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‘燕妮’,月季切花品种,花橙粉色,淡香,单株年产切花量约20枝。‘绿野’和‘哈雷彗星’,庭院绿化月季品种,生长势旺盛,花期长,抗逆性强。‘绿野’花重瓣,浅黄转浅绿色,盘状;‘哈雷彗星’花重瓣,复色,初放时为金黄色,日晒后产生红晕。  相似文献   

兰振 《中国瓜菜》2014,(5):49-51,54
为了适应北京地区西瓜生产需求,根据本地西瓜生产特点,引进4个日本优质小果型西瓜品种与‘京秀’开展品种对比研究。结果表明:‘CX11’综合生长指标较均衡,植株高度、叶面积和茎粗度分别为211 cm、394 cm2和9.44 mm,植株整体长势‘CX21-1’>‘CX21’>‘CX11’>‘L555’>‘京秀’。各品种商品果率均在95%97%区间内,极易坐果。‘CX21-1’、‘L555’和‘CX11’单位面积产量表现较好,667 m2分别达到3 091、3 037、3 011 kg,3品种间差异不显著。果皮厚度‘CX21’最薄,仅为0.46 cm,‘L555’最厚为0.72 cm。可溶性固形物含量‘L555’最高,中心和边部分别为11.74%和9.78%,各品种间差异均不显著,整体水平较优异。‘CX11’口感最优,口感酥脆,纤维含量极少。综合比较发现,’CX11’和’L555’在产量和品种方面表现优异,适合作为本地区高产优质新品种进行大面积推广;‘CX21-1’可用作市场批发。‘京秀’和‘CX21’由于产量不佳,不适宜在本地区早春大棚生产。  相似文献   

在水培条件下,对大蒜品种‘金乡3号’、‘苍山糙蒜’和‘四川早薹’不同分瓣方式(单瓣、半头和整头)种植的青蒜苗生长和品质产量进行比较,结果表明:在单瓣种植条件下,‘金乡3号’的生长量(株高、假茎粗、假茎长及单株鲜质量)、综合品质及青蒜苗产量显著高于其他两个品种。‘金乡3号’单瓣种植的蒜苗生长量(株高、假茎粗、假茎长及单株鲜质量)、色素含量、光合参数、根系活力、综合品质及产量显著高于其他两个处理。因此,水培青蒜苗较好的品种为‘金乡3号’,且较好的种植方式为单瓣种植。  相似文献   

以红颜草莓为试材,通过地热线加热控制使日光温室草莓生长期的夜间根际温度分别为13、16、19、22℃,以不经过加热处理为对照,测定不同温度下草莓的营养生长、产量和果实品质等指标。结果表明:适当提高夜间根际温度有利于草莓的营养生长,4个加温处理草莓的株高、冠幅、叶面积、叶柄长、根颈粗、主根数、根冠比等营养生长指标均高于对照;根际温度的升高提高了草莓的单株果数和产量,13、16、19℃3个处理的草莓产量比对照分别提高1.91%、41.05%和8.33%,但22℃处理的产量比对照下降14.64%;除22℃处理以外,其他3个加温处理草莓的优质果率均高于对照,但4个加温处理草莓的可溶性固形物含量、可滴定酸含量和硬度与对照相比没有显著差异。综合草莓生长结果各项指标可以得出,16℃为最适加温温度。  相似文献   

以樱桃番茄品种PFZL为试材,开展了利用可调节根际温度的无土栽培系统(ARTS)进行番茄越冬栽培加温保温效果的试验研究。结果表明,该系统可有效缓解基质温度受空气温度的影响,保持基质温度的稳定性;明显改善根际温度,基质温度控制在20~25 ℃之间,平均温度稳定在22~23 ℃;冬季采用该系统加温可促进番茄株高和茎粗的生长,每667 m~2产量1?527.05 kg,比常规栽培装置增产39.94%;较传统的锅炉加温方式平均节能72.90%,冬季加温运行费用为0.33元·m~(-2) ·月~(-1),远低于燃煤锅炉加温的0.94元· m~(-2) ·月~(-1),具有显著的增产、节能效果。  相似文献   

