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Performance indicators for locally managedirrigation systems in the Gediz Basin,Turkey, show that during the first fouryears after management transfer there wasbeen a continued improvement in irrigationperformance. While the area cropped usingsurface water has only marginally improved,yields and water productivity have shownsignificant increases. These benefits canbe attributed in part to favorable marketconditions for cotton and grapes, but alsoto a management system that values level ofservice so that farmers are not constrainedby uncertainties in water deliveries. Individual systems are managed quitedifferently within the Gediz Basin showingthat there is scope for considerablediversity in Irrigation Associationspractices without affecting the resultingperformance of systems.  相似文献   

作者对澳大利亚最大的由农民管理的灌溉有限公司进行实地考察。着重对其经营体制、管理功能和效益进行了调查分析,并根据我国实际情况提出几点思考,以供研究农民参与灌区管理体制改革的参考。  相似文献   

Government disengagement from day-to-daymanagement of irrigation infrastructure hasbecome a widespread strategy in Asia,Africa and Latin America. This paperexamines a case study of managementtransfer of a rice irrigation scheme inGhana. The criteria used relate toagricultural, financial and economicperformance and environmental sustainability.The study showed that whilstboth cropping intensity and cultivated areadecreased after transfer, the relativelyhigh yields were sustained. The averageproduction cost before transfer decreasedby about 7% from $827/ha to $774/haafter transfer. Most importantly, averagenet income increased by more than 100%from $260/ha to $549/ha after transfer.Very high financial self-sufficiency ratioscoupled with low running cost achieved bythe farmers' co-operative led to theconclusion that transfer has resulted inbetter performance so far.  相似文献   

Temporal irrigation performance assessment in Turkey: Menemen case study   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
During the recent decades, there has been an increasing effort to transfer the management of irrigation schemes from government organizations to non-governmental organizations as decentralization gained momentum and as states started to devolve some of their functions to different groups in the society. Irrigation management in Turkey was also affected by these developments. Since 1993, approximately 90% of the public irrigation schemes were turned over to the locally managed farmer organizations.This study was conducted in the Menemen Irrigation Scheme, to assess the temporal variations of agricultural, water use, environmental and financial performance indicators for the pre-transfer (1984–1994) and the post-transfer (1995–2004) periods.Results showed, after 10 years of transfer, a continued improvement in irrigation performance. The most important finding of the study was a considerable increase in output per unit of land and per unit of water after turnover. Irrigation management transfer (IMT) provided a dramatic achievement in water fee collection efficiencies and more financially self-sustaining organizations. Therefore, it can be safely concluded that the transfer process created more sustainable management for irrigation.  相似文献   

Delivery performance ratio was used to assess thewater delivery performance in an irrigation district in theDoroodzan Irrigation System in Iran. The measurements wereapplied to three selected irrigation canals and their tertiaryoutlets during five consecutive irrigation cycles. The canalswere located at the head, middle and tail end of the irrigationdistrict.Performance indicators reveal that the physical system and themanagement could respond to the delivery of the intended supply.The indicators show a better reliability performance than theequity performance in water delivery at the tertiary outlets. Theresults from the Doroodzan Irrigation System reveal that thesystem could not deliver water according to the real crop waterrequirements. The actual overall efficiency was used to quantifythe water delivery performance in terms of deficit and excesswater. The equity and reliability performance was illustrated byusing the spatial and temporal variation of the expected overallefficiency at the district level.  相似文献   

A case study is presented on the irrigation performanceassessment of the Paracatu/ Entre-Ribeirosproject, a privately owned/managedcenter-pivot irrigation scheme inSoutheastern Brazil. Seven indicators werechosen (delivery performance, overallconsumptive ratio, sustainability ofirrigated area, power and energyconsumption, operation and maintenancefraction, unit gross economic return, andglobal revenue/cost ratio) to assess theperformance of the scheme in the periodfrom 1997 through 2000. The values obtainedfor these indicators seem to haveadequately expressed the current situationof the scheme by identifying low values ofoverall consumptive ratio, an indication ofthe need for improvement in the watermanagement strategies of individualfarmers.  相似文献   

