引用本文:韦坚志,曾品保,黄友华,王明珠,陈绍驸. 低丘红壤区水体生态渔业模式研究——以江西省余江县为例[J]. 中国生态农业学报(中英文), 2005, 13(4): 200-203
WEI Jian-Zhi,ZENG Pin-Bao,HUANG You-Hua,WANG Ming-Zhu,CHEN Shao-Fu. Study on pattern of ecological fishery in water body of low-hilly red soil region—A case study from Yujiang County,Jiangxi Province[J]. Chinese Journal of Eco-Agriculture, 2005, 13(4): 200-203
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1.江西省余江县农业局 余江 335200;2.中国科学院南京土壤研究所 南京 210008;3.江西省鹰潭市农经委 鹰潭 335000
摘要:  阐明了低丘红壤区水体生态渔业模式发展的不同阶段及其对水质变化的影响,并提出粪尿适量投放、调整放养结构和清理塘库淤泥返田的生态渔业模式优化调控措施及渔业生产持续发展对策。
关键词:  水体生态渔业 模式 低丘红壤区 对策
Study on pattern of ecological fishery in water body of low-hilly red soil region—A case study from Yujiang County,Jiangxi Province
WEI Jian-Zhi1, ZENG Pin-Bao1, HUANG You-Hua2, WANG Ming-Zhu3, CHEN Shao-Fu4
1.Bureau of Agriculture of Yujiang County,Jiangxi Province,Yujiang 335200,China;2.Bureau of Agriculture of Yujiang County,Jiangxi Province,Yujiang 335200,China;3.Institute of Soil Science,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Nanjing 210008,China;4.Agricultural Economic Committee of Government of Yingtan City,Jiangxi Province, Yingtan 335000,China
Abstract:  The different development periods of ecological fishery pattern in water body of low-hilly red soil region and its effects on the water quality variation are stated and the regulation and control countermeasures,i.e.inputting proper quantity of pigmanure,regulating and controlling the structure of fish culture and returning the pond silt to the field are put forward.
Keyword:  Ecological fishery in water body,Pattern,Low-hilly red soil region,Countermeasures
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