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A fast and simple polymerase chain reaction method has been developed for the detection of Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. ciceris, the causal agent of Fusarium wilt of chickpea, in natural and artificial soils. The method involves the disruption of fungal biomass by grinding dry soil, using its abrasive properties, in the presence of skimmed milk powder. The latter prevents loss of DNA by adsorption to soil particles or by degradation and reduces the co-extraction of PCR inhibitors with the DNA. After phenol/chloroform extraction, the DNA is suitable for direct PCR amplification without a precipitation step. For the efficient detection of small amounts of DNA extracted from soil, a two step amplification with nested primers was used. The dilution step reduced the effect of Taq-polymerase inhibitors. The specificity of the amplification, and consequently the yield of specific product, was increased by the use of a modified touch down process during the annealing step. The method has been applied to the specific detection of wilt-inducing isolates of the pathogen in a variety of natural and artificial soils. The amplification was improved by the use of increased concentrations of skimmed milk powder in soils with high organic or clay contents.  相似文献   

 拟中华半轮线虫新种(Hemicriconemoides parasinensis sp. nov.)模式标本采集于辽宁省沈阳市沈阳农业大学校园的丁香(Syringa oblata)根际土中,在河南省安阳市安阳公园的小叶女贞(Ligustrum quihoui)根际土中也有分布。主要鉴别特征是虫体头区圆形,头环2个,第1头环略小于或等于第2头环,排泄孔位于肠的前端(Rex=29~33),体长中等,口针中等(76~86 μ m),体环数R值中等(96~110),卵巢单生前伸,受精囊长圆形,尾部宽圆锥形、尾端半球形圆;幼虫具指状的棘片,约12~16排,后翻;雄虫未见。该新种虫体形态特征与中国半轮线虫(H. sinensis Vovlas,1988),芒果半轮线虫(H. mangiferae Siddiqi,1961)和微小半轮线虫(H. minutus Esser,1960)相近似。  相似文献   

Thirty-nine isolates of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. ciceri – the causal agent of chickpea (Cicer arietinum) wilt – collected from different parts of India and representing eight races of the pathogen, were analyzed for virulence and classified on the basis of vegetative compatibility grouping (VCG). The wilt incidence ranged from 24% to 100% on a highly susceptible cultivar JG 62. Six isolates, from Delhi, Gujarat, Karnataka, Punjab and Rajasthan and belonging to six different races of the pathogen, caused 100% wilt incidence. Five isolates belonging to four different races, namely, Foc 143 from Andhra Pradesh, Foc 161 from Chhattisgarh, Foc 146 from Karnataka, Foc 158 from Madhya Pradesh and Foc 50 from Rajasthan, caused low wilt incidence. For VCG analysis, nitrate non-utilizing mutants (nit) were obtained by culturing wild-type isolates on 2.5% potassium chlorate and selecting resistant sectors. Complementary nit mutants were paired in all possible combinations to determine varying degrees of heterokaryon formation within the isolates, which showed that most of the isolates were self-compatible. Pairing of all the mutants showed that the isolates included in the present study belonged to a single VCG (0280). Thus, in spite of variability in the virulence, the Indian populations of the pathogen have only one VCG.  相似文献   

五味子叶枯病病原菌鉴定   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
 The pathogen causing leaf blight on Schisandra chinensis (Turcz.) Baill. was isolated from diseased leaf. Based on morphological characteristics and pathogenicity test, the pathogen was identified as Alternaria tenuissima (Fr.) Wiltshire. This is the first report of this fungus infecting S. chinensis.  相似文献   

深圳口岸从来自泰国真柏苗木中截获一种隐皮孢囊线虫。序列分析显示截获的孢囊线虫28S r DNA-D2/D3区基因序列与Gen Bank中布林克曼隐皮孢囊线虫(Cryphodera brinkmani)(登录号为JQ965677和DQ328705)的序列相似性为99%。系统进化树中截获的孢囊线虫和布林克曼隐皮孢囊线虫聚为一个分支。结合形态学特征比较和分子特征分析,将截获的孢囊线虫鉴定为布林克曼隐皮孢囊线虫。这是我国口岸首次报道截获该线虫。  相似文献   

