混播对比乔灌草混播差异不显著,但优于乔木种子单播;主要出苗树种的生长量增长率在乔灌混播下更具有优势。在近自然植被恢复中,良好的立地条件能获得较高植物增长率,乔灌混播模式对植物增长率更具优势。  相似文献   

[目的]为了探讨恢复模式对森林生态系统碳库的影响,[方法]利用定位研究方法,对比分析了湖南会同杉木人工林皆伐后2种恢复模式(自然恢复和人工恢复)20年时森林生态系统碳储量及其空间分布。[结果]表明:(1)自然恢复植被层碳储量明显大于人工恢复,自然恢复的乔木层碳储量比人工恢复的高22.56%。自然恢复的乔木层各器官碳储量的分配比为干﹥枝﹥根﹥叶﹥皮,而人工恢复为干﹥根﹥枝﹥皮﹥叶。林下植被层和凋落物层碳储量所占比例非常小,自然恢复的灌木层、草本层和凋落物层碳储量分别为人工恢复的3.99、5.94、1.14倍。(2)自然恢复的土壤层碳储量比人工恢复的小;自然恢复表层(0 10 cm)土壤碳含量和碳储量均比人工恢复的大,但其它土层则相反;2种恢复模式的土壤碳含量、碳储量均随土层深度的增加而减少,不同恢复土壤各层碳储量所占分配比差异明显。(3)自然恢复各组分碳储量为乔木层﹥土壤层﹥凋落物层﹥灌木层﹥草本层,而人工恢复为土壤层﹥乔木层﹥凋落物层﹥灌木层﹥草本层。[结论]自然恢复模式更有利于伐后林地植被层碳储量的恢复,而人工恢复模式更有利于伐后林地土壤层碳储量的恢复。从整个森林生态系统看,杉木人工林皆伐后林地自然恢复模式固碳能力高于人工恢复模式,恢复模式对碳储量在生态系统各组分的分配也产生了一些影响。  相似文献   

辽东山区是辽宁省重要的水源涵养基地和中部城市群的天然绿色屏障,在退耕还林过程中选择不同的植被恢复模式对退耕地植被群落的发育演替、生态功能的发挥具有不同的作用。文章通过对草河口退耕还林监测场植被恢复不同模式连续3年的调查研究认为,辽东山区在坡耕地退耕之初的几年内,植被自然恢复比较快,生态功能也比较强,但人工辅助措施能加快植被恢复进程,尤其是乔灌模式植被群落发育最好,为生态功能的发挥提供了必要的物质基础。  相似文献   

对大杨树煤矿区种植乔木模式与自然恢复模式恢复下,矸石堆不同坡位土壤理化性质进行了比较研究。结果表明:(1)种植乔木模式与自然恢复模式对煤矸石堆土壤物理性质进行改善,后者自矸石堆底部向坡顶发展,有壤土发展为砂壤的变化趋势,而前者不同坡位土壤结构更优。(2)种植乔木模式较自然恢复模式碱解氮、有机质含量高,p H值更接近对照区,但速效磷含量较低,在电导率方面,自然恢复模式的坡底、种植乔木模式的坡顶和坡中与对照区相近。  相似文献   

分析了山西省西北部的河曲、保德、偏关、五寨、宁武5县的水土流失状况,对该地区实施的各种治理模式进行了调查,晋西北地区石质山区生态治理模式主要有全面封山育林植被自然恢复模式、人工促进封山育林植被恢复模式、小流域综合治理模式;陡坡退耕地生物治理模式主要有林草结合模式、乔灌混交模式、灌草结合模式。  相似文献   

以浑善达克沙地公路取土场边坡为研究对象,研究了其已经采取的不同植被恢复模式实施6 a后人工植被恢复效果及群落自然植被多样性恢复效果,并对比分析了其与原状坡面植被的差异。结果表明:取土场边坡3种主要植被恢复模式下人工植被空间特征及群落自然恢复物种多样性均存在明显差异。  相似文献   

2011年对珠海高栏岛风电场道路两侧边坡机台安装平台周边进行植被恢复,面积达33.58 hm2,根据不同立地条件,分别选择5种植被恢复模式及树种配置模式,并对其效益进行预测。研究结果表明,3年时种植的乔木速生树种高达2.5 m,郁闭度为0.4;物种多样性丰富,森林同化作用提高,改善了区域空气质量,具有较好的生态、社会及经济效益。  相似文献   

