Effects of ecological planting symbiosis on CH4 and N2O emissions from rice fields under wide ridge cultivation with no-tillage
中文关键词: 稻鸭共生  稻鱼共生  厢作免耕  甲烷  氧化亚氮
英文关键词: rice-duck farming  rice-fish farming  wide-ridge cultivation with no-tillage  methane  nitrous oxide
陈璐 湖南农业大学农学院, 长沙 410128  
陈灿 湖南农业大学农学院, 长沙 410128
湖南省稻田生态种养工程技术研究中心, 长沙 410128 
黄璜 湖南农业大学农学院, 长沙 410128
湖南省稻田生态种养工程技术研究中心, 长沙 410128 
任勃 湖南农业大学资源环境学院, 长沙 410128  
王忍 湖南农业大学农学院, 长沙 410128  
梁玉刚 湖南省农业科学院水稻研究所, 长沙 410125  
周晶 湖南农业大学农学院, 长沙 410128  
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      为明确厢作免耕养鸭、养鱼模式对双季稻田CH4、N2O排放量及其增温潜势(GWP)和温室气体排放强度(GHGI)的影响,了解稻田厢作免耕养殖的温室气体排放情况,本研究设置厢作免耕养鸭(W-RD)、厢作免耕养鱼(W-RF)、厢作免耕(W-CK)、平作翻耕养鸭(F-RD)、平作翻耕养鱼(F-RF)和平作翻耕(F-CK) 6个处理进行大田对比试验,采用密闭静态箱法收集CH4和N2O的排放量,探究双季早晚稻田CH4和N2O的累积排放量、GWP和GHGI。结果表明:早稻CH4累积排放量在分蘖末期-孕穗期阶段排放最多,晚稻CH4累积排放量主要集中在返青-分蘖末期阶段,相对于晚稻,早稻CH4排放量占双季稻总排放量的61.60%~77.00%。早稻和晚稻的N2O累积排放量均在分蘖末期-孕穗期阶段排放最多,W-CK处理N2O累积排放量最高为7.85 kg·hm-2,F-RF处理最低为2.64 kg·hm-2,且W-CK与F-RF处理达到显著差异;厢作免耕各处理早晚稻累积N2O排放的CO2当量均显著高于平作翻耕各处理,且厢作免耕与平作翻耕各处理均显著低于CK处理。双季稻全球增温潜势(总GWP)和双季稻温室气体排放强度(总GHGI)均以F-CK处理最高(总GWP为25 258.08 kg·hm-2,总GHGI为4 501.41 kg CO2-eq·kg-1),以W-RF处理最低(总GWP为14 819.94 kg·hm-2,总GHGI为2 322.83 kg CO2-eq·kg-1),W-RF处理总GWP和总GHGI分别低于F-CK处理41.33%、48.40%,均达到显著差异。双季水稻总产量中W-RF和F-RF处理显著高于其他处理,W-RF和F-RF处理周年水稻总产量分别为13.36、13.20 t·hm-2。综上所述,厢作免耕养鱼模式(W-RF)与其他处理相比既可保证水稻高产又可降低GWP和GHGI,而厢作免耕养鸭模式(W-RD)对稻田温室气体排放的影响还需要进一步研究。
      To clarify the impact of no-tillage rice integrated farming modes on methane(CH4)and nitrous oxide(N2O)emissions, as well as the global warming potential(GWP)and greenhouse gas intensity(GHGI), different farming modes were applied in this study, including two rice-animal coupling modes and two tillage methods, to provide a theoretical reference for greenhouse gas emissions from farming under no-tillage in paddy fields. Six treatments were used, including wide-ridge cultivation with no-tillage rice-duck farming, wide-ridge cultivation with no-tillage rice-fish farming(W-RF), wide-ridge cultivation with no-tillage control check(W-CK), flattened plowing planting rice-duck farming(F-RD), flattened plowing planting rice-fish farming(F-RF), and flattened plowing planting control check(FCK). CH4 and N2O emissions were collected by the closed static box method, and the cumulative emissions, GWP, and GHGI of doublecropping early rice and late rice fields were analyzed. Results showed that the CH4 cumulative emissions of early rice were the highest in the late tillering stage to the booting stage, the cumulative CH4 emissions of late rice were mainly concentrated in the re-greening stage to late tillering stage, and the CH4 emissions of early rice accounted for 61.60% to 77.00% of the annual emissions. The N2O cumulative emissions of early rice and late rice were the highest at the late tillering stage to the booting stage, the highest annual N 2O cumulative WCK emissions were 7.85 kg·hm-2, and the lowest of F-RF were 2.64 kg·hm-2, with a remarkable difference. The annual N2O emission equivalent CO2 quality of wide ridge cultivation was significantly higher than that of the flatten plowing planting; both were significantly lower than the CK treatment. According to the GWP analysis, F-CK showed the highest total GWP and total GHGI of double-cropping rice, with a total GWP of 25 258.08 kg·hm-2 and a total GHGI of 4 501.41 kg CO2-eq·kg-1. W-RF was the lowest with a total GWP of 14 819.94 kg·hm-2, and the total GHGI was 2 232.83 kg CO2-eq·kg-1. The total GWP and GHGI of W-RF were lower than those of F-CK by 41.33% and 48.40%, respectively, with significant differences. The W-RF and F-RF modes in the total annual rice yield were significantly higher than others, at 13.36 t·hm-2 and 13.20 t·hm-2, respectively. In summary, W-RF ensures high yields and reduces the GWP and GHGI of rice fields.
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