引用本文:陆佩玲,于 强,罗 毅. 华北地区冬小麦田辐射过程与热量过程的基本特征[J]. 中国生态农业学报(中英文), 2000, 8(1): 10-13
Lu Pei-ling,Yu Qiang,Luo Yi. Characteristics of radiation and heat processes over wheat field in North China Plain[J]. Chinese Journal of Eco-Agriculture, 2000, 8(1): 10-13
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陆佩玲1, 于 强2, 罗 毅2
1.北京林业大学森林资源与环境学院 北京 100083;2.中国科学院地理研究所禹城试验站 北京 100101
摘要:  观测了冬小麦全生育期田间小气候,分析了冬小麦田辐射过程和热量过程的特征。结果表明,1d中反射率中午低而早晚高,呈“U”字形,反射率中午最低值为0.12~0.17左右。晴天辐射平衡占太阳总辐射的60%~70%。充分灌溉的麦田中午潜热通量占辐射平衡的60%~75%。
关键词:  辐射平衡 热量平衡 冬小麦 华北平原
Characteristics of radiation and heat processes over wheat field in North China Plain
Lu Pei-ling1, Yu Qiang2, Luo Yi2
1.College of Forest Resources and Environment,Beijing Forestry University,Beijing 100083;2.Yucheng Comprehensive Experimental Station,Institute of Geography,CAS,Beijing 100101
Abstract:  The microclimate over wheat field during total growth period was observed in 1998.The characteristics of radiation and heat processes over wheat field were analyzed.It is showed that the albedo of wheat canopy is low in midday and high in the morning and at night.The albedo range was from 0.12 to 0.17 in daytime.The radiation balance in clear days is 60%~70% of solar radiation.The latent heat flux is 60%~75% of radiation balance in daytime for well irrigated wheat field in North China Plain.
Keyword:  Radiation balance,Heat balance,Winter wheat,North China Plain
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