为了缓解土壤次生盐渍化对西瓜栽培造成的影响,以中国农业科学院郑州果树研究所52份不同西瓜品种、自交系等为材料,采用培养皿海绵培养法将种子在180 mmol·L-1NaCl条件下进行耐盐性鉴定,测定了各材料在盐胁迫下的发芽率、茎粗、根粗、茎长、根长、根干质量、茎干质量、根鲜质量、茎鲜质量等指标的相对值,分析各指标的隶属函数值,计算其耐盐指数。结果表明,‘郑抗9号’耐盐指数0.72,为耐盐品种;‘中科6号’和‘绿冠2号’耐盐指数分别为0.53和0.50,为中耐品种;‘三白瓜’‘大果黑美人’‘郑抗1号’等13个品种耐盐指数在0.21~0.40之间,为盐敏感品种;而‘HQ-15’‘PI296341’‘ZXG01655’‘15S003’等15个品种耐盐指数在0.00~0.20之间,为盐高敏感品种。  相似文献   

种植密度对黄秋葵生长势、抗病性和产量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究不同种植密度对黄秋葵生长势、抗病性和产量的影响,对‘石秋葵1号’‘红玉’和‘五福’这3个品种进行了5个种植密度的研究,调查分析了密度对其生长势、抗病性和产量的影响。结果表明,种植密度对‘石秋葵1号’‘红玉’和‘五福’的茎粗、株高、单株结果数、单果质量等影响差异显著。随种植密度的增大,茎粗、单株结果数和单果质量基本呈逐渐下降的趋势,株高逐渐增高,667 m~2产量先缓慢升高后快速降低,在株距45、50 cm(中密度)时产量最高。种植密度在株行距45 cm×70 cm和50 cm×70 cm时,黄秋葵的品质和产量最优。  相似文献   

‘长枝芙蓉’是以‘凤丹白’为母本,以‘银红巧对’为父本,进行人工定向杂交而获得的优良单株,经过连续多年的观察、扩繁,并与亲本和其它品种比较以及异地引种栽培区域试验,该品种表现出高度的一致性和稳定性,2021年通过了河南省林木品种审定委员会的审定。‘长枝芙蓉’花粉红色,菊花型。花茎粗壮、颀长硬挺,当年生新枝长约45 cm,花瓣圆整,花质润泽,花量大,成花率高,株型直立,生长势强,观赏性强,是切花和园艺栽培的良材。  相似文献   

通过对晚香玉切花的抽样调查和田间调查,对单瓣、重瓣2个晚香玉品种的花茎(花葶)长、花序长、花朵数、花形、花色、花瓣大小、采收期、切花整体感、叶和花茎的其他感官指标等进行了对比和评价。利用生物统计和感官判断的方法将晚香玉切花分成三级,其中一级切花标准为:花色纯正、花形完整、香味浓烈、花序丰满,小花数量重瓣品种42朵以上,单瓣品种36朵以上;花茎挺直、粗壮,花茎长度重瓣品种85cm以上,单瓣品种100cm以上;叶鲜绿,有光泽;每扎中切花最长与最短之差不超过1cm。也提出了晚香玉切花的二级和三级标准。  相似文献   

‘桂蕉青7号’是香蕉品种‘桂蕉6号’的芽变单株,经组织培养结合田间筛选培育的香蕉新品种。假茎高度250.00~285.00 cm,茎干粗壮,假茎青绿色、蕾苞黄绿色;果穗呈长圆柱形,果穗长75.00~90.00 cm,果穗围度95.00~120.00 cm,穗柄长37.00~45.00 cm,穗柄粗22.00~30.00cm。果形微弯,果指长18.00~22.50 cm,果指粗11.00~14.50 cm,果柄长2.80~3.20 cm。生果皮绿色,果实横切面微具棱角,熟果皮呈金黄色;易剥皮,果皮厚0.30~0.35 cm,成熟果肉象牙色,果肉质地软滑细腻,口感风味佳;可溶性固形物含量17.20%,总糖含量16.60%,总酸含量0.34%,货架期3~5 d。定植至现蕾7~9个月,定植至采收12~13个月,生育期比‘桂蕉6号’短20 d左右;适宜在广西南部、东南部及右江河谷等地种植。2015年6月通过广西壮族自治区农作物品种审定委员会审定。  相似文献   