Develi Basin is a semi-arid basin in central Turkey where water sustains both irrigated agriculture and an internationally important wetland, the Sultan Marshes. Agricultural and environmental changes in the Develi Basin have occurred since irrigation management was transferred in 1994 from a state authority (DSI) to irrigation associations (Kovalı and Ağcaaşar IAs). In this paper we evaluate the practices of the IAs using extensive data from interviews with farmers and IA officials, as well as data from reports prepared by DSI and the IAs, using comparisons with case studies reported in the scientific literature. Irrigated areas and surface water use in the Develi Basin showed significant fluctuations from 1995 to 2003. The area allocated to high water-consuming plants increased. Maintenance activities became dependent on fee collection rates. Quality of the irrigation water did not changed significantly. Ground-water levels, flow rates from springs, and water levels in the Sultan Marshes all dropped. Overall analyses indicate that the water requirements of the Sultan Marshes have not been met, while water use for irrigation has been effective but not efficient. To reconcile agricultural and wetland water requirements, a basin-wide approach in water planning is recommended. Amounts of water to be allocated to the IAs and wetlands need to be clearly defined. DSI has to monitor canal maintenance by the IAs more closely, and IAs need to be given more responsibilities for future rehabilitation of the canals. Realistic water pricing, increased reliability of irrigation scheduling, higher on-farm irrigation efficiency, and in the long-term, modernization of the irrigation system need to be considered.  相似文献   

The Government of Egypt is mandated toplan, construct, operate, manage, andmaintain the water system. However, withthe growing water demands over supplies inthe country, water management became a verydifficult task. This has led Egypt toreform policies, technologies,institutions, and development strategies tomanage water more effectively. One of thesestrategies is the irrigation managementtransfer (IMT) that has been a majorstrategy adopted to encourage farmers toplay a more important role in irrigationmanagement and related water services andalso share the cost of O&M of irrigationand drainage systems. IMT policy islaunched in Egypt as a pilot phase toexpand water users' participation atsecondary levels of the irrigation anddrainage systems. Four pilot areas (5,000–8,000 acre) representing all categories andgeographical locations of agriculturallands of Egypt were selected to implementthis policy.This study was conducted in these pilotareas prior to the start of any IMTactivities to describe, analyze, andexplain farmers' attitudes towardirrigation maintenance and implementationof IMT process. Socio-economicquestionnaires were designed and used asthe main tool for data collection. Afterthe field pre-test of the surveyinstrument, a sample of 240 farmers, 60from each pilot area, was selected usingthe sampling frame of multi-tiered process,and the statistical data analysis was doneusing SpssWin software.The major result of this study is that,without proper education and interface withfarmers, there is widespread resistance tothe idea farmers assuming management andmaintenance responsibilities beyond theon-farm level. It would have to proceedvery cautiously, and yield responsiveresults if it were to survive in the faceof the attitudes the farmers have shown,with their strong belief in the necessityof the role of the government. Meanwhile,farmers expressed great confidence in theIMT process and its objectives.  相似文献   

In many countries today, irrigation systems have been transferred to the water user associations (WUAs). Accordingly, it is believed that the performance of the irrigation systems is dependent on the performance of the WUAs.In this study, the performance of participatory irrigation management (PIM) over time is assessed with regard to the Kestel WUA serving a wide area of Turkey's Aegean coast. Data relating to the WUA is obtained from both the State Hydraulic Works and WUAs’ own records. In addition, two surveys have been carried out with the members of the WUA with an 8-year interval between them. Data have been analyzed within the framework of selected irrigation performance criteria and indicators. The non-parametric Mann-Whitney U test was used to compare the perceptions of the farmers on the WUA at different survey periods. A Logit model was estimated to evaluate the relationship between the irrigation problems and the level of satisfaction from the WUA.The performance of the WUA with the indicators of utility, productivity, sustainability and financial efficiency was found to be positive; while the performance of adequacy was identified as poor. The farmers were generally satisfied of the WUA's operation, with their level of satisfaction improving over time. On the other hand, the farmers were not fully convinced that they had input with the system management. The initial design of the channel system and its maintenance were identified to be the key factors affecting user satisfaction.Overall, the Kestel WUA may be considered a successful example, thus supporting a promising future for PIM. Yet improved control and farmer education is needed for a superior performance of all indicators; and further enhanced farmer participation in management should be achieved in order to raise the level of farmer satisfaction.  相似文献   

Irrigation system maintenance hastraditionally played second chair to systemoperations. This relative neglect hassquandered economic benefits and depletedthe value of capital assets. Recentprograms transferring operation andmaintenance responsibility to water usergroups offer an opportunity to redress thisbalance and create a more systematic andsustainable program of system maintenancein transferred systems. This paperidentifies important research needs thatform the basis for an action researchintervention program. The need to linkmaintenance inputs to hydraulic performance isclearly important, as is the need toprioritize inputs in terms of both cost andexpected impact on performance. Thefunding of maintenance is closely linked toasset management so that water user groupscan develop long-term strategies forprioritizing and financing theiractivities. Factors that lead water usergroups to choose between a self-helpstrategy towards O&M and the hiring ofprofessional staff to undertake these tasksalso requires additional research andinvestigation. Finally, the relationshipbetween regular maintenance and frequentrehabilitation needs to be defined and thetwo linked through policy, agreements, andfunding arrangements.  相似文献   