在松潘地区生态脆弱带开展了12种植被恢复模式的试验林营建,设置固定样地于2005年和2010年进行了两次植被恢复效果对比调查,研究结果反映出在松潘地区生态脆弱带实施的12个植被恢复模式,5 a后植物种类显著增加,部分干旱植物消失;植物生物多样性提高,平均增加4.8个物种;群落生物量明显增加,平均生物量为10 t.hm-2左右,模式间增长幅度有着较大的差异。  相似文献   

北京市城区公园植物多样性及近自然群落的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为了掌握北京市建成区公园植物多样性及近自然群落情况,进而为北京城市绿化提供科学基础,对北京市五环内的公园进行了抽样调查和分析.在靠近市中心的很多公园中,我们发现,应用最多的是乔木+灌木,乔木+草坪或少量乔木+少量灌木+草坪型群落结构,近自然化程度较差.本文指出在城市公园建设中应以自然植被和群落演替的基本理论为依据,选择乡土树种即当地自然植被中的主要乔、灌木种类,"模拟自然"的技术和方法通过人工营造与植被自然生长的完美结合,建造以乔木为主体,乔灌花草多种植物相结合、常绿落叶相结合的近自然群落.  相似文献   

Alcoa World Alumina Australia has been rehabilitating bauxite mines in the jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata) forest of Western Australia for more than 35 years. It is a requirement of Alcoa’s completion criteria that rehabilitated areas can be incorporated into the prescribed burning program implemented in the surrounding forest. Rehabilitated areas may be more susceptible to nutrient losses following burning because of their relatively young age and reliance on N fixation from a legume understorey. The objective of this study was to assess the impact that prescribed burning has on the nutrient pools within rehabilitated ecosystems 5 and 8 years after fire, and compare these responses to unburnt rehabilitated areas and the unmined forest. The nutrient status of sites established in previous studies were assessed five (burnt and unburnt forest, 1989 and 1992 rehabilitation) and 8 (spring, autumn and unburnt 1981/1982 rehabilitation) years after burning. Soil, litter and understorey samples were collected and analysed for nutrient content. Burning 1981/1982 rehabilitation in either season 8 years earlier had no long-term negative effect on the nutrient status of the rehabilitation compared to the unburnt controls. Spring burning increased the nitrogen status of the rehabilitated areas by 52 kg ha−1 compared with the unburnt control. Sites rehabilitated in 1989 and burnt 5 years ago showed similar post-fire recovery of nitrogen status to that of the burnt native forest sites (77–85%), while 1992 rehabilitation sites had only recovered 52% of the of the nitrogen of the unburnt sites. Therefore, the impact of burning on nitrogen status was greatest in the 5-year-old rehabilitation and least in the 12–13-year-old sites. Phosphorus was less affected by burning than nitrogen largely because the majority of P is bound in the soil in the jarrah forest. It is recommended that rehabilitated sites are burnt under low intensity in spring when they are 12–15-year-old to ensure rapid post-fire recovery of nutrients.  相似文献   

“5·12”汶川特大地震及其次生灾害对灾区生态环境造成了严重的破坏。经过两年的灾后重建,震区的生态环境已得到一定改善。但地震灾后生态修复是一项长期、复杂的系统工程。目前,四川地震灾区生态问题依然严峻,还有大量的、长期的生态修复任务。本研究详细阐述了国内外生态修复的经验和教训,系统分析了我国两年多来汶川特大地震灾后生态恢...  相似文献   

采用时空互代的方法,对石羊河下游盐碱化退耕地21个样地63个样方的自然恢复植被进行调查,并对各植被群落特征进行了分析。结果表明:退耕后50年的植被演替过程中,调查样方内共出现植物22种,分属于11科21属;退耕地植被自然恢复的过程大致经历了田旋花、独行菜、骆驼蒿、苏枸杞和盐爪爪5种群落类型的演替;在整个演替过程中,植被恢复大体分为迅速恢复期(1~2年)、初始更替期(3~8年)、高级更替期(9~28年)和缓慢恢复期(29年以后)4个阶段,同时,Margalef指数、Simpon指数和Shannon-wiener指数均呈现出波动式减小的变化趋势,Monk指数、Pielou指数和Alatalo指数则呈现出波动式增大的变化趋势。  相似文献   

