引用本文:刘士余,程冬兵. 红壤坡地果园水土保持效益的研究[J]. 中国生态农业学报(中英文), 2003, 11(4): 118-120
LIU Shi-Yu,CHENG Dong-Bing. Study on benefits of soil and water conservation on sloping land orchard of red soil[J]. Chinese Journal of Eco-Agriculture, 2003, 11(4): 118-120
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刘士余, 程冬兵
江西农业大学国土资源与环境学院 南昌 330045
摘要:  试验研究红壤坡地果园水平梯田梯壁植草等8种处理水土保持效益结果表明,不同处理间有显著差异,与全园裸露(对照)相比水平梯田梯壁植草水土保持效果最佳,其径流系数平均比对照减少89.7%,土壤侵蚀量控制基本达100%,其他各处理均有不同程度防治水土流失的效果。生草栽培处理的土壤理化性质均有所改善。
关键词:  水土保持效益 土壤侵蚀量 生草栽培
Study on benefits of soil and water conservation on sloping land orchard of red soil
LIU Shi-Yu, CHENG Dong-Bing
College of Land Resources and Environment, Jiangxi Agricultural University,Nanchang 330045
Abstract:  This thesis has probed the benefits of soil and water conservation by eight different treatments on sloping land orchard of red soil.The resuIts show that compared with bare soil(CK),planting Bahia grass on level bench terrace wall is the most effective method to conserve water and soil.It reduces the average runoff coefficient by 89.7% and the amount of soil erosion almost 100% .Other treatments also result in some positive effects.Furtherm ore,the physical and chem ical properties of soil with sod culture are improved respectively.
Keyword:  Benefits of soil and water conservation,Amount of soil erosion,Sod culture
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