This paper examines various factors which contribute to performance of water user associations. The capability of collective organizations such as WUAs to develop appropriate rules and to enforce them while keeping the level of conflict low is considered to be the core of organizational performance. We focus on the processes in collective organizations with greater attention to costs of working together. Four factors representing benefits and costs, the rights held by the WUAs, magnitude of expected benefits, external assistance received and leadership explain most of the differences in performance. The prospect of benefits is a necessary condition for individuals to act collectively. But it is not sufficient. Expected organizational costs need to be low. The prospect of costs being low or being absorbed by one or more individuals – either external agents or internal leaders – provides an encouraging environment. Effective internal leadership appears to be essential as it can lead to greater congruence in interests and greater possibility of mutual assurances which are critical for collective action.  相似文献   

The earlier generation of irrigation performanceindicators was based on canal flow data. Commonly,they quantify performance in a command area downstreamof a discharge measurement device. Remote sensingdeterminants, such as actual evapo-transpiration, soilwater content and crop growth reflect the overallwater utilization at a range of scales, up to fieldlevel. Crop evapo-transpiration includes wateroriginating from irrigation supply, water fromprecipitation, groundwater and water withdrawn fromthe unsaturated zone. Hence, this is a refinement inspatial scale as compared to the classicallycollected flow measurements, and describes moreoverdepletion from all water resources. If thesepossibilities are well implemented, we expect that anew generation of irrigation performance indicatorscan be quantified in a cost-effective manner.Especially, because satellite measurements pave a wayto standardize data collection between differentirrigation schemes and among different countries atcosts which are currently decreasing. These challengescan only turn into a success if irrigation managersare involved in pilot projects and demonstrationstudies exploring satellite data.  相似文献   

With the rewritten Article 27 of the Mexican Constitution and the National Water Law of 1992, Mexico embarked on an ambitious program of transferring the management of many irrigation systems to local user groups, primarily farmers. By 1996, 372 water user associations had been formed to control water delivery to 2.92 million hectares. During this time water prices increased by 45–180% and government O&M subsidies were eliminated. Limited economic analysis of stakeholder impact has been conducted of the irrigation management transfer (IMT) program. This research effort pilots a partial budget analytical framework for analyzing the social benefits and costs of IMT. Two irrigation modules near Culiacan, Sinaloa were selected as case studies. Results reveal that even with significantly higher water prices, water users have invested more in their systems than during the post-IMT period and consider their overall irrigation costs to be lower. Lower transaction costs in the pre-IMT period explain the majority of these cost savings. Efforts to quantify incremental benefits and costs associated with IMT at the module and district levels proved difficult given the unavailability of reliable, time series information.  相似文献   

The sustainability of self-governingirrigation schemes is currently underpressure in many countries as publicfinancial support is decreasing.Furthermore, growing global concernregarding water scarcity means thatefficient water use is essential.Theoretically the choice and implementationof a water-pricing system should play acentral role in achieving this objective,both by recovering water costs and byencouraging farmers to adopt more efficientbehaviour. In the Senegal River Delta newlyestablished water users associations (WUAs)have chosen low water charges, which areaffordable for the majority of farmers butwhich underestimate long-term maintenancecosts. Combined with the difficulty ofcollecting and managing farmers' fees, thischoice has drawn them into a vicious circleleading to scheme deterioration and poorwater service. New alternatives have beendiscussed with them using a simulation toolthat takes into account both the watercosts and the farmers' incomes. Comparedwith the present fixed water charge basedonly on cultivated land, a two-part optionbased both on equipped and irrigated areasensures the recovery of fixed expenses suchas maintenance, while encouraging farmersto intensify their farming systems byadopting double cropping. Neverthelesschoosing a relevant water charge does notensure by itself the sustainability of anirrigation scheme. Combined supportproviding WUAS and farmers with efficientadvice regarding management andorganisational skills should alsocontribute significantly to achieve thisprime objective.  相似文献   

A Diagnostic Analysis was conducted in the service area of theMaricopa-Stanfield Irrigation and Drainage District in Arizona,USA. The study was an initial step in a managed change process,named Management Improvement Program (MIP), aimed at improvingthe performance of the area's irrigated agricultural system. Partof the Diagnostic Analysis study focused on the performance ofthe irrigation district's water delivery service. The studyidentified areas of high and low water delivery performance,factors contributing to the observed levels of performance, andimplications to on-farm water management. These findings promptedchanges in the delivery system's management. Results from a post-MIP intervention study indicate that the district's waterdelivery performance has improved as a result of those changes,and thus, that the Diagnostic Analysis and MIP methodologies areeffective tools for promoting positive change in a water deliveryorganization.  相似文献   