Araucaria araucana, (commonly referred to as araucaria, pewen, or monkey puzzle tree) is an ancient conifer endemic to the Chilean and Argentinian mountain ranges where it has a sacred relevance to indigenous communities. During 2015, a serious disease was noticed on trees of all ages in most of the natural distribution of this iconic tree. Four areas were surveyed, and the most important symptoms of the disease were cankers on branches and stems resulting in copious resin exudation. Trees were monitored for a period of two years and isolations were made from the cankers. Field observations showed that the disease typically begins on the leaves or at the leaf bases and progresses downwards to initiate cankers that can girdle branches or stems within a two-year period. Black ascomata, resembling those of Caliciopsis species previously described from A. araucana, were consistently found developing in the cankers from which isolations were made. Phylogenetic analyses of the ITS, nucSSU, and nucLSU gene regions showed that the fungus resides in the Coryneliaceae but is distinct from other genera in that family. The morphological characteristics and phylogenetic position of the fungus show that it represents a new genus and species, described here as Pewenomyces kutranfy gen. nov. et sp. nov. Pathogenicity trials on trees under field conditions confirmed that this newly described fungus is able to cause cankers on A. araucana similar to those found under natural conditions.  相似文献   

Seeds of kabuli chickpea cultivars ICCV 4 and PV 61 were treated with conidia of nonpathogenic Fusarium oxysporum isolate Fo 90105 suspended in methylcellulose (3 × 106 conidia.seed-1), or with methylcellulose alone, and sown in soil artificially infested with 500 or 1,000 chlamydospores.g-1 of F. oxysporum f. sp. ciceris race 5. At an inoculum concentration of 500 chlamydospores.g-1, seed treatment with Fo 90105 significantly increased the incubation period of the disease by 11 (ICCV 4) or 25 (PV 61) days, and reduced the final disease incidence, disease intensity and the standardized area under the curve of disease intensity over time. This protection from disease was higher and more consistent in PV 61 than in ICCV 4. However, it was annulled with an inoculum concentration of 1,000 chlamydospores.g-1, except for the incubation period in PV 61 which was increased by 10 days. When ICCV 4 seeds were treated with Fo 90105 (3 × 106 conidia.seed-1) and/or Bacillus sp. isolate RGAF 51 (1 × 107 cfu.seed-1), then sown in infested soil, there was no influence by the Bacillus isolate on protection conferred by Fo 90105. However, the degree of protection by the nonpathogenic F. oxysporum was higher and more consistent when plants from treated seeds were grown in sterile sand for 6 days, then transplanted into infested soil.  相似文献   

A homothallic Phytophthora species was found to be consistently associated with a rot of mature fruits of two local cultivars of olive (Olea europaea) in Calabria, southern Italy. The phylogenetic analysis of sequences of the ITS1‐5.8S‐ITS2 region and cox1 gene enabled its identification as a new species of clade 2, with a basal position compared to previously described subclades. The new species is described formally with the epithet Phytophthora oleae, referring to the natural matrix from which it was isolated. A unique combination of molecular and morphological characters clearly separates P. oleae from other already described Phytophthora species. This new species produced semipapillate, occasionally bipapillate, persistent sporangia on simple sympodially branching sporangiophores as well as globose and smooth‐walled oogonia, paragynous antheridia and spherical, plerotic oospores. The pathogenicity of P. oleae was confirmed in inoculation trials on fruits of three olive cultivars, including the two local cultivars from which the pathogen had been isolated.  相似文献   

