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引用本文:刘伟明,汪恩国,蔡建军,何贤彪,刘也楠,汤学军,何道根. 西兰花不同苗龄高密度栽培技术研究[J]. 农学学报, 2018, 8(11): 49-53. DOI: 10.11923/j.issn.2095-4050.cjas18050011
作者姓名:刘伟明  汪恩国  蔡建军  何贤彪  刘也楠  汤学军  何道根
基金项目:现代化果蔬育苗中心建设(浙农计发[2007]77 号);浙江省路桥区蔬菜集约化繁育基地建设(农业部农计函[2011]57 号、浙农计发[2012]16 号);台州市科技计划项目“西兰花安全高效生产关键技术研究与集成应用”(071TG04)。
摘    要:为探明冬春西兰花不同苗龄在高密度栽培条件下的生长发育规律及时序花球采收动态,明确高密度栽培西兰花最佳苗龄方案,充分发挥其增产增效潜力,对早中熟奇迹西兰花不同苗龄进行高密度栽培试验。结果表明,奇迹西兰花苗龄弹性大,苗龄以40~50d为宜,较西兰花主栽早中熟品种优秀和中晚熟品种绿雄90长10~15d;其生长发育进程随苗龄改变而改变,全生育期随苗龄增加而延长(P=1.3829X+56.895,r=0.9948**),花球采收期反而缩短(F=-0.4171X+29.562,r=0.9587**);采用46600株/hm2(较常规栽培密度提高40%左右)高密度栽培,商品花球合格率达98%以上,球形球色球整实度较为理想,蕾粒均匀,品质好,产量可达30吨/hm2,这对革新西兰花常规栽培模式具有十分重要的指导意义。

关 键 词:翻斗式雨量传感器  翻斗式雨量传感器  降水量  不同高度  对比分析  

High Density Cultivation Techniques of Early-Middle Maturing Broccoli at Different Seedling Ages
Abstract:To explore the growth rule and flower balls harvest dynamics of broccoli in winter and spring at different seedling ages, and define the optimal seedling age scheme in high density cultivation for increasing yield and efficiency, an experiment on‘Miracle’broccoli in high density cultivation at different seedling ages was carried out. The results showed that the seedling age of‘Miracle’broccoli was elastic, and the suitable seedling age was 40-50 days. The growth and development process changed with the seedling ages, and the whole growth period was prolonged with increasing seedling age (P=1.3829X +56.895, r=0.9948**). On the contrary, the collecting period of flower balls was shortened (F=-0.4171X+29.562,r=0.9587**). High density cultivation with 46600 plants/hm2 (40% higher than that of conventional cultivation) showed that the qualifiedrate of commercial flower balls was over 98%. The ball shape, ball color and ball consolidation were ideal with bud uniformity and good quality, and the yield could reach 30 t/hm2.
Keywords:broccoli   seedling age   high density   formula fertilization   cultivation techniques
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