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引用本文:王飞,秦方锦,吴丹亚,楼飞,岑汤校,葛超楠,史努益. 土壤有机质和有机碳含量计算方法比较研究[J]. 农学学报, 2015, 5(3): 54-58. DOI: 10.11923/j.issn.2095-4050.2014-xb0698
作者姓名:王飞  秦方锦  吴丹亚  楼飞  岑汤校  葛超楠  史努益
基金项目:农业部测土配方施肥项目(财农[2012]99 号)
摘    要:有机质水平常用作评价土壤肥力的首要指标,而土壤有机碳在全球气候变化研究中有重要作用。新垦耕地表土中有相当比例的>2 mm砾石。为了准确评价新垦耕地的土壤肥力及其碳贮量,以宁波市宁海县14个新垦耕地表土(0~30 cm)土样为例,对表土有机质和有机碳含量计算方法进行了比较研究。结果表明:当这些样品的计算包括大于2 mm的砾石时,有机质水平下降了22%(平均值从23.1 g/kg下降到18.0 g/kg);按照美国农业部的计算方法,表土(0~30 cm)有机碳含量在1.97~8.97 kg/m2间,参照加拿大农业-农产品部评价标准,这些样品的有机碳含量属于低的水平。

关 键 词:丛枝菌根真菌(AMF)  丛枝菌根真菌(AMF)  Web of Science  文献计量学  

Comparative Study on the Calculation Method of Soil Organic Matter and Organic Carbon
Abstract:Level of organic matter often serves as the first indication of a fertile soil, and soil organic carbon is the important role in the study of global change. In order to provide a scientific basis for accurate calculation of soil organic matter and organic carbon and rational fertilization, the study took 14 samples in newly reclaimedcropland of Ninghai County as an example, and compared calculation methods of organic matter content and organic carbon content of surface soils (0- 30 cm). The results showed that: levels of organic matter had declined by 22 percentage (mean from 23.1 to 18.0 g/kg) when the gravels (>2 mm) were included in these samples. While according to the calculation method of USDA and the evaluation criteria of Agriculture and Agri-food Canada, organic carbon content of surface soils (0-30 cm) belonged to the low levels (from 1.97 kg/m2 to 8.97 kg/m2).
Keywords:Soil Organic Matter   Soil Organic Carbon   Calculation Method   Accumulation Index   Gravels   Newly Reclaimed Cropland
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