华重楼斑枯病病原鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2018年,四川汶川县重楼种植区的华重楼出现一种新的病害—华重楼斑枯病,该病害主要危害叶片,发生率为35%,天气适宜时可引起整株叶片枯死。为鉴定引起四川汶川县华重楼斑枯病的病原菌,本试验采用组织分离法对病原菌进行分离,利用科赫氏法则验证其致病性,依据菌株的形态学和基于rDNA-ITS和RPB2基因序列分析对病原菌进行鉴定。结果表明,分离菌株的菌落形态、分生孢子器和分生孢子形态与Didymella sp.相似;经分子生物学鉴定,该菌ITS-RPB2基因序列与亚隔孢壳属D.glomerata(登录号为FJ427013、GU371781)的同源性为100%。因此,将引起重楼斑枯病的病原菌鉴定为D.glomerata。  相似文献   

采用菌丝生长速率法和产孢量测定研究了不同温度、光照、pH及碳氮源对来源于海南、河北和上海的3株西瓜枯萎病菌Fo-HN-46、Fo-HB-12和Fo-SH-1生长速率和产孢量的影响。结果表明:西瓜枯萎病菌菌株的适宜生长温度为20~30℃,Fo-HN-46最适生长温度为28℃,Fo-HB-12和Fo-SH-1最适生长温度为25℃,产孢的最适温度为28~30℃;光照对西瓜枯萎病菌生长速率无显著影响,对产孢影响显著,Fo-HN-46在黑暗条件下单位面积产孢量最高,Fo-HB-12和Fo-SH-1在半光照条件下产孢量最高;pH对西瓜枯萎病菌菌株的生长速率和产孢量有显著影响,pH 7~9时菌丝生长速率快,pH 8~11时产孢量高;葡萄糖、淀粉和乳糖作为碳源能够显著增加西瓜枯萎病菌的产孢量;蛋白胨作为氮源能显著促进菌丝生长,硝酸钠、酵母粉和蛋白胨均能显著增加西瓜枯萎病菌的产孢量。用最适碳源、氮源培养,Fo-HN-46生长速率大于Fo-HB-12和Fo-SH-1。Fo-SH-1产孢量高于Fo-HN-46和Fo-HB-12。  相似文献   

In Brazil, Paspalum species are commonly used in sports lawns, landscape projects, and as forage for livestock. Paspalum guenoarum plants showing symptoms of take-all disease were observed in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The fungus Gaeumannomyces graminis is the only species reported associated with this disease on Paspalum. In recent years, new species of Gaeumannomyces have been proposed based on molecular studies, which demonstrated the existence of a species complex. Take-all affects rice and wheat, but the aetiology of this disease on P. guenoarum is still unknown; this work aimed to elucidate the aetiology of the take-all on P. guenoarum in Brazil and evaluate possible alternative hosts of agricultural importance. Based on combined phylogenetic analyses of ITS, LSU, TEF-1α, and RPB1 sequences, the fungal pathogen was identified as Atripes paspali gen. et sp. nov., which is proposed as a new genus in the Magnaporthaceae family. A representative isolate of A. paspali was inoculated on healthy P. guenoarum plants and reproduced the same symptoms of take-all observed in the field. Furthermore, this fungus is also able to cause take-all on wheat plants; temperature directly affected the incidence and development of the disease in wheat. Take-all on P. guenoarum is caused by A. paspali.  相似文献   

Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lactucae (FOL) is a soil‐ and seedborne pathogen and the causal agent of fusarium wilt on lettuce. Four races have been identified within FOL, with different worldwide distribution. Several molecular techniques have been used to detect and identify this pathogen; however, not all of them have the optimal characteristics in terms of sensitivity to perform FOL detection in plant and seed material. A loop‐mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) assay was developed based on the sequence‐characterized amplified region (SCAR) obtained in a previous rapid amplification of polymorphic DNA (RAPD) study. The LAMP assay has been validated according to the EPPO standard PM7/98. The LAMP assay was tested with lettuce seeds, soil and plant material, and can be used successfully to amplify DNA from each of these matrices. In seed lots artificially inoculated with FOL, the detection limit of the LAMP test was 0.004% infected seed.  相似文献   

