Analysis of Potato Price Trend in the First Quarter of 2019 in Hebei Province
中文关键词:  第一季度  马铃薯  价格  走势
英文关键词:Keywords: first quarter  potato  price  trend
翟宇,王哲* 河北农业大学经济贸易学院河北 保定 071000 
摘要点击次数: 578
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      Abstract: Using real-time monitoring data of farm price cloud on potato prices, the first quarter of 2019 potato prices in Hebei province were compared horizontally and vertically in the same period in recent three years, and the factors affecting potato prices were analyzed. The results showed that in the first quarter of 2019, the average daily price of potatoes in Hebei province increased first and then decreased. The lowest price was 1.78 yuan/kg on January 2 and the highest price was 2.90 yuan/kg on February 9, but the overall fluctuation was relatively stable. Compared with Shandong and Gansu province, the price gap of potatoes in the first quarter of Hebei province was not large, but there was a certain gap with the national average daily price. The results showed that the main factor affecting potato prices in Hebei province in the first quarter was the rising of other vegetable prices duing to stock situation of potatoes, market demand, seasonal factors.
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