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安培钧1, 邱 荣1, 刘丽萍1
Research on wood-firbe Morphological Value of Nine Kinds of Populars-Populus×euramericana(Dode) Guinier cv "Eugenei" Etc. And Their Suitability of Paper-pulp for Paper-making
This test determined the fibre length and width/width of fibre cell walls/cell diameters of popular wood of nine introduced species of Populus×euramericana(Dode) Guinier cv "Eugenei" Etc.in great quantities.As a result,ratio between fibre length and width/that between cell walls and cell diameters/distribution and frequency of fibre length and width were calculated from the above four mean values.In addtion,the quantities of tissue ratio of wood moleculars of individual tree species were determined. Based on the results of actual determination and statistical calculation,the comparison and analysis were made of making paper-pulp for paper-making from wood fibres of nine kinds of popular trees.The results from analysis indicated that the fibre length of nine kinds of popular trees,except the shortest fibre length of Populs nigra Var. thevestina ×P. hopeiensis +P.simonii,are all the medium length without obvious differences in fibre width,being 20.68 Micron with the maximum difference being 5.03 Micron.The distribution and frequency of fibre length and width showed that the maximum distribution coincided with the maximum frequency. Based on the ratio between length and width calculated from wood fibre,the paper indicated that the ratio between length and width of nine kinds of popular trees was 40.29-52.70,which was greater that the ratio of 35-45 required in making paper pulp process for paper-making,but the ratio of 35-45 was required to ensure better weaving of fibres.The ratio between thickness of fibre cell walls and cell diameters (2w/l) if smaller that 1,belonging to the first class of R.O.H. Ruaker.The fibre contents of wood of various popular tree species were between 68.6 percent to 73.7 percent,being far greater than 50 percent. In a comprehensive survey of wood fibre morphological values of nine kinds of popular tree species,although they meet the needs of making paper pulp for paper-making,the autors hold that the six kinds of popular trees such as Populus×euramericana(Dode) Guinier cv "Eugenei" /Populus×euramericana(Dode) Guinier cv "Robusta"/Populus×euramericana(Dode) Guinier cv "Graupaer-Selktion No.158." /Populus×euramericana(Dode) Guinier/Populus"sopera"/Populus×euramericana(Dode) Guinier cv "Sarce Rouge" are more suitable popular tree species to be used in making paper pulp for paper-making in taking into comprehensive consideraion of their fast growth and wood qualities in combination.
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