Impact of environmental regulations and factor endowments on farmers' input adoption for manure treatment
中文关键词: 环境规制,要素禀赋,粪污资源化处理,投入行为
英文关键词: environmental regulation, factor endowment, manure resource treatment, input adoption
赵佳佳 华中农业大学经济管理学院, 武汉 430070
湖北农村发展研究中心, 武汉 430070 
刘灵芝 华中农业大学经济管理学院, 武汉 430070
湖北农村发展研究中心, 武汉 430070 
摘要点击次数: 786
全文下载次数: 686
      The aim of this study is to elucidate the mechanism of environmental regulations and factor endowments governing farmers ' input adoption for manure treatment, so as to improve farmers' environmental risk perception and explore the construction strategy of rural civilization and maintenance of low-carbon circular economy. Based on surveys of farmers in major meat duck breeding provinces, the impact of environmental regulations and factor endowments on the input adoption for manure treatment was analyzed on the basis of cost and Porter effect through a multiple regression model. Furthermore, the heterogeneity of farmers ' manure treatment input adoption under different organizational forms was explored. The intensity of environmental regulations revealed an“inverted U-shaped”relationship with the input adoption of meat duck farmers for manure' resource treatment. Environmental regulations had impacts on such input adoption, with a value of 0.075 of guiding regulation as the highest degree of influence. In addition, the coefficients of the interaction terms of guiding regulations with commanding regulations and incentive regulations in influencing farmers ' input adoption for manure treatment were 0.062 and 0.038, respectively, with significant moderating effects. The differences in factor endowments were the main reason to drive the input adoption of farmers under different organizational forms; especially, the endowments of social and material capital, which produced remarkable effects on livestock farmers' input adoption for manure treatment. In order to improve farmers' awareness on manure resource treatment and promote the implementation of its input adoption, appropriate environmental regulation policies should be formulated based on local conditions through“combined regulations”, while relevant technical training, publicity, and roll-out should also be strengthened. In addition, for enhancing the effective implementation of such policies, farmers should be encouraged to actively cooperate with leading companies in livestock breeding, and optimize resource allocation in meat duck raising, so as to realize a substantial outcome for ecological and economic benefits in the meat duck breeding industry.
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