In carnations grown on rockwool disease incidence of fusarium wilt caused byFusarium oxysporum f.sp.dianthi (Fod) was reduced when Fe-EDDHA instead of Fe-DTPA was used as iron source in the nutrient solution. Addition ofPseudomonas sp. strain WSC417r intensified this reduction in the cultivar Pallas, moderately resistant to Fusarium, but not in the susceptible cultivar Lena. Treatment of plants with Fe-EDDHA instead of Fe-DTPA as iron source resulted in higher numbers and percentages on the roots, ofin vitro antagonistic fluorescent pseudomonads. However, differences were only significant at 56 days after planting for cv. Lena and at 14 and 28 days after planting for cv. Palas. Both chelators, at different concentrations, had no effect on root colonization by eitherPseudomonas sp. strain WCS417r orFod strain WCS816. However, when coinoculated, reduced numbers of propagules ofFusarium were found at concentrations of Fe-EDDHA lower than 10–5 M.Higher concentrations of the siderophore fusarine produced byFod strain WCS816 were demonstrated when Fe-EDDHA instead of Fe-DTPA was used as iron source in culture media. At equal concentrations, no such differences were found in the amount of siderophore produced by WCS417r. Germ tube length ofFod was less with Fe-EDDHA than with Fe-DTPA. The reduction of germ tube length was stronger when the purified siderophore of WCS417r was added in excess to the culture media with Fe-EDDHA than those with Fe-DTPA. Therefore, the observed reduction of germ tube growth can not completely be explained by iron deprivation. It appeared that EDDHA exhibited a toxic effect for conidia ofFod strain WCS816 as well.we conclude that the observed disease reduction by Fe-EDDHA is a consequence of a limitation of iron availability forFod. This limitation is possibly intensified by the increase in number or percentage of antagonistic fluorescent pseudomonads that strongly compete for iron. The additional effect after bacterization withPseudomonas strain WCS417r in Fe-EDDHA treated carnations of cv. Pallas is likely to be due, at least partly, to a direct competition for iron between the siderophores ofFod strain WCS816 and ofPesudomonas sp. strain WCS417r.Samenvatting Verwelkingsziekte in anjers op steenwol, veroorzaakt doorFusarium oxysporum f. sp.dianthi (Fod), werd gereduceerd indien het ijzer-chelaat Fe-EDDHA in plaats van Fe-DTPA werd toegevoegd aan de nutriëntenvloeistof. Bacterisatie metPseudomonas sp. stam WCS417r had een additioneel effect bij de matig resistence cultivar Pallas maar niet bij de vatbare cultivar Lena. Toevoeging van Fe-EDDHA in plaats van Fe-DTPA aan planten als ijzerbron resulteerde op de wortels in hogere aantallen en percentages fluorescerende pseudomonaden, diein vitro antagonistisch waren ten opzichte vanFod. De verschillen waren echter alleen significant 56 dagen na planten voor de cultivar Lena en 14 en 28 dagen na planten voor de cultivar Pallas. Beide chelaten vertoonden bij verschillende concentraties geen effect op de kolonisatie van de wortel door beide microorganismen. Echter, wanneer beide micro-organismen gezamelijk werden toegevoegd nam de wortelkolonisatie doorFod stam WCS816 af bij concentraties lager dan 10–5 M Fe-EDDHA. Er werd meer van het siderofoor fusarine doorFod stam WCS816 geproduceerd bij concentraties lager dan 10–4 M Fe indien Fe-EDDHA in plaats van Fe-DTPA als ijzerbron aan het cultuurmedium was toegevoegd. Er werd geen effect van beide chelaten gevonden op de siderofoorproduktie door WCS417r. Indien een overmaat van het gezuiverde siderofoor van WCS417r werd toegevoegd aan Fe-EDDHA werden een sterkere afname van de kiembuislengte gevonden dan toevoeging aan Fe-DTPA. De reductie van de kiembuislengte bleek niet volledig verklaard te kunnen worden door een afname van de ijzerbeschikbaarheid. Het chelaat EDDHA heeft ook een toxisch effect op conidiën van fusarium.Wij concluderen, dat de waargenomen reductie van de verwelkingziekte door Fe-EDDHA een gevolg is van de afname van de ijzerbeschikbaarheid voorFod. Dit wordt waarschijnlijk versterkt door de ontwikkeling van een antagonistische, fluorescerendePseudomonas-populatie die sterk concurreren om ijzer. Het additioneel effect dat door bacterisatie metPseudomonas sp. WCS417r van de met Fe-EDDHA behandelde matig resistante anjers (Pallas) werd verkregen is voor een deel het gevolg van een directe concurrentie om ijzer tussen de sideroforen vanFod stam WCS816 en vanPseudomonas sp. stam WCS417r.  相似文献   

