周 芳,刘恩世,赵平娟,王文泉,彭 明.干旱胁迫对苗期木薯内源激素含量的影响[J].干旱地区农业研究,2013,31(5):238~244
Impacts of drought stress on content of endogenous phytohormones at seedling stage of cassava
中文关键词:  木薯  苗期  干旱胁迫  植物内源激素  含量变化
英文关键词:cassava  seedling stage  drought stress  endogenous phytohormone  content change
基金项目:国家“973”计划项目“重要热带作物木薯品种改良 的基础研究”(2010CB126600)
周 芳1,2,刘恩世2,赵平娟2,王文泉2,彭 明2 (1.海南大学, 海南 海口 571101 2.中国热带农业科学院热带生物技术研究所 海南 海口 571101) 
摘要点击次数: 1618
全文下载次数: 1241
      Using four kinds of cassava varieties (SC124, KU50, C4 and SC8) as test materials, the enzyme linked immunosorbent assay was conducted to determine the content changes and the balance of endogenous phytohormones, including abscisic acid (ABA), indole acetic acid (IAA), gibberellin (GA) and aeatin riboside (ZR), in roots and leaves of cassava at seedling stage under drought stress. The results showed that, with the strengthening of drought stress, the content of various hormones showed different trends in different cassava varieties. At the tenth day of drought stress, the content of ABA increased in leaves, so did in roots (except for KU50); the content of IAA decreased in leaves of all varieties, while significantly decreased in roots of SC124 and KU50 but increased in roots of SC8 and C4; the content of GA decreased in roots of all varieties, while increased in leaves of SC124 and SC8 but decreased slightly in leaves of C4 and KU50; the content of ZR decreased in roots of all varieties, while increased in leaves of C4, decreased in leaves of SC8, but no significant chan ge in leaves of KU50 and SC124. The ratio of IAA/ABA and ZR/ABA decreased in roots, in which, the reduction rate of SC124 was the largest, that of SC8 was the smallest, and that of KU50 and C4 was in the middle. This indicated that the ratio of IAA/ABA and ZR/ABA has a certain relevance to drought resistance of cassava. The research explained the adaptive responses of endogenous hormones in roots and leaves of cassava at seedling stage to drought stress, and provided a theoretical basis for screening drought resistant varieties of cassava.
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