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萧氏松茎象发生与林分、林地因子的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对萧氏松茎象的发生规律与林分、林地因子关系进行调查分析,发现萧氏松茎象对寄主树种、树龄、胸径、坡位等因子有选择性。湿地松和火炬松受萧氏松茎象危害株率显著高于马尾松。幼虫主要危害部位是树干0~30cm高处,50cm以上危害较少。马尾松8~12a生有虫株率最高,胸径11~17cm的危害最重。马尾松林分不同树种组成类型中,有虫株率纯林最高,而混交林中随马尾松比例增大而加大,松阔混交林较低。坡向对该害虫的危害无显著影响,而坡位间存在极显著差异,中下坡虫株率极显著高于上坡。  相似文献   

萧氏松茎象属鞘翅目、象虫科,是一种危害松树的新害虫,具钻蛀性,以幼虫蛀食松树根颈部位韧皮部、损伤和割断林木有机物输送途径为主,轻则影响林木生长,重则整株枯死。在贵州省仁怀市区域内发生的萧氏松茎象蛀干害虫,主要危害马尾松,危害部位多在距地面10厘米的树干基部的韧皮部。虫口密度一般每株1~6条,高的可达每株10条,严重的危害松林中有虫株率达40%以上,松树死亡率1%-10%。萧氏松茎象的发生对该市森林资源安全构成了严重威胁。  相似文献   

对云南元谋干热河谷区加勒比松人工林枯落物层水土保持功能的模拟试验结果表明:该河谷区的加勒比松人工林枯落物层具有截留降雨的作用,其降水截留率可达73.48%,且滞缓林地地表径流的效果显著;厚度为3 cm的枯落物层能抑制林地土壤水分的蒸发率达54.5%;加勒比松人工林的枯落物层能防止林地土壤的击溅侵蚀,当枯落物层厚2.0 cm时,林地土壤的滴溅侵蚀业已停止。  相似文献   

通过对江西萧氏松茎象发生林区420株湿地松的调查和分析得出,萧氏松茎象防治指标(CT)为1.2头/株或65%的有虫株率。  相似文献   

萧氏松茎象是我国南方近年来爆发成灾的钻蛀性害虫。本文通过对固定样地的监测,研究萧氏松茎象入侵湿地松幼林的时空动态。结果表明:随着湿地松林龄的增加,萧氏松茎象幼虫危害加重,同时湿地松的耐害能力也在提高;萧氏松茎象入侵初期,主要在离虫源地较近的地方,后逐渐扩散;上坡的危害致死率超过60%,高于下坡的30%;随着林龄的增加,萧氏松茎象危害的高度也在增加。  相似文献   

萧氏松茎象Hylobitelus xiaoi属危险性蛀干害虫。为了探讨其有效防治措施,作者利用松墨天牛引诱剂埋设引诱瓶对萧氏松茎象成虫进行诱捕防治试验。结果表明松墨天牛引诱剂比对照提高捕虫量6~8倍,差异极显著,可作为萧氏松茎象预测和防治的新方法。其不同松林间引诱效果有差异的原因主要是受虫源密度的影响。  相似文献   

落叶松生长抚育保留林下植被的试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
落叶松纯林松落针层难于分解 ,使土壤酸化。通过保留落叶松林下植被的试验 ,结果表明 ,落叶松纯林保留林下植被 ,加快了养分循环速度 ,使土壤的腐殖质层厚度增加 ,增强了土壤自肥能力  相似文献   

萧氏松茎象的生活史和生态影响因子研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
萧氏松茎象在湖南省主要危害湿地松和马尾松。通过采用解剖林内虫害木的研究方法和林间的定期观察技术,对萧氏松茎象在湖南的生活习性及主要的生态影响因子进行了研究,研究结果表明萧氏松茎象在湖南的郴州两年发生一代,寄主种类、林分类型和林内植被直接影响萧氏松茎象的发生危害程度。  相似文献   

祁连山浅山区沙棘人工林调节水分作用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对试验区沙棘林林冠层、枯枝落叶层、林地土壤层的生态水文功能分析,研究了祁连山浅山区沙棘人工林在调节水分方面的作用,结果表明:10年生沙棘林在郁闭度为0.7~0.8时,林冠对降雨的截留率为39.3%;枯枝落叶层厚度平均在1~3cm,枯落物质量22t·hm-2,水容重为干质量的2.12~4.25倍;蓄水量达13.65~23.37t·hm-2;林地0~20cm土壤的初渗率为16.165mm·min-1,是对照区的8.7倍;稳渗率为2.4mm·min-1,是对照区的2.53倍。  相似文献   

