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杨万林1, 李先平1, 吴毅歆1
云南省农科院 生物技术研究所
关键词:  马铃薯  植株性状  遗传表现  遗传参数  配合力分析
Combining ability analysis for 7 plant's main characters in potato (Solanum tuberosum)
A study was conducted on 22 crosses from 10 varieties including mira variety to evaluate 7 main characters of plant in the first clonal year potato crops.The results indicated additive gene action of parents for late blight was 90.6%.Non-additive gene actions of parents for flowering qualities,color separating of stems,separating of plant's heights and shapes was 72.3%,80.1%,81.5%,93.0%,respectively.Their non-additive gene actions were more important than additive gene actions in the progeny's inheritance.And both additive and non-additive gene actions were found to have the same importance with a preponderance of the later in the inheritance of plant vigor and color separating of flowers.Progeny means of crosses involving both or at least one parent with good general combining ability was,in general,higher than that of other cross combinations for various characters including plant' s vigor and late blight.Selection of parents based on their general combining ability and crossing them in all possible combinations to select the best single plant or true-seed potato crosses by progeny test would be a suitable breeding strategy for potato crops.
Key words:  potato (Solanum tuberosum L.)  plant's character  genetic performance  genetic parameter  combining ability analysis