The combined effect of different irrigation regimes and canopy wetting treatments on flower yield and flower quality was examined with ‘Baccara’ roses. Total yields of 390 flowers per m2, of which 290 were of saleable quality for the period October–May, were obtained when the soil water tension at a depth of 15–20 cm was maintained below 4–6 centibar (cb). An increase in water tension up to 10–15 cb caused a 10 % decrease in yield. Wetting the canopy reduced the number of flowers and did not counteract the reduction in yield caused by the increase in soil water tension.Wetting the canopy slightly reduced plant surface temperature, mainly on dry and hot days. Wetting also increased the weight of flower buds obtained under irrigation treatments which maintained soil moisture tension below 5 cb (a low soil moisture treatment). The weight per unit length of flower stem increased when the canopy was wetted under all irrigation treatments. In spring, canopy wetting reduced the decrease in flower weight and in leaf area, and completely prevented the decrease in flower stem weight.  相似文献   

以非洲菊切花花梗为试材,研究不同浓度草酸保鲜剂对非洲菊的瓶插寿命及开花质量的影响。结果表明:添加了50 mg/L草酸的保鲜剂能有效地改善非洲菊切花的花径,使最大花径出现得最晚;维持水分收支平衡;延缓可溶性糖含量和可溶性蛋白含量的下降;抑制丙二醛的产生,延长了非洲菊切花的瓶插寿命,同时提高了切花的观赏品质。  相似文献   

The effects of shading on lisianthus (Eustoma grandiflorum) floral transition, plant development, flower yield and quality, and content of starch and soluble sugars were assessed in three cultivars, over two consecutive years. Shading nets affording 67% or 88% reduction in light intensity, were fitted at planting in the greenhouse for periods ranging from 3 to 8 weeks. Meristem morphology at floral transition was characterized by apical meristem widening and the appearance of two bract primordia. Floral transition time was affected by cultivars, but in general, longer and heavier shade treatments delayed floral transition; the longest delay (6 weeks) being recorded in Mariachi White under 88% shade for 7 weeks or under a combined shade treatment of 88% for 3 weeks followed by 67% for 5 weeks. Despite interactions between cultivar and shade treatment, consistent trends were discerned: the heaviest and most prolonged shading reduced yield (up to 40%), cut stem length (up to 15%), and number of flower buds/stem (up to 26%), within cultivar. Total carbohydrates levels were very low, and it is questionable whether changes observed in carbohydrate quantity following shade treatments had any effect on plant growth or flower yield. Rather, it appears that lisianthus is very dependent on current photosynthesis, so that even a brief shading interlude could reduce branching and flower quality. It may be concluded that the intensive shading usually applied is detrimental for lisianthus.  相似文献   

The effect of night temperatures on the yield and quality of the rose, cultivars ‘Baccara’, ‘Sonia’ and ‘Belinda’, was studied during the winters of 1974/75 and 1975/76. Lower night temperature decreased the number of saleable flowers, reduced flower stem length, and increased ‘Baccara’ flower malformation. Sacrificing autumn yield (October–November) increased the number of mid-winter flowers and their stem length while significantly decreasing ‘Baccara’ flower malformation. The favorable response to sacrificing early yield is attributed to an enhanced rate of lateral bud breaking, as well as to a prolonged accumulation of summer metabolites and a more satisfactory balance of growth substances which reduce the incidence of flower malformation.  相似文献   

采用控温电伴热加热系统对根系直接进行加温,设置基质加热温度分别为22、28、34 ℃,研究不同加热温度下根系温度场的分布以及对无土栽培番茄生长和品质的影响。结果表明,当使用椰糠作基质时,22、28、34 ℃的加热温度可在夜间使基质内中心位置平均温度分别提高到22.4、29.8、35.2 ℃; 与不加温对照相比,22 ℃和28 ℃加温处理能显著提高番茄单株产量,株高、茎粗、叶片数、根系干质量和鲜质量以及可溶性糖、可溶性固形物、可溶性蛋白、可滴定酸等品质指标显著提高;22 ℃加温处理中番茄植株的单株能耗为11.33 kWh,明显低于28 ℃处理的14.86 kWh,节能效果最优。  相似文献   