萧氏松茎象生物学特性及防治技术措施   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
萧氏松茎象是危害松林的危险性害虫,蛀食湿地松、火炬松和马尾松中幼林基、根部的韧皮。 1994年 5月在我市坪石乡大辅村首次发现,在野外定株套笼观察到其生物学特性后,对该虫进行了综合防治。   一、萧氏松茎象生物学特性   萧氏松茎象属鞘翅目象甲科松茎象属,完全变态昆虫,两年一代,以幼虫或成虫越冬。   幼虫: 5月中旬卵孵出幼虫后,仅三天就能蛀食寄主树干韧皮层, 6月中旬到 9月下旬取食量大,并形成一条通道,虫体可在通道内自由转弯,横向或纵向蛀食,粪便随松脂沿虫道流出树皮外成团泥状, 10月上旬至 11月上旬逐渐停止…  相似文献   

Variability of soil CO2 efflux strongly depends on soil temperature, soil moisture and plant phenology. Separating the effects of these factors is critical to understand the belowground carbon dynamics of forest ecosystem. In Ethiopia with its unreliable seasonal rainfall, variability of soil CO2 efflux may be particularly associated with seasonal variation. In this study, soil respiration was measured in nine plots under the canopies of three indigenous trees (Croton macrostachys, Podocarpus falcatus and Prunus africana) growing in an Afromontane forest of south-eastern Ethiopia. Our objectives were to investigate seasonal and diurnal variation in soil CO2 flux rate as a function of soil temperature and soil moisture, and to investigate the impact of tree species composition on soil respiration. Results showed that soil respiration displayed strong seasonal patterns, being lower during dry periods and higher during wet periods. The dependence of soil respiration on soil moisture under the three tree species explained about 50% of the seasonal variability. The relation followed a Gaussian function, and indicated a decrease in soil respiration at soil volumetric water contents exceeding a threshold of about 30%. Under more moist conditions soil respiration is tentatively limited by low oxygen supply. On a diurnal basis temperature dependency was observed, but not during dry periods when plant and soil microbial activities were restrained by moisture deficiency. Tree species influenced soil respiration, and there was a significant interaction effect of tree species and soil moisture on soil CO2 efflux variability. During wet (and cloudy) period, when shade tolerant late successional P. falcatus is having a physiological advantage, soil respiration under this tree species exceeded that under the other two species. In contrast, soil CO2 efflux rates under light demanding pioneer C. macrostachys appeared to be least sensitive to dry (but sunny) conditions. This is probably related to the relatively higher carbon assimilation rates and associated root respiration. We conclude that besides the anticipated changes in precipitation pattern in Ethiopia any anthropogenic disturbance fostering the pioneer species may alter the future ecosystem carbon balance by its impact on soil respiration.  相似文献   

采用时序研究法对甘肃小陇山林区日本落叶松人工林不同发育阶段(6、15、23、35 a)的土壤物理性质、化学性质进行多因子综合比较,利用主成分分析的方法,以主成分特征贡献率为权重,计算土壤肥力综合指标值,分析土壤性质的演变规律。结果表明:日本落叶松人工林发育至近熟林阶段,土壤物理性质变差,表现为土壤密度最大1.62g·cm-3,毛管孔隙度和最大持水量降至最低,分别为29.69%、24.45%,并且土壤有机质、氮、磷、钾、镁、钙含量也明显降低;而到成熟林阶段,土壤理化性质有显著改善,土壤密度降低为1.21 g·cm-3、毛管孔隙度和最大持水量恢复至45.56%、42.65%,土壤养分含量也有了很大的提高,甚至超过了中龄林阶段的水平;同时幼龄林、中龄林、近熟林和成熟林土壤性质综合得分分别为-0.329、0.188、-0.565、0.739,也表明近熟林土壤性质最差,成熟林土壤性质最好。  相似文献   

为了探究固氮树种对我国南方亚热带地区第二代桉树人工林土壤微生物生物量和结构影响及其机制,采用磷脂脂肪酸分析方法分别在干季和湿季研究了第二代桉树纯林和第二代桉树/固氮树种混交林的土壤微生物群落生物量和结构。结果表明:与纯林相比,混交林土壤(0 10 cm)的有机碳含量、铵态氮、硝态氮、总氮、凋落物生物量分别提高了17.77%、41.62%、85.59%、25.38%、19.12%,除土壤有机碳外,其它在统计学上均达到了显著性差异(p0.05);混交林的细菌生物量显著增加,但其真菌生物量显著减少;同时,混交林的总细菌、革兰氏阳性细菌相对百分含量在干季显著提高,真菌的相对百分含量却显著降低;但在湿季,除总细菌外,其它微生物群落结构没有显著差异。主成分分析(PCA)表明:第二主成分轴能明显把第二代桉树混交林和纯林的土壤微生物群落区分开来(p0.05),这种差异主要体现在混交林具有较高的细菌相对百分含量和相对较低的真菌相对百分含量。冗余度分析(RDA)表明:凋落物生物量、凋落物C/N、铵态氮、有机碳含量是驱动我国南方第二代桉树人工林土壤微生物群落结构发生变化的主要因子。此外,壕沟切根试验表明根系及其分泌物可能是第二代桉树人工林土壤微生物的重要碳源。  相似文献   