Timing of supply of irrigation water is an important measure of water management performance. Yet despite this widely accepted importance of timeliness, few studies have attempted to quantify this performance indicator. This paper suggests a methodology for quantifying timeliness. The indices thus generated are used to compare the performance of some types of smallholder irrigation schemes in Zimbabwe. Results indicate that applying measures of timeliness helps to assess water management practices across scheme types.The methodology given in this paper differentiates between timely irrigation deliveries which meet Crop Water Requirements (CWR) and surplus water supplies due to poor timeliness which cannot be used by the crop, hence denoting wastage. The timeliness indices provide more information regarding management practices than simple measures of total water applications over a given season.  相似文献   

This paper describes the practice of assetmanagement and its application toirrigation system maintenance. It thenpresents the application of a simplifiedasset management procedure for transferredirrigation systems in Albania. In thisapplication, the procedure was introducedto assess, monitor, and regulate, overtime, the condition of government-ownedirrigation infrastructure; management,operation and maintenance of which has beentransferred to Water Users Associations andFederations of Water Users Associations. The paper describes the procedures used tocarry out asset surveys, and to process anduse the data collected. The procedureshave been found to be relevant andapplicable to the conditions experienced inAlbania and a valuable mechanism forfocussing the attention of Water UserAssociations and Federations of Water UsersAssociations on sustaining and enhancingthe condition of the irrigationinfrastructure.  相似文献   

新农村视角下农民参与式小型水利   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用水户参与式灌溉管理是我国近年来在总结本国管理体制基础上结合国际管理经验提出的一项重大改革。新时期倡导“坚持以人为本,构建和谐社会”的社会主义“新农村”建设与发展过程中,国家高度重视农村基础设施的建设发展特别是农村水利设施,那么农村小型水利工程参与式管理体制目前状况如何、今后如何围绕“新农村”发展将是新时期农村水利管理体制发展所面临和需要解决的。  相似文献   

灌区参与式灌溉管理经济与社会影响评价探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
参与式灌溉管理是我国近年来在灌溉管理体制上的一项重大改革,它的实施在一些灌区产生了深刻的经济和社会影响,促进了灌区经济的发展和设施的建设,促进了灌区范围内新型社会关系的建立,正确评价其实施的社会和经济效果,评价其实施的社会价值,对于指导和推动灌区改革具有非常重要的意义。针对灌区实施参与式灌溉管理后对灌区经济与社会发展所产生的影响如何评价进行了探讨,提出了评价系统的结构、评价方法,列举了对甘肃省白银市东坪电灌工程参与式灌溉管理经济与社会影响评价实例。  相似文献   

针对河套灌区宽畦田、大畦块导致的灌水效率低的问题,为探求变化环境下适宜的畦灌技术参数,在河套灌区沈乌灌域典型试验基础上,采用不同灌溉设计方案对典型砂土较大田块(长×宽为80m×25m)灌水质量进行评价,并在WinSRFR模型模拟基础上分析不同参数对最佳方案灌水质量指标的敏感性变化情况。结果表明:砂土畦田规格(80m×25m)较大时农田灌水效果较差,在中等流量(入畦流量Q=20L/s、单宽流量q=0.80L/(m·s))水平下,减少尾部25%的田间面积(改水成数从1.0降低至0.75)可节省40%的灌水时间,并可减少16%的灌溉水在水流推进过程中的渗漏损失。采用田块规格+灌水时间设计方案后灌水效果较典型田块得到显著改善,垂直分割田块(80m×12.5m)在较大流量水平(Q为26~30L/s、q为2.08~2.40L/(m·s))下灌水效率从67%~80%提升至97%~99%,灌水均匀度从0.59~0.79提高至0.84~0.95,储水效率从1.17降低至0.76,并且可以节省当前灌水时间的20%以上,中等流量(Q=20L/s、q=1.60L/(m·s))下在获得更优灌水质量的同时可以节省40%的灌水时间,节水效果显著。不同参数对灌水质量评价指标具有相同的变化规律,计划需水水深对灌水质量影响明显,极小单宽流量情况下灌水质量受田面坡度、畦田长度影响较小。建议灌区采用的砂土畦田规格为80m×12.5m,并且可根据实际不同来水流量选择所需的最佳单宽流量和灌水时间组合。  相似文献   

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