赵金发,刘 娟,陈 峦,张永洪,汤明华.五莲峰市级自然保护区种子植物区系研究[J].林业调查规划,2023,48(5):98-103
Flora of Seed Plants in Wulianfeng Municipal Nature Reserve
中文关键词: 种子植物  植物区系  五莲峰自然保护区  滇东北
英文关键词: seed plants  flora  Wulianfeng Nature Reserve  northeastern Yunnan
赵金发 云南省林业调查规划院 生态分院云南 昆明 650031 
刘 娟 云南林业职业技术学院 经济管理学院云南 昆明 650224 
陈 峦 永善县林业和草原局云南 永善 657300 
张永洪 云南师范大学云南 昆明 650031 
汤明华 云南省林业调查规划院 生态分院云南 昆明 650031 
摘要点击次数: 108
全文下载次数: 118
      The sampling lines and plot survey methods were used to carry out the systematic specimen collection and investigation on Wulianfeng Nature Reserve,and study the floristic characteristics of seed plants in the reserve from the perspectives of families, genera, and species. The results showed that the reserve had a rich variety of plant species, with a total of 814 species of vascular plants in 435 genera and 138 families; the reserve was located in the northern part of Yunnan plateau, adjacent to the Sichuan basin to the north and the Central China flora to the east; the climate types were generally or mostly located on the northern edge of the subtropical zone, and the nature of the flora was gradually transitioning from the subtropical zone to the temperate zone; the flora had obvious temperate characteristics and also exhibited transitional characteristics with the tropical flora of Yunnan. In addition, the emergence of a large number of common flora components in Central China indicated that the reserve differed from other regions in Yunnan in terms of flora origin and had a close connection with the Central China flora.
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