顺德森林改造区不同林分土壤环境质量研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
土壤质量是环境质量的重要组成部分,是指在一定的时间和空间范围内,土壤维持生态系统的生产力和动植物健康而不发生退化及其它生态问题与环境问题的能力。土壤质量指标是表示从土壤生产潜力和环境管理的角度监测和评价土壤物理、化学和生物学性质、土壤过程以  相似文献   

石质边坡生态修复技术   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
山体缺口的边坡又可分为土质边坡和石质边坡。土质边坡应先保证边坡的稳定,然后采用植树、种草或者"喷草+乔、灌木"等措施恢复植被。国内在土质边坡绿化方面的技术已经比较成熟,在此不再讨论。下面仅对石质边坡的生态修复技术作一探对。    相似文献   

Modern society is faced with increasing incidence of mental and behavioural disorders. The objective of this study was to evaluate whether visits to boreal forests can be utilised for rehabilitation from exhaustion disorder (ED). This randomised controlled trial comprised of a forest rehabilitation group (n = 35) and a waiting list group (control group) (n = 43) with subsequent cognitive behavioural rehabilitation (CBR) for all participants in both groups. The recovery from ED was compared between the forest rehabilitation and the control group at baseline, after the forest rehabilitation (3 months), and at the end of the CBR (1 year). Both groups had enhanced recovery from ED after the 3-month intervention period and at the end of the CBR (1 year), and there were no significant differences between the groups in terms of psychological health measures. Mental state, attention capacity and preferences for different forest environments were studied during the forest visits. Mental state was improved, but it showed some seasonal differences. A significant effect on attention capacity was found for single forest visits, but there was no effect found for the rehabilitation period as a whole. The most popular forest environments contained easily accessible, open and bright settings with visible water and/or shelter. Forest rehabilitation did not enhance the recovery from ED compared to the control group, but the participants’ well-being was improved after single forest visits.  相似文献   

山西平朔ATB矿退化土地的林业复垦与生态重建研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用调查、类比、室内模拟和野外试验示范相结合的方法,1987年-1999年在山西平逆ATB矿进行了林业复垦与生态重建研究,结果表明。该矿生态系统演谱分为生态系统破损阶段、生态系统雏形建立阶段和生态系统动脉平衡阶段;生态受损引发因子包括土地挖损、土地压占、土地占用和土地污染;生态重建的实质为林业复垦基础工程的再造与植被重建工程的实施;生态重建的关键技术包括排土场的设计、有毒物质的消除、黄土的覆盖、侵蚀的控制、植物筛选与配置;重建后的生态优于采矿前的原生态。  相似文献   

根据江门市白水带风景区的现状,提出了风景林林分改造的技术路线和措施;初步分析了林分改造各树种生长情况及林分改造效果。  相似文献   

SOUTH  D. B.; MASON  W. L. 《Forestry》1993,66(1):83-96
The results from various studies with Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis(Bong.) Carr.) in Scotland and Northern England were analysedto determine the effect of initial planting stock size on earlyfield growth. In most cases (21 of 22), the taller stock atplanting was also taller after 6 years of field growth. Forexample when stock 30 cm tall was planted instead of stock 20cm tall, the average height differential after 6 years had increasedto approximately 27 cm. On sites of average fertility (wherethe 6-year height of 20 cm trees would be 160 cm), this wouldequate to a 17 per cent gain in height at year 6. The gainsin height at 10 years were similar to those found at 6 years.These results suggest that most of the height gains were achievedduring the first 6 years of establishment. Even when seeminglysmall differences in average size exist at time of planting,researchers evaluating early growth responses due to varioustreatments (e.g. stock type, genetics, physiology, fertilization)should account for these differences in their analyses.  相似文献   

Inbreeding depression after selfing was estimated in two field trials of Pinus sylvestris, age 11 and 14 years, respectively, by comparing stem volume and height after selfing and outcrossing. For the majority of trees, inbreeding caused a statistically significant reduction in stem volume. The average inbreeding depression for stem volume was 46% and 66% for the two trials, respectively, with a large variation among trees. For one of the trials, the inbreeding depression for height remained at a constant level between age 6 to 14 years, while the inbreeding depression increased between age 6 to 11 years for the other trial. Inbreeding depression was not found to be correlated with the GCA for stem volume of the individual trees. The relative phenotypic within‐family variance was found to be higher in progenies after selfing as compared to outcrossing.  相似文献   

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