Exploration and practice of multi-floor pig farm with toplevel biosecurity, integration of feed production, pig farming, pig slaughtering and product marketing through industrial Internet
中文关键词:  铁桶楼房养猪  产业链  产业互联网  转型升级
英文关键词:Multi-fl oor pig farming  Industrial chain  Industrial Internet  Transforming and upgrading
侯利利 广西扬翔股份有限公司, 广西 贵港 537000 
覃锦华 广西扬翔股份有限公司, 广西 贵港 537000 
摘要点击次数: 350
全文下载次数: 7
      2019年12月17日,我国自然资源部和农业农村部联合发布的《关于设施农用地管理有关问题的通知》中明确指出“养殖设施允许建设多层建筑”,这意味国家层面正式放开楼房养殖的限制。我国是猪肉生产和消费大国,每年要消费猪肉将近5 000万吨,近7亿头猪,占世界大半份额。非洲猪瘟给中国养猪业造成了巨大影响,直接导致生猪产能急剧下滑,复产任务艰巨。如何最大程度降低生物安全因素给生猪生产带来的不确定性和不稳定性,是实现养猪业持续健康发展的关键举措;同时土地资源的紧张、高效率养猪的要求都在迫使中国猪业探寻具有中国特色的楼房养殖模式,为城市化进程不断加快的中国,开辟出一条全新的生猪稳产保供道路。
      Animal farming facilities can be multi-fl oor buildings, according to the circular on problems related to farming facilities released by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Aff airs on December 17th, 2019, which indicates that China offi cially lifts the limitation on animal multi-fl oor farming. As the biggest producer and consumer of pork products, China makes an annual consumption of pork with around 5000 tons or 700 million pigs, accounting for almost half of the world's total. However, infl uenced enormously by African swine fever(ASF), China faces striking decrease in its pig production and formidable challenges in the recovery of pig industry. How to minimize the uncertainty and instability caused by biosecurity failures in pig production is a key to achieve the sustainable and healthy development of the pig industry. At the same time, the shortage of land resources and the requirements for high-effi ciency pig farming are driving China to explore a model of multi-fl oor farming with Chinese characteristics, and blaze a new trail to stabilize the production and supply of pigs amid accelerating process of urbanization.
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