Comparative analyses were undertaken to characterize Xanthomonas campestris pv. musacearum, the causal agent of a wilt of enset and banana, and to assess its relatedness to other xanthomonads by fatty acid methyl esters, genomic fingerprinting using rep-PCR and partial nucleotide sequencing of the gyrase B gene. The results from all three analyses indicated that strains of X. campestris pv. musacearum are homogeneous and very similar to X. vasicola strains isolated from sugarcane and maize from Africa. Pathogenicity studies indicated that strains of X. vasicola pv. holcicola and X. vasicola from sugarcane induced no symptoms on banana, whereas X. campestris pv . musacearum produced severe disease. These data will support a future proposed reclassification of X. campestris pv. musacearum as X. vasicola pv . musacearum when more data are available.  相似文献   

This study identified genes that distinguish Australian Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. vasinfectum (Fov) isolates from related co‐localized non‐pathogenic F. oxysporum isolates and from non‐Australian Fov isolates. One gene is a homologue of the F. oxysporum f.sp. lycopersici (Fol) effector gene SIX6, encoding a 215‐residue cysteine‐rich secreted protein. The Six6 proteins from Fol and Fov contained eight conserved cysteine residues, five of which occurred in the highly diverged 48‐amino‐acid region where FovSix6 differs from FolSix6 at 32 residues. Two other potential effector genes, PEP1 and PEP2, were identified in a cDNA library of Fov genes expressed during infection of cotton. The presence of FovSIX6 and other differences in DNA fingerprints clearly distinguished Australian Fov isolates from non‐Australian Fov isolates and these differences further support the hypothesis based on earlier phylogenetic analysis that Australian Fov is different from Fov in other cotton‐growing areas. A specific diagnostic for Fov based on FovSIX6 is described.  相似文献   

2015年度采用定容式孢子捕捉器对田间空气中小麦白粉病菌分生孢子传播的初步研究表明,在病害发生初期病菌分生孢子捕捉量比较低,但随着菌源中心病害的逐渐加重,病菌分生孢子在距菌源中心20 m和40 m远处捕捉量随之增大。线性弧度相关分析结果发现,距菌源中心北向20 m和40 m处的孢子捕捉量与风向存在显著正相关性;距菌源中心不同距离处的孢子捕捉量之间均存在极显著正相关性,且在相同方向上,距菌源中心20 m处孢子捕捉量显著高于40 m处孢子捕捉量。  相似文献   

尖孢镰刀菌黄瓜专化型(Fusarium oxysporum f. sp.cucumerinum,Foc)是引起黄瓜枯萎病的病原真菌,为了明确不同抗性黄瓜品种连作对枯萎病菌遗传分化的影响,本研究采用TEF1-α、H3基因片段对不同抗性黄瓜品种连作及对轮作后分离的枯萎病菌群体进行遗传分化分析。结果表明,感病品种连作及轮作后菌群分化程度较低(0.007ST<0.045);与种植抗病品种一茬后的菌群相比,连作三、五茬后的菌群均发生显著分化(FST> 0.050),其中连作三茬后的菌群遗传分化程度最高(FST> 0.300)。单倍型分析发现,抗、感病品种连作后部分菌株形成新的单倍型,且分离自抗病品种的病原菌群体分化产生的单倍型数量多于感病品种。主成分分析结果进一步证明,与感病品种连作及轮作相比,抗病品种连作后病原菌菌群呈现出更显著的菌群分化。综上所述,抗病品种连作能够加剧黄瓜枯萎病菌群体的遗传分化。  相似文献   