Gerbera (Gerbera jamesonii) is an attractive ornamental flower of high economic importance. The present investigation was aimed at generating novel flower colour variants in the gerbera cultivar ‘Harley’ through physical and chemical mutagenesis. In vitro-raised shoot cultures of gerbera, established from petiole explants, were exposed to different doses of γ-rays (1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 5.0, 10.0, 15.0, 20.0, or 30.0 Gy) using a Cobalt-60 source emitting 2.51 kGy h–1. To induce mutations through chemical mutagenesis, different concentrations of ethylmethane sulphonate [EMS; 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 0.8, or 1.0% (v/v)] were administered for 10 min or for 20 min. The LD50 values calculated for shoot survival and the induction of mutations were approx. 6.5 Gy for γ-rays and 0.65% (v/v) EMS for 10 min, or ≤ 0.1% (v/v) EMS for 20 min. Investigations revealed a negative correlation between mutagen dose and plant survival, both in vitro and after acclimatisation. Morphological variants showing changes in leaf shape, leaf size, scape length, flower diameter, and flower colour were obtained. Significantly, early flowering was induced in all mutated plants compared to non-mutated plants.The high frequencies of colour variants obtained using Bγ-rays, or the application of EMS to in vitro-raised shoot cultures could be an effective way to improve gerbera cultivars.  相似文献   

切花非洲菊多倍体诱变初报   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:14  
 以非洲菊‘阳光海岸’和‘白马王子’ (2n=2x=50) 品种为供试材料, 采用秋水仙素对其组培丛生芽进行离体诱导, 成功获得了四倍体植株。秋水仙素处理浓度和处理时间分别为0.02%、0.05%、0.10%和24、36、48 h。试验结果表明, 以0.10%的秋水仙素处理48 h诱导效果最佳, ‘阳光海岸’和‘白马王子’的丛生芽变异率分别为16%和10%。总体上看, 非洲菊对秋水仙素的敏感性较低。经气孔鉴定、染色体计数和形态学观察, 变异材料染色体数加倍(2n=4x=100) 。与二倍体相比, 变异材料气孔面积增大, 花序变大, 叶色变深, 叶尖变钝圆, 叶片质感变厚, 花梗直径变粗, 花梗基部花青素着色变深。最终分别获得稳定的‘阳光海岸’和‘白马王子’多倍体植株200余株和300余株。  相似文献   

The effects of pinching and lateral bud removal (deshooting) on the development of structural shoots, the number of flowers, and the average flower stem length in young rose plants were examined, using the cultivars ‘Baccara’, ‘Sonia’ and ‘Belinda’. The effect of deshooting on flower yield varied with each cultivar. It did not affect the number of ‘Baccara’ flowers, but increased ‘Sonia’ and ‘Belinda’ flower production by 50% and 75%, respectively. Leaving flowers to bloom out on plants before the start of commercial harvest resulted in a decrease in the length of the flower stems and also reduced the beneficial effect of deshooting on flower yield. Deshooting enhanced structural shoot formation (“bottom breaks”). Pinching flower buds of structural shoots increased the number of ‘Baccara’ flowers in comparison with pruning these shoots to 40–60 cm, as in common practice. Deshooting of the structural shoots of ‘Sonia’ and ‘Belinda’ increased the number of flowers in both cultivars.  相似文献   

‘真情’非洲菊是从‘热带草原’和‘大雪桔’的杂交后代中选出的新品种。花红色,小半重瓣,花形平展,花心暗红色,花梗粗壮,直径约6.5 cm,可周年开花。耐弯茎,瓶插寿命12 ~ 13 d。适合种植于亚热带或温带地区,热带地区可在冬季栽培。  相似文献   

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