We compared soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks and stability under two widely distributed tree species in the Mediterranean region: Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and Pyrenean oak (Quercus pyrenaica Willd.) at their ecotone. We hypothesised that soils under Scots pine store more SOC and that tree species composition controls the amount and biochemical composition of organic matter inputs, but does not influence physico-chemical stabilization of SOC. At three locations in Central Spain, we assessed SOC stocks in the forest floor and down to 50 cm in the mineral in pure and mixed stands of Pyrenean oak and Scots pine, as well as litterfall inputs over approximately 3 years at two sites. The relative SOC stability in the topsoil (0-10 cm) was determined through size-fractionation (53 μm) into mineral-associated and particulate organic matter and through KMnO4-reactive C and soil C:N ratio.Scots pine soils stored 95-140 Mg ha−1 of C (forest floor plus 50 cm mineral soil), roughly the double than Pyrenean oak soils (40-80 Mg ha−1 of C), with stocks closely correlated to litterfall rates. Differences were most pronounced in the forest floor and uppermost 10 cm of the mineral soil, but remained evident in the deeper layers. Biochemical indicators of soil organic matter suggested that biochemical recalcitrance of soil organic matter was higher under pine than under oak, contributing as well to a greater SOC storage under pine. Differences in SOC stocks between tree species were mainly due to the particulate organic matter (not associated to mineral particles). Forest conversion from Pyrenean oak to Scots pine may contribute to enhance soil C sequestration, but only in form of mineral-unprotected soil organic matter.  相似文献   

Although the removal or addition of understory vegetation has been an important forest management practice in forest plantations, the effects of this management practice on soil respiration are unclear. The overall objective of this study was to measure and model soil respiration and its components in a mixed forest plantation with native species in south China and to assess the effects of understory species management on soil respiration and on the contribution of root respiration (Rr) to total soil respiration (Rs). An experiment was conducted in a plantation containing a mixture of 30 native tree species and in which understory plants had been removed or replaced by Cassia alata Linn. The four treatments were the control (Control), C. alata addition (CA), understory removal (UR) and understory removal with C. alata addition (UR + CA). Trenched subplots were used to quantify Rr by comparing Rs outside the 1-m2 trenched subplots (plants and roots present) and inside the trenched subplots (plants and roots absent) in each treatment. Annual soil respiration were modeled using the values measured for Rs, soil temperature and soil moisture. Our results indicate that understory removal reduced Rs rate and soil moisture but increased soil temperature. Regression models revealed that soil temperature was the main factor and soil moisture was secondary. Understory manipulations and trenching increased the temperature sensitivity of Rs. Annual Rs for the Control, CA, UR and UR + CA treatments averaged 594, 718, 557 and 608 g C m−2 yr−1, respectively. UR decreased annual Rs by 6%, but CA increased Rs by about 21%. Our results also indicate that management of understory species increased the contribution of Rr to Rs.  相似文献   

Voles and shrews are key species in northern forest ecosystems. Thus, it is important to quantify to what extent new forestry practices such as planting of non-native tree species impact these small mammals. In northern Norway stands of coastal subarctic birch forests have increasingly been converted to non-native spruce stands during the last century. This leads to changes in the forest floor vegetation and soil conditions that can be expected to negatively impact the community of ground-dwelling small mammals. In this 10-year trapping study we contrasted seasonal small mammal population abundances in spruce plantations with four birch forest varieties. Six different small mammal species were trapped (in descending order of abundance; common shrew Sorex araneus, red vole Myodes rutilus, field vole Microtus agrestis, grey-sided vole M. rufocanus, pygmy shrew S. minutus and water shrew Neomys fodiens). None of the voles appeared to exhibit temporal dynamics resembling population cycles. The three most numerous species were clearly less abundant in the spruce plantations compared to the other forest types. Autumn abundances were most impacted by spruce plantations, indicating that growth rates in the reproductive season were more influenced than winter declines. Species associated with productive forest habitats (i.e. field vole and common shrew) were most impacted by tree species conversion. Still young spruce plantations inter-mixed with birch trees and the ecotone habitat, sustained small mammal abundances comparable to the native birch forests. This implies that managing spruce plantations to maintain a mix of different tree species and high spatial heterogeneity (i.e. more ecotones), will reduce the negative impacts on the small mammal community. On the contrary, if young spruce plantations, as they age become spruce monocultures covering larger parts of the landscapes than they do presently, the negative effects on small mammal communities may be larger than observed in the present study.  相似文献   