With the large-scale adoption of glyphosate-resistant crops in North America, there are concerns that non-target microbial populations might be affected by increased frequency of glyphosate use. Stimulation of fungal species associated with crop diseases, including Fusarium spp., has been observed in laboratory and glasshouse experiments. Although field surveys in Saskatchewan detected positive associations between the incidence of Fusarium head blight and application of glyphosate formulations, few field experiments have been successful at demonstrating a stimulatory effect of glyphosate on crop diseases, including diseases associated with Fusarium spp. Taken at face value, there is little evidence from experimental field trials to support a causative link between glyphosate and crop diseases associated with Fusarium spp. However, we are concerned that the experimental field trials investigating links between glyphosate and Fusarium spp. are not representative of interactions that occur under actual farming conditions. In addition, inadequate consideration may have been given to microbial ecology during the design and maintenance of these experimental field trials. At this time, there is insufficient evidence to prove or disprove a link between glyphosate and crop diseases associated with Fusarium spp. and this area should receive high research priority, given the rapid and widespread increase in glyphosate use.  相似文献   

In a 2-year field study, the effects of four heating regimes established by varying temperature or duration of heating on efficiency of on-farm wastes as soil amendments in controlling Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cumini (Foc) causing wilt on cumin (Cuminum cyminum L.), were ascertained. Significant improvement in reduction of Foc propagules was achieved with the increase in duration and amount of heat. In 2000, mild heating under shade (heat level 4), 31.8–65.9% reduction in Foc propagules was estimated in all the amendments at 0–30 cm soil depth, which improved by 75.7–86.5% in the treatment where Foc-infested soil brought from the laboratory was exposed to direct heat (heat level 3) and amendments and irrigation were applied. Foc propagules were reduced by 76.6–88.3% when infested soil was exposed continuously to dry heat for 56 days (heat level 2), improving efficiency of amendments by 0.9–13.5% compared with heat level 3. After 56 days of exposure to dry heat, elevating the temperature by mulching amended soil with a transparent polyethylene film (50 μm thick) for 20 days (heat level 1) augmented reduction by 80.2–95.5%. In the second season, combining 0.04% of onion, Verbisina encelioides or mustard oil-cake with mustard residues (0.18%) improved the reduction in Foc propagules at all heat levels even at the lower soil depth. Maximum reduction (94.9–100%) in Foc propagules at heat levels 1 to 3 was achieved when residues of Verbisina were supplemented with those of mustard. These results suggest a new approach to improve the control of Foc by combining prolonged heating with on-farm wastes such as Verbisina residues and one summer irrigation.  相似文献   

云南省德宏州小麦条锈菌越夏调查初报   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
小麦条锈菌越夏菌源量直接影响着小麦条锈病的发生与流行。为了明确云南省德宏州是否是小麦条锈病菌的越夏菌源地,2010年和2011年在德宏州芒市江东乡海拔1 600、1 700、1 800、1 900m和2 000m处设置了小麦条锈病菌源观察圃,对观测圃中小麦品种和周围落粒自生麦苗上条锈病的发病情况进行调查,实时记录各观察点的温湿度。结果表明:(1)海拔2 000m的菌源观察圃能观测到小麦条锈菌越夏和越冬的情况,越冬菌源量和春季条锈病的发病情况存在相互影响的关系;(2)海拔1 900m及以上的地区最高日平均温度和旬平均温度均低于22℃,为小麦条锈菌的越夏区域;1 600~1 900m的区域内其最高日平均温度在22℃至25℃之间,最高旬平均温度均大于20℃小于23℃,符合小麦条锈菌越夏的理论温度要求;并且海拔1 900m及以上地区的菌源观察圃中可观察到小麦条锈菌越夏。以上结论证实了云南省德宏州芒市是小麦条锈菌的越夏菌源地之一。  相似文献   

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