在毛乌素沙地采用样线法调查了油蒿植冠下生物结皮分布状况并对其影响因素进行了分析。结果表明:油蒿植冠下生物结皮厚度分布不均匀,生物结皮厚度的最大值出现在距油蒿根部20 cm处,厚度值为0.84 cm,20 cm处向外生物结皮厚度呈环带状降低,距离每增加10 cm生物结皮厚度平均下降约0.07 cm。东南方向上生物结皮分布半径长于其他3个方向,西北方向生物结皮分布半径短于其他方向;距油蒿根部相同距离处东南方向生物结皮最厚,西北方向生物结皮最薄。油蒿植株下生物结皮的分布与枯落物的分布关系密切,枯落物是影响油蒿植株下生物结皮形成的重要因素,同时枯落物的分布又受到油蒿植冠形态和当地风况的影响。  相似文献   

采用空间代替时间的方法,研究了茂兰退化喀斯特森林自然恢复中凋落物现存量及其碳库特征.结果表明:随群落恢复凋落物现存量呈减少趋势,早期减幅大,中后期减幅小;随群落恢复凋落物现存量演化受地貌因子、群落生活史、土壤微生物的影响较大,受水热条件的影响较小;凋落物现存量生物量与其分解失重率、表层土壤微生物量碳有较强的负相关关系;凋落物分解失重率与表层土壤微生物量碳呈极强的正相关关系;随群落恢复凋落物现存量含碳率变化不显著,凋落物现存量碳密度变化规律与凋落物现存量变化规律一致,单位面积凋落物碳储量表现为碳源效应,且早期碳源效应较强、固碳能力不稳定,中后期碳源效应较弱、固碳能力稳定;凋落物碳密度(Y)与其现存生物量(x)的关系:Y=b.+b1x(b0、b1为常数).  相似文献   

以思茅松人工林中龄林、近熟林和过熟林及附近区域思茅松天然林和常绿阔叶林为研究对象,探讨造林对思茅松人工林土壤有机碳和氮储量大小与空间分布的影响。结果表明:各林地类型土壤有机碳、氮含量与C:N随着土层厚度增加而减少,过熟林土壤有机碳和氮含量随土层加深则显著高于其它林地类型,近熟林土壤表层有机碳和氮含量显著低于中龄林和过熟林。思茅松人工林乔木层碳储量随林龄增大而增加,过熟林乔木层碳储量最高。造林对思茅松人工林土壤氮储量的影响不显著,而土壤有机碳储量随林龄增大先减少后增加至过熟林恢复至常绿阔叶林和思茅松天然林水平,土壤有机碳与氮储量随土层加深而减少。与常绿阔叶林和思茅松天然林相比,思茅松人工林的中龄林与过熟林土壤有机碳和氮储量的年变化量高于近熟林,近熟林年变化量呈净减少;在思茅松天然林中,人工更新与在常绿阔叶林中造林相比,思茅松人工林可以累积更多的土壤有机碳和氮储量。此外,土壤含水量越大,土壤有机碳储量则越高。  相似文献   

The effects of varying forest floor and slash retention at time of regeneration were evaluated 10 years after the establishment of a loblolly pine plantation near Millport, Alabama. Treatments included removing, leaving unaltered, or doubling the forest floor and slash material. Forest floor and litterfall mass and nutrient concentrations, available soil N, foliar nutrient concentrations and stand yield were all impacted by the treatments. Forest floor mass and nutrient contents in the doubled treatment were significantly greater than the other two treatments. The doubled treatment accumulated 25, 45 and 350% more forest floor mass and 56, 56, and 310% more N than the control treatment in the Oi, Oe, and Oa layers, respectively. The other nutrients followed similar patterns. Potentially mineralized NO3-N in the mineral soil was also significantly higher in the doubled treatment. The positive effect of doubling the forest floor on soil N availability was reflected in greater foliage production, 30% more litterfall and 25% more stand yield for this treatment. This study shows that increasing the forest floor retention has resulted in increased nutrient availability and improved tree growth.  相似文献   

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